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preveriti pravico
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-5
Prevoznik ima pravico kadar koli preveriti, ali so izpolnjeni prevozni pogoji in ali pošiljka ustreza podatkom pošiljatelja v tovornem listu.
1 The carrier shall have the right to examine at any time whether the conditions of carriage have been complied with and whether the consignment corresponds with the entries in the consignment note made by the consignor.
2 Objavljeno
regionalni razvoj
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 1999-80
preveriti, da pogodba in pripadajoči dokumenti predvidevajo izvedbo ZK-V, vključno s pravico ZastZK do dostopa v prostore dobaviteljev in ustreznih podizvajalcev.
determine that the contract and related documents provide for the conduct of GQA including the QAR's right of access at the contractors and relevant sub-contractors premises.
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-102
kopijo pogodbe o pridobitvi avtorskih pravic ali kateri koli drugi dokaz, na podlagi katerega je možno preveriti pridobitev avtorske pravice za komercialno izkoriščanje dela;
a copy of the contract for the purchase of the copyright or any other proof of purchase of the copyright for the commercial exploitation of the work;
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-25
Posamezniki imajo v skladu z ustreznimi določbami Konvencije o Europolu ali slovenske notranje zakonodaje pravico dostopa do podatkov, ki se nanašajo nanje in so bili sporočeni po tem sporazumu ali da dajo take podatke preveriti.
Individuals shall have the right to have access to data related to them transmitted under this Agreement, or to have such data checked, in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Europol Convention or the national legislation of Slovenia.
5 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-59
Vsak posameznik, ki želi uveljaviti pravico do dostopa do podatkov, ki se nanašajo nanj in jih hrani Europol, ali ki želi te podatke preveriti, lahko za ta namen pošlje brezplačno zahtevo pristojnemu nacionalnemu organu v kateri koli državi članici po njegovi izbiri, navedeni organ pa zahtevo nemudoma posreduje Europolu in prosilca obvesti, da mu bo Europol takoj odgovoril na zahtevo.
Any individual wishing to exercise his right of access to data relating to him which have been stored within Europol or to have such data checked may make a request to that effect free of charge to the national competent authority in any Member State he wishes, and that authority shall refer it to Europol without delay and inform the enquirer that Europol will reply to him directly.
6 Objavljeno
regionalni razvoj
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-65
Pred obdelavo filmov, ki so bili osvetljeni pri pregledu med letom, predstavitvenim letom in opazovalnim letom, imajo države pogodbenice pravico preveriti opremo za obdelavo filmov in kemikalije, s tem da osvetlijo in obdelajo testni film iste vrste, ki je bil uporabljen pri pregledu med letom, predstavitvenim letom in opazovalnim letom, da ugotovijo, da sta postopka pranja in fiksiranja primerna za trajno arhiviranje.
Prior to the processing of the films exposed during the in-flight examination, demonstration flight and observation flight, States Parties shall have the right to check the film processing equipment and chemicals by exposing and processing a test film of the same type used during the in-flight examination, demonstration flight and observation flight to confirm that the washing and fixing process is suitable for the purposes of permanent archive storage.
7 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31976L0757
XII.1 Homologacijski organ, ki je podelil EGS-homologacijo sestavnega dela, ima pravico preveriti, v kolikšni meri je zagotovljena obstojnost barv določenega tipa odsevnika v uporabi.
XII.1. The authority which granted EEC component type-approval may check the colour-fastness of a type of reflex reflector in service.
8 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31976L0757
Homologacijski organ, ki je podelil EGS-homologacijo sestavnega dela, ima pravico preveriti, v kolikšni meri je zagotovljena obstojnost optičnih lastnosti tipa odsevnika v uporabi pri staranju.
The administration which granted EEC component type-approval may check the stability of the optical properties of a type of reflex reflector in service as ageing takes place.
9 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R2245
Pooblaščeni agenti plačilne agencije, certifikacijski organ in Evropska unija imajo pravico preveriti katere koli dokaze, ki jih ima zgoraj navedeni organ, in izvajati preverjanja v zvezi z vlagatelji."
The authorised agents of the paying agency, the certifying body and the European Union shall have the right to examine any evidence held by the abovementioned body and to carry out checks on applicants for aid."
10 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R0978
Bapeksta ima pravico preveriti te listine z opravljanjem nadzora v prostorih zadevnega podjetja.
Bapeksta is entitled to verify these documents by carrying out controls at the premises of the company concerned.
11 Pravna redakcija
Pogodbenica ima pravico preveriti tehnično usposobljenost in izpolnjevanje pogojev organov za ugotavljanje skladnosti, ki so v pristojnosti druge pogodbenice.
Each Party has the right to challenge the technical competence and compliance of conformity assessment bodies under the jurisdiction of the other Party.
12 Pravna redakcija
Organizacije akreditacijskim organom ne smejo odreči pravice, da nadzorujejo okoljskega preveritelja z opazovanjem njegovega dela med preverjanjem organizacije.
Organisations may not refuse the right of accreditation bodies to supervise the environmental verifier through witnessed assessments during the verification process.
13 Pravna redakcija
Glede kakovosti pšenice, ki se zahteva za kvote št. 09.0074 in 09.0075, morajo carinski organi preveriti skladnost z zahtevami glede kakovosti, preden dodelijo pravico do kvote.
In view of the quality of wheat required for quota Nos 09.0074 and 09.0075, the customs authorities should check compliance with the quality requirements before granting entitlement to the quota.
14 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0694
Brez poseganja v pravila o varovanju podatkov imajo osebe, katerim se izda FTD in FRTD, pravico preveriti osebne podatke iz FTD/FRTD in, kjer je ustrezno, zahtevati njihov popravek ali izbris.
Without prejudice to data protection rules, persons to whom the FTD and FRTD is issued shall have the right to verify the personal particulars contained in the FTD/FRTD and, where appropriate, to have them corrected or deleted.
15 Pravna redakcija
Akreditacijski organ ne sme zahtevati drugih pogojev, ki bi vplivali na pravico okoljskega preveritelja, da izvaja storitve v državi članici, ki ni država, v kateri je bila akreditacija podeljena.
The accreditation body shall not require other conditions which would prejudice the right of the environmental verifier to provide services in a Member State other than the one where accreditation was granted.
16 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0109
(21) Država članica, v kateri namerava rezident za daljši čas uveljavljati svojo pravico do prebivanja, bi morale imeti možnost preveriti, ali posameznik izpolnjuje pogoje za prebivanje na njenem ozemlju.
(21) The Member State in which a long-term resident intends to exercise his/her right of residence should be able to check that the person concerned meets the conditions for residing in its territory.
17 Pravna redakcija
ker je nujno treba preveriti, če in v kolikšni meri morajo biti pogoji varstva iz drugih sistemov industrijske lastnine, kot so patenti, prilagojeni ali drugače spremenjeni, da bodo v skladu s sistemom žlahtniteljskih pravic v Skupnosti;
Whereas it is indispensable to examine whether and to what extent the conditions for the protection accorded in other industrial property systems, such as patents, should be adapted or otherwise modified for consistency with the Community plant variety rights system;
18 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31997R0088
(12) Nenazadnje bi morala splošna pravila, ki veljajo za protidampinške preiskave, zlasti glede vodenja preiskav, preveritvenih obiskov, nesodelovanja, zaupnosti in procesnih pravic zadevnih strank, veljati tudi za postopke, ki jih določa ta uredba -
(12) Finally, the general rules applying to anti- dumping investigations, regarding in particular the conduct of investigations, verification visits, non- cooperation, confidentiality, and the procedural rights of the parties concerned, should apply to the procedures laid down in this Regulation,
19 Pravna redakcija
Če je nekatere podatke, ki jih da prijavitelj za podelitev žlahtniteljske pravice v Skupnosti, mogoče preveriti samo s preskušanjem, ki presega veljaven okvir preskušanja za sorte zadevne botanične razvrstitve, se pristojbine za preskušanje lahko zvišajo po pogovoru z osebo, ki je dolžna plačati pristojbine, do višine dejansko nastalih stroškov.
If certain information provided by the applicant for grant of a Community plant variety right can only be verified by a technical examination which goes beyond the framework established for the technical examination of varieties of the taxon concerned, the fees for the technical examination may be increased, after having heard the person liable to pay the fees, up to the amount of the expenditure actually incurred.
20 Pravna redakcija
Vsak posameznik, ki želi uveljaviti svojo pravico dostopa do podatkov v zvezi z njim, shranjenih pri Eurojustu, ali jih želi preveriti v skladu s členom 20, lahko v ta namen brezplačno predloži prošnjo v državi članici po svoji izbiri, in sicer pri organu, ki ga je v ta namen imenovala država članica, ta organ pa nemudoma predloži njegovo prošnjo Eurojustu.
Any individual wishing to exercise his right to have access to data concerning him which are stored at Eurojust, or to have them checked in accordance with Article 20, may make a request to that effect free of charge in the Member State of his choice, to the authority appointed for that purpose in that Member State, and that authority shall refer it to Eurojust without delay.
21 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998R2531
Pravica preveriti podatke zajema pravico do:
The right to verify data shall include the right to:
22 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31997L0009
lahko zahteva zagotovitev ustreznih podatkov in ima pravico te podatke preveriti pri pristojnih organih matične države članice;
it will be able to require the provision of relevant information and be entitled to verify such information with the home Member State's competent authorities;
23 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31997R0515
Vsakdo ima pravico, da od vsakega nacionalnega nadzornega organa zahteva preveritev osebnih podatkov v CIS, ki se nanj nanašajo, in njihovo uporabo.
Any person may ask any national supervisory authority to check personal data relating to himself in the CIS and the use which has been or is being made of those data.
24 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31976L0757
Homologacijski organ, ki je podelil EGS-homologacijo sestavnega dela, ima pravico preveriti, v kolikšni meri je zagotovljena obstojnost barv določenega tipa odsevnika v uporabi.
The authority which granted EEC component type-approval may check the colour-fastness of a type of reflex reflector in service.
25 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0109
Država članica, v kateri namerava rezident za daljši čas uveljavljati svojo pravico do prebivanja, bi morale imeti možnost preveriti, ali posameznik izpolnjuje pogoje za prebivanje na njenem ozemlju.
The Member State in which a long-term resident intends to exercise his/her right of residence should be able to check that the person concerned meets the conditions for residing in its territory.
26 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0087
Centralni administrator opravi avtomatizirano preveritev vsake transakcije v registrih prek neodvisne evidence transakcij, s čimer zagotovi, da ni nobenih nepravilnosti pri izdaji, prenosu in ukinitvi pravic.
The Central Administrator shall conduct an automated check on each transaction in registries through the independent transaction log to ensure there are no irregularities in the issue, transfer and cancellation of allowances.
27 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31977D0415
Carinski organ ima pravico zahtevati, naj mu oseba, ki ji je bilo odobreno, da izkoristi ta postopek, dovoli v svojih prostorih kadar koli preveriti blago, začasno uvoženo na aktivno oplemenitenje, in tudi pridobljene izdelke.
The customs authorities shall have the right to require that any person accorded the benefit of this procedure shall allow them to check on his premises, at any time, the goods temporarily admitted for inward processing and also the compensating products.
28 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1725
Treba je preveriti vsa dejstva in okoliščine, ki vplivajo na potencialne glasovalne pravice, ki se proučijo v skladu z odstavkom 3 tega pojasnila, razen namena ravnateljstva in finančne zmožnosti uresničevanja ali zamenjave.
All facts and circumstances that affect potential voting rights considered in accordance with paragraph 3 of this interpretation should be examined, except the intention of management and the financial capability to exercise or convert.
29 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R0333
Brez poseganja v pravila o varstvu podatkov imajo osebe, ki se jim izda enotni format za obrazce, pravico preveriti osebne podatke, ki so v enotnem formatu za obrazce, in, kjer je to ustrezno, zahtevati, da se opravijo kakršnikoli popravki ali izbrisi.
Without prejudice to data protection rules, persons to whom the uniform format for forms is issued shall have the right to verify the personal particulars contained in the uniform format for forms and, where appropriate, to ask for any corrections or deletions to be made.
30 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001R0045
Postopke obdelave, ki zaradi svojega značaja verjetno predstavljajo določeno tveganje za pravice in svoboščine posameznikov, na katere se nanašajo osebni podatki, njihov obseg ali njihove cilje, mora predhodno preveriti evropski nadzornik za varstvo podatkov.
Processing operations likely to present specific risks to the rights and freedoms of data subjects by virtue of their nature, their scope or their purposes shall be subject to prior checking by the European Data Protection Supervisor.
31 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31997R0088
Nenazadnje bi morala splošna pravila, ki veljajo za protidampinške preiskave, zlasti glede vodenja preiskav, preveritvenih obiskov, nesodelovanja, zaupnosti in procesnih pravic zadevnih strank, veljati tudi za postopke, ki jih določa ta uredba - SPREJELA NASLEDNJO UREDBO:
Finally, the general rules applying to anti-dumping investigations, regarding in particular the conduct of investigations, verification visits, non-cooperation, confidentiality, and the procedural rights of the parties concerned, should apply to the procedures laid down in this Regulation, HAS ADOPTED THIS REGULATION:
32 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0087
Če se pri avtomatizirani preveritvi odkrijejo nepravilnosti, centralni administrator obvesti zadevno državo članico ali države članice, ki teh transakcij in nobenih nadaljnjih transakcij, povezanih z zadevnimi pravicami, ne registrirajo, dokler se nepravilnosti ne razrešijo.
If irregularities are identified through the automated check, the Central Administrator shall inform the Member State or Member States concerned who shall not register the transactions in question or any further transactions relating to the allowances concerned until the irregularities have been resolved.
33 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0192
Svet zato priznava pravico Irske, da v skladu s členom 4 Schengenskega protokola zaprosi za delno uporabo, in hkrati opozarja, da je treba preveriti vpliv take uporabe določb v zvezi z vzpostavitvijo in delovanjem SIS s strani Irske na interpretacijo drugih pomembnih določb schengenskega pravnega reda in njegovih finančnih posledic.
The Council thus recognises the right of Ireland to make, in accordance with Article 4 of the Schengen Protocol, a request for partial participation, noting at the same time that it is necessary to consider the impact of such participation by Ireland in the provisions concerning the establishment and operation of the SIS on the interpretation of the other relevant provisions of the Schengen acquis and on its financial implications.
34 Prevod
Carinski organi, ki potrdijo potrdila o gibanju blaga v skladu s pogoji iz člena člena 8(3), imajo pravico preveriti blago v skladu z zakoni in predpisi, ki veljajo v zadevni državi.
The customs authorities which endorse movement certificates in accordance with the conditions laid down in Article 8 (3) have the right to undertake verification of the goods in accordance with the laws and regulations in force in the State concerned.
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preveriti pravico