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premoženjski zahtevek
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 7
Premoženjskopravni zahtevek
Pecuniary claim
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-85
(b) izvršijo zahteve druge države pogodbenice za zaseg ali zaplembo stvari ali premoženjske koristi iz pododstavka (a) (i);
(b) Execute requests from another State Party for seizure or confiscation of goods or proceeds referred to in subparagraph (a) (i);
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 7
(1) Oškodovanec lahko v postopku o prekršku uveljavlja premoženjskopravni zahtevek glede vrnitve stvari, povrnitve škode ali razveljavitve pravnega posla.
(1) Within the framework of misdemeanour proceedings, the injured party may exercise his right to lodge a pecuniary claim for the return of items, compensation for damages or annulment of a legal transaction.
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 7
(3) Če sodišče ob obdolžilnem predlogu spozna, da ni pogojev za začetek postopka, s sodbo zavrne predlog, oškodovanca pa napoti, da lahko svoj premoženjskopravni zahtevek uveljavlja pred pristojnim sodiščem.
(3) If, on the basis of the accusation petition, the court finds that the conditions for instituting proceedings are not in place, it shall issue a judgement refusing the petition and advise the injured party that he may exercise his pecuniary claim before the competent court.
5 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 7
(3) Če uveljavlja oškodovanec premoženjskopravni zahtevek, naj se mu vrnejo stvari, ki so bile pridobljene s prekrškom, oziroma znesek, ki ustreza njegovi vrednosti, se ugotavlja premoženjska korist samo v tistem delu, ki ni zajet s premoženjskopravnim zahtevkom.
(3) If the injured party lodges a pecuniary claim in order to recover the items acquired through the misdemeanour, or the monetary amount which is equivalent to the pecuniary claim, only that part of the pecuniary advantage shall be established which is not covered by the pecuniary claim.
6 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2008-22
(a) v okviru svojih pristojnosti vzpostavi celovit notranji sistem predpisov in nadzora za banke in nebančne finančne ustanove, vključno s fizičnimi ali pravnimi osebami, ki opravljajo uradne ali neuradne storitve za prenos denarja ali vrednosti, in po potrebi za druge organe, ki so zlasti dovzetni za pranje denarja, da bi preprečila in odkrila vse oblike pranja denarja, pri čemer tak sistem poudarja zahteve za identifikacijo stranke, in kadar je primerno, dejanskega premoženjskega upravičenca, vodenje evidenc ter poročanje o sumljivih transakcijah;
(a) Institute a comprehensive domestic regulatory and supervisory regime for banks and non-bank financial institutions, including natural or legal persons that provide formal or informal services for the transmission of money or value and, where appropriate, other bodies particularly susceptible to money-laundering, within its competence, in order to deter and detect all forms of money-laundering, which regime shall emphasize requirements for customer and, where appropriate, beneficial owner identification, record-keeping and the reporting of suspicious transactions;
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premoženjski zahtevek