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potrjevanje semena
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-55
Sheme OECD za potrjevanje sortnosti semena, ki se trži v mednarodnem prometu (seme trav in detelj; seme križnic in drugih vrst oljnic in predivnic; žita; koruza in sirek)
OECD Schemes for the Varietal Certification of Seed Moving in International Trade (Grass and Legume Seed; Crucifer Seed and other Oil or Fiber Species; Cereals; Maize and Sorghum)
2 Končna redakcija
ker bi moralo biti za nekatere vrste semena iz Direktive 66/401/EGS dovoljeno potrjevanje semena prve in druge množitve;
Whereas, in the case of certain species of seed covered by Directive 66/401/EEC, it should be permitted to certify seed of the first and second generations;
3 Končna redakcija
ker bi moralo biti državam članicam dovoljeno, da za nekatere vrste semena iz Direktive 66/402/EGS omejijo potrjevanje semena na seme prve množitve;
Whereas, in the case of certain species of seed covered by Directive 66/402/EEC, Member States should be permitted to restrict the certification of seed to that of the first generation;
4 Končna redakcija
Države članice lahko omejijo potrjevanje semena ovsa, ječmena, riža in pšenice na certificirano seme prve množitve.";
Member States may restrict the certification of seed of oats, barley, rice and wheat to that of certified seed of the first generation.`;
5 Končna redakcija
Pogoji za potrjevanje semenskega posevka
Conditions for crop certification
6 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0055
7 Končna redakcija
Države članice lahko omejijo potrjevanje semena Lupinus spp., Pisum sativum, Vicia spp. in Medicago sativa na certificirano seme prve množitve.";
Member States may restrict the certification of seed of Lupinus spp., Pisum sativum, Vicia spp. and Medicago sativa to certified seed of the first generation.`;
8 Končna redakcija
ker je Organizacija za gospodarsko sodelovanje in razvoj vpeljala shemo za potrjevanje semena krmnih rastlin, s katerimi se trguje na mednarodni ravni;
whereas, furthermore, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development has established a scheme for the varietal certification of herbage seed moving in international trade;
9 Končna redakcija
Države članice lahko glede pogojev, določenih v Prilogah I in II, predpišejo dodatne ali strožje zahteve za potrjevanje semena in tudi za pregled trgovskega semena, proizvedenega na njihovem lastnem ozemlju.
Thereafter, all such authorisations shall respect the provisions established in accordance with paragraph 2. Article 7 Member States may, as regards the conditions laid down in Annexes I and II, impose additional or more stringent requirements for the certification of seed and also for the examination of commercial seed which is produced in their own territory.
10 Končna redakcija
ker je Organizacija Združenih narodov za prehrano in kmetijstvo priporočila minimalne standarde za potrjevanje semena koruze v evropskih in sredozemskih državah;
whereas the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations has recommended minimum standards for the certification of maize seed in European and Mediterranean countries;
11 Končna redakcija
Države članice lahko glede na pogoje, določene v Prilogah I in II, predpišejo dodatne ali strožje zahteve za potrjevanje semena, proizvedenega na njihovem ozemlju.
Member States may, as regards the conditions laid down in Annexes I and II, impose additional or more stringent requirements for the certification of seed produced in their own territory.
12 Končna redakcija
Določbe iz prve alinee o pakiranju in označevanju se lahko ne upoštevajo, če so organi, pristojni za poljske preglede, organi, ki pripravljajo dokumente za potrjevanje semena, ki še ni bilo dokončno certificirano, in organi, pristojni za potrjevanje, isti, ali če se strinjajo glede izjeme.";
The provisions in the first indent on packaging and labelling may be waived if the authorities responsible for field inspections, those drawing up the documents for the certification of seeds which have not been definitively certified and those responsible for certification are the same, or if they agree on exemption.`;
13 Končna redakcija
Določbe iz prvega pododstavka o pakiranju in označevanju se lahko ne upoštevajo, če so organi, pristojni za poljske preglede, organi, ki pripravljajo dokumente za potrjevanje semena, ki še ni bilo dokončno potrjeno, in organi, pristojni za potrjevanje, isti, ali če se strinjajo glede izjeme.";
The provisions in the first subparagraph on packing and labelling may be waived if the authorities responsible for field inspection, those drawing up the documents for the certification of seeds which have not been definitively certified and those responsible for certification are the same, or if they agree on exemption.`; clearly indicate that the variety has been genetically modified.`;
14 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31998L0095
Določbe iz prvega pododstavka o pakiranju in označevanju se lahko ne upoštevajo, če so organi, pristojni za poljske preglede, organi, ki pripravljajo dokumente za potrjevanje semena, ki še ni bilo dokončno potrjeno, in organi, pristojni za potrjevanje, isti, ali če se strinjajo glede izjeme.";
The provisions in the first subparagraph on packing and labelling may be waived if the authorities responsible for field inspection, those drawing up the documents for the certification of seeds which have not been definitively certified and those responsible for certification are the same, or if they agree on exemption.`;
15 Končna redakcija
država proizvodnje semena in organ za uradno potrjevanje;
country of production and official inspection authority;
16 Končna redakcija
imajo uradno licenco organa za potrjevanje semena v zadevni državi članici in ta podelitev licenc vključuje zaprisego preglednikov ali pisno izjavo, ki jo pregledniki podpišejo v znamenje spoštovanja pravil, ki urejajo uradne preglede;
have been officially licensed by the seed certification authority of the Member State concerned and this licensing shall include either the swearing-in of inspectors or the signature by inspectors of a written statement of commitment to the rules governing official examinations;
17 Končna redakcija
Vzorci za pregled semena za potrjevanje in pregled trgovskega semena se odvzamejo iz homogenih partij;
For the examination of seed for certification and the examination of commercial seed, samples shall be drawn from homogeneous lots;
18 Končna redakcija
seme mora uradno pregledati pristojni organ za potrjevanje v skladu z določbami, ki veljajo za potrjevanje osnovnega semena;
it must have been officially inspected by the competent certification authority in accordance with the provisions applicable to the certification of basic seed;
19 Končna redakcija
Druge države članice lahko prav tako dovolijo uradno potrjevanje takega semena.
Other Member States may also authorise official certification of such seed.
20 Končna redakcija
Države članice za namen potrjevanja in trženja določijo največjo vsebnost vlage v osnovnem semenu in certificiranem semenu vseh vrst.
The Member States shall, for the purposes of certification and marketing, fix the maximum moisture content of basic seed and certified seed of all kinds.
21 Končna redakcija
dovolijo uradno potrjevanje in trženje osnovnega semena, ki ne izpolnjuje pogojev, predpisanih v Prilogi II glede kalivosti;
authorise the official certification and marketing of basic seed which does not satisfy the conditions laid down in Annex II in respect of germination;
22 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0055
dovolijo uradno potrjevanje in trženje osnovnega semena, ki ne izpolnjuje pogojev, predpisanih v Prilogi II glede kalivosti.
authorise the official certification and marketing of basic seed which does not satisfy the conditions laid down in Annex II in respect of germination.
23 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0057
Države članice zahtevajo, da se vzorci za pregled sort, za pregled semena za potrjevanje in pregled trgovskega semena, odvzamejo pod uradnim nadzorom v skladu s ustreznimi metodami.
Member States shall require that, for the checking of varieties, the examination of seed for certification and the examination of commercial seed, samples are drawn under official supervision in accordance with appropriate methods.
24 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0055
Države članice zahtevajo, da se vzorci za pregled semena za potrjevanje in za naknadno kontrolo odvzamejo uradno in v skladu z ustreznimi metodami.
Member States shall require that for the examination of seed for certification and for post-control tests, samples are drawn officially in accordance with appropriate methods.
25 Končna redakcija
Potrjevanje se odobri le ob predložitvi začasnega poročila o analizi kakovosti semena in pod pogojem, da je navedeno ime in naslov prvega prejemnika;
Certification shall be granted only on presentation of a provisional analytical report on the seed and provided that the name and address of the first consignee are given;
26 Končna redakcija
ker je Organizacija za gospodarsko sodelovanje in razvoj vzpostavila sistem za potrjevanje sortnosti semena krmnih rastlin, namenjenega mednarodni trgovini;
whereas the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development has established a scheme for the varietal certification of herbage seed moving in international trade;
27 Končna redakcija
ker nekatere države članice v ta namen uporabljajo sheme potrjevanja semena, ki so namenjene temu, da se z uradnim nadzorom zagotovita pristnost in sortna čistost;
Whereas certain Member States have for this purpose been applying certification schemes which are intended by official control to ensure identity and varietal purity;
28 Končna redakcija
Države članice zahtevajo, da se vzorci za pregled sort in samooplodnih linij koruze in za pregled semena za potrjevanje uradno odvzamejo v skladu z ustreznimi metodami.
The Member States shall require that, for the checking of varieties and inbred lines of maize and for the examination of seed for certification, samples are drawn officially in accordance with appropriate methods.
29 Končna redakcija
Večinoma bi moralo biti trženje semena pese dovoljeno le, če je uradno pregledano in potrjeno v skladu s pravili za potrjevanje kot osnovno seme ali certificirano seme.
As a general rule, beet seed should be allowed to be marketed only if it has been officially examined and certified, in accordance with the rules for certification, as basic seed or certified seed.
30 Končna redakcija
Od določb o pakiranju in označevanju iz prvega odstavka je mogoče odstopanje, če so organi, odgovorni za poljski pregled, tisti, ki sestavijo dokumente za potrjevanje ne dokončno potrjenega semena, in tisti, odgovorni za potrjevanje, isti ali če se strinjajo z izvzetjem.
be accompanied by an official document satisfying the conditions laid down in Annex IV(C). The provisions in the first subparagraph on packing and labelling may be waived if the authorities responsible for field inspection, those drawing up the documents for the certification of seeds which have not been definitively certified and those responsible for certification are the same, or if they agree on exemption.
31 Končna redakcija
Določb prve alinee o pakiranju in označevanju ni treba uporabiti, če so organi, odgovorni za poljski pregled, organi za sestavljanje dokumentov za potrjevanje ne do konca potrjenega semena, in organi, odgovorni za potrjevanje, isti ali če se vsi organi strinjajo s to izjemo.
The provisions in the first indent on packaging and labelling may be waived if the authorities responsible for field inspections, those drawing up the documents for the certification of seeds which have not been definitively certified and those responsible for certification are the same, or if they agree on exemption.
32 Končna redakcija
Določb prvega pododstavka o pakiranju in etiketiranju ni treba uporabiti, če so organi, odgovorni za poljski pregled, organi za sestavljanje dokumentov za potrjevanje ne do konca potrjenega semena, in organi, odgovorni za potrjevanje, isti ali če se vsi organi strinjajo s to izjemo.
The provisions in the first subparagraph on packing and labelling may be waived if the authorities responsible for field inspection, those drawing up the documents for the certification of seeds which have not been definitively certified and those responsible for certification are the same, or if they agree on exemption.
33 Končna redakcija
Kot splošno pravilo je trženje semena zelenjadnic treba dovoliti le, če je uradno pregledano in potrjeno v skladu s pravili potrjevanja kot osnovno seme ali certificirano seme.
As a general rule, vegetable seed should be allowed to be marketed only if it has been officially examined and certified, in accordance with the rules for certification, as basic seed or certified seed.
34 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0053
Do takrat lahko države članice v primeru žit, z izjemo koruze, uporabljajo tiste določbe za druge sestavljene sorte v zvezi s semenom, namenjenim potrjevanju na njihovem ozemlju.
In the meantime, in the case of cereals other than maize, Member States may themselves apply those provisions to other component varieties in respect of seed intended for certification in their territories.
35 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0057
Kot splošno pravilo je trženje semena oljnic in predivnic lahko dovoljeno le, če je uradno pregledano in potrjeno v skladu s pravili potrjevanja kot osnovno seme ali certificirano seme.
As a general rule, seed of oil and fibre plants should be allowed to be marketed only if it has been officially examined and certified, in accordance with the rules for certification, as basic seed or certified seed.
36 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0053
Države članice lahko, na svojem ozemlju, dopustijo obdobje za potrjevanje in trženje semena ali sadilnega materiala do najkasneje 30. junija tretjega leta po poteku veljavnosti sprejetja.
Member States may, in respect of their own territory, allow a period for the certification and marketing of seed or propagating material up to 30 June of the third year at the most after expiry of the acceptance.
37 Končna redakcija
ker bi moralo biti praviloma določeno, da se dovoli trženje semena žit le, če je bilo skladno s pravili za potrjevanje uradno pregledano in potrjeno kot osnovno seme ali certificirano seme;
Whereas, as a general rule, cereal seed should be allowed to be marketed only if it has been officially examined and certified, in accordance with the rules for certification, as basic seed or certified seed;
38 Končna redakcija
Dobavitelj semena organu za potrjevanje zagotovi kopijo bistvenih delov pogodbe, sklenjene z izvajalcem storitev, in to vključuje standarde in pogoje, ki jih trenutno izpolnjuje dobavljeno seme.
The supplier of seed shall provide the certification authority with a copy of the relevant parts of the contract made with the provider of services and this shall include the standards and conditions currently met by the seed provided.
39 Končna redakcija
ker bi za uskladitev tehničnih metod potrjevanja, ki se uporabljajo v različnih državah članicah, in za lažje prihodnje primerjanje semena, potrjenega v Skupnosti, ter semena iz tretjih držav v državah članicah morali uvesti poskusna polja Skupnosti, kar bi omogočalo vsakoletno naknadno kontrolo različnih kategorij "certificiranega semena";
Whereas, in order to harmonise the technical methods of certification used in the various Member States and to enable comparisons to be made in the future between seed certified within the Community and that coming from third countries, Community test fields should be established in Member States to permit annual post-control of seed of the various categories of "certified seed";
40 Končna redakcija
Dobavitelj semena organu za potrjevanje predloži izvod ustreznih delov pogodbe, sklenjene s ponudnikom storitev, v katerih so navedeni standardi in pogoji, ki jih trenutno izpolnjuje dobavljeno seme.
The supplier of seed shall provide the Certification Authority with a copy of the relevant parts of the contract made with the provider of services and this shall include the standards and conditions currently met by the seed provided.
41 Končna redakcija
Države članice lahko glede na pogoje, določene v Prilogah I in II, določijo dodatne in strožje zahteve za potrjevanje in pregledovanje trgovskega semena, proizvedenega na njihovem lastnem ozemlju.
Member States may, as regards the conditions laid down in Annexes I and II, impose additional or more stringent requirements for the certification and examination of commercial seed produced in their own territory.
42 Končna redakcija
ker morajo v ta namen oznake navajati podatke, potrebne za uradni nadzor in za informiranje uporabnika in morajo pri certificiranem semenu različnih kategorij jasno pokazati na vrsto potrjevanja v Skupnosti;
whereas to this end the labels should give the particulars needed both for official control and for the information of the user and should clearly show the Community nature of the certification of the certified seed of the various categories;
43 Končna redakcija
določijo, da se uradni preglede kalivosti in tehnične čistote pri potrjevanju semena ne opravljajo na vseh partijah, razen če obstaja sum, da v zvezi s tem niso bili izpolnjeni pogoji, predpisani v Prilogi II.
provide that official examinations in respect of germination and analytical purity not be carried out on all lots during certification unless there is doubt whether the conditions laid down in Annex II in these respects have been satisfied.
44 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
raziskave (to je proizvodnja predosnovnega in osnovnega semena), razmnoževanje (ki ga opravljajo pogodbena kmetijska gospodarstva) in potrjevanje (to je sortiranje in pakiranje, ki ga opravljajo specializirane proizvodne enote).
research (i.e. production of first-generation seed prototypes), multiplication (done by agricultural holdings under contract) and certification (i.e. grading and packing by specialist production units).
45 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0057
Za uskladitev tehničnih metod potrjevanja, ki se uporablja v državah članicah, in da se omogočijo primerjave, ki jih je treba narediti med semenom, potrjenim v Skupnosti, in semenom iz tretjih držav, je treba v državah članicah vzpostaviti primerjalne poskuse, ki bodo omogočili letno naknadno kontrolo semena različnih kategorij »certificiranega semena«.
In order to harmonise the technical methods of certification used in the Member States and to enable comparisons to be made between seed certified within the Community and that coming from third countries, Community comparative tests should be established in Member States to permit annual post-control of seed of the various categories of "certified seed".
46 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0055
Za uskladitev tehničnih metod potrjevanja in nadzora, ki se uporablja v državah članicah, in da se omogočijo primerjave, ki jih je treba narediti med semenom, potrjenim v Skupnosti, in semenom iz tretjih držav, je treba v državah članicah vzpostaviti primerjalne poskuse, ki bodo omogočili letno naknadno kontrolo semena nekaterih sort kategorije »osnovno seme« in semena kategorij »certificirano seme« in «standardno seme«.
In order to harmonise the technical methods of certification and control used in the Member States and to enable comparisons to be made between seed certified within the Community and that coming from third countries, Community comparative tests should be established in Member States to permit annual post-control of seed of certain varieties of the category "basic seed" and of seed of the categories "certified seed" and "standard seed".
47 Končna redakcija
za hitro razpoložljivost semena, ne glede na dejstvo, da uradni pregled za nadzor ustreznosti pogojem, določenim v Prilogi II glede na kalivost, še ni zaključen, dovolijo uradno potrjevanje in trženje, v kolikor obstaja prvi kupec za trgovanje s semenom kategorij »osnovno seme« ali »certificirano seme«.
in order to make seed rapidly available, notwithstanding the fact that the official examination to control compliance with the conditions laid down in Annex II in respect of germination has not been concluded, authorise the official certification and marketing as far as the first buyer by way of trade of seed of the categories "basic seed" or "certified seed".
48 Končna redakcija
Za uskladitev tehničnih metod potrjevanja, ki jih uporabljajo države članice, in za zagotovitev možnosti primerjave med semenom, potrjenim znotraj Skupnosti, in tistim iz tretjih držav, bi morali predpisati primerjalne poskuse Skupnosti v državah članicah, ki bi dopuščali letno naknadno kontrolo semena iz kategorije "certificirano seme".
In order to harmonise the technical methods of certification used in the Member States and to enable comparisons to be made between seed certified within the Community and that coming from third countries, Community comparative tests should be established in Member States to permit annual post-control of seed of the category "certified seed".
49 Pravna redakcija
ker so rezultati poskusa pokazali, da je za nekatere namene mogoče poenostaviti postopke za uradno potrjevanje semena vseh kategorij "certificiranega semena", če bi lahko preglede opravljali pregledniki, ki niso zadolženi za uradne preglede, ki jih opravlja organ za potrjevanje semena;
Whereas the results of the experiment have shown that, for certain purposes, there could be a simplification of the procedures for official seed certification of 'certified seed' of all categories, if inspections were allowed to be carried out by inspectors other than those charged with official examination by the seed certification authority;
50 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31998L0095
Države članice lahko omejijo potrjevanje semena ovsa, ječmena, riža in pšenice na certificirano seme prve množitve.";
Member States may restrict the certification of seed of oats, barley, rice and wheat to that of certified seed of the first generation.';
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potrjevanje semena