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preveč naložiti
1 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999D0454
V takih primerih se proizvajalcu ne sme naložiti preverjanja te lastnosti, če se ne želi izjaviti o takšnem obnašanju proizvoda.
In those cases the verification of such a charecteristic must not be imposed on the manufacturer if he does not wish to declare the performance of the product in that respect.
2 Končna redakcija
V teh primerih se proizvajalcu ne sme naložiti preverjanja take lastnosti, če proizvajalec ne želi navesti tozadevnega obnašanja izdelka.
In those cases the verification of such a characteristic must not be imposed on the manufacturer if he does not wish to declare the performance of the product in that respect.
3 Pravna redakcija
Pri izvozu po morju ali plovnih celinskih vodah, če izvoznik lahko predloži podpisano dokazilo osebe, pristojne za prevozno sredstvo, da zaradi omejitev, značilnih za ta tip prevoza, ali zaradi tega, ker so drugi izvozniki naložili preveč, ni mogel naložiti vsega svojega blaga, se nadomestilo izplača za dejansko naloženo neto maso.
However, where export occurs by sea or navigable inland waterway, if the exporter can supply signed proof from the person responsible for the means of transport that constraints peculiar to this type of transport or alternatively overloading on the part of other exporters have prevented the loading of all his goods, the refund shall be paid for the net mass actually loaded.
4 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998D0436
V takih primerih se proizvajalcu ne sme naložiti preverjanje te lastnosti, če proizvajalec obnašanja proizvoda ne želi opredeliti.
In those cases, the verification of such a characteristic must not be imposed on the manufacturer if he does not wish to declare the performance of the product in that respect.
5 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0722
V navedenih primerih se proizvajalcu ne sme naložiti preverjanje te lastnosti, če proizvajalec obnašanja proizvoda ne želi opredeliti.
In those cases the verification of such a characteristic must not be imposed on the manufacturer if he or she does not wish to declare the performance of the product in that respect.
6 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0639
V takih primerih se proizvajalcu ne sme naložiti preverjanje te lastnosti, če proizvajalec obnašanja proizvoda ne želi opredeliti. Družina proizvodov: Zatiči za stike nosilnih konstrukcij (2/2)
In those cases the verification of such a characteristic must not be imposed on the manufacturer if he does not wish to declare the performance of the product in that respect. Product family: Pins for structural joints (2/2)
7 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0640
V takih primerih se proizvajalcu ne sme naložiti preverjanje te lastnosti, če proizvajalec obnašanja proizvoda ne želi opredeliti. Družina proizvodov: sklopi proizvodov za zunanje oblaganje sten (2/2)
In those cases the verification of such a characteristic must not be imposed on the manufacturer if he does not wish to declare the performance of the product in that respect. Product family: kits for exterior wall claddings (2/2)
8 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31999D0090
Specifikacija za sistem mora omogočati izvajanje sistema tudi takrat, kadar obnašanja glede na neko lastnost ni treba opredeliti, ker v vsaj eni državi članici ni pravne zahteve za to lastnost (glej člen 2.1 Direktive 89/106/EGS in, kjer je ustrezno, točko 1.2.3 razlagalnih dokumentov). V takih primerih se proizvajalcu ne sme naložiti preverjanje te lastnosti, če proizvajalec obnašanja proizvoda ne želi opredeliti.
The specification for the system should be such that it can be implemented even where performance does not need to be determined for a certain characteristic, because at least one Member State has no legal requirement at all for such a characteristic (see Article 2.1 of Directive 89/106/EEC, and, where applicable, point 1.2.3. of the Interpretative Documents).
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preveč naložiti