Iskalni niz je ali predolg ali pa vsebuje preveč besed.
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1 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0881
- izvod B (povratnica).
- print copy B (Return Copy).
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-68
(3) Uradno obveščanje s priporočenim pismom s povratnico ali brez nje se šteje za opravljeno tudi, če je bil prevzem pisma zavrnjen.
(3) Notification by registered letter, whether or not with advice of delivery, shall be deemed to have been effected even if acceptance of the letter has been refused.
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-68
(1) O odločitvah, na podlagi katerih začne teči rok za pritožbo, vabilih in drugih dokumentih, ki jih določi predsednik Evropskega patentnega urada, se uradno obvešča s priporočenim pismom s povratnico.
(1) Decisions incurring a time limit for appeal, summonses and other documents as decided on by the President of the European Patent Office shall be notified by registered letter with advice of delivery.
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-68
(2) Pri uradnem obveščanju s priporočenim pismom s povratnico ali brez nje se pismo šteje za vročeno naslovniku desetega dne po odpremi, razen če do naslovnika ni dospelo ali je dospelo do njega pozneje; če pride do spora, mora Evropski patentni urad dokazati, da je pismo dospelo na cilj, ali ugotoviti dan, ko je bilo vročeno naslovniku, odvisno od primera.
(2) Where notification is effected by registered letter, whether or not with advice of delivery, this shall be deemed to be delivered to the addressee on the tenth day following its posting, unless the letter has failed to reach the addressee or has reached him at a later date; in the event of any dispute, it shall be incumbent on the European Patent Office to establish that the letter has reached its destination or to establish the date on which the letter was delivered to the addressee, as the case may be.
5 Pravna redakcija
s priporočeno pošto s povratnico;
registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt;
6 Pravna redakcija
Povratnica, potrdilo o prejemu, ali, kadar je primerno, dokazilo o oddaji priporočenega pisma v Luksemburgu, se hrani v sodnem spisu skupaj s kopijo pisma, naslovljenega na osebo, pri kateri se izvrši vročitev.
The form for acknowledgment of receipt, the receipt or, where applicable, the proof of posting of the registered letter in Luxembourg shall be kept in the case-file together with the copy of the letter addressed to the person upon whom service was to be effected.
7 Pravna redakcija
Obveščanje s priporočenim pismom, s povratnico ali brez, šteje za izvršeno, tudi če naslovnik pisma noče sprejeti.
Notification by registered letter, with or without advice of delivery, shall be deemed to have been effected even if the addressee refuses to accept the letter.
8 Pravna redakcija
Vpisnik vsebuje stolpce za datum prejema, podatke o dokumentu (datum, opravilno številko in številko kopije), razvrstitev, naslov, ime ali delovni naslov naslovnika, datum povratnice in datum povratnice dokumenta EU ter datum njegovega uničenja.
The Register will contain columns indicating the date received, particulars of the document (date, reference and copy number), its classification, title, the addressee's name or title, the date of return of the receipt and the date of return of the receipt to EU and the date of destruction of the document.
9 Pravna redakcija
Ponudbe v pisni obliki se intervencijskim agencijam oddajo priporočeno ali s povratnico, naslovljeno na intervencijsko agencijo.
Tenders shall be submitted in writing to the intervention agency against acknowledgement or by letter addressed to the intervention agency.
10 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0881
- kontrolni rezultati se pošljejo uradu odhoda s povratnico B Spremnega tranzitnega dokumenta (skupaj s seznamom postavk, če obstaja);
- the control results shall be sent to the office of departure using return copy B of the transit accompanying document (including list of items, if any);
11 Pravna redakcija
Odločbe, za katere velja rok za pritožbo, vabila in drugi dokumenti, ki jih določi predsednik Urada, se posredujejo s priporočeno pošiljko in s povratnico.
Decisions subject to a time limit for appeal, summonses and other documents as determined by the President of the Office shall be notified by registered letter with advice of delivery.
12 Pravna redakcija
Informacije in zahteve za navzočnost pri ustnih zaslišanjih, ki jih izda ECB oziroma pristojna nacionalna centralna banka, se pošljejo naslovniku s priporočeno pošto s povratnico, ali pa se oddajo osebno s potrdilom o prejemu.
Information and requests to attend oral hearings from the ECB or the competent national central bank, as the case may be, shall be sent to the addressees by registered post with acknowledgement of receipt, or shall be delivered by hand against receipt.
13 Pravna redakcija
Vročitev se skladno s členom 100 Poslovnika izvaja bodisi s priporočeno pošiljko s povratnico, ki vsebuje overjeno kopijo izvirnika dokumenta, ki se vroča, bodisi z osebno dostavo takšne kopije naslovniku s potrdilom o prejemu.
Service shall be effected, in accordance with Article 100 of the Rules of Procedure, either by the dispatch by registered post, with a form for acknowledgment of receipt, of a certified copy of the original of the document to be served or by personal delivery of such copy to the addressee against a receipt.
14 Pravna redakcija
Če se obveščanje izvaja s priporočenim pismom, ne glede na to, ali tudi s povratnico, se šteje, da je pošiljka dostavljena naslovniku deseti dan po odpošiljanju, razen če naslovnik ni prejel pisma ali pa ga je prejel pozneje.
Where notification is effected by registered letter, whether or not with advice of delivery, this shall be deemed to be delivered to the addressee on the 10th day following that of its posting, unless the letter has failed to reach the addressee or has reached him at a later date.
15 Pravna redakcija
Vpisnik vsebuje stolpce z datumom prejema, podatki o dokumentu (datum, opravilna številka in številka kopije), razvrstitvijo, naslovom, imenom ali delovnim naslovom naslovnika, datumom povratnice in datumom vrnitve dokumenta EU ali njegovega uničenja.
The Register will contain columns indicating the date received, particulars of the document (date, reference and copy number), its classification, title, the addressee's name or title, the date of return of the receipt and the date of return of the document to EU or its destruction.
16 Pravna redakcija
Pogodbenici ali arbitražni senat odpošljejo vsako prošnjo, obvestilo, pisna stališča ali druge listine, in sicer po pošti s povratnico, priporočeno pošto, kurirju, telefaksu, teleksu, telegramu ali katerem koli drugem telekomunikacijskem sredstvu, s katerim je mogoče dokazati, da je bila pošta poslana.
Any request, notice, written submissions or other document shall be delivered by either Party or the arbitration panel by delivery against receipt, registered post, courier, facsimile transmission, telex, telegram or any other means of telecommunication that provides a record of the sending thereof.
17 Pravna redakcija
Takoj ko arhivski urad prejme tajni dokument na stopnji CONFIDENTIEL UE ali višje, tega vpiše v posebni evidenčni vpisnik organizacije po stolpcih za datum sprejema, podatke o dokumentu (datum, opravilna številka in številka kopije), razvrstitev, naslov, ime ali delovni naslov naslovnika, datum povratnice in datum vrnitve dokumenta organu izvora v EU ali datum uničenja.
As soon as a registry receives a EU document classified CONFIDENTIEL UE or above, it will list the document in a special register held by the organisation, with columns for the date received, particulars of the document (date, reference and copy number), its classification, title, the recipient's name or title, the date of return of the receipt and the date the document is returned to the EU originator or is destroyed.
18 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0881
izvod B (povratnica)."
print copy B (Return Copy).
19 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998R2843
Prijave se pošljejo takoj s priporočenim pismom s povratnico ali se izročijo neposredno, s potrdilom o prejemu.
Notifications shall be submitted forthwith by registered letter with an acknowledgement of receipt or shall be delivered by hand against receipt.
20 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000R0562
Zainteresirane stranke intervencijskim agencijam držav članic, kjer je bil izdan razpis, v odgovor na razpis, vložijo bodisi pisno ponudbo s povratnico ali na kakšen drug pisni način s povratnico, ki je sprejemljiv za intervencijsko agencijo.
In response to invitations to tender, interested parties shall submit their tenders to the intervention agencies of the Member States where they have been issued, either by lodging a written bid against a receipt or by any other written means of communication accepted by the intervention agency, with advice of receipt.
21 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0881
kontrolni rezultati se pošljejo uradu odhoda s povratnico B Spremnega tranzitnega dokumenta (skupaj s seznamom postavk, če obstaja);
the control results shall be sent to the office of departure using return copy B of the transit accompanying document (including list of items, if any);
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