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prenos kmetij
1 Končna redakcija
prenos kmetij
transfer of farms
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-100
(ii) pogodbenicam, na ozemlju katerih so bili zbrani rastlinski genski viri za prehrano in kmetijstvo v razmerah in situ, se na njihovo prošnjo zagotovijo vzorci teh rastlinskih genskih virov za prehrano in kmetijstvo brez sporazuma o prenosu materiala;
(ii) The Contracting Parties in whose territory the plant genetic resources for food and agriculture were collected from in situ conditions shall be provided with samples of such plant genetic resources for food and agriculture on demand, without any MTA;
3 Objavljeno
WTO: Sporazum o kmetijstvu
(d) kmetijske svetovalne in pospeševalne storitve, vključno z zagotavljanjem sredstev za pospeševanje prenosa informacij in izsledkov raziskav proizvajalcem in potrošnikom;
(d) extension and advisory services, including the provision of means to facilitate the transfer of information and the results of research to producers and consumers;
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-100
(i) mednarodna kmetijska raziskovalna središča redno in v skladu s časovnim razporedom, ki ga določi upravni organ, obveščajo upravni organ o sklenjenih sporazumih o prenosu materiala;
(i) The IARCs shall periodically inform the Governing Body about the MTAs entered into, according to a schedule to be established by the Governing Body;
5 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-100
(n) potrditi, da so izpolnjeni pogoji za sklenitev sporazumov z mednarodnimi kmetijskimi raziskovalnimi središči in drugimi mednarodnimi ustanovami iz 15. člena, ter pregledati in spremeniti sporazum o prenosu materiala iz 15. člena.
(n) approve the terms of agreements with the IARCs and other international institutions under Article 15, and review and amend the MTA in Article 15.
6 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-100
(iv) mednarodna kmetijska raziskovalna središča v skladu s svojo zmogljivostjo sprejmejo ustrezne ukrepe za zagotavljanje učinkovitega izpolnjevanja pogojev sporazumov o prenosu materiala in čim prej obvestijo upravni organ o primerih neizpolnjevanja teh pogojev.
(iv) The IARCs shall take appropriate measures, in accordance with their capacity, to maintain effective compliance with the conditions of the MTAs, and shall promptly inform the Governing Body of cases of non-compliance.
7 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-100
Upravni organ ob posvetovanju z mednarodnimi kmetijskimi raziskovalnimi središči spremeni navedeni sporazum o prenosu materiala najpozneje na svoji drugi redni seji v skladu z ustreznimi določbami te pogodbe, zlasti določbami 12. in 13. člena, in pod temi pogoji:
This MTA shall be amended by the Governing Body no later than its second regular session, in consultation with the IARCs, in accordance with the relevant provisions of this Treaty, especially Articles 12 and 13, and under the following conditions:
8 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-100
(g) Če je pravilno vzdrževanje teh zbirk ex situ, ki jih hranijo mednarodna kmetijska raziskovalna središča, ovirano ali ogroženo zaradi kakršnega koli dogodka, vključno z višjo silo, sekretar z odobritvijo države gostiteljice čim bolj pomaga pri njihovi evakuaciji ali prenosu.
(g) If the orderly maintenance of these ex situ collections held by IARCs is impeded or threatened by whatever event, including force majeure, the Secretary, with the approval of the host country, shall assist in its evacuation or transfer, to the extent possible.
9 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-100
(e) sodeluje pri spodbujanju razvoja učinkovitega in trajnostnega sistema ohranjanja ex situ in pri tem ustrezno upošteva potrebo po ustreznem dokumentiranju, ugotavljanju značilnosti, obnavljanju in vrednotenju ter spodbuja razvoj in prenos tehnologij, da bi se izboljšala trajnostna raba rastlinskih genskih virov za prehrano in kmetijstvo;
(e) Cooperate to promote the development of an efficient and sustainable system of ex situ conservation, giving due attention to the need for adequate documentation, characterization, regeneration and evaluation, and promote the development and transfer of appropriate technologies for this purpose with a view to improving the sustainable use of plant genetic resources for food and agriculture;
10 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-100
(b) Rastlinski genski viri za prehrano in kmetijstvo, razen tistih iz priloge I k tej pogodbi, ki so bili zbrani pred začetkom njene veljavnosti in jih hranijo mednarodna kmetijska raziskovalna središča, so na voljo skladno z določbami veljavnega sporazuma o prenosu materiala in sporazumi med mednarodnimi kmetijskimi raziskovalnimi središči in FAO.
(b) Plant genetic resources for food and agriculture other than those listed in Annex I of this Treaty and collected before its entry into force that are held by IARCs shall be made available in accordance with the provisions of the MTA currently in use pursuant to agreements between the IARCs and the FAO.
11 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-100
12.4 V ta namen se lažji dostop v skladu z drugim in tretjim odstavkom 12. člena zagotovi na podlagi tipskega sporazuma o prenosu materiala, ki ga sprejme upravni organ in vsebuje določbe točk a, d in g tretjega odstavka 12. člena kakor tudi določbe o delitvi koristi iz podtočke ii točke d drugega odstavka 13. člena in druge ustrezne določbe te pogodbe ter določbo, v skladu s katero prejemnik rastlinskih genskih virov za prehrano in kmetijstvo zahteva, da pogoji sporazuma o prenosu materiala veljajo za prenos rastlinskih genskih virov za prehrano in kmetijstvo drugi osebi ali subjektu kakor tudi za vse nadaljnje prenose teh rastlinskih genskih virov za prehrano in kmetijstvo.
12.4 To this effect, facilitated access, in accordance with Articles 12.2 and 12.3 above, shall be provided pursuant to a standard material transfer agreement (MTA), which shall be adopted by the Governing Body and contain the provisions of Articles 12.3a, d and g, as well as the benefit-sharing provisions set forth in Article 13.2d(ii) and other relevant provisions of this Treaty, and the provision that the recipient of the plant genetic resources for food and agriculture shall require that the conditions of the MTA shall apply to the transfer of plant genetic resources for food and agriculture to another person or entity, as well as to any subsequent transfers of those plant genetic resources for food and agriculture.
12 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-100
(iii) koristi, pridobljene na podlagi navedenega sporazuma o prenosu materiala, ki izhajajo iz mehanizma iz točke f tretjega odstavka 19. člena, se uporabijo zlasti za ohranjanje in trajnostno rabo zadevnih rastlinskih genskih virov za prehrano in kmetijstvo, predvsem v notranjih in regionalnih programih v državah v razvoju in državah z gospodarstvom v prehodu, zlasti v središčih raznovrstnosti in v najmanj razvitih državah, in
(iii) Benefits arising under the above MTA that accrue to the mechanism mentioned in Article 19.3f shall be applied, in particular, to the conservation and sustainable use of the plant genetic resources for food and agriculture in question, particularly in national and regional programmes in developing countries and countries with economies in transition, especially in centres of diversity and the least developed countries; and
13 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-100
Ob spoznanju, da je veljavni Svetovni akcijski načrt za ohranjanje in trajnostno rabo rastlinskih genskih virov za prehrano in kmetijstvo pomemben za to pogodbo, morajo pogodbenice z notranjimi ukrepi v državah, in če je to primerno, z mednarodnim sodelovanjem spodbujati njegovo učinkovito izvajanje, da bi ob upoštevanju določb 13. člena med drugim zagotovile skladen okvir za vzpostavljanje zmogljivosti, prenos tehnologije in izmenjavo podatkov.
Recognizing that the rolling Global Plan of Action for the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture is important to this Treaty, Contracting Parties should promote its effective implementation, including through national actions and, as appropriate, international cooperation to provide a coherent framework, inter alia, for capacity-building, technology transfer and exchange of information, taking into account the provisions of Article 13.
14 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-100
13.2 Pogodbenice se strinjajo, da se koristi, ki izhajajo iz uporabe rastlinskih genskih virov za prehrano in kmetijstvo v okviru večstranskega sistema, tudi v pridobitne namene, uporabijo pravično in enakopravno v skladu z izmenjavo podatkov, dostopom do tehnologije in njenim prenosom, vzpostavljanjem zmogljivosti ter uporabo koristi, ki izhajajo iz pridobitnih dejavnosti na podlagi usmeritev upravnega organa in ob upoštevanju prednostnih področij delovanja v veljavnem svetovnem delovnem načrtu.
13.2 The Contracting Parties agree that benefits arising from the use, including commercial, of plant genetic resources for food and agriculture under the Multilateral System shall be shared fairly and equitably through the following mechanisms: the exchange of information, access to and transfer of technology, capacity-building, and the sharing of the benefits arising from commercialization, taking into account the priority activity areas in the rolling Global Plan of Action, under the guidance of the Governing Body:
15 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-100
(ii) Dostop do tehnologije in njen prenos državam, zlasti državam v razvoju in državam z gospodarstvom v prehodu, se zagotovita s pomočjo vrste ukrepov, kot so: ustanavljanje in ohranjanje tematskih skupin o uporabi rastlinskih genskih virov za prehrano in kmetijstvo, oblikovanih glede na vrsto gojenih rastlin, ter sodelovanje v teh skupinah, vse vrste partnerstev za raziskave in razvoj, skupna podjetja v pridobitne namene v zvezi s prejetim materialom, razvoj človeških virov in učinkovit dostop do raziskovalnih zmogljivosti.
(ii) Access to and transfer of technology to countries, especially to developing countries and countries with economies in transition, shall be carried out through a set of measures, such as the establishment and maintenance of, and participation in, crop-based thematic groups on utilization of plant genetic resources for food and agriculture, all types of partnership in research and development and in commercial joint ventures relating to the material received, human resource development, and effective access to research facilities.
16 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-100
(ii) Pogodbenice se strinjajo, da se v tipski sporazum o prenosu materiala iz četrtega odstavka 12. člena vključi zahteva, da prejemnik, ki trži izdelek, ki je rastlinski genski vir za prehrano in kmetijstvo in vsebuje material, do katerega je imel prejemnik dostop v večstranskem sistemu, plača na način iz točke f tretjega odstavka 19. člena ustrezen delež koristi, ki izhajajo iz trgovanja s tem izdelkom, razen kadar je tak izdelek neomejeno na voljo drugim osebam za nadaljnje raziskovanje in žlahtnjenje; v tem primeru je treba spodbuditi prejemnika, ki trguje s takim izdelkom, da izvede omenjeno plačilo.
(ii) The Contracting Parties agree that the standard Material Transfer Agreement referred to in Article 12.4 shall include a requirement that a recipient who commercializes a product that is a plant genetic resource for food and agriculture and that incorporates material accessed from the Multilateral System, shall pay to the mechanism referred to in Article 19.3f, an equitable share of the benefits arising from the commercialization of that product, except whenever such a product is available without restriction to others for further research and breeding, in which case the recipient who commercializes shall be encouraged to make such payment.
17 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1257
Prenosnik kmetije:
A transferor of a farm shall:
18 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0796
Prenos kmetijskih gospodarstev
Transfer of holdings
19 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1257
je pred prenosom deset let opravljal kmetijsko dejavnost.
have practised farming for the 10 years preceding transfer.
20 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
stroški, povezani s prenosom lastništva pri trgovini med kmetijskimi enotami [26].
the costs associated with the transfer of ownership incurred in trade between agricultural units(27).
21 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0796
"prenosnik" pomeni kmeta, čigar kmetijsko gospodarstvo se prenese na drugega kmeta;
«transferor» means the farmer whose holding is transferred to another farmer;
22 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1257
nasledi prenosnika kot nosilec kmetijskega gospodarstva ali prevzame vsa ali del sproščenih zemljišč.
succeed the transferor as the head of the agricultural holding or take over all or part of the land released.
23 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0817
Če kmetijo prenaša več prenosnikov, je skupna podpora omejena na znesek, predviden za enega prenosnika.
Article 7 Where a farm is transferred by several transferors, overall support shall be limited to the amount provided for one transferor.
24 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
stroškom, povezanim s prenosom lastništva pri izmenjavah nasadov, ki so dozoreli, med kmetijskimi enotami.
the costs associated with transfer of ownership in exchanges, between agricultural units, of plantations which have reached maturity.
25 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1257
je v štiriletnem obdobju pred predčasno upokojitvijo prenosnika delal na kmetijskem gospodarstvu prenosnika v obdobju, ki je najmanj enakovredno dvema letoma s polnim delovnim časom in
have worked on the transferor's agricultural holding for at least the equivalent of two years full-time during the four-year period preceding the early retirement of the transferor, and
26 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0817
Nekomercialne kmetijske dejavnosti, ki jih nadaljuje prenosnik v skladu s prvo alineo člena 11(1) Uredbe (ES) št. 1257/1999, niso upravičene do podpore v okviru skupne kmetijske politike.
Non-commercial farming activity continued by the transferor in accordance with the first indent of Article 11(1) of Regulation (EC) No 1257/1999 shall not be eligible for support under the common agricultural policy.
27 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1257
Prejemanje podpore za predčasno upokojitev ne sme trajati več kakor skupno 15 let za prenosnika in 10 let za delavca na kmetiji.
The duration of early retirement support shall not exceed a total period of 15 years for the transferor and 10 years for the farm worker.
28 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0796
"prenos kmetijskega gospodarstva" pomeni prodajo, zakup ali podobno vrsto posla v zvezi z zadevnimi proizvodnimi enotami;
«transfer of a holding» means the sale, lease or any similar type of transaction in respect of the production units concerned;
29 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32000D0115
Primeri, ko prejšnji lastnik ob prenosu kmetijskega gospodarstva na svojega naslednika (dediča, najemnika itd.) zadrži del zemljišč.
Cases where a parcel of land has been retained by the former holder when transferring the holding to his successor (heir, tenant, etc.).
30 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
lahko so prodaja stoječih nasadov drugim (kmetijskim) enotam, in v tem primeru se v ERK vnesejo samo stroški, povezani s prenosom lastništva.
they may be sales of standing plantations to other (agricultural) units, in which case only the costs associated with the transfer of ownership are entered in the EAA.
31 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0796
Treba bi bilo določiti pravila o posledicah prenosa celotnih kmetijskih gospodarstev, ki imajo določene obveznosti v skladu s shemami neposrednih plačil v okviru integriranega sistema.
Rules should be established laying down the consequences of transfers of entire holdings which are under certain obligations in accordance with the direct payment schemes subject to the integrated system.
32 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32000D0115
Kmetijske rastline, ki so v celotnem ali prevladujočem obdobju svoje rasti zavarovane v rastlinjakih ali pod fiksno ali prenosno visoko zaščito (stekleno ali trdo ali upogljivo plastiko).
Crops, which for the whole of their period of growth or for the predominant part of it are covered by greenhouses or fixed or mobile high cover (glass or rigid or flexible plastic).
33 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0817
V zvezi s pogoji glede podpore za predčasno upokojitev je treba rešiti posebne probleme, ki nastanejo, kadar gre za prenos kmetijskega gospodarstva z več prenosniki ali pa s kmeta zakupnika.
As regards the conditions for early retirement support, specific problems arising where a holding is transferred by several transferors or by a tenant farmer should be solved.
34 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
Stroški, povezani s prenosom lastništva neproizvedenih sredstev, se nanašajo na pridobitve zemljišč in neproizvedenih neopredmetenih sredstev (npr. patentirana sredstva, proizvodne pravice itd.) kmetijskih enot.
Costs associated with the transfer of ownership of non-produced assets refer to acquisitions of land and non-produced intangible assets (such as patented assets, production rights, etc.) by agricultural units.
35 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0795
Če se kmet upokoji ali umre in zagotovi prenos svojega gospodarstva v celoti ali delno na družinskega člana ali dediča, ki namerava nadaljevati kmetijsko dejavnost na tem gospodarstvu, je treba zagotoviti nemoten prenos gospodarstva ali dela gospodarstva znotraj družine, zlasti če je bilo zemljišče, ki se prenaša, v referenčnem obdobju dano v zakup tretji osebi brez poseganja v možnost, da dedič nadaljuje kmetijsko dejavnost.
In cases where a farmer retires or dies and provides for transferring his holding or part of it to a member of the family or inheritant who intends to continue the agricultural activity on this holding, it is appropriate to ensure that the transfer of the holding or part of it within a family can easily take place in particular, in the case where the transferred land was leased to a third person during the reference period without prejudging the possibility for the inheritant to continue the agricultural activity.
36 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
Treba je ponoviti, da če ta transakcija zadeva dve enoti kmetijske dejavnosti v istem obračunskem obdobju, se ta dva tokova izničita, zajamejo pa se samo stroški, povezani s prenosom lastništva pod ustrezno rubriko osnovnih sredstev.
It should be recalled that if this transaction concerns two units of the agricultural industry during the same accounting period, the two flows cancel each other out and only the costs associated with the transfer of ownership are recorded under the corresponding fixed asset heading.
37 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
Bruto investicije v osnovna sredstva ustrezajo pridobitvi teh sredstev (nova sredstva, proizvedena ali uvožena v obračunskem obdobju, ali obstoječa sredstva), od katerih se odštejejo prenosi v druge enote (kmetijske dejavnosti ali drugih dejavnosti).
GFCF corresponds to the acquisition of these assets (new assets produced or imported during the accounting period, or existing assets) less transfers to other units (of the agricultural industry or other industries).
38 Končna redakcija
Portugalska republika lahko do 31. decembra 1990 odloži liberalizacijo prenosov v zvezi z nakupi stavb, zgrajenih za stanovanjske namene, pa tudi zemljišč, že uporabljenih kot kmetijska zemljišča ali razvrščenih kot kmetijska zemljišča v skladu s portugalsko zakonodajo na dan pristopa, ki jih na Portugalskem opravijo osebe s stalnim prebivališčem v drugih državah članicah.
The Portuguese Republic may postpone until 31 December 1990 the liberalization of transfers relating to purchases, made in Portugal by residents of the other Member States, or buildings constructed and intended for residential accommodation, as well as of land already used as agricultural land or classed as agricultural land under Portuguese legislation on the date of accession.
39 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0796
Kadar se kmetijsko gospodarstvo prenese v celoti z enega kmeta na drugega po tem, ko je bil vložen zahtevek za pomoč in preden so bili izpolnjeni vsi pogoji za dodelitev pomoči, se ne podeli nobena pomoč prenosniku v zvezi s kmetijskim gospodarstvom, ki se prenese.
2.Where a holding is transferred in its entirety from one farmer to another farmer after an aid application has been lodged and before all the conditions for granting the aid have been fulfilled, no aid shall be granted to the transferor in respect of the transferred holding.
40 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0796
kadar pristojni kontrolni organ ni plačilna agencija, prenos potrebnih informacij o kmetih, ki zaprosijo za neposredna plačila, s plačilne agencije na specializirana nadzorna telesa in/ali, kjer je primerno, prek usklajevalnega organa iz člena 23(3) Uredbe (ES) št. 1782/2003;
where the competent control authority is not the Paying Agency, the transfer of the necessary information concerning the farmers applying for direct payments from the Paying Agency to the specialised control bodies and/or, where applicable, via the coordinating body referred to in Article 23(3) of Regulation (EC) No 1782/2003;
41 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
Pridobitve osnovnih sredstev zajemajo nova ali obstoječa osnovna sredstva, ki so bila pridobljena (kupljena, pridobljena z barterskimi transakcijami, prejeta kot kapitalski prenosi v naravi ali pridobljena s finančnim lizingom), osnovna sredstva, proizvedena in zadržana za proizvajalčevo lastno uporabo, velike izboljšave osnovnih sredstev in neproizvedenih opredmetenih sredstev, naravno rast v kmetijskih sredstvih (živina in nasadi) ter stroške, povezane s prenosom lastništva neproizvedenih sredstev (prim. ESR 95, 3.103(a)).
Acquisitions of fixed assets comprise new or existing fixed assets which have been acquired (purchased, acquired in barter transactions, received as capital transfers in kind or acquired as a financial lease), fixed assets produced and retained for the producer's own use, major improvements to fixed assets and to non-produced tangible assets, natural growth in agricultural assets (livestock and plantations) and costs associated with the transfer of ownership of non-produced assets (cf. ESA 95, 3.103(a)).
42 Končna redakcija
Ne glede na obveznosti iz pogodb, na katerih temelji Evropska unija, lahko Češka sedem let od dne pristopa ohrani v veljavi pravila iz Zakona o zunanji trgovini št. 219/1995 Sb. s spremembami o ureditvi lastninskih razmerij na zemljiščih in na kmetijskem premoženju ter iz Zakona št. 95/1999 Sb. o pogojih za prenos kmetijskih zemljišč in gozdov iz državne lastnine v lastnino drugih subjektov glede pridobitve kmetijskih zemljišč in gozdov s strani državljanov držav članic in družb, ki so ustanovljene v skladu z zakonodajo drugih držav članic, ki nimajo sedeža ali niso registrirane na Češkem.
Notwithstanding the obligations under the Treaties on which the European Union is founded, the Czech Republic may maintain in force for seven years from the date of accession the rules laid down in the Foreign Exchange Act No. 219/1995 Sb. as amended, Act No. 229/1991 Sb. on the arrangement of ownership relations towards land and other agricultural property, and the Act No. 95/1999 Sb. on conditions relating to the transfer of agricultural land and forests from the state ownership to ownership of other entities regarding the acquisition of agricultural land and forests by nationals of the Member States and by companies formed in accordance with the laws of another Member State which are neither established nor registered in the Czech Republic.
43 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0583
"(d) upoštevajoč shemo enotnih plačil, podrobna pravila, ki so povezana zlasti z ustanovitvijo nacionalne rezerve, prenosom pravic, opredelitvijo trajnih nasadov, trajnih pašnikov, kmetijskega zemljišča in travinja, z možnostmi iz poglavij 5 in 6 naslova III ter seznamom nasadov, ki so dovoljeni v prahi, kakor tudi podrobna pravila, ki so povezana s skladnostjo z memorandumom o soglasju o nekaterih oljnicah, sklenjenim med Evropsko gospodarsko skupnostjo in Združenimi državami Amerike v okviru Splošnega sporazuma o carinah in trgovini, potrjenega z Odločbo 93/355/EGS *. * UL L 147, 18.6.1993, str. 25."
"(d) with regard to the single payment scheme, detailed rules relating in particular to the establishment of national reserve, the transfer of entitlements, the definition of permanent crops, permanent pastures, agricultural land and grassland, the options provided for in Chapters 5 and 6 of Title III and the list of crops allowed on the set-aside land as well as detailed rules relating to compliance with the Memorandum of Understanding on certain oil seeds between the European Economic Community and the United States of America within the framework of the GATT approved by Decision 93/355/EEC(8)."
44 Pravna redakcija
Prenos kmetijskih gospodarstevv
Transfer of holdings
45 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
- stroški, povezani s prenosom lastništva pri trgovini med kmetijskimi enotami fn.
- the costs associated with the transfer of ownership incurred in trade between agricultural units fn.
46 Pravna redakcija
Prenos pooblastil in obveznosti se izvede hkrati s prenosom kmetijskega gospodarstva.
The transfer of the authorization and obligations shall take effect at the same time at which the transfer of the holding takes effect.
47 Pravna redakcija
plačilo v naravi (na primer prenočišče, hrana, nastanitev, kmetijski pridelki, itd.),
salaries and wages in kind (e. g. lodging, board, housing, farm produce, etc.),
48 Pravna redakcija
"prenosnik" je nosilec kmetijskega gospodarstva, katerega kmetijsko gospodarstvo se prenese na drugega nosilca kmetijskega gospodarstva;
'transferor' means the farmer whose holding is transferred to another farmer;
49 Pravna redakcija
Prodaja kmetijskega gospodarstva ali dela kmetijskega gospodarstva, zato da ga izkoriščajo drugi, se šteje kot prenos v smislu odstavka 1.
The disposal of a holding or part thereof for the purpose of exploitation by others shall be regarded as transfer within the meaning of paragraph 1.
50 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R2286
Domače živali, izvožene med prenosom kmetijskih dejavnosti iz Skupnosti v tretjo državo 120 C51
Domesticated animals exported at the time of transfer of agricultural activities from the Community to a third country 120 C51
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prenos kmetij