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potrdilo o smrti
1 Objavljeno
Uporabili smo podatke o umrlih, ki se zbirajo na Zdravniškem potrdilu o smrti in vzrokih smrti ter Prijavi smrti.
The data about the deceased and the causes of death are collected in: The Death Certificate and The Registration of Death or the DEM-2 form.
2 Objavljeno
Zbirka temelji na podatkih iz Zdravniškega potrdila o smrti in poročila o vzrokih smrti.
The database is composed of data from Physicians' Certificate of Death and Report on the Causes of Death forms.
3 Objavljeno
Analizirali smo podatke o umrlih, ki jih zapisujejo zdravniki na Zdravniškem potrdilu o smrti in vzrokih smrti, ter matični uradniki na prijavi smrti DEM-2 in jih predstavili z grobimi in sofisticiranimi kazalci umrljivosti.
Analysed were data of the deceased, recorded by physicians on Medical Certificate on Death and Causes of Death and by Registrar's Office on the Registration Form on Death (DEM-2), and rough and sophisticated mortality indicators were presented.
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-5
Vse pravice upravičenca na podlagi odgovornosti prevoznika pri smrti ali poškodbi potnikov potečejo, če upravičenec enega od prevoznikov, pri katerem je mogoče vložiti zahtevek v skladu s prvim odstavkom 55. člena, ne obvesti o potnikovi nesreči v 12 mesecih po datumu, ko je za škodo izvedel. Če upravičenec prevoznika o nesreči obvesti ustno, mu mora o tem izdati potrdilo.
1 Any right of action by the person entitled based on the liability of the carrier in case of death of, or personal injury to, passengers shall be extinguished if notice of the accident to the passenger is not given by the person entitled, within twelve months of his becoming aware of the loss or damage, to one of the carriers to whom a claim may be addressed in accordance with Article 55 paragraph 1. Where the person entitled gives oral notice of the accident to the carrier, the carrier shall furnish him with an acknowledgement of such oral notice.
5 Končna redakcija
vlagatelj zahtevka mora, če je to mogoče, navesti bodisi nosilca ali nosilce, ki izvajajo zavarovanje za invalidnost, starost ali smrt (pokojnine) vseh držav članic, v katerih je bil delavec zavarovan, ali delodajalca ali delodajalce, za katere je delal na ozemlju katere koli države članice, s predložitvijo vseh potrdil o zaposlitvi, ki jih ima v posesti;
the claimant must indicate, in so far as is possible, either the institution or institutions administering insurance in respect of invalidity, old age or death (pensions) of any Member State with which the worker has been insured, or the employer or employers for whom he has worked in the territory of any Member State, by producing any employment certificates which he may have in his possession;
6 Končna redakcija
Nosilec, ki prouči zahtevek, vnese v obrazec, predviden v členu 42(1) izvedbene uredbe, zavarovalne dobe, dopolnjene v skladu z zakonodajo, ki jo izvaja, en izvod tega obrazca pa pošlje nosilcu, ki izvaja zavarovanje za invalidnost, starost ali smrt (pokojnine), katere koli države članice, pri kateri je bil delavec zavarovan, pri čemer po potrebi priloži vsa potrdila o zaposlitvi, ki jih je predložil vlagatelj.
The investigating institution shall enter on the form provided for in Article 42 (1) of the Implementing Regulation the insurance periods completed under the legislation which it administers and it shall forward a copy of that form to the institution administering insurance in respect of invalidity, old age or death (pensions) of any Member State with which the worker has been insured enclosing, where appropriate, any employment certificates produced by the claimant.
7 Pravna redakcija
delo in sociala
CELEX: 31999R1749
dajatve za izdajanje potrdil o rojstvu, poroki in smrti ter drugih upravnih dokumentov,
fees for the issue of birth, marriage and death certificates and other administrative documents,
8 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31999R2162
Kadar se prenos predloži v registracijo pri pristojnem organu po izteku roka, ki ga določi država članica, velja pravica do potrdila o dodelitvi proizvodne kvote od naslednje letine, razen pri prenosu zaradi smrti lastnika".
Except in the case of a transfer following the death of the incumbent, where the transfer is submitted to the competent authority for registration after the time limit fixed by the Member State, entitlement to the production quota statement shall take effect from the following harvest".
9 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31999R2162
Za izboljšanje učinkovitosti nadzornih postopkov in preprečevanje izigravanja veljavnih predpisov je treba pri prenosih, ki niso posledica smrti, državam članicam omogočiti, da določijo datum, do katerega mora novi lastnik pridobiti pravico do potrdila o dodelitvi proizvodne kvote za tekoče leto posamezne letine.
In order to improve the efficiency of inspection procedures and to prevent evasion of the rules, in the case of transfers not due to death, Member States should be allowed to fix a date by which the new incumbent must obtain entitlement to the production quota statement for the current harvest year.
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potrdilo o smrti