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predložiti sodišču v mnenje
1 Končna redakcija
"Te spremembe skupaj predlagata Komisija in Svet, ki odloča z osemdevetinsko večino članov, in jih predložita Sodišču v mnenje.
'These amendments shall be proposed jointly by the High Authority and the Council, acting by an eight-ninths majority of its members, and shall be submitted to the Court for its opinion.
2 Končna redakcija
"Te spremembe skupaj predlagata Visoka oblast in Svet, ki odloča z devetdesetinsko večino članov, in jih predložita Sodišču v mnenje.
"These amendments shall be proposed jointly by the High Authority and the Council, acting by a nine-tenths majority of its members, and shall be submitted to the court for its opinion.
3 Končna redakcija
"Te spremembe skupaj predlagata Visoka oblast in Svet, ki odloča z desetdvanajstinsko večino svojih članov, in jih predložita Sodišču v mnenje.
` These amendments shall be proposed jointly by the High Authority and the Council, acting by a ten-twelfths majority of its members, and shall be submitted to the Court for its opinion.
4 Končna redakcija
"Te spremembe skupaj predlagata Visoka oblast in Svet, ki odloča z desetdvanajstinsko večino svojih članov, in jih predložita Sodišču v mnenje.
“These amendments shall be proposed jointly by the High Authority and the Council, acting by a ten-twelfths majority of its members, and shall be submitted to the Court for its opinion.
5 Končna redakcija
Če Komisija meni, da zadevna država članica takšnih ukrepov ni sprejela, poda svoje obrazloženo mnenje, potem ko je tej državi dala možnost za predložitev pripomb, in v njem podrobno navede, v katerih točkah država članica ni izvršila sodbe Sodišča.
If the Commission considers that the Member State concerned has not taken such measures it shall, after giving that State the opportunity to submit its observations, issue a reasoned opinion specifying the points on which the Member State concerned has not complied with the judgment of the Court of Justice.
6 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000R1347
Če listine, navedene v členu 32(1)(b) ali (2) niso predložene, lahko sodišče določi rok za njihovo predložitev, sprejme enakovredne listine ali, če je mnenja, da razpolaga z zadostnimi podatki, stranko oprosti predložitve.
If the documents specified in Article 32(1)(b) or (2) are not produced, the court may specify a time for their production, accept equivalent documents or, if it considers that it has sufficient information before it, dispense with their production.
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predložiti sodišču v mnenje