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potrjene obtožbe
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-101
(a) potrdi obtožbe, glede katerih je ugotovil, da obstajajo zadostni dokazi, in preda osebo obravnavnemu senatu v sojenje na podlagi potrjenih obtožb,
(a) Confirm those charges in relation to which it has determined that there is sufficient evidence, and commit the person to a Trial Chamber for trial on the charges as confirmed;
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-101
Potem ko so obtožbe potrjene in preden se začne sojenje, lahko tožilec z dovoljenjem predobravnavnega senata in po uradnem obvestilu obtožencu spremeni obtožnico.
After the charges are confirmed and before the trial has begun, the Prosecutor may, with the permission of the Pre-Trial Chamber and after notice to the accused, amend the charges.
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-101
Ko so obtožbe potrjene v skladu s tem členom, predsedstvo sestavi obravnavni senat, ki je v skladu z devetim odstavkom in četrtim odstavkom 64. člena odgovoren za vodenje nadaljnjega postopka in lahko opravlja vse naloge predobravnavnega senata, ki se nanj nanašajo in so zanj primerne.
Once the charges have been confirmed in accordance with this article, the Presidency shall constitute a Trial Chamber which, subject to paragraph 9 and to article 64, paragraph 4, shall be responsible for the conduct of subsequent proceedings and may exercise any function of the Pre-Trial Chamber that is relevant and capable of application in those proceedings.
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potrjene obtožbe