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predstavnik v podporni funkciji
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-59
(1) Na podlagi člena 30(2)(a) Pogodbe o Evropski uniji Svet omogoča Europolu olajšati in podpreti pripravo posebnih preiskovalnih dejanj pristojnih organov držav članic ter spodbujati njihovo usklajevanje in izvajanje, vključno z operativnimi dejanji skupnih skupin, v katerih sodelujejo tudi predstavniki Europola v podporni funkciji.
(1) Pursuant to Article 30(2)(a) of the Treaty on European Union, the Council is to enable Europol to facilitate and support the preparation, and to encourage the coordination and carrying out, of specific investigative actions by the competent authorities of the Member States, including operational actions of joint teams comprising representatives of Europol in a support capacity.
2 Končna redakcija
omogoča Europolu olajšati in podpreti pripravo posebnih preiskovalnih dejanj pristojnih organov držav članic ter spodbujati njihovo usklajevanje in izvajanje, vključno z operativnimi dejanji skupnih ekip, v katerih sodelujejo tudi predstavniki Europola v podporni funkciji;
enable Europol to facilitate and support the preparation, and to encourage the coordination and carrying out, of specific investigative actions by the competent authorities of the Member States, including operational actions of joint teams comprising representatives of Europol in a support capacity;
3 Pravna redakcija
Na podlagi člena 30(2)(a) Pogodbe o Evropski uniji Svet omogoča Europolu olajšati in podpreti pripravo posebnih preiskovalnih dejanj pristojnih organov držav članic ter spodbujati njihovo usklajevanje in izvajanje, vključno z operativnimi dejanji skupnih skupin, v katerih sodelujejo tudi predstavniki Europola v podporni funkciji.
Pursuant to Article 30(2)(a) of the Treaty on European Union, the Council is to enable Europol to facilitate and support the preparation, and to encourage the coordination and carrying out, of specific investigative actions by the competent authorities of the Member States, including operational actions of joint teams comprising representatives of Europol in a support capacity.
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predstavnik v podporni funkciji