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preveriti ventil
1 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999L0036
Priglašeni organ mora tudi preveriti, da ventili in drugi dodatki z neposredno varnostno funkcijo zagotavljajo raven varnosti, ki je v skladu s tisto iz člena 3 te direktive.
The notified body must also check that valves and other accessories having a direct safety function ensure a level of safety in line with that defined pursuant to Article 3 of this Directive.
2 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31975L0033
Celota enote lahko vključuje tudi avtomatske naprave, obtočne ventile, omejilnike pretoka itd. pod pogojem, da je vsak preskusni krog med vodomeri, ki jih overjamo, in kontrolnimi posodami jasno definiran in da je možno kadar koli preveriti njegovo notranjo absorpcijo tlaka.
The complete unit may include automatic devices, by-pass valves, flow-restrictors, etc., provided that each test circuit between the meters to be verified and the control tanks is clearly defined and that it is possible to verify at any time its internal pressure absorption.
3 Pravna redakcija
Preveriti, ali natovarjanje vozil ovira delovanje protipožarnih sredstev, naprav za izklapljanje v sili, reguliranja drenažnih ventilov itd., ki so lahko v prostorih za vozila.
That the loading of vehicles does not prevent the operation of the fire controls, emergency shut-offs, controls for the storm valves, etc. that may be located on the vehicle decks.
4 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31979L0830
Celotna enota lahko vključuje tudi samodejne naprave, obtočne ventile, omejevalnike pretoka itd., če je vsak preskusni krog med vodomeri, ki jih overjamo, in kontrolnimi posodami jasno določen in je mogoče kadarkoli preveriti notranjo tesnost krogov pod tlakom.
The complete unit may include automatic devices, by-pass valves, flow-restrictors, etc., provided that each test circuit between the meters to be verified and the control tanks is clearly defined and that it is possible to check the internal pressure tightness of the circuits at any time.
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preveriti ventil