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1 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31977L0313
V merilnih sistemih praznih cevi mora imeti cevovod pod pretočnim merilom in po potrebi cevovod nad njim visoko točko nastavljeno tako, da so vsi deli merilnega sistema ves čas napolnjeni s tekočino.
In empty-hose measuring systems the pipework downstream from the meter and, if necessary; the pipework upstream of the meter shall have a high point so that all parts of the measuring systems remain constantly filled.
2 Pravna redakcija
Da bi se izognili izgubi občutljivosti za določanje As V z novo pretočno injekcijsko tehniko, ki jo povzroči krajši reakcijski čas v tem sistemu, se mora As V reducirati na As III po oksidacijski razgradnji.
To avoid a loss of sensitivity for the determination of As V with flow injection technique, caused by the short reaction time in this system, As V has to be reduced to As III after the oxidative decomposition.
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