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preskus za odobritev
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 36-2006
Vložnik vloge za odobritev vrste zapisnega lista v svoji vlogi navede tip ali tipe snemalne naprave, za katere se ta list lahko uporablja, in zagotovi ustrezno opremo tega tipa ali tipov za preskus lista.
An applicant for the type approval of a model record sheet shall state on his application the type or types of control device on which the sheet in question is designed to be used and shall provide suitable equipment of such type or types for the purpose of testing the sheet.
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2011-73
Vložnik vloge za odobritev vrste zapisnega lista v svoji vlogi navede tip ali tipe snemalne naprave, za katere se lahko ta list uporablja, in zagotovi ustrezno napravo tega tipa ali tipov za preskus lista.
An applicant for type approval of a model record sheet shall state on his application the type or types of control device on which the sheet in question is designed to be used and shall provide a suitable device of such type or types for the purpose of testing the sheet.
3 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31975L0033
Padec tlaka v vodomeru se ugotavlja s preskusi za odobritev EGS in ne sme preseči 0,25 bara pri nazivnem pretoku in 1 bara pri maksimalnem pretoku.
Loss of pressure through the meter is determined by EEC pattern approval tests, and must not exceed 0.25 bars at the nominal flowrate and one bar at the maximum flowrate.
4 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31977L0313
Če lastnosti pretočnega merila niso združljive z lastnostmi merilnega sistema ali če za pretočno merilo (in njegovo pomožno opremo) ni bila podeljena odobritev EGS za vzorec, je treba v skladu s to direktivo ter Direktivama 71/319/EGS in 71/348/EGS preskusiti celotni merilni sistem.
Should the characteristics of the meter not be compatible with those of the measuring system, or should no EEC pattern approval have been granted in respect of the meter (and its ancillary equipment), the entire measuring system must be tested in accordance with this Directive and with Directives 71/319/EEC and 71/348/EEC.
5 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31976L0765
ker glede opredelitve, oblikovanja ter postopkov za odobritev in preskušanje alkoholometrov in alkoholnih hidrometrov v državah članicah veljajo prisilni predpisi, ki se med državami članicami razlikujejo ter tako ovirajo promet in trgovino s temi instrumenti znotraj Skupnosti;
Whereas in the Member States the definition, design and procedures for the approval and testing of alcoholometers and alcohol hydrometers are the subject of mandatory provisions which differ from one Member State to another and consequently hinder the movement of and trade in these instruments within the Community;
6 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31977L0313
Če ima separator plina, ki je namenjen za obratovanje pri največjem pretoku, ki ne presega 100 m3/h, ločeno odobritev EGS za vzorec, mora znotraj meja napak, ki so določene v 1.6.1, zagotavljati odvajanje zraka ali plinov, pomešanih z merjeno tekočino, pod naslednjimi preskusnimi pogoji: (a) merilni sistem mora obratovati pri največjem pretoku in pri najmanjšem tlaku, ki je za separator plina predpisan;
Where a gas separator intended to operate at a maximum flowrate not exceeding 100 m3/h is covered by a separate EEC pattern approval, it shall, within the error limits laid down in 1.6.1, ensure the elimination of air or gases mixed with the liquid to be measured, under the following test conditions: (a) the measuring system shall operate at its maximum flowrate and the minimum pressure laid down for the gas separator;
7 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1829
- vrednotenje podatkov, ki jih predloži vlagatelj za odobritev za dajanje živila ali krme na trg, za namene preskušanja in validiranja metode za vzorčenje in odkrivanje,
- evaluating the data provided by the applicant for authorisation for placing the food or feed on the market, for the purpose of testing and validation of the method for sampling and detection,
8 Pravna redakcija
Če odobritev velja za različne tipe vozil istega avtomobilskega proizvajalca in če imajo različni tipi vozil isti tip katalizatorja, ki je del originalne opreme, se preskus tipa I lahko omeji na najmanj dve vozili, izbrani po dogovoru s tehnično službo, odgovorno za homologacijo.
Where approval is applied for different types of vehicles from the same car manufacturer, and provided that these different types of vehicle are fitted with the same type of original equipment catalytic converter, the type I test may be limited to at least two vehicles selected after agreement with the technical service responsible for approval.
9 Pravna redakcija
Prosilec obvesti organ za ugotavljanje skladnosti, ki ima tehnično dokumentacijo o certifikatu tipskega preskusa ES, o vseh spremembah odobrene vloge, za katere je potrebna dodatna odobritev, kadar bi takšne spremembe lahko vplivale na skladnost z bistvenimi zahtevami ali predpisanimi pogoji uporabe izdelka.
The applicant informs the notified body that holds the technical documents concerning the EC type-examination certificate of all modidfications to the approved appliance which must receive additional approval where such changes may affect the conformity with the essential requirements or the prescribed conditions for use of the product.
10 Pravna redakcija
Prosilec za odobritev EGS za vzorec mora za vsako družino jeklenk predložiti dokumentacijo, potrebno za izvedbo v nadaljevanju opisanih preverb, in državi članici dati na voljo serijo 50 jeklenk, izmed katerih bodo izbrane jeklenke v številu, potrebnem za preskuse, kakor je navedeno v tem členu, in predložiti morebitne dodatne informacije na zahtevo države članice.
The applicant for EEC pattern approval shall, for each family of cylinders, submit the documentation necessary for the checks prescribed below and make available to the Member State a batch of 50 cylinders from which the number of cylinders required for the tests referred to in the same paragraph will be taken, together with any additional information required by the Member State.
11 Pravna redakcija
Prosilec za odobritev EGS za vzorec mora za vsak tip ali za vsako družino jeklenk predložiti dokumentacijo, potrebno za izvedbo v nadaljevanju opisanih preveritev, in dati državi članici na razpolago serijo 50 jeklenk, izmed katerih bodo izbrane jeklenke v številu, potrebnem za preskuse, kakor je navedeno v tem členu, ter dati morebitne dodatne informacije na zahtevo države članice.
The applicant for pattern approval must, for each type of cylinder or family of cylinders, submit the documentation necessary for the verification prescribed below and make available to the Member State a batch of 50 cylinders from which the number of cylinders required for the following tests will be taken, together with any additional information required by the Member State.
12 Pravna redakcija
Prosilec za odobritev EGS za vzorec mora za vsako družino jeklenk predložiti dokumentacijo, potrebno za izvedbo v nadaljevanju opisanih preverjanj, in dati državi članici na voljo serijo 50 jeklenk ali dve seriji po 25 jeklenk v skladu z, izmed katerih bodo izbrane jeklenke v številu, potrebnem za preskuse, kakor je navedeno v nadaljevanju, skupaj z morebitnimi dodatnimi informacijami na zahtevo države članice.
The applicant for EEC pattern approval shall, for each family of cylinders, submit the documentation necessary for the checks specified below and make available to the Member State a batch of 50 or two batches of 25 cylinders in accordance with, from which the number of cylinders required for the tests referred to below will be taken, together with any additional information required by the Member State.
13 Pravna redakcija
Države članice uradno obvestijo Komisijo in druge države članice o organih za certifikacijo in nadzor ter preskusnih laboratorijih, določenih za naloge, ki se morajo opraviti za tehnično odobritev, izdajanje potrdil o skladnosti, nadzore in preskuse, v skladu s to direktivo, skupaj z njihovimi imeni in naslovi ter identifikacijskimi številkami, ki jim jih je predhodno dodelila Komisija.
Member States shall notify the Commission and the other Member States of the certification and inspection bodies and the testing laboratories which they have designated for the tasks which must be carried out for the purposes of technical approval, certificates of conformity, inspections and tests, in accordance with this Directive, together with their names and addresses and the identification numbers assigned to them beforehand by the Commission.
14 Prevajalska redakcija
Pri ključnih kliničnih preskušanjih, ki podpirajo odobritev zdravila Osigraft, niso uporabili sintetičnih polnil za kosti.
The pivotal clinical trial supporting the approval of Osigraft did not include the use of synthetic bone void fillers.
15 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31996L0098
"odobritev tipa" pomeni postopke za ocenjevanje opreme, izdelane v skladu z ustreznimi standardi preskušanja, in izdajo ustreznih spričeval.
'type-approval` shall mean the procedures for evaluating equipment produced in accordance with the appropriate testing standards and the issue of the appropriate certificate.
16 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1829
vrednotenje podatkov, ki jih predloži vlagatelj za odobritev za dajanje živila ali krme na trg, za namene preskušanja in validiranja metode za vzorčenje in odkrivanje,
evaluating the data provided by the applicant for authorisation for placing the food or feed on the market, for the purpose of testing and validation of the method for sampling and detection,
17 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31985R3821
V vlogi za odobritev tipa EGS za tahografski vložek prosilec navede tip(e) tahografa, s katerim(i) se bo ta tahografski vložek uporabljal, in zagotovi ustrezni tip(e) tahografa za preskus tahografskega vložka.
An applicant for EEC type approval of a model record sheet shall state on his application the type or types of recording equipment on which the sheet in question is designed to be used and shall provide suitable equipment of such type or types for the purpose of testing the sheet.
18 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995R1239
Če urad želi ustanoviti svoj podurad za preskušanje sort, upravnemu svetu predloži v odobritev izjavo, v kateri utemelji, zakaj je ustanovitev takega podurada tehnično in ekonomsko primerna, in o tem, kje bo lociran tak podurad.
Where the Office intends to establish its own sub-office for the technical examination of varieties, it shall transmit an explanatory statement on the technical and economic appropriateness of establishing such a sub-office for that purpose and on the siting of such sub-office to the Administrative Council for consent.
19 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0732
Kadar gre za projekte za nadgradnjo obstoječih prog, se lahko opravi podobne preskuse, če je potreba po njih odvisna od narave nadgradenj in posebnih zahtev, o katerih naročnika ali upravljavca infrastrukture obvesti organ, odgovoren za odobritev zagona proge.
When projects for upgrading existing lines are concerned, similar tests may also be carried out, if they are considered necessary depending on the nature of the upgrades involved, and on the specific requirements which have been notified to the adjudicating entity, or to the Infrastructure Manager, by the authority responsible for authorising the line to be put into service.
20 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31990L0385
Za spremembe odobrenega izdelka je treba pridobiti nadaljnjo odobritev priglašenega organa, ki je izdal certifikat o ES tipskem preskusu, če lahko take spremembe vplivajo na skladnost z bistvenimi zahtevami ali s pogoji uporabe, določenimi za izdelek.
Modifications to the approved product must receive further approval from the notified body which issued the EC type-examination certificate where such modifications may affect conformity with the essential requirements or with the conditions of use specified for the product.
21 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995R1239
Če urad namerava zaupati odgovornost preskušanja sort agencijam v skladu s členom 55(2) osnovne uredbe, upravnemu svetu predloži v odobritev izjavo, v kateri utemelji, zakaj je taka agencija tehnično primerna, da postane urad za preskušanje sort.
Where the Office intends to entrust agencies with responsibility for the technical examination of varieties in accordance with Article 55 (2) of the Basic Regulation, it shall transmit an explanatory statement on the technical suitability of such agency as Examination Office to the Administrative Council for consent.
22 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31990L0385
Za spremembe odobrenega projekta je treba pridobiti dodatno odobritev priglašenega organa, ki je izdal certifikat projektnega preskusa ES, kadar lahko take spremembe vplivajo na skladnost z bistvenimi zahtevami te direktive ali pogoji, določenimi za uporabo izdelka.
Modifications made to the approved design must obtain supplementary approval from the notified body which issued the EC design examination certificate where such modifications may affect conformity with the essential requirements of this Directive or the conditions prescribed for the use of the product.
23 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31996L0098
Če proizvajalec ponovno vloži vlogo za odobritev tipa za opremo, za katero je bila zavrnjena izdaja spričevala o tipu, mora ta predložitev priglašenemu organu vsebovati vso ustrezno dokumentacijo, vključno s prvotnimi poročili preskušanj, podrobnimi razlogi za prejšnjo zavrnitev in podrobnosti o vseh izboljšavah, izvedenih na opremi.
Where a manufacturer reapplies for type-approval for equipment for which a type-certificate has been refused, his submission to the notified body must include all relevant documentation, including the original test reports, the detailed reasons for the previous refusal and details of all modifications made to the equipment.
24 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31979L0830
Ta možnost se dovoli samo, če je bila med pregledom za odobritev EGS za vzorec z upoštevanjem pravil enakovrednosti vroče in hladne vode omogočena izvedba preskusa točnosti s hladno vodo in se je izkazalo, da vodomer, ki uspešno opravi ta preskus, ustreza tudi največjim dopustnim pogreškom iz točke 2.1.
This possibility is permitted only if, during the EEC pattern approval examination, study of the hot water/cold water rules of equivalence has enabled a cold water accuracy test to be established and has shown that a meter passing this test also complies with the maximum permissible errors laid down in 2.1.
25 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992L0042
Prosilec obvesti priglašeni organ, ki hrani tehnično dokumentacijo o certifikatu tipskega preskusa ES, o vseh spremembah na odobreni napravi, za katere je potrebna dodatna odobritev, kadar bi takšne spremembe lahko vplivale na skladnost z bistvenimi zahtevami ali predpisanimi pogoji uporabe izdelka.
The applicant informs the notified body that holds the technical documents concerning the EC type-examination certificate of all modifications to the approved appliance which must receive additional approval where such changes may affect the conformity with the essential requirements or the prescribed conditions for use of the product.
26 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31999L0105
Države članice lahko na vsem svojem ozemlju ali delu svojega ozemlja za obdobje največ 10 let odobrijo izhodiščni material za proizvodnjo testiranega reprodukcijskega materiala, kadar se na podlagi začasnih rezultatov ocenitvenih genskih testov ali primerjalnih testov iz Priloge V lahko domneva, da bo izhodiščni material po zaključenih preskusih izpolnjeval zahteve za odobritev skladno s to direktivo.
Member States may approve, for a maximum period of ten years, in all or part of their territory, basic material for the production of tested reproductive material where, from the provisional results of the genetic evaluation or comparative tests referred to in Annex V, it can be assumed that the basic material will, when tests have been completed, satisfy the requirements for approval under this Directive.
27 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1360
Če bodo tudi po koncu tega obdobja ostali nerešeni kakšni problemi v zvezi s skupno uporabnostjo, mora laboratorij, pristojen za preskuse skupne uporabnosti, v sodelovanju s prizadetimi proizvajalci in organi, pristojnimi za odobritev tipa, ki so izdali ustrezne funkcionalne certifikate, ugotoviti vzroke napak glede skupne uporabnosti in ugotoviti, katere spremembe mora izvesti vsak od prizadetih proizvajalcev.
If at the end of this period, interoperability problems still remain, the laboratory in charge of interoperability tests, with the collaboration of the manufacturers concerned and with the type approval authorities who delivered the corresponding functional certificates shall find out the causes of the interoperability faults and establish which modifications should be made by each of the manufacturers concerned.
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preskus za odobritev