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prenos sporočila
1 Pravna redakcija
Prenos sporočila
Message Transfer
2 Pravna redakcija
prenos sporočila iz enega sistema v drugega.
Communicate a message from one system to another.
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-19
(b) Pododstavek (b) drugega odstavka se smiselno uporablja za kopije sporočil, predloženih na papirju, predložene v elektronski obliki ali po elektronskih sredstvih za prenos sporočil.
(b) Paragraph (2)(b) shall apply, mutatis mutandis, to copies, in electronic form or by electronic means of transmittal, of communications filed on paper.
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 4
Kopije sporočil, predloženih na papirju, predložene v elektronski obliki ali po elektronskih sredstvih za prenos sporočil (a) Če pogodbenica dovoljuje predložitev kopije sporočila, predloženega na papirju, v jeziku, ki ga urad sprejema, v elektronski obliki ali po elektronskih sredstvih za prenos sporočil in obstajajo pogoji, ki veljajo za to pogodbenico po Pogodbi o sodelovanju na področju patentov v zvezi s predložitvijo takih kopij sporočil, urad dovoli predložitev kopij sporočil v elektronski obliki ali po elektronskih sredstvih za prenos sporočil v skladu s temi pogoji.
[ Copies, Filed in Electronic Form or by Electronic Means of Transmittal, of Communications Filed on Paper ] (a) Where a Contracting Party permits the filing of a copy, in electronic form or by electronic means of transmittal, of a communication filed on paper in a language accepted by the Office, and there are requirements applicable to that Contracting Party under the Patent Cooperation Treaty in relation to the filing of such copies of communications, the Office shall permit the filing of copies of communications in electronic form or by electronic means of transmittal, in accordance with those requirements.
5 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 4
Sporočila, predložena v elektronski obliki ali po elektronskih sredstvih (a) Če pogodbenica dovoljuje predložitev sporočil njenemu uradu v elektronski obliki ali po elektronskih sredstvih za prenos sporočil v določenem jeziku, vključno s predložitvijo sporočil po telegrafu, teleprinterju, telefaksu ali drugih podobnih sredstvih za prenos sporočil, in obstajajo pogoji, ki veljajo za to pogodbenico po Pogodbi o sodelovanju na področju patentov v zvezi s sporočili, predloženimi v elektronski obliki ali po elektronskih sredstvih za prenos sporočil v tem jeziku, urad dovoli predložitev sporočil v elektronski obliki ali po elektronskih sredstvih za prenos sporočil v omenjenem jeziku v skladu s temi pogoji.
[ Communications Filed in Electronic Form or by Electronic Means of Transmittal ] (a) Where a Contracting Party permits the filing of communications in electronic form or by electronic means of transmittal with its Office in a particular language, including the filing of communications by telegraph, teleprinter, telefacsimile or other like means of transmittal, and there are requirements applicable to that Contracting Party under the Patent Cooperation Treaty in relation to communications filed in electronic form or by electronic means of transmittal in that language, the Office shall permit the filing of communications in electronic form or by electronic means of transmittal in the said language in accordance with those requirements.
6 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-19
(3) [Kopije sporočil, predloženih na papirju, predložene v elektronski obliki ali po elektronskih sredstvih za prenos sporočil] (a) Če pogodbenica dovoljuje predložitev kopije sporočila, predloženega na papirju, v jeziku, ki ga urad sprejema, v elektronski obliki ali po elektronskih sredstvih za prenos sporočil in obstajajo pogoji, ki veljajo za to pogodbenico po Pogodbi o sodelovanju na področju patentov v zvezi s predložitvijo takih kopij sporočil, urad dovoli predložitev kopij sporočil v elektronski obliki ali po elektronskih sredstvih za prenos sporočil v skladu s temi pogoji.
(3) [Copies, Filed in Electronic Form or by Electronic Means of Transmittal, of Communications Filed on Paper] (a) Where a Contracting Party permits the filing of a copy, in electronic form or by electronic means of transmittal, of a communication filed on paper in a language accepted by the Office, and there are requirements applicable to that Contracting Party under the Patent Cooperation Treaty in relation to the filing of such copies of communications, the Office shall permit the filing of copies of communications in electronic form or by electronic means of transmittal, in accordance with those requirements.
7 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-19
(2) [Sporočila, predložena v elektronski obliki ali po elektronskih sredstvih] (a) Če pogodbenica dovoljuje predložitev sporočil njenemu uradu v elektronski obliki ali po elektronskih sredstvih za prenos sporočil v določenem jeziku, vključno s predložitvijo sporočil po telegrafu, teleprinterju, telefaksu ali drugih podobnih sredstvih za prenos sporočil, in obstajajo pogoji, ki veljajo za to pogodbenico po Pogodbi o sodelovanju na področju patentov v zvezi s sporočili, predloženimi v elektronski obliki ali po elektronskih sredstvih za prenos sporočil v tem jeziku, urad dovoli predložitev sporočil v elektronski obliki ali po elektronskih sredstvih za prenos sporočil v omenjenem jeziku v skladu s temi pogoji.
(2) [Communications Filed in Electronic Form or by Electronic Means of Transmittal] (a) Where a Contracting Party permits the filing of communications in electronic form or by electronic means of transmittal with its Office in a particular language, including the filing of communications by telegraph, teleprinter, telefacsimile or other like means of transmittal, and there are requirements applicable to that Contracting Party under the Patent Cooperation Treaty in relation to communications filed in electronic form or by electronic means of transmittal in that language, the Office shall permit the filing of communications in electronic form or by electronic means of transmittal in the said language in accordance with those requirements.
8 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-25
f) če je podatke Europolu sporočila država članica Evropske unije, je možen njihov prenos samo s soglasjem države članice;
f) if the data have been communicated to Europol by a Member State of the European Union, the data may only be transmitted with that Member State's consent;
9 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 4
Podpis sporočil, predloženih v elektronski obliki ali po elektronskih sredstvih za prenos sporočil, ki je grafično predstavljen Če pogodbenica dovoljuje predložitev sporočil v elektronski obliki ali po elektronskih sredstvih za prenos sporočil, šteje tako sporočilo za podpisano, če je na sporočilu, kot ga je prejel urad te pogodbenice, grafična predstavitev podpisa, ki ga pogodbenica sprejema po tretjem odstavku.
[ Signature of Communications Filed in Electronic Form or by Electronic Means of Transmittal Resulting in Graphic Representation ] Where a Contracting Party permits the filing of communications in electronic form or by electronic means of transmittal, it shall consider such a communication signed if a graphic representation of a signature accepted by that Contracting Party under paragraph (3) appears on that communication as received by the Office of that Contracting Party.
10 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 8-2006
(2) [Vpis in prenos sporočil] Mednarodni urad vpiše v mednarodni register sporočila, prejeta po prvem odstavku, in jih prenese nosilcu.
(2) [Recording and Transmittal of the Information] The International Bureau shall record in the International Register the information received under paragraph (1) and shall transmit that information to the holder.
11 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-19
(4) [Podpis sporočil, predloženih v elektronski obliki ali po elektronskih sredstvih za prenos sporočil, ki je grafično predstavljen] Če pogodbenica dovoljuje predložitev sporočil v elektronski obliki ali po elektronskih sredstvih za prenos sporočil, šteje tako sporočilo za podpisano, če je na sporočilu, kot ga je prejel urad te pogodbenice, grafična predstavitev podpisa, ki ga pogodbenica sprejema po tretjem odstavku.
(4) [Signature of Communications Filed in Electronic Form or by Electronic Means of Transmittal Resulting in Graphic Representation] Where a Contracting Party permits the filing of communications in electronic form or by electronic means of transmittal, it shall consider such a communication signed if a graphic representation of a signature accepted by that Contracting Party under paragraph (3) appears on that communication as received by the Office of that Contracting Party.
12 Objavljeno
DRUGO: Konvencija
a) zagotovi takojšnje zavarovanje podatkov o prometu ne glede na število ponudnikov storitev, ki so sodelovali pri prenosu tega sporočila, in
a ensure that such expeditious preservation of traffic data is available regardless of whether one or more service providers were involved in the transmission of that communication; and
13 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2008-22
(a) na obrazce za elektronski prenos sredstev in z njimi povezana sporočila vpišejo točne in popolne podatke o izdajatelju plačilnega naloga;
(a) To include on forms for the electronic transfer of funds and related messages accurate and meaningful information on the originator;
14 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-19
(b) Pogodbenica, ki dovoljuje predložitev sporočil njenemu uradu v elektronski obliki ali po elektronskih sredstvih za prenos sporočil, uradno obvesti Mednarodni urad o pogojih, ki veljajo za tako preložitev po veljavnem pravu.
(b) A Contracting Party which permits the filing of communications in electronic form or by electronic means of transmittal with its Office shall notify the International Bureau of the requirements under its applicable law relating to such filing.
15 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 4
O blika in načini prenosa sporočil (a) Razen za določanje datuma vložitve po prvem odstavku 5. člena in ob upoštevanju prvega odstavka 6. člena so v pravilniku ob upoštevanju pododstavkov (b) do (d) določeni pogoji, ki jih pogodbenica sme predpisati glede oblike in načinov prenosa sporočil.
[ Form and Means of Transmittal of Communications ] (a) Except for the establishment of a filing date under Article 5(1), and subject to Article 6(1), the Regulations shall, subject to subparagraphs (b) to (d), set out the requirements which a Contracting Party shall be permitted to apply as regards the form and means of transmittal of communications.
16 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-19
(1) [Oblika in načini prenosa sporočil] (a) Razen za določanje datuma vložitve po prvem odstavku 5. člena in ob upoštevanju prvega odstavka 6. člena so v pravilniku ob upoštevanju pododstavkov (b) do (d) določeni pogoji, ki jih pogodbenica sme predpisati glede oblike in načinov prenosa sporočil.
(1) [Form and Means of Transmittal of Communications] (a) Except for the establishment of a filing date under Article 5(1), and subject to Article 6(1), the Regulations shall, subject to subparagraphs (b) to (d), set out the requirements which a Contracting Party shall be permitted to apply as regards the form and means of transmittal of communications.
17 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-100
(2) (Sporočila po telefaksu) Rok iz pododstavka (b) drugega odstavka 8. člena ne sme biti krajši od enega meseca od datuma prejema prenosa po telefaksu.
(2) [Communication by Telefacsimile] The period referred to in Article 8(2)(b) shall not be less than one month from the date of the receipt of a transmittal by telefacsimile.
18 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-19
(c) Če pogodbenica na podlagi pododstavka (a) dovoljuje predložitev sporočil po telegrafu, teleprinterju, telefaksu ali drugih podobnih sredstvih za prenos sporočil, lahko zahteva, da se uradu predloži na papirju izvirnik vsakega dokumenta, prenesenega po takih sredstvih za prenos sporočil, skupaj s pismom, ki omogoča identifikacijo opravljenega prenosa, v roku, ki ni krajši od enega meseca, šteto od datuma prenosa.
(c) Where, under subparagraph (a), a Contracting Party permits the filing of communications by telegraph, teleprinter, telefacsimile or other like means of transmittal, it may require that the original of any document which was transmitted by such means of transmittal, accompanied by a letter identifying that earlier transmission, be filed on paper with the Office within a time limit which shall be not less than one month from the date of the transmission.
19 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 4
(c) Če pogodbenica na podlagi pododstavka (a) dovoljuje predložitev sporočil po telegrafu, teleprinterju, telefaksu ali drugih podobnih sredstvih za prenos sporočil, lahko zahteva, da se uradu predloži na papirju izvirnik vsakega dokumenta, prenesenega po takih sredstvih za prenos sporočil, skupaj s pismom, ki omogoča identifikacijo opravljenega prenosa, v roku, ki ni krajši od enega meseca, šteto od datuma prenosa.
Where, under subparagraph (a), a Contracting Party permits the filing of communications by telegraph, teleprinter, telefacsimile or other like means of transmittal, it may require that the original of any document which was transmitted by such means of transmittal, accompanied by a letter identifying that earlier transmission, be filed on paper with the Office within a time limit which shall be not less than one month from the date of the transmission.
20 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-105
Država pogodbenica na svojem ozemlju obravnava inštitut pri njegovih uradnih sporočilih in prenosu vseh njegovih dokumentov tako, kot obravnava mednarodne organizacije.
For its official communications and the transmission of all its documents, the Institute shall enjoy in the territory of each Contracting State the treatment accorded by that State to international organizations.
21 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-34
Pri svojih uradnih sporočilih in prenosu vseh svojih dokumentov Organizacija uživa obravnavo, ki ni manj ugodna od tiste, ki jo vsaka pogodbenica dodeljuje primerljivim mednarodnim organizacijam.
For its official communications and the transfer of all its documents, the Organisation shall enjoy treatment no less favourable than that accorded by each Contracting Party to comparable international organisations.
22 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-68
(1) V zvezi z uradnimi sporočili in prenosom vseh dokumentov je Organizacija v vsaki državi pogodbenici deležna najugodnejše obravnave, ki jo ta država nakloni kaki drugi mednarodni organizaciji.
(1) With regard to its official communications and the transfer of all its documents, the Organisation shall in each Contracting State enjoy the most favourable treatment accorded by that State to any other international organisation.
23 Objavljeno
regionalni razvoj
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-64
a. pošiljko, ki vsebuje tajne podatke, v obliki ustnega obvestila o vsebini tajne narave ali električnega oziroma elektronskega prenosa sporočila tajne narave ali »material«, opredeljen v točki (b);
a. any classified item, be it an oral communication of classified contents or the electrical or electronic transmission of a classified message, or a »material« as defined in (b) below;
24 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-85
j) »telekomunikacije« vsak prenos, oddajanje ali sprejemanje znakov, signalov, pisnih znakov, slik in zvokov ali vseh vrst sporočil po žičnem, radijskem, optičnem ali drugem elektromagnetnem sistemu;
j) «Telecommunications» means any transmission, emission or reception of signs, signals, writing, images and sounds or intelligence of any nature, by wire, radio, optical or other electromagnetic systems;
25 Objavljeno
DRUGO: Konvencija
b) Kadar pogodbenica zaradi omejitev veljavne zakonodaje ob sprejetju te konvencije ne more uporabljati ukrepov iz 20. in 21. člena za prenose sporočil v računalniškem sistemu ponudnika storitev, katerega sistem:
b Where a Party, due to limitations in its legislation in force at the time of the adoption of the present Convention, is not able to apply the measures referred to in Articles 20 and 21 to communications being transmitted within a computer system of a service provider, which system:
26 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-100
(ii) kadar pogodbenica dovoli prenos sporočil uradu po telefaksu in je zahteva tako prenesena, če kopija na papirju, ki nastane ob takem prenosu, ustreza ob upoštevanju pododstavka (c) obrazcu zahteve iz točke (i).
(ii) where the Contracting Party allows the transmittal of communications to the Office by telefacsimile and the request is so transmitted, if the paper copy resulting from such transmittal corresponds, subject to subparagraph (c), to the request Form referred to in item (i).
27 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-100
(ii) kadar pogodbenica dovoli prenos sporočil uradu po telefaksu in je zahteva tako prenesena, če kopija na papirju, ki nastane ob takem prenosu, ustreza ob upoštevanju tretjega odstavka obrazcu zahteve iz točke (i).
(ii) where the Contracting Party allows the transmittal of communications to the Office by telefacsimile and the request is so transmitted, if the paper copy resulting from such transmittal corresponds, subject to paragraph (3), to the request Form referred to in item (i).
28 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-100
(ii) kadar pogodbenica dovoli prenos sporočil uradu po telefaksu in je prijava tako prenesena, če kopija na papirju, ki nastane ob takem prenosu, ustreza ob upoštevanju tretjega odstavka obrazcu prijave iz točke (i).
(ii) where the Contracting Party allows the transmittal of communications to the Office by telefacsimile and the application is so transmitted, if the paper copy resulting from such transmittal corresponds, subject to paragraph (3), to the application Form referred to in item (i).
29 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-100
(ii) kadar pogodbenica dovoli prenos sporočil uradu po telefaksu in je pooblastilo tako preneseno, če kopija na papirju, ki nastane ob takem prenosu, ustreza ob upoštevanju četrtega odstavka obrazcu pooblastila iz točke (i).
(ii) where the Contracting Party allows the transmittal of communications to the Office by telefacsimile and the power of attorney is so transmitted, if the paper copy resulting from such transmittal corresponds, subject to paragraph (4), to the power of attorney Form referred to in item (i).
30 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-100
(ii) kadar pogodbenica dovoli prenos sporočil uradu po telefaksu in je zahteva tako prenesena, če kopija na papirju, ki nastane ob takem prenosu, ustreza ob upoštevanju pododstavka (a) drugega odstavka obrazcu zahteve iz točke (i).
(ii) where the Contracting Party allows the transmittal of communications to the Office by telefacsimile and the request is so transmitted, if the paper copy resulting from such transmittal corresponds, subject to paragraph (2)(a), to the request Form referred to in item (i).
31 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-100
(3) (Sporočilo po elektronskih sredstvih) Če pogodbenica dovoli prenos sporočil uradu po elektronskih stredstvih, šteje sporočilo za podpisano, če to identificira pošiljatelja sporočila po elektronskih sredstvih, kot predpisuje pogodbenica.
(3) [Communication by Electronic Means] Where a Contracting Party allows the transmittal of communications to the Office by electronic means, it shall consider the communication signed if the latter identifies the sender of the communication by electronic means as prescribed by the Contracting Party.
32 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-129
(d) za države članice organizacije za regionalno gospodarsko povezovanje, ki postanejo pogodbenice Konvencije, se domneva, da ostanejo pristojne za vsa področja, za katera se prenos pristojnosti na organizacijo ni izrecno prijavil ali sporočil depozitarju,
(d) Member States of a regional economic integration organization which become Parties to this Convention shall be presumed to retain competence over all matters in respect of which transfers of competence to the organization have not been specifically declared or informed to the depositary;
33 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-19
(d) Kadar se ne glede na pododstavek (a) prejem ali obravnava sporočila na papirju zaradi njegove narave ali velikosti šteje za neizvedljivo, lahko pogodbenica zahteva predložitev tega sporočila v drugi obliki ali prek drugačnega sredstva za prenos sporočil.
(d) Notwithstanding subparagraph (a), where the receiving or processing of a communication on paper, due to its character or its size, is deemed not practicable, a Contracting Party may require the filing of that communication in another form or by other means of transmittal.
34 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-38
Obvestila in druga sporočila, za katera so v tej pogodbi določeni fiksni roki ali ki sama določajo roke, ki so za naslovnika zavezujoči, se vročijo osebno, s priporočenim pismom, telegramom, teleksom ali drugim načinom prenosa, s katerim je mogoče dokazati, da jih je naslovnik prejel.
Notices and other communications, for which fixed periods are laid down in this Contract or which themselves fix periods binding on the addressee, shall be served by hand delivery, registered letter, telegram, telex or other means of transmission which affords evidence of receipt by the addressee.
35 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-57
Obvestila in druga sporočila, za katera so v tej pogodbi določeni fiksni roki ali ki sama določajo roke, ki so za naslovnika zavezujoči, se vročijo osebno, s priporočenim pismom, telegramom, teleksom, potrjenim telefaksom ali na kateri koli drug način prenosa, s katerim je mogoče dokazati, da jih je naslovnik prejel.
Notices and other communications, for which fixed periods are laid down in this contract or which themselves fix periods binding on the addressee, shall be served by hand delivery, registered letter, telegram, telex, confirmed fax or any other means of transmission which affords evi­dence of receipt by the addressee.
36 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-100
(2) (Sporočilo po telefaksu) (a) Če pogodbenica dovoli prenos sporočil uradu po telefaksu, šteje sporočilo za podpisano, če se na izpisu iz telefaksa pojavi kopija podpisa ali kopija pečata skupaj s črkovno navedbo imena fizične osebe, katere pečat je uporabljen, če se črkovna navedba zahteva po točki (iv) prvega odstavka.
(2) [Communication by Telefacsimile] (a) Where a Contracting Party allows the transmittal of communications to the Office by telefacsimile, it shall consider the communication signed if, on the printout produced by the telefacsimile, the reproduction of the signature, or the reproduction of the seal together with, where required under paragraph (1)(iv), the indication in letters of the name of the natural person whose seal is used, appears.
37 Objavljeno
DRUGO: Konvencija
1) Kadar pri reševanju zaprosila, vloženega po določbah 29. člena, za zavarovanje podatkov o prometu v zvezi z opredeljenim sporočilom zaprošena pogodbenica ugotovi, da je pri prenosu sporočila sodeloval ponudnik storitev iz druge države, zaprošena pogodbenica nemudoma razkrije pogodbenici prosilki zadostno količino podatkov o prometu, ki omogočijo ugotovitev istovetnosti tega ponudnika storitev in pot, po kateri je bilo sporočilo poslano.
1 Where, in the course of the execution of a request made pursuant to Article 29 to preserve traffic data concerning a specific communication, the requested Party discovers that a service provider in another State was involved in the transmission of the communication, the requested Party shall expeditiously disclose to the requesting Party a sufficient amount of traffic data to identify that service provider and the path through which the communication was transmitted.
38 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0731
Prenos sporočil:
Message transmission:
39 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 41999D0011
Zaprosila za prenos izvrševanja odločb in vsa z njimi povezana sporočila so pisna.
Requests for the transfer of the enforcement of a decision and all communications relating thereto shall be made in writing.
40 Pravna redakcija
MT-Data (Podatki za prenos sporočila):
41 Končna redakcija
V tej odločbi ugotavlja, da omejitve, ki jih je Britanski Telekom uvedel za uporabo teleksnih in telefonskih omrežij, se pravi za prenos mednarodnih sporočil v imenu tretjih oseb:
In this Decision it was found that the restrictions imposed by British Telecom on telex and telephone networks usage, namely on the transmission of international messages on behalf of third parties:
42 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0874
Kakršna koli pisna sporočila pritožniku ali tožencu se opravi na želeni način, ki sta ga navedla pritožnik oziroma tožnik, ali če take navedbe ni, elektronsko po internetu, pod pogojem, da je na voljo zapis o prenosu.
Any written communication to a complainant or respondent shall be made by the preferred means stated by the complainant or respondent, respectively, or in the absence of such specification electronically via the Internet, provided that a record of transmission is available.
43 Končna redakcija
Zato so popularne novice nepolitične ali pa domnevno trivializirajo visoko politiko le toliko, kolikor, tako kot 'informativni' pristop h komunikaciji, komunikacijo razumemo kot prenos sporočil, politiko pa v ožjem smislu kot proces odločanja znotraj vladne politike države.
For this reason the popular news is apolitical, or it presumably trivialises high politics only inasmuch as we understand communication - just like the 'informative' approach to communication - as the transfer of messages, and politics in the narrow sense as a decision-making process within the framework of the governmental politics of the state.
44 Pravna redakcija
To je v skladu z zahtevo o podatkih za prenos sporočila in gradnikom storitve za označitev podatkov prenosa sporočila.
This corresponds to the MT-Data-Request and the MT-Data-Indication service primitives.
45 Pravna redakcija
časovne priprave za prenos sporočila, globalno ali po koordinacijskih točkah, kjer je primerno;
lead time, global or per COP, to transmit the message, where applicable;
46 Pravna redakcija
Sporočilo o zagonu prenosa
Transfer Initiation Message.
47 Pravna redakcija
Protokol prenosa sporočila
Message Transfer Protocol
48 Pravna redakcija
49 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R2082
Sporočilo o zagonu prenosa
Transfer Initiation Message
50 Pravna redakcija
časovni interval, ki sledi zagonu sporočila, v katerem se opravijo prenos, zagon obdelave v prevzemnem sistemu, generiranje in prenos sporočila o sprejemu in njegova identifikacija v predajnem sistemu.
A time interval following the initiation of a message during which transmission, initial processing in the receiving system, generation and transmission of an acknowledgement message, and its identification in the transferring system are performed.
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prenos sporočila