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preiskan kanal
1 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R0969
Kanada je bila uporabljena že v predhodnih preiskavah.
Canada had been used in the previous investigations.
2 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R1524
Preiskava je potrdila, da so vsa kolesa prodana na trg Skupnosti po podobnih distribucijskih kanalih.
The investigation confirmed that all bicycles are sold through similar distribution channels on the Community market.
3 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R0969
Preiskava je potrdila, da bi se morala kot analogna država uporabiti Kanada zaradi naslednjih razlogov:
The investigation confirmed that Canada should be used as an analogue country because:
4 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31992R3068
Med preiskavo je Komisija dokazala, da tržne cene Kanade in ZDA drugim proizvajalcem še vedno omogočajo ustvarjanje dobička pri običajnem poteku trgovanja.
However, during the investigation, the Commission verified that Canadian and US market prices still made it possible for other producers to make profits in normal trade transactions.
5 Pravna redakcija
Pri vrednotenjih po kanadskih zahtevah bodo evropski CAB podali ugotovitve preiskave in predložili Health Canada skrajšano spremljevalno poročilo ter certifikat skladnosti s temi sklepi.
For evaluating against Canadian requirements, the European CABs shall establish the conclusions of the examination and submit to Health Canada an abbreviated supporting report and certificate of compliance which includes such conclusions.
6 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R1784
Glede tega, kako je izdelke, uvožene iz Brazilije, in izdelke, proizvedene v Skupnosti, sprejel trg, je preiskava potrdila, da ni nobenih razlik, o čemer pričajo tudi zgoraj navedene ugotovljene podobnosti glede distribucijskih kanalov.
As to market perception of the Brazilian imported products and the Community produced products, the investigation has confirmed that there is no difference, as evidenced also by the aforementioned similarities found in the distribution channels.
7 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0502
Preiskava je potrdila pravno zahtevo pritožnika, da Amandma C-57 kanadskega Zakona o blagovnih znamkah krši člena 23.1 in 2 ter člen 24.3 (tako imenovano klavzulo o mirovanju) TRIP-a in da takih kršitev ni mogoče upravičevati na podlagi izjeme po členu 24.6 TRIP-a.
The investigation confirmed the complainant's legal claim that the C-57 Amendment to the Canadian Trade- Marks Act violates Articles 23.1 and 2 as well as Article 24.3 (the so-called standstill clause) of TRIPS and that such infringements cannot be justified on the basis of the exception under Article 24.6 of TRIPS.
8 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R0969
Metodologija, uporabljena za določitev zneska prilagoditve, je bila enaka kot v predhodni preiskavi, t.j. za prevoz v Belorusiji in Rusiji so bili upoštevani podatki o stroških prevoza v Kanadi, medtem ko so bili stroški prevoza od meje države proizvajalke do meje Skupnosti, kjer je bilo ustrezno, določeni na podlagi stroškov, ki jih je javil IPC.
The methodology used to determine the amount of the adjustment was the same as in the previous investigation, i.e. for transport within Belarus and Russia data relating to transport costs in Canada were taken, while transport costs from the border of the producing country to the Community border, where applicable, were determined on the basis of the costs reported by IPC.
9 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R1784
Preiskava je pravzaprav pokazala, da imajo v vseh primerih uvoženi izdelki in izdelki industrije Skupnosti enake fizične in tehnične značilnosti, da so trendi določanja cen podobni in precej nelojalno nižajo cene industrije Skupnosti ter da se vsi uvoženi izdelki, kakor tudi izdelki Skupnosti, prodajajo po enakih ali podobnih distribucijskih kanalih.
Indeed, the investigation showed that, in all cases, the imported products and those of the Community industry have the same physical and technical characteristics, that the pricing trends are similar, significantly undercutting the Community industry's prices, and that all imported products as well as the Community-produced products are sold through the same or similar channels of distribution.
10 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R2042
Iz navedenega je bilo ugotovljeno, da bi cene japonskih proizvajalcev izvoznikov lahko brez ukrepov ostale vsaj na sedanji ravni cen na trgu Skupnosti, ki so občutno nižje od cen industrije Skupnosti in ki bi lahko celo padle pod raven, primerljivo s cenami pri uvozu po poreklu iz Japonske na trge ZDA, Kanade in Latinske Amerike, ali na raven cen, ki so veljale v prvotni preiskavi.
From the above, it was concluded that, in the absence of measures, prices of Japanese exporting producers could at least remain at the current levels found on the Community market which are significantly lower than those of the Community industry and could even potentially fall to levels comparable to the prices for imports originating in Japan into the US, Canadian and Latin-American markets or to the level of prices found in the original investigation.
11 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R0969
Kakor v predhodnih preiskavah je bilo ugotovljeno, da je kalijev klorid, proizveden v Kanadi, ki je bila izbrana kot analogna država (glej poglavje 4.2), in se prodaja na severnoameriškem trgu, enak proizvod kot kalijev klorid, ki se v Skupnost izvaža iz zadevnih držav, ker imajo različne vrste in kakovosti kalijevega klorida enake fizikalne in kemične lastnosti v smislu člena 1(4) osnovne uredbe.
As in the previous investigations, it was established that, since there were no differences in the physical and chemical properties of the different types and qualities of potash, potash produced in Canada, which was chosen as analogue country (see Chapter 4.2) and sold on the North American market, is a like product to that exported to the Community from the countries concerned, in the sense of Article 1(4) of the basic Regulation.
12 Prevod
CELEX: 32002R2385
Odkar so ZDA marca 2002 za celo vrsto jeklenih izdelkov uvedle zaščitne ukrepe, so Evropska skupnost in mnoge države (vključno z Bolgarijo, Kanado, Kitajsko, Češko, Madžarsko, Indijo, Indonezijo, Malezijo, Mehiko in Poljsko), ki so bile zaskrbljene zaradi možnega vpliva teh in predhodnih ukrepov na svetovni trg jekla, seveda sprožile zaščitne preiskave v zvezi z vrsto jeklenih izdelkov.
Indeed, since the imposition of safeguard measures across a broad range of steel products by the US in March 2002, the European Community and many countries (including Bulgaria, Canada, China, the Czech Republic, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Mexico and Poland) concerned by the possible impact of those and earlier measures on the world steel market, have initiated safeguard investigations relating to a range of steel products.
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preiskan kanal