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pravica do izjave
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2007-19
Skupna izjava o pravici do azila
Joint Declaration on the right of asylum
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 26/1999
Pravici do prevajanja se lahko odpovedo, če izjavijo, da znajo jezik, v katerem teče postopek.
The may waive the right to translation by declaring that they understand the language in which the proceedings are being conducted.
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-68
Če prijavitelj ni izumitelj ali ni edini izumitelj, mora imenovanje vsebovati izjavo o izvoru pravice do evropskega patenta.
If the applicant is not the inventor or is not the sole inventor, the designation shall contain a statement indicating the origin of the right to the European patent.
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2009-51
Zainteresirana članica, članice ali mednarodni organ se lahko kadar koli s poznejšo izjavo v celoti ali delno odpovedo pravici do vsake spremembe, navedene v kateri koli prejšnji izjavi.
The Member, Members or international authority concerned may at any time by a subsequent declaration renounce in whole or in part the right to have recourse to any modification indicated in any former declaration.
5 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-5
Tiste države članice, ki so o dodatku h konvenciji dale izjavo po prvem stavku prvega odstavka 42. člena, pri glasovanju na generalni skupščini o spremembah tega dodatka nimajo pravice do glasovanja.
5 In the case of a vote in the General Assembly concerning modifications of the Appendices to the Convention, Member States which have made a declaration in respect of the Appendix in question pursuant to Article 42 paragraph 1, first sentence, shall not have the right to vote.
6 Objavljeno
DRUGO: Ustava
Takoj mora biti poučen o tem, da ni dolžan ničesar izjaviti, da ima pravico do takojšnje pravne pomoči zagovornika, ki si ga svobodno izbere, in o tem, da je pristojni organ na njegovo zahtevo dolžan o odvzemu prostosti obvestiti njegove bližnje.
He must be instructed immediately that he is not obliged to make any statement, that he has the right to immediate legal representation of his own free choice and that the competent authority must, on his request, notify his relatives or those close to him of the deprivation of his liberty.
7 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 7
Takoj mora biti tudi poučen, da ni dolžan ničesar izjaviti, da ima pravico do takojšnje pravne pomoči zagovornika, ki si ga lahko svobodno izbere, in o tem, da je pristojni organ na njegovo zahtevo dolžan o pridržanju obvestiti njegove najbližje.
He must be immediately advised that he is not obliged to give any statements, that he has the right to immediate legal aid by a defence counsel, whom he can choose freely, and that the competent authority is obliged, at his request, to notify his closest relatives of the apprehension.
8 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 24
Vsaka pogodbenica lahko, ko privoli, da jo zavezuje ta protokol, v skladu z določbami 13. člena ali kadar koli kasneje tudi izjavi, da kateri koli drugi reprezentativni nacionalni nevladni organizaciji v okviru njene pristojnosti, posebej pristojni za zadeve, ki jih ureja listina, priznava pravico do vložitve pritožbe proti njej.
Any Contracting State may also, when it expresses its consent to be bound by this Protocol, in accordance with the provisions of Article 13, or at any moment thereafter, declare that it recognises the right of any other representative national nongovernmental organisation within its jurisdiction which has particular competence in the matters governed by the Charter, to lodge complaints against it.
9 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 1994-33
2) Vendar pa pravica do individualne pritožbe, ki jo priznava izjava na podlagi 25. člena Konvencije, ali pa priznanje obvezne pristojnosti Sodišča z izjavo na podlagi 46. člena Konvencije ne veljata v zvezi s tem Protokolom, razen če prizadeta visoka pogodbena stranka ne izjavi posebej, da priznava takšno pravico ali sprejema takšno pristojnost v zvezi s členi od 1 do 5 tega Protokola.
Nevertheless, the right of individual recourse recognised by a declaration made under Article 25 of the Convention, or the acceptance of the compulsory jurisdiction of the Court by a declaration made under Article 46 of the Convention, shall not be effective in relation to this Protocol unless the State concerned has made a statement recognising such right, or accepting such jurisdiction in respect of Articles 1 to 5 of this Protocol.
10 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2007-19
Države članice izjavljajo, da ta konvencija ne posega niti v pravico do azila, kakor jo priznavajo njihove ustave, niti v uporabo določb Konvencije o statusu beguncev z dne 28. julija 1951, kakor jo dopolnjujeta Konvencija o statusu oseb brez državljanstva z dne 28. septembra 1954 in Protokol o statusu beguncev z dne 31. januarja 1967.
The Member States declare that this Convention is without prejudice either to the right of asylum to the extent to which it is recognized by their respective constitutions or to the application by the Member States of the provisions of the Convention relating to the Status of Refugees of 28 July 1951, as supplemented by the Convention relating to the Status of Stateless Persons of 28 September 1954 and by the Protocol relating to the Status of Refugees of 31 January 1967.
11 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-33
Vsaka država članica, ki med Konferenco pooblaščenih predstavnikov zadrži svojo pravico do pridržkov, kot jih navede v svoji izjavi pri podpisovanju sklepnih listin, lahko izrazi pridržke glede določene spremembe in dopolnitve ustave ali te konvencije vse do takrat, ko pri generalnem sekretarju deponira svojo listino o ratifikaciji, sprejetju ali potrditvi spremembe in dopolnitve ali pristopu k njej.
Any Member State that, during a plenipotentiary conference, reserves its right to make reservations as specified in its declaration when signing the final acts, may make reservations regarding an amendment to the Constitution or to this Convention until such time as its instrument of ratification, acceptance or approval of or accession to the amendment has been deposited with the Secretary-General.
12 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 7
Takoj mora biti tudi poučen, da ni dolžan ničesar izjaviti, da ima pravico do takojšnje pravne pomoči zagovornika, ki si ga lahko svobodno izbere, in o tem, da je pristojni organ na njegovo zahtevo dolžan o pridržanju obvestiti njegove najbližje oziroma delodajalca, če je tuj državljan pa na njegovo zahtevo tudi konzulat njegove države.
He must be immediately cautioned that he is not obliged to say anything, that he has the right to immediate legal aid offered by a defence counsel whom he may freely choose, and that the competent authority is obliged, at his request, to notify of the detention his closest relatives or employer; if the accused person is a foreign citizen, the competent authority shall also be obliged, at the accused person's request, to notify the consulate of his country.
13 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 1994-33
2) Vendar pa pravica do individualne pritožbe, ki jo priznava izjava, dana na podlagi 25. člena Konvencije, ali pa priznanje obvezne pristojnosti Sodišča z izjavo na podlagi 46. člena Konvencije ne veljata v zvezi s tem Protokolom, razen če prizadeta visoka pogodbena stranka izjavi, da priznava takšno pravico ali sprejema takšno pristojnost glede vseh ali pa kateregakoli od členov od 1 do 4 tega Protokola.
Nevertheless, the right of individual recourse recognised by a declartion made under Article 25 of the Convention, or the acceptance of the compulsory Jurisdiction of the Court by a declaration made under. Article 46 of the Convention, shall not be effective in relation to this Protocol unless the High Contracting Party concerned has made a statement recognising such right, or accepting such jurisdiction, in respect of all or any of Articles 1 to 4 of the Protocol.
14 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2009-84
2) Ne glede na uporabo 19. do 23. člena Dunajske konvencije o pravu mednarodnih pogodb z dne 23. maja 1969 v zvezi z drugimi členi konvencije, lahko vsaka država ali Evropska skupnost ob podpisu ali deponiranju listine o ratifikaciji, sprejetju, odobritvi ali pristopu h konvenciji izjavi, da si pridržuje pravico do neuporabe prejšnjega odstavka tega člena, če gre za izročitev zaradi kaznivega dejanja po tej konvenciji.
2) Without prejudice to the application of Articles 19 to 23 of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties of 23 May 1969 to the other Articles of this Convention, any State or the European Community may, at the time of signature or when depositing its instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession of the Convention, declare that it reserves the right to not apply paragraph 1 of this Article as far as extradition in respect of an offence set forth in this Convention is concerned.
15 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 37-2009
OB PRIZNAVANJU, da imajo države v skladu z Ustanovno listino Združenih narodov in načeli mednarodnega prava suvereno pravico do izkoriščanja svojih virov v skladu s svojo okoljsko politiko in so odgovorne za skrb, da dejavnosti v njihovi pristojnosti in pod njihovim nadzorom ne bi škodile okolju drugih držav ali območij zunaj meja njihove državne pristojnosti, kot določa načelo 1(a) Pravno nezavezujoče avtoritativne izjave o načelih za globalno soglasje o gospodarjenju, varstvu in trajnostnem razvoju vseh vrst gozdov;
RECOGNIZING that States have, in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations and the principles of international law, the sovereign right to exploit their own resources pursuant to their own environmental policies and have the responsibility to ensure that activities within their jurisdiction and control do not cause damage to the environment of other States or of areas beyond the limits of national jurisdiction, as set forth in principle 1(a) of the Non-Legally Binding Authoritative Statement of Principles for a Global Consensus on the Management, Conservation and Sustainable Development of All Types of Forests;
16 Končna redakcija
Izjava o pravici dostopa do informacij
Declaration on the right of access to information
17 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0020
Izjave za lažje uveljavljanje pravic do vgradnje naprav in pravic medsebojnega povezovanja
Declarations to facilitate the exercise of rights to install facilities and rights of interconnection
18 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0020
Take izjave naj same po sebi ne pomenijo upravièenosti do pravic, niti naj ne bodo nobene pravice po splošni odobritvi ali pravice uporabe ali uveljavljanje takih pravic odvisni od izjave.
Such declarations should not by themselves constitute entitlements to rights nor should any rights under the general authorisation or rights of use or the exercise of such rights depend upon a declaration.
19 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0782
Urad obvesti Mednarodni urad o vsaki izjavi glede prenehanja pravice do prednosti starejše znamke po odstavku 2.
The Office shall inform the International Bureau of any declaration of a loss of the right of seniority pursuant to paragraph 2.
20 Končna redakcija
Pravica do odgovora omogoča vsaki osebi, da popravi netočne dejanske navedbe, ki so bile o njej objavljene, ali da reagira na žaljive izjave, ki so bile objavljene v mediju.
Right of reply enables every individual to correct incorrect assertions about him/her, or to react to defamatory statements.
21 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0725
Uprave ob upoštevanju določb pravila XI-2/9.2.3 določijo najkrajši rok, do katerega ladje, ki imajo pravico pluti pod njihovo zastavo, hranijo izjave o zaščitnih ukrepih.
Administrations shall specify, bearing in mind the provisions of regulation XI-2/9.2.3, the minimum period for which Declarations of Security shall be kept by ships entitled to fly their flag.
22 Končna redakcija
Hkrati delavec podpiše izjavo, ki potrjuje, da na podlagi poklicne dejavnosti pravica do družinskih dodatkov ne obstaja v skladu z zakonodajo države stalnega prebivališča družinskih članov.
At the same time, the worker shall sign a declaration certifying that he has no right to family allowances under the legislation of the country of residence of the members of the family, by virtue of a professional or trade activity.
23 Končna redakcija
Pravica pritožnika do vpogleda v spise nima enake podlage kakor pravica do obrambe naslovnikov izjave o ugovoru in tudi ne obstajajo nikakršni razlogi za obravnavanje pritožnikovih pravic enakovredno s pravicami podjetij, na katere se ugovor nanaša.
A complainant's right to consult the files does not share the same basis as the rights of defence of the addressees of a statement of objections, and there are no grounds for treating the rights of the complainant as equivalent to those of the firms objected to.
24 Končna redakcija
Danska, Nemčija, Nizozemska in Avstrija izjavljajo glede Izjave Grčije, Španije in Portugalske o členu 161 Pogodbe o ustanovitvi Evropske skupnosti, da ne posega v delovanje Evropske komisije, zlasti ne v njeno pravico do pobude.
With regard to the Declaration by Greece, Spain and Portugal on Article 161 of the Treaty establishing the European Community, Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands and Austria declare that that Declaration is without prejudice to actions of the European Commission, in particular with respect to its right of initiative.
25 Končna redakcija
Izjema je le ustava Lesota, ki določa, da 'ima vsaka oseba, ki se čuti prizadeto zaradi izjav ali idej, ki jih je komunikacijski medij sporočil javnosti, pravico do odgovora ali da zahteva popravek v istem mediju, pod takšnimi pogoji, kakršne lahko določi zakon'.
The only exception is the constitution of Lesotho, which provides that 'any person who feels aggrieved by statements or ideas disseminated to the public by a medium of communication has the right to reply or to require correction to be made using the same medium under such conditions as the law may establish'.
26 Končna redakcija
vendar pa se ne zahteva izjava delodajalca pri delavcih, za katere se uporabljajo doloebe Direktive Sveta z dne 25. februarja 1964 o pridobitvi pravice do ustanavljanja in opravljanja storitev v zvezi z dejavnostmi posrednikov v trgovini, industriji in malih obrtnih dejavnostih;
a statement by the employer shall not, however, be required in the case of workers coming within the provisions of the Council Directive of 25 February 19641 on the attainment of freedom of establishment and freedom to provide services in respect of the activities of intermediaries in commerce, industry and small craft industries.
27 Končna redakcija
Ob upoštevanju potrebe po zagotovitvi ustrezne, primerljive in enake zastopanosti držav članic v Svetu, skladno z velikostjo njihovega prebivalstva, Republika Latvija izjavlja, da si na naslednji medvladni konferenci pridržuje pravico do razprave o vprašanju ponderiranja glasov v Svetu.
Bearing in mind the need to ensure an adequate, comparable and equal representation of the Member States in the Council according to the number of their population, the Republic of Latvia declares that it reserves the rights to discuss the issue of the weighting of votes in the Council during the next Intergovernmental Conference.
28 Končna redakcija
Irska izjavlja, da namerava uresničevati svojo pravico po členu 3 Protokola o stališču Združenega kraljestva in Irske do sodelovanja pri sprejemanju ukrepov v skladu z naslovom IIIa Pogodbe o ustanovitvi Evropske skupnosti, kolikor je to najbolj mogoče, a še združljivo z ohranitvijo njenega skupnega potovalnega območja z Združenim kraljestvom.
Ireland declares that it intends to exercise its right under Article 3 of the Protocol on the position of the United Kingdom and Ireland to take part in the adoption of measures pursuant to Title IIIa of the Treaty establishing the European Community to the maximum extent compatible with the maintenance of its Common Travel Area with the United Kingdom.
29 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0020
Na zahtevo podjetja izdajo nacionalni regulativni organi v enem tednu standardizirane izjave, s katerim i potrdijo, kadar je to primerno, da je podjetje predložilo uradno obvestilo po elenu 3(2), in podrobno navedejo, v kakšnih okolišeinah lahko podjetje, ki zagotavlja elektronska komunikacijska omrežja ali storitve po splošni odobritvi, zaprosi za pravice do vgradnje naprav, do pogajanja o medsebojnem povezovanju in/ali za pridobitev dostopa ali medsebojnega povezovanja, da bi mu omogoeili uveljavljanje teh pravic, na primer na drugih državnih ravneh ali v odnosu do drugih podjetij.
At the request of an undertaking, national regulatory authorities shall, within one week, issue standardised declarations, confirming, where applicable, that the undertaking has submitted a notification under Article 3(2) and detailing under what circumstances any undertaking providing electronic communications networks or services under the general authorisation has the right to apply for rights to install facilities, negotiate interconnection, and/or obtain access or interconnection in order to facilitate the exercise of those rights for instance at other levels of government or in relation to other undertakings.
30 Končna redakcija
Potrdilo izda francoski nosilec, pristojen za zadeve v zvezi z brezposelnostjo, ali nosilec, ki jo imenuje pristojni francoski organ, na zahtevo brezposelne osebe, ki podpiše izjavo, s katero potrjuje, da na podlagi poklicne dejavnosti pravice do družinskih dodatkov ne obstaja v skladu z zakonodajo države stalnega prebivališča družinskih članov.Če družinski člani ne predložijo navedenega potrdila, ga nosilec v kraju stalnega prebivališča pridobi od pristojnega nosilca.
This certified statement shall be issued by the French institution competent in respect of unemployment matters or by the institution designated by the competent French authority, at the request of the unemployed person who shall sign a declaration certifying that he has no right to family allowances under the legislation of the country of residence of the members of the family by virtue of a professional or trade activity. If the members of the family do not submit the said certified statement the institution of the place of residence shall obtain it from the competent institution.
31 Pravna redakcija
Stranke v pritožbenih postopkih imajo pravico do ustnih izjav.
Parties to the appeal proceedings shall be entitled to make oral representations.
32 Pravna redakcija
IZJAVE SVETA glede sprejetja besedil o pravici ustanavljanja in pravici do zagotavljanja storitev zdravnikov v Skupnosti
Council Statements made on adopting the texts concerning freedom of establishment and freedom to provide services for doctors within the Community
33 Pravna redakcija
Stranke prejmejo kopijo katere koli take izjave ali pa imajo pravico do udeležbe pri katerem koli zaslišanju.
The Parties shall receive a copy of any such written deposition or shall have the right to participate in any such examination.
34 Pravna redakcija
izjavo prijavitelja, s katero se odreka vsem izključnim pravicam do nekega elementa znamke v skladu s členom 38 (2) Uredbe;
a declaration by the applicant disclaiming any exclusive right to some element of the mark pursuant to Article 38 (2) of the Regulation;
35 Pravna redakcija
Prijava lahko vsebuje izjavo prijavitelja, da se odreka vsaki izključni pravici do elementa znamke, ki ni razlikovalen in ki ga določi prijavitelj.
The application may include a statement by the applicant that he disclaims any exclusive right to an element of the trade mark which is not distinctive, to be specified by the applicant.
36 Pravna redakcija
Komisija si pridržuje pravico do izjave, da posamezni izvajalci zaplinjevanja z izdanim dovoljenjem ne morejo biti več sprejeti za namene te odločbe.
The Commission reserves the right to declare that individual licensed fumigation operatives can no longer be accepted for the purpose of this Decision.
37 Pravna redakcija
Ti proizvajalci predložijo destilarni izvod izjave z žigom pristojnega organa, ki ga je imenovala država članica, s katero se odrekajo pravici do zadevne pomoči;
These producers shall present to the distiller a copy of a statement waiving entitlement to the aid concerned, stamped by the competent authority designated by the Member State;
38 Pravna redakcija
Pravica pritožnika do vpogleda v spise nima enake podlage kakor pravica do obrambe naslovnikov izjave o ugovoru in tudi ne obstajajo nikakršni razlogi za obravnavanje pritožnikovih pravic enakovredno s pravicami podjetij, na katere se ugovor nanaša.
A complainant's right to consult the files does not share the same basis as the rights of defence of the addressees of a statement of objections, and there are no grounds for treating the rights of the complainant as equivalent to those of the firms objected to.
39 Pravna redakcija
ob upoštevanju Izjave o pravici dostopa do informacij, priložene k Sklepni listini Pogodbe o Evropski uniji, ki poudarja, da preglednost pri postopku odločanja krepi demokratičnost institucij in zaupanje javnosti v upravo,
Having regard to the declaration regarding the right of access to information annexed to the final act of the Treaty on European Union, which emphasises that transparency in the decision-making process strengthens the democratic nature of the institutions and the public's confidence in the administration,
40 Pravna redakcija
ob upoštevanju izjave o pravici dostopa do informacij, priložene Sklepnemu aktu Pogodbe o Evropski uniji, ki poudarja, da preglednost procesa odločanja krepi demokratičnost institucij in zaupanje javnosti v administracijo,
Having regard to the declaration on the right of access to information annexed to the final act of the Treaty on European Union, which emphasizes that transparency of the decision-making process strengthens the democratic nature of the institutions and the public's confidence in the administration,
41 Pravna redakcija
'Izjava o okoliščinah, ki vzpostavljajo pravico do posredovanja, kadar je vložena pritožba v skladu z drugim ali tretjim odstavkom člena 37 Statuta ES, členom 34 Statuta ESPJ ali drugim odstavkom členom 38 Statuta Euratom.'
'A statement of the circumstances establishing the right to intervene, where the application is submitted pursuant to the second or third paragraph of Article 37 of the EC Statute, Article 34 of the ECSC Statute or the second paragraph of Article 38 of the Euratom Statute.'
42 Pravna redakcija
Overjeno izjavo izda francoski nosilec, pristojen za zadeve v zvezi z brezposelnostjo, ali nosilec, ki jo imenuje pristojni francoski organ, na zahtevo brezposelne osebe, ki podpiše izjavo, s katero potrjuje, da na podlagi poklicne dejavnosti pravice do družinskih dodatkov ne obstaja v skladu z zakonodajo države stalnega prebivališča družinskih članov.
This certified statement shall be issued by the French institution competent in respect of unemployment matters or by the institution designated by the competent French authority, at the request of the unemployed person who shall sign a declaration certifying that he has no right to family allowances under the legislation of the country of residence of the members of the family by virtue of a professional or trade activity.
43 Pravna redakcija
Če pride do odpovedi zaradi kršitve po kateremkoli sporazumu o neto poravnavi (vključno s Prilogo 2 k temu sporazumu), ima ECB pravico izjaviti, v pisnem obvestilu sodelujoči stranki, da je prišlo do odpovedi zaradi kršitve po vsakem drugem sporazumu o netoporavnavi, tudi po tistem, po katerem ni prišlo do kršitve na podlagi določb le-tega.
Should any default termination occur under any netting agreement (including under Appendix 2 to this Agreement), then the ECB shall have the right to declare, by written notice to the Counterparty, that a default termination has occurred under each other netting agreement in respect of which default termination has not occurred in accordance with the provisions thereof.
44 Pravna redakcija
Hkrati delavec podpiše izjavo, ki potrjuje, da na podlagi poklicne dejavnosti pravica do družinskih dodatkov ne obstaja v skladu z zakonodajo države stalnega prebivališča družinskih članov.Kjer francoska zakonodaja predvideva, da pravica do družinskih dodatkov traja toliko časa, kolikor trajajo dobe zaposlitve, overjena izjava navaja trajanje zaposlitve, dopolnjene v času zadevne dobe.
At the same time, the worker shall sign a declaration certifying that he has no right to family allowances under the legislation of the country of residence of the members of the family, by virtue of a professional or trade activity. Where French legislation provides for entitlement to family allowances to last for a period corresponding to the duration of the periods of employment, the certified statement shall specify the duration of employment completed in the course of the period concerned.
45 Pravna redakcija
Kjer se uporablja postopek za popoln ali delen začasni odvzem pravice do koriščenja tarifnih kvot, izda Komisija obvestilo v Uradnem listu Evropske skupnosti, serije C, kjer izjavi svoj upravičen dvom o pravici do koriščenja ugodnosti iz te uredbe ter navede zadevno blago, proizvajalce in izvoznike.
Where the procedure for temporary total or partial withdrawal of access to tariff quotas is applied the Commission shall publish a notice in the "C" series of the Official Journal stating that it has reasonable doubt as to entitlement to benefit under this Regulation and listing the goods, producers and exporters concerned.
46 Pravna redakcija
Izjava Sveta o Direktivi o vzajemnem priznavanju diplom, spričeval in drugih dokazil o formalni izobrazbi v veterini, vključno z ukrepi, ki omogočajo dejansko uveljavljanje pravice do ustanavljanja in svobode opravljanja storitev (UL št. L 308, 23. 12. 1978, str. 1).
Council Statements on the Directive concerning the mutual recognition of diplomas, certificates and other evidence of formal qualifications in veterinary medicine, including measures to facilitate the effective exercise of the right of establishment and freedom to provide services (OJ No C 308, 23.12.1978, p. 1).
47 Pravna redakcija
Če izročitev iskane osebe po zakonodaji pogodbenice prosilke ni očitno prepovedana, ta pogodbenica lahko dovoli izročitev brez formalnega postopka izročitve, pod pogojem, da iskana oseba da svoje soglasje z izjavo pred članom sodstva, potem ko jo je ta zaslišal in obvestil o pravici do formalnega postopka izročitve.
If the extradition of a wanted person is not clearly prohibited under the laws of the requested Contracting Party, that Contracting Party may authorise extradition without formal extradition proceedings, provided that the wanted person agrees thereto in a statement made before a member of the judiciary after being heard by the latter and informed of the right to formal extradition proceedings.
48 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0430
Predstavniki vlad držav članic na srečanju v Svetu izjavljajo, da se v Prilogi XV k Pristopni pogodbi navedejo dodatni zneski brez poseganja v pravice Evropskega parlamenta ter pooblastila in posebne pravice organa za izvrševanje proračuna, dodeljene s členom 272 Pogodbe ES in ustreznimi določbami Medinstitucionalnega sporazum a z dne 6. maja 1999 o proračunski disciplini in izboljšanju proračunskega postopka (IIA), zlasti točkami 15, 19 do 21 in 24 Sporazuma ter v pogajanjih o prihodnjem finančnem načrtu.
The representatives of the Governments of the Member States meeting within the Council declare that the additional amounts shall be mentioned in Annex XV of the Accession Treaty without prejudice to the European Parliament's rights and the powers and prerogatives of the budgetary authority conferred by Article 272 of the EC Treaty and the relevant provisions of the Interinstitutional Agreement of 6 May 1999 on budgetary discipline and improvement of the budgetary procedure (IIA) in particular points 15, 19 to 21 and 24 thereof and in the negotiations on the future financial perspective.
49 Prevajalska redakcija
Skupnost si pridržuje pravico do naknadnih izjav o Konvenciji in Sporazumu ter do odgovora do bodočih izjav in stališč.
The Community reserves the right to make subsequent declarations in respect of the Convention and the Agreement and in response to future declarations and positions.
50 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1592
Stranke v pritožbenem postopku imajo pravico do ustnega dajanja izjav.
Parties to the appeal proceedings shall be entitled to make oral presentations.
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