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predložitveno sodišče
1 Pravna redakcija
DRUGO: 62003J0286
20 S prvim vprašanjem predložitveno sodišče v bistvu sprašuje, ali je dodatek za nego, kakršen je dodeljen iz naslova SPGG, posebna dajatev, za katero se ne plačujejo prispevki, ki je na podlagi člena 4(2) Uredbe št. 1408/71 izključena iz področja uporabe te uredbe.
20 By its first question, the national court asks essentially whether a care allowance such as that granted under the SPGG constitutes a special non-contributory benefit which is excluded from the scope of Regulation No 1408/71 by Article 4(2b) of the regulation.
2 Pravna redakcija
DRUGO: 62003J0286
47 S svojim drugim vprašanjem predložitveno sodišče sprašuje, ali družinski član zaposlenega v deželi Salzburški, ki s svojo družino živi v Nemčiji, lahko, če izpolnjuje druge pogoje za dodelitev, zahteva plačilo dodatka za nego, kakršen je dodeljen iz naslova SPGG kot denarna dajatev za bolezen, kot jo določajo člen 19 in ustrezne določbe iz drugih oddelkov prvega poglavja Naslova III Uredbe št.
47 By its second question, the national court asks whether a member of the family of a worker employed in the Province of Salzburg who lives with his family in Germany may, where he fulfils the other conditions of grant, claim payment of a care allowance such as that paid under the SPGG as a sickness benefit in cash as provided for in Article 19 and the equivalent provisions of the other sections of Chapter 1 of Title III of Regulation No 1408/71.
3 Pravna redakcija
DRUGO: 62004J0406
19 Predložitveno sodišče z vprašanjem sprašuje Sodišče, ali člena 17 ES in 18 ES, ki državljanom Evropske unije priznavata pravico do prostega gibanja in prebivanja na ozemlju držav članic, nasprotujeta določbi nacionalnega prava, ki za upravičenost do takega nadomestila, kot je v postopku v glavni stvari, določa pogoj dejanskega bivanja v zadevni državi članici, ob upoštevanju dejstva, da je navedeno nadomestilo dodeljeno brezposelnim osebam, starejšim od 50 let, ki se niso dolžne prijaviti kot iskalci zaposlitve.
19 By the question referred, the national court is asking the Court whether Articles 17 and 18 EC, under which citizens of the European Union have the right to move and reside freely within the territory of the Member States, preclude a provision of national law which makes entitlement to an allowance such as that at issue in the main proceedings conditional on actual residence in the Member State concerned, given that that allowance is granted to unemployed persons aged over 50 who are exempt from the requirement to register as job-seekers.
4 Pravna redakcija
DRUGO: 62003J0286
58 Ker je ta postopek za stranki v postopku v glavni stvari ena od stopenj v postopku pred predložitvenim sodiščem, to odloči o stroških.
58 Since these proceedings are, for the parties to the main proceedings, a step in the action pending before the national court, the decision on costs is a matter for that court.
5 Pravna redakcija
DRUGO: 62004J0406
20 V zvezi s tem predložitveno sodišče navedeno nadomestilo opredeljuje kot „dajatev za brezposelnost` in tožečo stranko v postopku v glavni stvari kot „zaposleno osebo` v smislu člena 1(a) Uredbe št. 1408/71. Vendar Komisija Evropskih skupnosti zatrjuje, da naj bi navedeno nadomestilo ne pomenilo dajatve za brezposelnost, ki spada na področje uporabe Uredbe št. 1408/71, ampak dajatev za predčasno upokojitev, ki je enaka tisti v zadevi, na podlagi katere je bila izdana sodba z dne 11. julija 1996 v zadevi Otte (C-25/95, Recueil, str. I 3745), in sicer dajatev sui generis.
20 The national court categorises that allowance as `unemployment benefit` and the applicant in the main proceedings as an `employed person` within the meaning of Article 1(a) of Regulation No 1408/71. However, the Commission of the European Communities submits that rather than constituting an unemployment benefit falling within the scope of Regulation No 1408/71, that allowance could constitute a pre-retirement benefit similar to that at issue in Case C 25/95 Otte [1996] ECR I-3745 or even a sui generis benefit.
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predložitveno sodišče