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1 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-34
Če se z notranjo zakonodajo določi, da je lahko datum zapadlosti plačila po prepustitvi blaga, mora biti ta datum določen tako, da nastopi vsaj deset dni po prepustitvi.
When national legislation specifies that the due date may be after the release of the goods, that date shall be at least ten days after the release.
2 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-34
Za obdobje med datumom prepustitve blaga in datumom zapadlosti se obresti ne zaračunajo.
No interest shall be charged for the period between the date of release and the due date.
3 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-34
"prepustitev blaga" pomeni dejanje carine, s katerim dovoli, da se blago, ki se carini, da na razpolago zadevnim osebam;
"release of goods" means the action by the Customs to permit goods undergoing clearance to be placed at the disposal of the persons concerned;
4 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-34
S prepustitvijo blaga se ne sme odlašati, če je bilo predloženo zahtevano zavarovanje za zagotovitev pobiranja predpisanih dajatev in davkov.
The release of the goods shall not be delayed provided that any security required has been furnished to ensure collection of any applicable duties and taxes.
5 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-34
Deklarantu se dovoli, da umakne deklaracijo blaga in zaprosi za drug carinski postopek, če tako zahtevo predloži carini pred prepustitvijo blaga in carina razloge za to šteje za utemeljene.
The declarant shall be allowed to withdraw the Goods declaration and apply for another Customs procedure, provided that the request to do so is made to the Customs before the goods have been released and that the reasons are deemed valid by the Customs.
6 Objavljeno
Ponavljajoči se in nasprotujoči si cilji državnega lastništva pogosto vodijo bodisi v zelo pasivno opravljanje lastniških funkcij ali v nasprotne rezultate zaradi pretiranega vpletanja države v zadeve oziroma odločitve, ki bi jih ta morala prepustiti družbi in njenim organom upravljanja.
It is often the multiple and contradictory objectives of state ownership that lead to either a very passive conduct of ownership functions, or conversely results in the state's excessive intervention in matters or decisions which should be left to the company and its governance organs.
7 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-31
Če pogodbenici spora ne moreta rešiti s pogajanji, se lahko dogovorita, da odločitev o sporu prepustita razsodniku, ali pa lahko katera koli pogodbenica spor predloži v odločanje arbitraži treh razsodnikov, od katerih vsaka pogodbenica določi po enega, ta dva skupaj pa določita tretjega.
If the Contracting Parties fail to reach a settlement of the dispute by negotiation, they may agree to refer the dispute for decision to an arbitrator, or the dispute may at the request of either Contracting Party be submitted for decision to a tribunal of three arbitrators, one to be nominated by each Contracting Party and the third to be appointed by the two so nominated.
8 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-34
Če carina blago, ki ni bilo deklarirano v predpisanem roku, ali blago, ki ga ni bilo mogoče prepustiti, čeprav ni bil odkrit noben prekršek, proda, se izkupiček od prodaje po odbitku dajatev in davkov ter vseh drugih taks in izdatkov, ki so nastali, izplača osebam, ki so do njega upravičene, ali če to ni mogoče, se ta izkupiček hrani določen čas, v katerem jim je na razpolago.
When the Customs sell goods which have not been declared within the time allowed or could not be released although no offence has been discovered, the proceeds of the sale, after deduction of any duties and taxes and all other charges and expenses incurred, shall be made over to those persons entitled to receive them or, when this is not possible, held at their disposal for a specified period.
9 Končna redakcija
V vseh nasprotnih in/ali drugačnih primerih vas kot vaš sluga najponižnejši rotim, da knjižico prepustite bodisi tistim, ki se bodo ex professo morali ukvarjati z njo, ali pa jo kratko malo zapustite razjedajoči kritiki knjižnopoličnega prahu.
If the case is in fact opposite or different, I beg you, as your most humble servant, to leave this paper to those who will have to deal with it ex professo, or simply let it be devoured by the dusty criticism of a bookshelf.
10 Pravna redakcija
Pri ponavljajočih se kršitvah bi bilo treba prepustiti določitev trajanja sankcij državam članicam, ki so bolj pristojne za presojanje o resnosti storjenega prekrška.
In the case of repeated infringements, determination of the duration of penalties should be left to the Member States, which are better placed to judge the true gravity of the offence committed;
11 Pravna redakcija
Organi države članice, ki prosi za pomoč, določijo smernice in, če je potrebno, opredelijo obseg nalog, ki se zaupajo intervencijskim ekipam, brez navajanja podrobnosti o njihovi izvedbi, saj je le-te treba prepustiti pristojni osebi, ki jo imenuje država članica, ki nudi pomoč.
The authorities of the requesting Member State shall lay down guidelines and, if necessary, define the limits of the tasks entrusted to the intervention teams, without giving details of their execution, which are to be left to the person in charge appointed by the Member State rendering assistance.
12 Pravna redakcija
Brez poseganja v člen 609 se sprostitev blaga v nespremenjenem stanju ali glavnih pridobljenih proizvodov v prosti promet dovoli, če zadevna oseba tega blaga ali proizvodov ne more prepustiti carinsko dovoljeni rabi ali uporabi, po kateri se ne bi plačale uvozne dajatve, ob upoštevanju plačila kompenzacijskih obresti v skladu s členom 589(1).«
Without prejudice to Article 609, the release for free circulation of goods in the unaltered state or main compensating products shall be allowed where the person concerned is unable to assign those goods or products to a customs-approved treatment or use under which import duties would not be payable, subject to payment of compensatory interest in accordance with Article 589 (1).
13 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992R2913
Prepustitev se za vse blago, ki je predmet iste deklaracije, odobri naenkrat.
All the goods covered by the same declaration shall be released at the same time.
14 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R2454
V tem primeru se vpis blaga v evidence izvoznika šteje za prepustitev blaga.
In this case, entry of the goods in the records of the approved exporter shall be equivalent to release.
15 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R2454
V tem primeru se vpis blaga v evidence udeleženega šteje za prepustitev blaga.
In this case, entry of the goods in the records of the person concerned shall be equivalent to release.
16 Prevajalska redakcija
Če se z notranjo zakonodajo določi, da je lahko datum zapadlosti plačila po prepustitvi blaga, mora biti ta datum določen tako, da nastopi vsaj deset dni po prepustitvi.
When national legislation specifies that the due date may be after the release of the goods, that date shall be at least 10 days after the release.
17 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R2454
Brez poseganja v določbe člena 248 se prepustitev opravi v skladu s pogoji iz odstavkov 2 do 5.
Without prejudice to the provisions of Article 248, release shall take place in accordance with the conditions laid down in paragraphs 2 to 5 below.
18 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R2454
Člen 218(2) se uporablja za deklaracije za prepustitev blaga v vsak postopek z ekonomskim učinkom.
Article 218 (2) shall apply to declarations of entry for any customs procedure with economic impact.
19 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992R2913
se deklaracija za sprostitev v prosti promet razveljavi po prepustitvi blaga skladno s členom 66; ali
the declaration for release for free circulation is invalidated after release in accordance with Article 66, or
20 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992R2913
Šteje se, da poškodovano blago iz odstavka 1 vključuje tudi blago, ki se je poškodovalo pred prepustitvijo.
Defective goods, within the meaning of the first subparagraph, shall be deemed to include goods damaged before their release.
21 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R2454
Ko se odobri prepustitev blaga, se vknjižijo uvozne dajatve, ugotovljene na podlagi navedb v carinski deklaraciji.
The granting of release shall give rise to the entry in the accounts of the import duties determined according to the particulars in the declaration.
22 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31968L0221
ker morajo ta pravila državam članicam prepustiti možnost, da se zatečejo k nekaterim ocenam pavšalne stopnje;
Whereas such rules must leave open to Member States the possibility of resorting to certain flat-rate estimates;
23 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31985D0204
izraz "prepustitev" pomeni dejanje, s katerim carinska uprava dovoli, da se blago, ki se carini, da na voljo zadevnim osebam;
the term "release" means the action by the customs to permit goods undergoing clearance to be placed at the disposal of the persons concerned;
24 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992R2913
Odstavek 1 se ne uporablja, če prepustitve ni mogoče odobriti zaradi razlogov, ki jih gre prepisati samemu deklarantu.
Paragraph 1 shall not apply where it has not been possible to release the goods for reasons attributable to the declarant alone.
25 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31985D0204
izraz "prepustitev" pomeni dejanje carinske uprave, s katerim dovoli, da se blago, ki se carini, da na razpolago zadevnim osebam;
the term "release" means action by which the customs permit goods undergoing clearance to be placed at the disposal of the persons concerned;
26 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R2454
Z odstopanjem od člena 66(2) zakonika se lahko carinska deklaracija po odobritvi prepustitve pod naslednjimi pogoji razveljavi:
By way of derogation from Article 66 (2) of the Code, a customs declaration may be invalidated after the goods have been released, as provided below:
27 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31989L0297
Tehnični službi, ki je odgovorna za homologacijsko preskušanje, je treba prepustiti vzorčno vozilo, za katero se vloži zahteva za homologacijo.
a vehicle representative of the type to be approved must be submitted to the technical service responsible for the type-approval tests.
28 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001L0046
točka (h) se nadomesti z naslednjim: "(h) dajati v promet ali promet: posedovanje katerega koli proizvoda za prehrano živali za prodajo, vključno s ponujanjem na trgu, ali kakršno koli drugo obliko prepustitve, brezplačne ali ne, tretjim osebam ter sama prodaja in druge oblike prepustitve.";
point (h) shall be replaced by the following: "(h) 'putting into circulation' or 'circulation': the holding of any product intended for animal nutrition for the purposes of sale, including offering for sale, or any other form of transfer, whether free or not, to third parties, and the sale and other forms of transfer themselves.";
29 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31985D0204
Če se prepustitev odobri, preden se predložijo manjkajoči dokumenti, se lahko od deklaranta zahteva, da zagotovi zavarovanje za plačilo kakršnih koli plačljivih zneskov.
Where release is granted before the missing documents are produced, the declarant may be required to furnish security for the payment of any sums that may become chargeable.
30 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31985D0204
Lahko se tudi zgodi, da je blago po nesreči ali zaradi višje sile poškodovano, uničeno ali dokončno izgubljeno, zlasti pred prepustitvijo za domačo uporabo;
It may also happen that goods are damaged, destroyed or irrecoverably lost by accident or force majeure, in particular before release for home use;
31 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001L0046
V Direktivi 96/25/ES se člen 2(b) nadomesti z naslednjim: "(b) dajati v promet ali promet: posedovanje katerega koli proizvoda za prehrano živali za prodajo, vključno s ponujanjem na trgu, ali kakršno koli drugo obliko prepustitve, brezplačne ali ne, tretjim osebam, ter sama prodaja in druge oblike prepustitve."
In Directive 96/25/EC, Article 2(b) shall be replaced by the following: "(b) 'putting into circulation' or 'circulation': the holding of any product intended for animal nutrition for the purposes of sale, including offering for sale, or any other form of transfer, whether free or not, to third parties, and the sale and other forms of transfer themselves."
32 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R2454
Sprejem nepopolne carinske deklaracije ne more preprečiti ali odložiti prepustitve blaga, ki se nanaša na to deklaracijo, če prepustitvi sicer nič ne nasprotuje.
The customs authorities' acceptance of an incomplete declaration shall not prevent or delay the release of the goods thus declared, unless other grounds exist for so doing.
33 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31985D0204
Če je prepustitev odobrena, preden so posredovani vsi potrebni podatki, se lahko od deklaranta zahteva, da zagotovi zavarovanje za plačilo morebitnih plačljivih zneskov.
Where release is granted before all the necessary particulars have been supplied, the declarant may be required to furnish security for the payment of any sums that may become chargeable.
34 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R2454
Če je za blago vložena pisna carinska deklaracija, se prepustitev in datum prepustitve navede na deklaraciji ali po potrebi na dokumentu, ki se ji priloži, njena kopija pa se vroči deklarantu.
Where the declaration is made in writing, a reference to the release and its date shall be made on the declaration or, where applicable, a document attached, and a copy shall be returned to the declarant.
35 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R2454
Če se prepustitev blaga zaradi enega od razlogov iz druge in tretje alinee člena 75(a) zakonika ne more odobriti, carinski organi deklarantu določijo rok za ureditev položaja blaga.
Where the customs authorities have been unable to grant release for one of the reasons specified in the second or third indent of Article 75 (a) of the Code, they shall give the declarant a time limit to regularize the situation of the goods.
36 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R2454
Če carinski organi na podlagi opravljenega preverjanja določijo drugačen znesek dajatev, kakor je naveden v deklaraciji, se tako določeni znesek s prepustitvijo blaga takoj vknjiži.
Where, on the basis of the checks which they have carried out, the customs authorities assess an amount of import duties different from the amount which results from the particulars in the declaration, the release of the goods shall give rise to the immediate entry in the accounts of the amount thus assessed.
37 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992R2913
Če sprejem carinske deklaracije povzroči nastanek carinskega dolga, se sme blago, ki je predmet te deklaracije, prepustiti samo po plačilu zneska carinskega dolga ali njegovem zavarovanju.
Where acceptance of a customs declaration gives rise to a customs debt, the goods covered by the declaration shall not be released unless the customs debt has been paid or secured.
38 Prevajalska redakcija
Deklarantu se dovoli, da umakne deklaracijo blaga in zaprosi za drug carinski postopek, če tako zahtevo predloži carini pred prepustitvijo blaga in carina razloge za to šteje za utemeljene.
The declarant shall be allowed to withdraw the goods declaration and apply for another customs procedure, provided that the request to do so is made to the customs before the goods have been released and that the reasons are deemed valid by the customs.
39 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R2454
vse druge navedbe, ki so potrebne za prepoznavanje blaga in uporabo predpisov o njegovi sprostitvi v prosti promet ter za določitev zavarovanja, z zagotovitvijo katerega se pogojuje prepustitev blaga.
any further particulars considered necessary by the customs authorities in order to identify the goods, implement the provisions governing their release for free circulation and determine the amount of any security required before the goods may be released.
40 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R2454
Za izvajanje odstavka 1 se blago, ki ni zavezano plačilu dajatev, šteje, da je bilo predloženo carinskim organom v skladu s členom 63 zakonika, carinska deklaracija sprejeta in prepustitev odobrena:
For the purposes of paragraph 1, goods not liable to duty shall be considered to have been presented to customs within the meaning of Article 63 of the Code, the customs declaration to have been accepted and release granted:
41 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992R2913
Če carinski organi ob uporabi določb o carinskem postopku, za katerega je blago deklarirano, zahtevajo predložitev zavarovanja, se sme blago v ta postopek prepustiti šele po predložitvi zavarovanja.
Where, pursuant to the provisions governing the customs procedure for which the goods are declared, the customs authorities require the provision of a security, the said goods shall not be released for the customs procedure in question until such security is provided.
42 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1360
Proizvajalec, ki vloži zahtevek za preskuse skupne uporabnosti, se obveže laboratoriju, odgovornemu za te preskuse, prepustiti na razpolago vsa gradiva in dokumentacijo, ki jih je predložil za izvedbo preskusov.
Any manufacturer requesting interoperability tests shall commit to leave to the laboratory in charge of these tests the entire set of material and documents which he provided to carry out the tests.
43 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992R2913
Če se uporabi možnost iz prejšnjega pododstavka, se brez vpliva na uporabo drugega pododstavka člena 218 (1) prepustitev blaga, ki jo odobrijo carinski organi, šteje za sporočilo dolžniku o vknjiženem znesku dajatev.
Without prejudice to the application of the second subparagraph of Article 218 (1), where use is made of the possibility provided for in the preceding subparagraph, release of the goods by the customs authorities shall be equivalent to communication to the debtor of the amount of duty entered in the accounts.
44 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992R2913
noben del izkupička od vsake kasnejše ponovne prodaje, prepustitve ali uporabe blaga s strani kupca ne pripada neposredno ali posredno prodajalcu, razen če se lahko v skladu s členom 32 opravi ustrezna uskladitev
that no part of the proceeds of any subsequent resale, disposal or use of the goods by the buyer will accrue directly or indirectly to the seller, unless an appropriate adjustment can be made in accordance with Article 32;
45 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R2454
Če carinski organi niso prepričani, ali se za prijavljeno blago uporabljajo ukrepi prepovedi ali omejevanja, in na to vprašanje pred prejemom rezultatov preverjanj, ki jih opravijo, ne morejo odgovoriti, se blago ne more prepustiti.
Where the customs authorities have doubts about whether or not a prohibition or restriction applies and this cannot be resolved until the results of the checks the authorities have carried out are available, the goods in question cannot be released.
46 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31985D0204
če je blago, prijavljeno za domačo uporabo, po nesreči ali zaradi višje sile uničeno ali nepopravljivo izgubljeno, kadar pride do takšnega uničenja ali izgube pred prepustitvijo blaga in se to zadovoljivo dokaže carinskim organom.
where goods that have been declared for home use are destroyed or irrecoverably lost by accident or force majeure, provided that such destruction or loss occurs before the goods are released and is duly established to the satisfaction of the customs authorities.
47 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992R2913
če se blago pred prepustitvijo zapleni in istočasno ali pozneje odvzame ali se na ukaz carinskih organov uniči, v skladu s členom 182 uniči ali odstopi ali se zaradi same narave blaga, nepredvidljivega dogodka ali višje sile uniči ali nepovratno izgubi.
the goods, before their release, are either seized and simultaneously or subsequently confiscated, destroyed on the instructions of the customs authorities, destroyed or abandoned in accordance with Article 182, or destroyed or irretrievably lost as a result of their actual nature or of unforeseeable circumstances or force majeure;
48 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992R2913
Carinski organi lahko po prepustitvi blaga preverijo poslovne dokumente in podatke, ki se nanašajo na uvozne ali izvozne operacije v zvezi z zadevnim blagom ali na kasnejše trgovske posle z istim blagom, da se prepričajo o točnosti navedb v deklaraciji.
The customs authorities may, after releasing the goods and in order to satisfy themselves as to the accuracy of the particulars contained in the declaration, inspect the commercial documents and data relating to the import or export operations in respect of the goods concerned or to subsequent commercial operations involving those goods.
49 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31985D0204
Povračilo uvoznih dajatev in davkov se odobri za blago, ki je bilo po nesreči ali zaradi višje sile poškodovano, uničeno ali dokončno izgubljeno pred prepustitvijo za domačo uporabo, če so ta dejstva zadovoljivo dokazana carinskim organom.
Repayment of import duties and taxes shall be granted in respect of goods damaged, destroyed or irrecoverably lost by accident or force majeure before release for home use, provided that the facts are duly established to the satisfaction of the customs authorities.
50 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31983R0918
člen 10 Uredbe Sveta (EGS) 1697/79 z dne 24. julija 1979 o izterjavi uvoznih ali izvoznih dajatev po prepustitvi blaga, ki niso bile zahtevane od osebe, zavezane za plačilo na blago, ki se da v carinski postopek, ki zadeva obvezno plačilo takšnih dajatev [16]
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