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preučiti rezultat izvajanja
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 9-2009
Eno leto pred potekom njegove veljavnosti pogodbenici pregledata rezultate njegovega izvajanja ter preučita načine in sredstva za nadaljevanje ali nadaljnje razvijanje takega sodelovanja.
One year before the expiry of this Agreement, the Parties shall review the results of its implementation and shall examine ways and means of continuing or further developing such cooperation.
2 Končna redakcija
Komisija bi morda lahko predvidela preučitev rezultatov, ki so v celoti doseženi v državah članicah pri izvajanju teh storitev, in učinkovitosti ureditvenega okvira, da bi spodbudila vrednotenje storitev splošnega gospodarskega interesa.
In order to facilitate the evaluation of services of general economic interest the Commission could envisage an examination of the results achieved overall in the Member States in the operation of these services and the effectiveness of the regulatory frameworks.
3 Pravna redakcija
Postopek lahko vključuje preučitev ustreznih predpisov, načina izvajanja, oceno končnega rezultata, stopnje skladnosti in poznejše korektivne ukrepe.
The process may include study of the relevant regulations, method of implementation, assessment of the end result, level of compliance and subsequent corrective actions.
4 Prevajalska redakcija
Komisija bi morda lahko predvidela preučitev rezultatov, ki so v celoti doseženi v državah članicah pri izvajanju teh storitev, in učinkovitosti ureditvenega okvira, da bi spodbudila vrednotenje storitev splošnega gospodarskega interesa.
In order to facilitate the evaluation of services of general economic interest the Commission could envisage an examination of the results achieved overall in the Member States in the operation of these services and the effectiveness of the regulatory frameworks.
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preučiti rezultat izvajanja