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potrditi skladnost z
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-113
b) organ za ugotavljanje skladnosti se šteje za priglašenega in usposobljenega za ugotavljanje skladnosti z zahtevami, navedenimi v prilogah, od dne pisne potrditve druge pogodbenice.
b) On the acknowledgement of the other Parties, given in writing, the body will be considered as notified and as competent to assess conformity in relation to the requirements specified in the annexes from that date.
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-26
(b) organ za ugotavljanje skladnosti se šteje za priglašenega in usposobljenega za ugotavljanje skladnosti z zahtevami, navedenimi v prilogah, od dne pisne potrditve druge pogodbenice.
(b) on the acknowledgement of the other Party, given in writing, the body shall be considered as notified and as competent to assess conformity in relation to the said requirements specified in the Annexes from that date;
3 Objavljeno
WTO: Tehnične ovire v trgovini
5.1 Če se zahteva pozitivna potrditev skladnosti s tehničnimi predpisi ali standardi, članice zagotavljajo, da njihovi centralni vladni organi za proizvode, ki izvirajo z ozemlja drugih članic, uporabljajo te določbe:
5.1 Members shall ensure that, in cases where a positive assurance of conformity with technical regulations or standards is required, their central government bodies apply the following provisions to products originating in the territories of other Members:
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 36-2006
V ta namen lahko pogodbenica določi začetno overitev, ki jo sestavljata pregled in potrditev skladnosti nove ali popravljene naprave z odobrenim tipom in/ali zahtevami te priloge in njenih dodatkov, ali pa prenese pooblastilo za certificiranje na proizvajalce ali njihove pooblaščene zastopnike.
For this purpose the Contracting Party may stipulate an initial verification, consisting of a check on and confirmation of the conformity of a new or repaired device with the type-approved model and/or with the requirements of this annex and its appendices or may delegate the power to certify to the manufacturers or to their authorized agents.
5 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-104
2.2 Homologacijski organ pogodbenice, ki podeljuje homologacijo v skladu s pravilnikom, ki je dodan k temu sporazumu, mora preveriti, ali obstajajo ustrezne ureditve in dokumentirani načrti nadzora, za katere se je treba za vsako homologacijo posebej dogovoriti s proizvajalcem, da bo v določenih časovnih presledkih izvajal preskuse ali z njimi povezana preverjanja, potrebne za potrditev nenehne skladnosti s homologiranim tipom. Kadar je to potrebno, morajo biti v to posebej vključeni tudi preskusi, določeni v navedenem pravilniku.
The approval authority of a Contracting Party granting a type approval pursuant to a Regulation annexed to this Agreement must verify the existence of adequate arrangements and documented control plans, to be agreed with the manufacturer for each approval, to carry out at specified intervals those tests or associated checks necessary to verify continued conformity with the approved type, including, specifically, where applicable, tests specified in the said Regulation.
6 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0552
to ne bi smelo vplivati na obveznosti proizvajalcev, da znak CE namestijo na nekatere sestavne dele za potrditev njihove skladnosti z drugo zakonodajo Skupnosti v zvezi z njimi.
that should not affect the obligation on manufacturers to affix the CE mark to certain constituents in order to certify their compliance with other Community legislation relating to them.
7 Končna redakcija
Države članice zagotavljajo, da se uradni pregledi izvajajo v zvezi s trženjem semena zelenjadnic, vsaj z naključnimi pregledi za potrditev skladnosti z zahtevami in pogoji te direktive.
Member States shall ensure that official inspections are carried out in relation to the marketing of vegetable seed, at least by random checks, to verify compliance with the requirements and conditions of this Directive.
8 Končna redakcija
Države članice zagotavljajo, da se uradni inšpekcijski pregledi izvajajo v zvezi s trženjem semena oljnic in predivnic, vsaj z naključnimi pregledi za potrditev skladnosti z zahtevami te direktive.
Member States shall ensure that official inspections are carried out in relation to the marketing of seed of oil and fibre plants, at least by random checks, to verify compliance with the requirements of this Directive.
9 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0019
Potrditev skladnosti z mejnimi vrednostmi specifične migracije iz odstavka 1 ni obvezna, če iz določitve celotne migracije sledi, da mejne vrednosti specifičnih migracij iz navedenega odstavka niso presežene."
The verification of compliance with the specific migration limits provided for in paragraph 1 shall not be compulsory, if the value of overall migration determination implies that the specific migration limits referred to in that paragraph are not exceeded."
10 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999D0093
ker to pomeni, da je nujno odločiti, ali je za dani proizvod ali družino proizvodov obstoj sistema za nadzor proizvodnje v tovarni po proizvajalčevi obveznosti potreben in zadosten pogoj za potrditev skladnosti ali pa je, iz razlogov, povezanih z izpolnjevanjem meril iz člena 13(4), treba vključiti certifikacijski organ;
whereas this means that it is necessary to decide whether, for a given product or family of products, the existence of a factory-production control system under the responsibility of the manufacturer is a necessary and sufficient condition for an attestation of conformity, or whether, for reasons related to compliance with the criteria mentioned in Article 13(4), the intervention of an approved certification body is required;
11 Končna redakcija
to pomeni, da je nujno odločiti, ali je za dani proizvod ali družino proizvodov obstoj sistema za nadzor proizvodnje v tovarni po proizvajalčevi obveznosti potreben in zadosten pogoj za potrditev skladnosti, ali pa je potrebno posredovanje odobrenega certifikacijskega organa iz razlogov, povezanih z izpolnjevanjem meril, navedenih v členu 13(4);
whereas this means that it is necessary to decide whether, for a given product or family of products, the existence of a factory production control system under the responsibility of the manufacturer is a necessary and sufficient condition for an attestation of conformity, or whether, for reasons related to compliance with the criteria mentioned in Article 13(4), the intervention of an approved certification body is required;
12 Pravna redakcija
kadar ne more potrditi skladnosti z zahtevami iz členov 4 in 5;
when it has been unable to confirm compliance with the requirements in Articles 4 and 5;
13 Pravna redakcija
Postopki ugotavljanja skladnosti, ki so določeni v tem členu, se uporabljajo za potrditev skladnosti aparata z vsemi bistvenimi zahtevami, določenimi v členu 3.
The conformity assessment procedures identified in this Article shall be used to demonstrate the compliance of the apparatus with all the relevant essential requirements identified in Article 3.
14 Pravna redakcija
ker lahko potrditev skladnosti z bistvenimi zahtevami pomeni, da je treba opraviti klinične preiskave na odgovornost proizvajalca;
Whereas the confirmation of compliance with the essential requirements may mean that clinical investigations have to be carried out under the responsibility of the manufacturer;
15 Pravna redakcija
ker preverjanja skladnosti in na njih temelječe odločitve o potrditvi obračuna, ne bodo več povezani z izvrševanjem proračuna v določenem proračunskem letu;
Whereas the checks on conformity and the ensuing clearance decisions will therefore no longer be linked to the implementation of the budget in a particular financial year;
16 Pravna redakcija
To pa ne vpliva na obveznost proizvajalcev, da na nekatere komponente pritrdijo oznako CE za potrditev njihove skladnosti z drugimi predpisi Skupnosti, ki so povezane z njimi.
That does not affect the obligation on manufacturers to affix the CE marking to certain components in order to certify their compliance with other Community provisions relating to them.
17 Pravna redakcija
z odstopanjem od oddelkov 1, 2, 5 in 6 imajo preverjanja, ki jih izpelje priglašeni organ, namen potrditi skladnost izdelkov v razredu IIa s tehnično dokumentacijo, omenjeno v oddelku 3 Priloge VII.
in derogation from Sections 1, 2, 5 and 6, the verifications conducted by the notified body are intended to confirm the conformity of the products in Class IIa with the technical documentation referred to in Section 3 of Annex VII.
18 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0019
Potrditev skladnosti z mejnimi vrednostmi specifične migracije iz odstavka 1 ni obvezna, če iz določitve celotne migracije sledi, da mejne vrednosti specifičnih migracij iz navedenega odstavka niso presežene."
The verification of compliance with the specific migration limits provided for in paragraph 1 shall not be compulsory, if the value of overall migration determination implies that the specific migration limits referred to in that paragraph are not exceeded."
19 Pravna redakcija
Ta Uredba bi morala določiti vsa pravila, potrebna za izvajanje člena 896 Uredbe (EGS) št. 2454/93. V nekaterih primerih naj bo mogoča skladnost z Uredbo (EGS) 2454/93 brez potrditve, določene v členu 880 uredbe.
This Regulation should lay down all the rules necessary for implementing Article 896 of Regulation (EEC) No 2454/93. In some cases it should be possible to comply with Regulation (EEC) No 2454/93 without recourse to the confirmation referred to in Article 880 thereof.
20 Pravna redakcija
Pri izvajanju te naloge bo sledila potrebi, da se določijo faze pripravljalnih del, sestavine skladnosti z DPP in dvostranski program opozarjanja, s katerim se bo opravila ponovna potrditev ob upoštevanju dosedanjih izkušenj.
It will be guided in its task by the need to set out the phases of preparatory work, and the components of a GMP compliance and two-way alert programme against which reconfirmation of equivalence will take place taking into account the previous experiences.
21 Pravna redakcija
potrditev skladnosti preskusnih laboratorijev z načeli DLP za preskušanje kemikalij, bodisi snovi ali pripravkov, kakor je določeno v zakonih, predpisih in upravnih določbeh vsake pogodbenice, navedenih v oddelku I dela B te sektorske priloge; in
the confirmation of the compliance of test facilities with the principles of GLP for the testing of chemicals, being either substances or preparations, as set out in the laws, regulations and administrative provisions of each party specified in Section I of Part B of this Sectoral Annex; and,
22 Pravna redakcija
"pristojni organ" je organ pogodbenice, pooblaščen za izvajanje nadzora ali presoj študij v ustanovah na svojem ozemlju, da bi potrdil njihovo skladnost z merili za potrditev, določenimi v veljavnih zakonih, predpisih in upravnih določbah te pogodbenice;
the term 'competent authority' means an authority of a party with the power to conduct inspection or study audits on facilities in its territory to confirm their compliance with the criteria for confirmation set out in the applicable laws, regulations and administrative provisions of that party;
23 Pravna redakcija
Te serije se opremi s potrdilom o tipskem pregledu ES iz člena 10, ali s projektnim in delovnim načrtom iz oddelka 3 Priloge II,kadar posode niso izdelane v skladu z odobrenim prototipom, Tedaj mora odobreni organ pred preverjanjem pregledati načrt za potrditev njegove skladnosti.
These batches shall be accompanied by the EC type-examination certificate referred to in Article 10, or, where the vessels are not manufactured in accordance with an approved prototype, by the design and manufacturing schedule referred to in Annex II section 3. In this case the approved body shall, prior to EC verification, examine the schedule in order to certify its conformity.,
24 Pravna redakcija
Za homologacijo in potrditev skladnosti proizvodnje za vozila kategorije M 1 z motorjem s prostornino, večjo ali enako 1400 cm 3, lahko organ za tehnično preskušanje na zahtevo proizvajalca namesto preskusa iz točke opravi enakovreden preskus, naveden v Prilogi IIIA (cikel EPA).
For the type-approval and verification of production of vehicles of category M1 equipped with an engine whose capacity > 1 400 cm3, the technical service may, at the request of a manufacturer, carry out the equivalent test described in Annex IIIA (EPA cycle) instead of that described in
25 Pravna redakcija
Po splošnem pravilu morata potrditev skladnosti z zahtevami v zvezi z lastnostmi in delovanjem, omenjena v oddelkih 1 do 3 Priloge I v normalnih pogojih uporabe pripomočka in ovrednotenje nezaželenih stranskih učinkov temeljiti na kliničnih podatkih, zlasti v primeru vsadljivih pripomočkov inpripomočkov v razredu III.
As a general rule, confirmation of conformity with the requirements concerning the characteristics and performances referred to in Sections 1 and 3 of Annex I under the normal conditions of use of the device and the evaluation of the undesirable side-effects must be based on clinical data in particular in the case of implantable devices and devices in Class III.
26 Pravna redakcija
Vsaka pogodbenica lahko s pisno navedbo utemeljenega dvoma o tem, ali registrirani organ za ugotavljanje skladnosti ali potrjena ustanova izpolnjuje merila za imenovanje oziroma merila za potrditev, ki so določena v veljavnih zakonih, predpisih in upravnih določbah, navedenih v ustrezni sektorski prilogi, drugo pogodbenico zaprosi, da opravi preverjanje organa za ugotavljanje skladnosti ali ustanove v skladu z zakoni, predpisi in upravnimi določbami te druge pogodbenice.
Each party may request the other party, by indicating in writing a reasoned doubt on whether a registered conformity assessment body or a confirmed facility complies with the criteria for designation or the criteria for confirmation set out in the applicable laws, regulations and administrative provisions specified in the relevant Sectoral Annex, respectively, to conduct verification of the conformity assessment body or the facility in accordance with the laws, regulations and administrative provisions of that other party.
27 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0358
- tehničnih specifikacij, pravil ali kodeksov ravnanja glede tistih vrst varnostnih naprav, za katere na ravni Skupnosti ne obstajajo tehnične specifikacije, klasifikacijski sistemi, pravila, postopki ali kodeksi ravnanja, usklajeni v skladu z zakonodajo Skupnosti o prostem pretoku blaga, ter postopki za oceno varnostnih naprav in potrditev njihove skladnosti s takimi specifikacijami, pravili ali kodeksi ravnanja,
- technical specifications, rules or codes of practice concerning those types of security devices for which there do not exist at Community level technical specifications, classification systems, rules, procedures or codes of practice harmonised in line with Community legislation covering the free movement of goods, and procedures for assessing and approving the compliance of security devices with such specifications, rules or codes of practice,
28 Pravna redakcija
V zvezi s členom 2(2) tega sporazuma vsaka pogodbenica na podlagi sprejetja potrditve preskusnih laboratorijev, ki jo opravijo pristojni organi druge pogodbenice, podatke v zvezi s predmetom preskusa, ki jih pridobijo potrjeni preskusni laboratoriji druge pogodbenice, šteje za enakovredne podatkom, ki jih pridobijo njeni lastni preskusni laboratoriji, katerih skladnost z načeli DLP je potrjena, ob upoštevanju enakovrednosti programov za nadzor skladnosti z DLP, ki jih izvajata obe pogodbenici in so skladni s Sklepom - Priporočilom Sveta OECD z dne 2. oktobra 1989 (C(89) 87(dokončen)), kakor je bil spremenjen s Sklepom Sveta OECD z dne 9. marca 1995 (C(95)8(dokončen)), pod pogojem, da:
With respect to Article 2(2) of this Agreement, each party shall, as a result of the acceptance of the confirmation of test facilities by the competent authorities of the other party, accept the data for a test item generated by the confirmed test facilities as equivalent to the data generated by its own test facilities which are confirmed to be compliant with the principles of GLP, taking into account the equivalence of GLP compliance monitoring programme of both parties, which are consistent with the OECD Council Decision-Recommendation of 2 October 1989 (C(89)87 (final)) as amended by the OECD Council Decision of 9 March 1995 (C (95) 8 (final)), provided that:
29 Pravna redakcija
V zvezi s členom 2(2) tega sporazuma vsaka pogodbenica na podlagi sprejetja potrditve proizvodne ustanove, ki jo opravijo pristojni organi druge pogodbenice, v zvezi z zdravili, za katera je bilo izdano dovoljenje za promet ali za katera se uporabljajo specifikacije izdelka, sprejme certifikat o skladnosti vsake serije z dovoljenjem za promet ali specifikacijami izdelka, ki ga izdajo potrjene proizvodne ustanove, ter uvoznike izvzame iz obveznosti preskušanja vsake serije v skladu z zakoni, predpisi in upravnimi določbami vsake pogodbenice, navedenimi v oddelku I dela B te sektorske priloge, ob upoštevanju enakovrednosti zahtev DPP obeh pogodbenic, pod pogojem, da:
With respect to Article 2(2) of this Agreement, each party shall, as a result of the acceptance of confirmation of manufacturing facilities carried out by the competent authorities of the other party, accept, regarding the medicinal products for which its marketing authorisation has been issued or for which product specifications are applicable, the certificate issued by the confirmed manufacturing facilities of the conformity of each batch to the marketing authorisation or product specifications and exempt the importers from the testing of each batch, in accordance with the laws, regulations and administrative provisions of each party specified in the Section I of Part B of this Sectoral Annex, taking into account the equivalence of GMP requirements of both parties, provided that:
30 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31988L0378
ker je treba tako skladnost potrditi z evropskim znakom;
whereas such conformity must be certified by the affixing of a European mark;
31 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000R1291
V nekaterih primerih naj bo mogoča skladnost z Uredbo (EGS) 2454/93 brez potrditve, določene v členu 880 uredbe.
In some cases it should be possible to comply with Regulation (EEC) No 2454/93 without recourse to the confirmation referred to in Article 880 thereof.
32 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31996L0047
Postopki za testiranje lastnosti vozniških dovoljenj zaradi potrditve njihove skladnosti z mednarodnimi standardi so v skladu z ISO 10373.
Methods for testing the characteristics of driving licences for the purpose of confirming their compliance with the international standards shall be in accordance with ISO 10373.
33 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31990L0384
Skladnost tehtnic z bistvenimi zahtevami, navedenimi v Prilogi I, je mogoče potrditi po enem od naslednjih postopkov, ki ga izbere vložnik:
The conformity of instruments to the essential requirements set out in Annex I may be certified by either of the following procedures as selected by the applicant:
34 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000L0076
Rezultati meritev, opravljenih za preverjanje in potrditev skladnosti z mejnimi vrednostmi emisij, se standardizirajo pri naslednjih razmerah:
The results of the measurements made to verify compliance with the emission limit values shall be standardised at the following conditions:
35 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31997L0023
Priglašeni organ določi in izvede ali uredi izvedbo ustreznih pregledov in preskusov za potrditev skladnosti vrst materiala z ustreznimi zahtevami te direktive.
The notified body shall determine and perform, or arrange for the performance of, the appropriate inspections and tests to certify the conformity of the types of material with the corresponding requirements of this Directive;
36 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0552
to ne bi smelo vplivati na obveznosti proizvajalcev, da znak CE namestijo na nekatere sestavne dele za potrditev njihove skladnosti z drugo zakonodajo Skupnosti v zvezi z njimi.
that should not affect the obligation on manufacturers to affix the CE mark to certain constituents in order to certify their compliance with other Community legislation relating to them.
37 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31983L0575
Prva overitev EGS pomeni pregled novega ali obnovljenega merilnega instrumenta in potrditev njegove skladnosti z odobrenim tipom oziroma z zahtevami te direktive in posebnih direktiv, ki se nanašajo na instrument;
EEC initial verification constitutes the examination of a new or reconditioned instrument and the confirmation of its conformity to the approved pattern and/or to the requirements of this Directive and the separate directives relating to the instrument in question;
38 Prevajalska redakcija
Če se zahteva pozitivna potrditev skladnosti s tehničnimi predpisi ali standardi, članice zagotavljajo, da njihovi centralni vladni organi za proizvode, ki izvirajo z ozemlja drugih članic, uporabljajo te določbe:
Members shall ensure that, in cases where a positive assurance of conformity with technical regulations or standards is required, their central government bodies apply the following provisions to products originating in the territories of other Members:
39 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995L0016
Priglašeni organ ne sme zahtevati podrobnih načrtov ali natančnih informacij, ki niso potrebne za potrditev skladnosti dvigala, ki naj bi bilo dano na trg, z vzorčnim dvigalom, opisanim v izjavi o pregledu tipa ES.
The notified body may not require detailed plans or precise information not necessary for verifying the conformity of the lift about to be placed on the market with the model lift described in the EC type-examination declaration.
40 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R2042
Organizacija določi program za stalno usposabljanje za potrditveno osebje in podporno osebje kategorije B1 in B2, vključno s postopkom za zagotavljanje skladnosti z ustreznimi odstavki 145.A.35, kot osnovo za izdajo pooblastil za potrjevanje po tem delu potrditvenemu osebju, ter postopkom za zagotavljanje skladnosti z Delom 66.
The organisation shall establish a programme for continuation training for certifying staff and category B1 and B2 support staff, including a procedure to ensure compliance with the relevant paragraphs of 145.A.35 as the basis for issuing certification authorisations under this Part to certifying staff, and a procedure to ensure compliance with Part 66.
41 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995D0173
ker je Digesa dala uradna zagotovila o skladnosti s pravili, določenimi v poglavju V Priloge k Direktivi 91/493/EGS, in o izpolnjevanju zahtev, ki so enakovredne zahtevam, določenim z navedeno direktivo za potrditev obratov;
Whereas the Digesa has provided official assurances regarding compliance with the rules set out in Chapter V of the Annex to Directive 91/493/EEC and regarding the fulfilment of requirements equivalent to those laid down by that Directive for the approval of establishments;
42 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R2355
Postopek za potrditev skladnosti listin na splošno sprejetih nosilcih podatkov z izvirniki listin določijo nacionalni organi in zagotovijo, da so hranjene različice v skladu z nacionalnimi predpisi in se lahko uporabijo za namene revizije.
The procedure for certification of conformity of documents held on commonly accepted data carriers with the original document shall be laid down by the national authorities and shall ensure that the versions held comply with national legal requirements and can be relied on for audit purposes.
43 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000L0014
Proizvajalec opreme iz člena 2(1) ali njegov pooblaščeni zastopnik s sedežem v Skupnosti za potrditev, da je posamezna oprema v skladu z določbami te direktive, sestavi ES-izjavo o skladnosti za vsako vrsto proizvedene opreme;
The manufacturer, or his authorised representative established in the Community, of equipment referred to in Article 2(1) shall, in order to certify that an item of equipment is in conformity with the provisions of this Directive, draw up an EC declaration of conformity for each type of equipment manufactured;
44 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998L0037
Za potrditev skladnosti konstrukcije z zahtevami iz drugega odstavka mora proizvajalec ali njegov pooblaščeni predstavnik s sedežem v Skupnosti za vsak zadevni tip konstrukcije sam opraviti ustrezne preskuse ali poskrbeti za njihovo izvedbo.
In order to verify that the structure complies with the requirement laid down in the second paragraph, the manufacturer or his authorised representative established within the Community must, for each type of structure concerned, perform appropriate tests or have such tests performed.
45 Prevajalska redakcija
"pristojni organ" je organ pogodbenice, pooblaščen za izvajanje nadzora ali presoj študij v ustanovah na svojem ozemlju, da bi potrdil njihovo skladnost z merili za potrditev, določenimi v veljavnih zakonih in drugih predpisih te pogodbenice;
the term "competent authority" means an authority of a party with the power to conduct inspection or study audits on facilities in its territory to confirm their compliance with the criteria for confirmation set out in the applicable laws, regulations and administrative provisions of that party;
46 Prevajalska redakcija
potrditev skladnosti preskusnih laboratorijev z načeli DLP za preskušanje kemikalij, bodisi snovi ali pripravkov, kakor je določeno v zakonih, predpisih in upravnih določbeh vsake pogodbenice, navedenih v oddelku I dela B te sektorske priloge;
the confirmation of the compliance of test facilities with the principles of GLP for the testing of chemicals, being either substances or preparations, as set out in the laws, regulations and administrative provisions of each party specified in Section I of Part B of this Sectoral Annex;
47 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993L0068
Te serije se opremi s potrdilom o tipskem pregledu ES iz člena 10, ali s projektnim in delovnim načrtom iz oddelka 3 Priloge II, kadar posode niso izdelane v skladu z odobrenim prototipom, Tedaj mora odobreni organ pred preverjanjem pregledati načrt za potrditev njegove skladnosti.
These batches shall be accompanied by the EC type-examination certificate referred to in Article 10, or, where the vessels are not manufactured in accordance with an approved prototype, by the design and manufacturing schedule referred to in Annex II section 3. In this case the approved body shall, prior to EC verification, examine the schedule in order to certify its conformity.
48 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31985R3821
V ta namen lahko države članice uvedejo začetno preverjanje, ki vključuje kontrolni pregled in potrditev skladnosti nove ali popravljene naprave z odobrenim tipom vzorca in/ali z zahtevami te uredbe in njenih prilog, ali za certifikacijo pooblastijo proizvajalce oz. njihove pooblaščene zastopnike.
For this purpose the Member States may stipulate an initial verification, consisting of a check on and confirmation of the conformity of a new or repaired device with the type-approved model and/or with the requirements of the Regulation and its Annexes, or may delegate the power to certify to the manufacturers or to their authorized agents.
49 Prevajalska redakcija
Tri leta po začetku veljavnosti Sporazuma bo v zvezi z veterinarskimi zdravili Evropska skupnost, pod pogojem zadovoljivih rezultatov overjanja novozelandskega programa inšpekcije GMP, priznavala ugotovitve novozelandskih inšpekcij GMP in potrditve novozelandskih proizvajalcev o skladnosti serij.
In respect of veterinary medicinal products, the European Community will, subject to satisfactory verification of New Zealand's GMP inspection programme, recognise the conclusions of New Zealand GMP inspections and of New Zealand manufacturers' certifications of batch conformity, three years after the entry into force of the Agreement.
50 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001R1148
Države članice morajo to zagotoviti in potrditi skladnost v skladu z Ženevskim protokolom o standardizaciji svežega sadja in zelenjave ter suhega in posušenega sadja, sklenjenim v okviru Ekonomske komisije Združenih narodov za Evropo, in shemo OECD za uporabo mednarodnih standardov za sadje in zelenjavo.
Member States must ensure it is the case and certify conformity, in accordance with the Geneva Protocol on standardisation of fresh fruit and vegetables and dry and dried fruit concluded within the United Nations Economical Commission for Europe and the OECD scheme for the application of international standards for fruit and vegetables.
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