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prenos podjetja
1 Pravna redakcija
Prenos podjetja ali njegovega dela na splošno vključuje prenos na prevzemnika, z namenom polnega izkoriščanja prenesenih sredstev, pravic intelektualne lastnine ali znanja in izkušenj.
The transfer of an undertaking or of part of it generally includes the transfer to the acquirer, with a view to the full exploitation of the assets transferred, of intellectual property rights or know- how.
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-24
naloge operaterja prenosnega sistema plinovoda opravlja podjetje;
the functions of the gas pipeline's transmission system operator shall be performed by the company;
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-5
Prenos naloge tehnične odobritve na eno samo železniško prevozno podjetje ob izključitvi drugih ni dopusten.
The transfer of competence to grant technical admission to a rail transport undertaking while others are excluded from that competence, shall not be allowed.
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
prenos predlaganih naložb v sekundarnem procesu izdelave jekla iz leta 2004 v leto 2003, da bi podjetje lahko konkuriralo predvsem po kakovosti in ne po ceni;
(iii) bringing forward the proposed investment in the secondary steel-making process from 2004 to 2003, in order to allow the company to compete on quality rather than on price;
5 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2009-84
(a) praksa vlade ali regionalnega organa ali druge javne organizacije vključuje neposreden prenos sredstev, kot so dotacije, posojila ali infuzije lastniškega kapitala, potencialen neposreden prenos sredstev na podjetje ali prevzem obveznosti podjetja, kot so garancije za posojila;
(a) a practice of a government or regional body or other public organisation involves a direct transfer of funds such as grants, loans or equity infusion, potential direct transfer of funds to the company or the assumption of liabilities of the company such as loan guarantees;
6 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-24
Podjetje opravlja svojo dejavnost na območju Republike Slovenije v skladu s pravom v Republiki Sloveniji in z zahtevami, ki veljajo za operaterje prenosnega sistema (zlasti njihovo certificiranje), in s tem sporazumom.
The company shall conduct its activities on the territory of the Republic of Slovenia in accordance with the law in the Republic of Slovenia, including applicable requirements for transmission system operators (in particular their certification), and this Agreement.
7 Objavljeno
WTO: Trg vidiki pravic intelektualne lastnine
Razvite države članice spodbujajo podjetja in ustanove na njihovem območju k pospeševanju in spodbujanju prenosa tehnologije najmanj razvitim državam članicam, da bi jim omogočile ustvariti trdno tehnološko bazo.
Developed country Members shall provide incentives to enterprises and institutions in their territories for the purpose of promoting and encouraging technology transfer to least-developed country Members in order to enable them to create a sound and viable technological base.
8 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-48
Sodelovanje z državami v razvoju za namene, določene v tem členu, vključuje zagotavljanje finančne pomoči, pomoči, povezane z razvojem človeških virov, strokovne pomoči, prenos tehnologije, vključno s skupnimi podjetji, ter svetovanje in posvetovanje.
Cooperation with developing States for the purposes set out in this Article shall include the provision of financial assistance, assistance relating to human resources development, technical assistance, transfer of technology, including through joint-venture arrangements, and advisory and consultative services.
9 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-24
Eden od pogojev za začetek gradnje plinovoda je sklenitev dolgoročne pogodbe za prenos zemeljskega plina po plinovodu v količinah, določenih v skladu s 4. členom tega sporazuma, med podjetjem in ruskim ustanoviteljem ali pravno osebo, ki jo določi ruski ustanovitelj.
One of the preconditions for the beginning of the gas pipeline construction is conclusion of long-term contract for transmission of volumes of natural gas in accordance with the Article 4 of the present Agreement through the gas pipeline, between the company and the Russian founder or a legal entity designated by the Russian founder.
10 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-2
Pogodbenica ladjarskim podjetjem druge pogodbenice prizna pravico do uporabe dohodka od ladjarske dejavnosti, prejetega na območju države pogodbenice, za plačilo vseh dajatev in pristojbin, ki izhajajo iz te dejavnosti, ali zagotovi prosti prenos tega dohodka v zamenljivi valuti.
One Contracting Party shall grant to shipping companies of the other Contracting Party the right to use the incomes from maritime shipping services received in the territory of the State of the Contracting Party to pay any charges and dues arising from these services or shall ensure the free transfer of such incomes in convertible currency.
11 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 127
- s prodajo dela deleža države, samoupravne lokalne skupnosti ali druge osebe javnega prava oziroma drugega javnega partnerja v javnem podjetju ali drugi pravni osebi nosilcu posebnih oziroma izključnih pravic ali javnih pooblastil ter prenosom izvajanja oziroma nadaljevanjem (ohranitvijo) izvajanja pravic in obveznosti, ki iz javno-zasebnega partnerstva izhajajo, na to pravno osebo (v nadaljnjem besedilu: partnerstvo s prodajo deleža) ali
through the sale of part of the interest of the state, a self-governing local community or other person of public law or other public partner in a public company or other legal person to the holder of special or exclusive rights or public authorisation and the transfer of the exercising or continuation (maintaining) of the exercising of rights and obligations proceeding from public-private partnership to such legal person (hereinafter:partnership through sale of interest) or
12 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
CELEX: 32002L0087
"družba za upravljanje" pomeni družbo za upravljanje v smislu člena 1a(2) Direktive Sveta 85/611/EGS z dne 20. decembra 198585/611/EGS o uskladitvi zakonov in drugih predpisov o kolektivnih naložbenih podjemih za vlaganja v prenosljive vrednostne papirje (KNPVP) [14. ] ter podjetje, ki ima registrirani sedež zunaj Skupnosti in ki bi v skladu s členom 5(1) te direktive potrebovalo dovoljenje za opravljanje poslov, če bi imelo svoj registrirani sedež v Skupnosti;
"asset management company" shall mean a management company within the meaning of Article 1a(2) of Council Directive 85/611/EEC of 20 December 1985 on the coordination of laws, regulations and administrative provisions relating to undertakings for collective investment in transferable securities (UCITS)(14), as well as an undertaking the registered office of which is outside the Community and which would require authorisation in accordance with Article 5(1) of that Directive if it had its registered office within the Community;
13 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-100
(ii) Dostop do tehnologije in njen prenos državam, zlasti državam v razvoju in državam z gospodarstvom v prehodu, se zagotovita s pomočjo vrste ukrepov, kot so: ustanavljanje in ohranjanje tematskih skupin o uporabi rastlinskih genskih virov za prehrano in kmetijstvo, oblikovanih glede na vrsto gojenih rastlin, ter sodelovanje v teh skupinah, vse vrste partnerstev za raziskave in razvoj, skupna podjetja v pridobitne namene v zvezi s prejetim materialom, razvoj človeških virov in učinkovit dostop do raziskovalnih zmogljivosti.
(ii) Access to and transfer of technology to countries, especially to developing countries and countries with economies in transition, shall be carried out through a set of measures, such as the establishment and maintenance of, and participation in, crop-based thematic groups on utilization of plant genetic resources for food and agriculture, all types of partnership in research and development and in commercial joint ventures relating to the material received, human resource development, and effective access to research facilities.
14 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R2792
prenos lastništva podjetja ne sproži pomoči Skupnosti.
the transfer of ownership of an undertaking shall not give rise to the grant of Community aid.
15 Končna redakcija
premije za trajni prenos v okviru skupnega podjetja: zneski iz člena 8(3);
premiums for permanent transfer within the framework of a joint enterprise: the amounts referred to in Article 8(3);
16 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R2792
upravičenec mora v petih letih po prenosu lastništva nad plovilom na skupno podjetje izpolniti naslednja pogoja:
the following conditions must be met by the beneficiary during a period of five years from the transfer of ownership of the vessel to the joint enterprise:
17 Končna redakcija
prenos predlaganih naložb v sekundarnem procesu izdelave jekla iz leta 2004 v leto 2003, da bi podjetje lahko konkuriralo predvsem po kvaliteti in ne po ceni;
bringing forward the proposed investment in the secondary steel making process from 2004 to 2003, in order to allow the company to compete on quality rather than on price;
18 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R2792
če ob predložitvi vloge za premijo za skupno podjetje niso izpolnjeni pogoji pod (a) in (b), se državna pomoč omeji na premijo za trajni prenos iz člena 7(5)(c);
if the conditions at (a) and (b) are not fulfilled when the application for the premium for joint enterprises is lodged, the public aid shall be restricted to the premium for permanent transfer referred to in Article 7(5)(c);
19 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0868
praksa vlade ali regionalnega organa ali druge javne organizacije vključuje neposreden prenos sredstev, kot so dotacije, posojila ali infuzije lastniškega kapitala, potencialni neposreden prenos sredstev na podjetje ali prevzem odgovornosti podjetja kot so garancije za posojila;
a practice of a government or regional body or other public organisation involves a direct transfer of funds such as grants, loans or equity infusion, potential direct transfer of funds to the company or the assumption of liabilities of the company such as loan guarantees;
20 Končna redakcija
prenos upravljanja podjetja za obdobje največ štirih mesecev na osebo ali skupino oseb, ki jih v medsebojnem soglasju imenujeta Komisija in država, v katere pristojnost spada podjetje;
the placing of the undertaking for a period not exceeding four months under the administration of a person or board appointed by common accord of the Commission and the State having jurisdiction over the undertaking;
21 Končna redakcija
Ob prenosu plovila v skupno podjetje izplača upravljalni organ predlagatelju 80 % premije, potem ko predlagatelj predloži dokaz, da je banka izdala jamstvo za znesek v višini 20 % premije.
The management authority shall pay 80 % of the premium to the applicant when the vessel is transferred to the joint enterprise, after the applicant has provided proof that a bank guarantee for an amount equal to 20 % of the premium has been lodged.
22 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R2792
s trajnim prenosom plovila v tretjo državo, vključno v okviru skupnega podjetja v smislu člena 8, po sporazumu pristojnih organov zadevne države, če so izpolnjeni vsi naslednji kriteriji:
permanent transfer of the vessel to a third country, including in the framework of a joint enterprise within the meaning of Article 8, after agreement by the competent authorities of the country concerned, provided all the following criteria are met:
23 Končna redakcija
Podjetja, ki črpajo, izvajajo prenos ali dobavo pitne vode, skladno s koncesijskim aktom, izdanim na podlagi Zakona o varstvu okolja (Uradni list Republike Slovenije, 32/93, 1/96) in odloki občin.
(Entities producing, transporting or distributing drinking water, in accordance with the concession act granted pursuant to the Environment Protection Act (Official Journal of the Republic of Slovenia, 32/93, 1/96) and the decisions issued by the municipalities).
24 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0021
Države elanice poskrbijo za uradno obvestitev nacionalnega regulativnega organa, odgovornega za dodelitev spektra, o tem, da namerava podjetje prenesti pravice do uporabe radijskih frekvenc ter da vsak prenos poteka skladno s postopki, ki jih doloei nacion alni regulativni organ, in da je ta prenos objavljen.
Member States shall ensure that an undertaking's intention to transfer rights to use radio frequencies is notified to the national regulatory authority responsible for spectrum assignment and that any transfer takes place in accordance with procedures laid down by the national regulatory authority and is made public.
25 Končna redakcija
do 31. decembra 1988 liberalizacijo neposrednih naložb oseb s stalnim prebivališčem v Španiji v podjetjih drugih držav članic, katerih cilj je pridobitev in lastništvo prenosljivih vrednostnih papirjev,
until 31 December 1988, the liberalization of direct investments in the undertakings of the other Member States by persons resident in Spain, having as their object the acquisition and ownership of transferable securities,
26 Končna redakcija
Kljub temu zaradi različnih vzrokov (prenova postopkov, priprave podjetij na overjanje sistemov kakovosti in podobno) podjetja v vse večji meri v smiselnih mejah modelirajo in določajo tudi tovrstne postopke.
Nevertheless, different motives like process reengineering and quality-management-system establishment also force organizations to model and define this type of process.
27 Končna redakcija
prenosa poslovnih funkcij in učinkov na eno ali več podjetij, ki so pod lastniško kontrolo ali v delni ali popolni lasti zaposlenih, njihovih družinskih članov ali drugih pravnih ali fizičnih oseb (t. i. by-pass podjetja);
Business operations or results were transferred to one or more by-pass companies in which employees of the company or their relatives or other natural or legal persons have ownership control, or are sole owners or co-owners of the company.
28 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R0314
Podjetja, ki proizvajajo izoglukozo, v nasprotju s podjetji, ki proizvajajo sladkor in so odvisna od pridelave sladkorne pese ali sladkornega trsa, ne smejo koristiti možnosti prenosa proizvodnje iz enega tržnega leta v drugo.
Undertakings producing isoglucose, contrary to undertakings producing sugar which rely on production of sugar beet or sugar cane, are not authorised to use the option of carrying over production from one marketing year to the next.
29 Končna redakcija
(5) Ne glede na določbo prejšnjega odstavka lahko podjetje prenese del poslovanja na novoustanovljeno pravno osebo, če je bil takšen prenos opredeljen kot ena od metod finančne reorganizacije v načrtu finančne reorganizacije.
(5) Notwithstanding the provision of the previous section, the company may transfer part of its business to a newly established juristic person if such transfer has been outlined as one of the financial reorganisation methods in the financial reorganisation plan.
30 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0074
Tudi če bi bilo to res, se ugodnosti DEPB dodeljujejo upravičenih podjetjem v obliki gotovinskih subvencij (neposreden prenos sredstev), oprostitev davka na dohodek pa se uporablja za izpad "predpisanega" vladnega dohodka.
Even if its inclusion was appropriate, the DEPB benefit is given to eligible firms in the form of a cash grant (i.e. a direct transfer of funds), while the income tax exemption applies to government revenue "otherwise due" being foregone.
31 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0772
V skladu s členom 81(3) Pogodbe in na podlagi določb te uredbe izjavljamo, da se člen 81(1) Pogodbe ne uporablja za sporazume o prenosu tehnologije, sklenjene med dvema podjetjema, s katerimi se dovoljuje proizvodnja pogodbenih izdelkov.
Pursuant to Article 81(3) of the Treaty and subject to the provisions of this Regulation, it is hereby declared that Article 81(1) of the Treaty shall not apply to technology transfer agreements entered into between two undertakings permitting the production of contract products.
32 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0772
Uredba št. 19/65/EGS pooblašča Komisijo, da z uredbo določi uporabo člena 81(3) Pogodbe za nekatere skupine sporazumov o prenosu tehnologije in ustreznih usklajenih ravnanj, zajetih v členu 81(1), v katerih sta udeleženi samo dve podjetji.
Regulation No 19/65/EEC empowers the Commission to apply Article 81(3) of the Treaty by Regulation to certain categories of technology transfer agreements and corresponding concerted practices to which only two undertakings are party which fall within Article 81(1).
33 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R2792
brez vpliva na člena 29(4) in 38 Uredbe (ES) št. 1260/1999 izvede upravljalni organ finančni popravek za razliko med premijo za skupno podjetje in premijo za trajni prenos istega plovila (v nadaljevanju besedila: »razlika«) v naslednjih primerih:
without prejudice to Articles 29(4) and 38 of Regulation (EC) No 1260/1999, the management authority shall carry out a financial correction on the difference between the premium for joint enterprise and the premium for permanent transfer of the same vessel (hereinafter called "difference"), in the following cases:
34 Končna redakcija
Komisija je še posebej v primeru "Optical Fibres" [36] s področja telekomunikacij ugotovila, da je združeno podjetje evropskim podjetjem omogočilo proizvodnjo visokotehnološkega proizvoda ter spodbujdilotehnološki napredek in prenos tehnologije.
Precisely in a decision concerning telecommunications, the 'Optical Fibres` case (36), the Commission considered that the joint venture enabled European companies to produce a high technology product, promoted technical progress, and facilitated technology transfer.
35 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0017
Občinski subjekti in javna podjetja za proizvodnjo električne energije in subjekti, zadolženi za vzdrževanje električnih prenosnih ali distribucijskih omrežij in za transport električne energije ali za elektroenergetski sistem na podlagi licence v skladu s členom 6 ali 16
Municipal entities and public enterprises producing electricity and entities responsible for the maintenance of electricity transport or distribution networks and for transporting electricity or for the electricity system under a licence pursuant to Section 4 or 16 of the sähkömarkkinalakisähkömarkkinalaki/ /elmarknadslagen (386/1995).
36 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0364
Pomoč za raziskave in razvoj za majhna in srednje velika podjetja je izjemnega pomena, ker so ena strukturno pogojenih slabosti majhnih in srednje velikih podjetij prav težave, s katerimi se soočajo pri dostopanju do novih dosežkov tehnološkega razvoja ter do prenosa tehnologije.
Aid for research and development for SMEs is of utmost importance, because one of the structural disadvantages of SMEs lies in the difficulty they may experience in gaining access to new technological developments and to technology transfer.
37 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0039
Vsaj enkrat letno investicijska podjetja obvestijo pristojni organ tudi o imenih delničarjev in družbenikov s kvalificiranimi deleži ter o velikostih teh deležev, kakor so, na primer, prikazani v informacijah, prejetih na letnih skupščinah delničarjev in družbenikov ali kot posledica skladnosti s predpisi, ki se uporabljajo za podjetja, katerih prenosljivi vrednostni papirji so sprejeti v trgovanje na reguliranem trgu.
At least once a year, investment firms shall also inform the competent authority of the names of shareholders and members possessing qualifying holdings and the sizes of such holdings as shown, for example, by the information received at annual general meetings of shareholders and members or as a result of compliance with the regulations applicable to companies whose transferable securities are admitted to trading on a regulated market.
38 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0039
Vendar se lahko fizična oseba, če opravlja storitve, ki zajemajo posedovanje sredstev ali prenosljivih vrednostnih papirjev tretjih strank, šteje za investicijsko podjetje za namene te direktive samo, če brez poseganja v druge zahteve iz te direktive in Direktive 93/6/EGS izpolnjuje naslednje pogoje:
However, where a natural person provides services involving the holding of third parties' funds or transferable securities, he may be considered as an investment firm for the purposes of this Directive only if, without prejudice to the other requirements imposed in this Directive and in Directive 93/6/EEC, he complies with the following conditions:
39 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0772
Pragovi tržnih deležev, neizvzetje sporazumov o prenosu tehnologije, ki vsebujejo strogo protikonkurenčne omejitve, in izključene omejitve, ki jih določa ta uredba, običajno zagotavljajo, da sporazumi, za katere velja skupinska izjema, udeleženim podjetjem ne omogočajo izključitve konkurence glede znatnega dela zadevnih proizvodov.
The market-share thresholds, the non-exemption of technology transfer agreements containing severely anti-competitive restraints and the excluded restrictions provided for in this Regulation will normally ensure that the agreements to which the block exemption applies do not enable the participating undertakings to eliminate competition in respect of a substantial part of the products in question.
40 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R2792
če upravičenec obvesti upravljalni organ o spremembi v pogojih delovanja, ki je privedla do neskladnosti s pogoji iz člena 8(2) te uredbe, vključno s prodajo plovila, prenosom lastniškega deleža, ki ga izvede partner iz Skupnosti, ali upokojitvijo lastnika plovila iz Skupnosti v skupnem podjetju, je finančni popravek enak delu zneska razlike;
if the beneficiary notifies to the management authority a change in operating conditions that lead to non-compliance with the conditions referred to in Article 8(2) of this Regulation, including the sale of the vessel, the transfer of holding by the Community partner or the retirement of the Community shipowner in the joint enterprise the financial correction shall be equal to part of the amount of the difference;
41 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0017
Javni ali drugi subjekti, ki opravljajo plinsko prenosno omrežje in ki transportirajo in distribuirajo plin na podlagi licence v skladu s poglavjem 3(1) ali poglavjem 6(1) maakaasumarkkinalakinaturgasmarknadslagen (508/2000), in občinski subjekti ali javna podjetja, ki proizvajajo, transportirajo ali distribuirajo toploto ali zagotavljajo toploto za omrežja.
Public or other entities operating a gas network transport system and transporting or distributing gas under a licence pursuant to Chapter 3(1) or Chapter 6(1) of the maakaasumarkkinalaki//naturgasmarknadslagen (508/2000); and municipal entities or public enterprises producing, transporting or distributing heat or providing heat to networks.
42 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0021
Pri sporih med podjetji v eni državi èlanici na podroèju, ki ga zajemajo ta direktiva ali posebne direktive, na primer glede obveznosti za dostop in medomrežno povezovanje ali glede sredstev za prenos seznamov naroènikov, naj ima oškodovana stranka, ki se je pogajala v dobri veri, vendar ji ni uspelo doseèi soglasja, možnost pozvati nacionalni regulativni organ, naj reši spor.
In the event of a dispute between undertakings in the same Member State in an area covered by this Directive or the Specific Directives, for example relating to obligations for access and interconnection or to the means of transferring subscriber lists, an aggrieved party that has negotiated in good faith but failed to reach agreement should be able to call on the national regulatory authority to resolve the dispute.
43 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0772
Verjetnost, da bodo taki učinki, ki povečujejo učinkovitost in prokonkurenčnost, prevladali nad kakršnimi koli protikonkurenčnimi učinki zaradi omejitev, vsebovanih v sporazumih o prenosu tehnologije, je odvisna od stopnje tržne moči zadevnih podjetij in zato od obsega, v katerem se ta podjetja soočajo s konkurenco podjetij, ki imajo v lasti nadomestne tehnologije ali podjetij, ki proizvajajo nadomestne izdelke.
The likelihood that such efficiency-enhancing and pro-competitive effects will outweigh any anti-competitive effects due to restrictions contained in technology transfer agreements depends on the degree of market power of the undertakings concerned and, therefore, on the extent to which those undertakings face competition from undertakings owning substitute technologies or undertakings producing substitute products.
44 Končna redakcija
Države članice lahko naložijo podjetjem, ki so v njihovi pristojnosti in zagotavljajo elektronska komunikacijska omrežja, ki se uporabljajo za distribucijo radijskih ali televizijskih oddaj v javnosti, primerne obveznosti izvajanja prenosa posebnih radijskih in televizijskih radiodifuzijskih kanalov in storitev, kadar znatno število končnih uporabnikov takih omrežij le ta uporablja kot svoje glavno sredstvo za sprejem radijskih in televizijskih oddaj.
Member States may impose reasonable "must carry" obligations, for the transmission of specified radio and television broadcast channels and services, on undertakings under their jurisdiction providing electronic communications networks used for the distribution of radio or television broadcasts to the public where a significant number of end-users of such networks use them as their principal means to receive radio and television broadcasts.
45 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0772
"dvostranski sporazum" pomeni sporazum o prenosu tehnologije, kadar dve podjetji drugo drugemu z isto pogodbo ali s posebnimi pogodbami podeljujeta licenco patenta, licenco strokovnega znanja in izkušenj, licenco za avtorske pravice za programsko opremo ali mešano licenco patenta, strokovnega znanja in izkušenj ali avtorskih pravic za programsko opremo in kadar te licence zadevajo konkurenčne tehnologije ali se lahko uporabijo za proizvodnjo konkurenčnih izdelkov;
"reciprocal agreement" means a technology transfer agreement where two undertakings grant each other, in the same or separate contracts, a patent licence, a know-how licence, a software copyright licence or a mixed patent, know-how or software copyright licence and where these licences concern competing technologies or can be used for the production of competing products;
46 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0772
konkurenčna podjetja na upoštevnem proizvodnem trgu, to so tista podjetja, ki so v odsotnosti sporazuma o prenosu tehnologije dejavna tako na upoštevnem proizvodnem in geografskem(-ih) trgu(-ih), na katerem(-ih) prodajajo pogodbene izdelke, ne da bi pri tem kršila medsebojne pravice intelektualne lastnine (dejanski konkurenti na proizvodnem trgu), ali ki bi realno lahko prevzela potrebne dodatne naložbe ali druge potrebne stroške prehoda, da bi lahko pravočasno vstopila na te upoštevne proizvodne in geografske trge, ne da bi pri tem kršila medsebojne pravice intelektualne lastnine, kot odgovor na majhno in stalno povečanje relativnih cen (potencialni konkurenti na proizvodnem trgu);
competing undertakings on the relevant product market, being undertakings which, in the absence of the technology transfer agreement, are both active on the relevant product and geographic market(s) on which the contract products are sold without infringing each others' intellectual property rights (actual competitors on the product market) or would, on realistic grounds, undertake the necessary additional investments or other necessary switching costs so that they could timely enter, without infringing each others' intellectual property rights, the(se) relevant product and geographic market(s) in response to a small and permanent increase in relative prices (potential competitors on the product market);
47 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0874
Če je imetnik domenskega imena podjetje, pravna ali fizična oseba ali organizacija, ki v registracijskem obdobju postane predmet postopkov v primeru insolventnosti, likvidacije, prenehanja trgovanja, likvidacije na podlagi sodnega naloga ali kakršnega koli podobnega postopka, predvidenega z notranjo zakonodajo, zakonsko imenovani upravljavec imetnika domenskega imena lahko zaprosi za prenos imena na kupca premoženja imetnika domenskega imena in pri tem predloži ustrezno dokumentacijo.
If the domain name holder is an undertaking, a legal or natural person, or an organisation that becomes subject to insolvency proceedings, winding up, cessation of trading, winding up by court order or any similar proceeding provided for by national law, during the registration period of the domain name, then the legally appointed administrator of the domain name holder may request transfer to the purchaser of the domain name holders assets along with submission of the appropriate documentation.
48 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0772
"enostranski sporazum" pomeni sporazum o prenosu tehnologije, kadar eno podjetje drugemu podeljuje licenco patenta, licenco strokovnega znanja in izkušenj, licenco za avtorske pravice za programsko opremo ali mešano licenco patenta, strokovnega znanja in izkušenj ali avtorskih pravic za programsko opremo, ali kadar dve podjetji drugo drugemu podeljujta tako licenco, vendar te licence ne zadevajo konkurenčnih tehnologij in jih ni mogoče uporabiti za proizvodnjo konkurenčnih izdelkov;
"non-reciprocal agreement" means a technology transfer agreement where one undertaking grants another undertaking a patent licence, a know-how licence, a software copyright licence or a mixed patent, know-how or software copyright licence, or where two undertakings grant each other such a licence but where these licences do not concern competing technologies and cannot be used for the production of competing products;
49 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0020
Eno podjetje, na primer obratovalec kabelskega omrežja, lahko ponudi elektronsko komunikacijsko storitev, na primer prenos televizijskih signalov, in storitve, ki niso zajete v to direktivo, na primer komercializacijo ponudbe storitev zvoenih ali televizijskih radiodifuzijskih vsebin, zato se lahko temu podjetju naložijo dodatne obveznosti v zvezi z njegovo dejavnostjo ponudnika ali distributerja vsebin v skladu z drugimi doloebami, ne z doloebami iz te direktive, ne da bi to posegalo v seznam pogojev iz pr iloge k tej direktivi.
The same undertaking, for example a cable operator, can offer both an electronic communications service, such as the conveyance of television signals, and services not covered under this Directive, such as the commercialisation of an offer of sound or television broadcasting content services, and therefore additional obligations can be imposed on this undertaking in relation to its activity as a content provider or distributor, according to provisions other than those of this Directive, without prejudice to the list of conditions laid in the Annex to this Directive.
50 Pravna redakcija
Ta določba se uporablja za pogodbeno obveznost za prenos podjetja.
This provision shall apply to the contractual obligation to transfer the undertaking.
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prenos podjetja