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preverjanje "da-ne"
1 Objavljeno
WTO: Izvajanje sedmega člena
Če carinska uprava ne more sprejeti transakcijske vrednosti brez nadaljnjih preverjanj, tedaj mora dati uvozniku možnost, da po potrebi zagotovi take nadaljnje informacije, ki ji omogočajo, da preveri okoliščine v zvezi s prodajo.
Where the customs administration is unable to accept the transaction value without further inquiry, it should give the importer an opportunity to supply such further detailed information as may be necessary to enable it to examine the circumstances surrounding the sale.
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-19
(4) [Datum vložitve, kadar pogodbenica prijavitelja zahteva preverjanje verodostojnosti] Ne glede na tretji odstavek lahko pogodbenica, katere zakon, veljaven, ko postane pogodbenica, zahteva preverjanje verodostojnosti, z izjavo uradno obvesti generalnega direktorja, da se enomesečni rok v tretjem odstavku zamenja s šestmesečnim rokom.
(4) [Filing Date Where Applicant's Contracting Party Requires a Security Clearance] Notwithstanding paragraph (3), a Contracting Party whose law, at the time that it becomes party to the Act, requires security clearance may, in a declaration, notify the Director General that the period of one month referred to in that paragraph shall be replaced by a period of six months.
3 Objavljeno
WTO: Predodpremna kontr-Uvozna dovoljenja
Članice uporabnice zagotavljajo, da se cena ali tečaj, ki ga je subjekt predodpremne kontrole sprejel na podlagi takega predhodnega preverjanja, ne spremeni pod pogojem, da blago ustreza uvozni dokumentaciji in/ali uvoznemu dovoljenju.
User Members shall ensure that a price or currency exchange rate that has been accepted by a preshipment inspection entity on the basis of such preliminary verification is not withdrawn, providing the goods conform to the import documentation and/or import licence.
4 Objavljeno
regionalni razvoj
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-83
2) Namen postopkov varnostnega preverjanja je ugotoviti, ali lahko ima oseba ob upoštevanju njene lojalnosti in zanesljivosti dostop do tajnih podatkov, ne da bi to pomenilo nesprejemljivo varnostno tveganje.
(2) Security clearance procedures shall be designed to determine whether an individual can, taking into account his or her loyalty and trustworthiness, have access to classified information without constituting an unacceptable risk to security.
5 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-73
(4) [Datum vložitve, kadar pogodbenica prijavitelja zahteva varnostno preverjanje] Ne glede na tretji odstavek lahko pogodbenica, katere zakonodaja takrat, ko postane pogodbenica akta iz leta 1999, zahteva varnostno preverjanje, z izjavo uradno obvesti generalnega direktorja, da se enomesečni rok iz tretjega odstavka zamenja s šestmesečnim rokom.
(4) [Filing Date Where Applicant's Contracting Party Requires a Security Clearance] Notwithstanding paragraph (3), a Contracting Party whose law, at the time that it becomes party to the 1999 Act, requires security clearance may, in a declaration, notify the Director General that the period of one month referred to in that paragraph shall be replaced by a period of six months.
6 Objavljeno
DRUGO: Z1-05-2070
(4) [ Datum vložitve, kadar pogodbenica prijavitelja zahteva varnostno preverjanje ] Ne glede na tretji odstavek lahko pogodbenica, katere zakonodaja takrat, ko postane pogodbenica akta iz leta 1999, zahteva varnostno preverjanje, z izjavo uradno obvesti generalnega direktorja, da se enomesečni rok iz tretjega odstavka zamenja s šestmesečnim rokom.
(4) [Filing Date Where Applicant` s Contracting Party Requires a Security Clearance] Notwithstanding paragraph (3), a Contracting Party whose law, at the time that it becomes party to the 1999 Act, requires security clearance may, in a declaration, notify the Director General that the period of one month referred to in that paragraph shall be replaced by a period of six months.
7 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-5
Upravičenec lahko tudi po prejemu tovornega lista in plačilu terjatev iz prevozne pogodbe zavrne prevzem blaga, dokler se ne ugodi njegovi zahtevi po preverjanju, da se ugotovi domnevna izguba ali poškodba blaga.
4 The person entitled may refuse to accept the goods, even when he has received the consignment note and paid the charges resulting from the contract of carriage, so long as an examination which he has demanded in order to establish alleged loss or damage has not been carried out.
8 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 18-1062
Če Uprava po pregledu za preverjanje plovnosti ali na drug način ugotovi, da domači zrakoplov ni ploven, prekliče veljavnost spričevala o plovnosti, ki ga je izdala takemu zrakoplovu, ali odloži njegovo izdajo oziroma ne podaljša njegove veljavnosti, dokler ponovno ne ugotovi, da je zrakoplov ploven.
If the Administration after an inspection for checking airworthiness or in any other way finds that a domestic aircraft is not airworthy, it shall recall the validity of the airworthiness certificate that it issued to such an aircraft, or shall defer its issue or not extend its validity until it again finds that the aircraft is airworthy.
9 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-82
(b) Agencija uporablja varovanje v skladu s pogoji tega sporazuma na način, da lahko pri preverjanju, da se jedrski material pri miroljubni uporabi ne zlorablja za jedrsko orožje ali druge jedrske eksplozivne naprave, potrdi ugotovitve sistema varovanja Skupnosti.
(b) The Agency shall apply its safeguards, in accordance with the terms of this Agreement, in such a manner as to enable it to verify, in ascertaining that there has been no diversion of nuclear material from peaceful uses to nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices, findings of the Community's system of safeguards.
10 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-82
(iii) osredotočenje postopkov preverjanja na tiste faze jedrskega gorivnega cikla, ki vključujejo proizvodnjo, predelavo, uporabo ali skladiščenje jedrskega materiala, iz katerega bi se lahko neposredno izdelalo jedrsko orožje ali druge jedrske eksplozivne naprave, ter največje zmanjšanje postopkov preverjanja pri drugem jedrskem materialu pod pogojem, da to ne ovira Agencije pri uporabi varovanja po tem sporazumu.
(iii) concentration of verification procedures on those stages in the nuclear fuel cycle involving the production, processing, use of storage of nuclear material from which nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices could readily be made, and minimization of verification procedures in respect of the nuclear material, on condition that this does not hamper the implementation of this Agreement.
11 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-82
UGOTAVLJAJOČ, da so države, ki so bile članice Skupnosti, ko so podpisale Pogodbo, ob tej priložnosti naznanile, da bo treba varovanje, opredeljeno v členu III(1) Pogodbe, določiti v sporazumu o preverjanju med Skupnostjo, državami in Agencijo in jih opredeliti na način, da ne bodo vplivali na pravice in obveznosti držav in Skupnosti;
NOTING that the States, which were members of the Community when they signed the Treaty, made it known on that occasion that safeguards provided for in Article III (1) of the Treaty would have to be set out in a verification agreement between the Community, the States and the Agency and defined in such a way that the rights and obligations of the States and the Community would not be affected;
12 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 1999-66
Države pogodbenice se ne smejo vmešavati v elemente sistema preverjanja po tej pogodbi ali v tehnična sredstva za preverjanje v posamezni državi, ki delujejo v skladu s 5. odstavkom, kar pa ne vpliva na pravico držav pogodbenic, da varujejo občutljive objekte in naprave, dejavnosti ali kraje, ki niso povezani s to pogodbo.
Without prejudice to the right of States Parties to protect sensitive installations, activities or locations not related to this Treaty, States Parties shall not interfere with elements of the verification regime of this Treaty or with national technical means of verification operating in accordance with paragraph 5.
13 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-5
Če prevoznik utemeljeno domneva, da se prevozni pogoji ne upoštevajo, ima pravico pregledati, ali predmeti (ročna prtljaga, prtljaga, vozila in nanje naložen tovor) in živali, ki se prevažajo, izpolnjujejo prevozne pogoje, razen če tega preverjanja ne prepovedujejo zakoni in predpisi države, v kateri naj bi bilo opravljeno.
1 When there is good reason to suspect a failure to observe the conditions of carriage, the carrier shall have the right to examine whether the articles (hand luggage, registered luggage, vehicles including their loading) and animals carried comply with the conditions of carriage, unless the laws and prescriptions of the State in which the examination would take place prohibit such examination.
14 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 18-1062
(2) Šteje se, da je spričevalo o plovnosti neveljavno, če se slovenski zrakoplov ali njegova oprema ne vzdržuje po predpisih, če se na zrakoplovu ali njegovi opremi naredijo spremembe, ki so pomembne za plovnost in ki jih Uprava ni predhodno potrdila, ali če niso narejene obvezne spremembe na zrakoplovu ali njegovi opremi, ali če se ne opravijo preverjanja po zahtevah Uprave, oziroma, če se ne opravi redni ali izredni pregled.
(2) It shall be considered that an airworthiness certificate is invalid if a Slovene aircraft or its equipment is not maintained according to regulations, if changes are made to an aircraft or its equipment which are relevant to airworthiness and the Administration has not previously confirmed, if compulsory changes have not been made to an aircraft or its equipment, or if checks have not been performed on the demand of the Administration or if a regular or occasional inspection is not carried out.
15 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-61
Preverjanja so lahko omejena na izbrane ukrepe in podukrepe ter na vzorce transakcij, če načrt revizije zagotavlja, da so v obdobju, ki ne presega treh let, zajeta vsa pomembna področja, vključno z oddelki in službami, pristojnimi za odobravanje, ter službami, organi in inštitucijami, na katere so bile prenesene določene naloge.
Verifications may be limited to selected measures and sub-measures and to samples of transactions provided that an audit plan ensures that all significant areas, including the departments and bodies responsible for authorisation and those departments and bodies to which functions have been delegated, are covered over a period not exceeding three years.
16 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-89
Pogodbenica uvoznica se posvetuje z obvestiteljem, če odloči, da informacije, ki jih je obvestitelj določil za zaupne, ne izpolnjujejo pogojev za tako obravnavo in pred razkritjem takih informacij obvesti obvestitelja o svoji odločitvi; na zahtevo navede razloge ter pred razkritjem informacij omogoči posvetovanje in notranje preverjanje odločitve.
The Party of import shall consult the notifier if it decides that information identified by the notifier as confidential does not qualify for such treatment and shall, prior to any disclosure, inform the notifier of its decision, providing reasons on request, as well as an opportunity for consultation and for an internal review of the decision prior to disclosure.
17 Objavljeno
DRUGO: Konvencija
2) Ta člen se ne sme razlagati na način, da je podana kazenska odgovornost za izdelavo, prodajo, dajanje v uporabo, uvoz, distribucijo ali drugačno zagotavljanje ali posedovanje predmetov iz prvega odstavka tega člena, če se omenjene dejavnosti ne izvajajo z namenom storitve kaznivega dejanja, opredeljenega v 2. do 5. členu konvencije, kot je na primer pooblaščeno preverjanje ali zaščita računalniškega sistema.
2 This article shall not be interpreted as imposing criminal liability where the production, sale, procurement for use, import, distribution or otherwise making available or possession referred to in paragraph 1 of this article is not for the purpose of committing an offence established in accordance with Articles 2 through 5 of this Convention, such as for the authorised testing or protection of a computer system.
18 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-82
Agencija ima pravico in obveznost, da zagotovi uporabo varovanja v skladu s pogoji iz tega sporazuma za vse osnovne materiale ali posebne cepljive materiale pri vseh miroljubnih jedrskih dejavnostih na ozemljih držav, pod njihovo jurisdikcijo ali ki se pod njihovim nadzorom opravljajo kjerkoli, z izključnim namenom preverjanja, da se takšen material ne zlorablja za jedrsko orožje ali druge jedrske eksplozivne naprave.
The Agency shall have the right and the obligation to ensure that safeguards will be applied, in accordance with the terms of this Agreement, on all source or special fissionable material in all peaceful nuclear activities within the territories of the States, under their jurisdiction or carried out under their control anywhere, for the exclusive purpose of verifying that such material is not diverted to nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices.
19 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 18-1062
Uprava lahko v primerih iz prejšnjega člena in v primeru dvoma, da upravičenec iz licence ne izpolnjuje več pogojev za uveljavljanje privilegijev iz licence, od upravičenca iz licence zahteva, da opravi predpisane teoretične in praktične preizkuse za preverjanje njegove strokovne sposobnosti, kakor tudi druge predpisane preglede za ugotovitev psihofizičnega stanja zaradi ugotovitve sposobnosti za opravljanje nalog.
The Administration may in cases referred to in the previous Article and in a case of suspicion that the holder of the licence no longer meets the conditions for exercising the /privileges/ from the licence, require from the holder of the licence that he take prescribed theoretical and practical tests in order to verify his professional capacity, as well as other prescribed inspections for checking psycho-physical condition in order to ascertain ability to perform tasks.
20 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-82
Države se na podlagi člena III(1) Pogodbe zavezujejo, da sprejmejo varovanje v skladu s pogoji iz tega sporazuma, za vse osnovne materiale ali posebne cepljive materiale pri vseh miroljubnih jedrskih dejavnostih na svojih ozemljih, pod njihovo jurisdikcijo ali ki se pod njihovim nadzorom opravljajo kjerkoli, z izključnim namenom preverjanja, da se takšen material ne zlorablja za jedrsko orožje ali druge jedrske eksplozivne naprave.
The States undertake, pursuant to Article III (1) of the Treaty, to accept safeguards, in accordance with the terms of this Agreement, on all source or special fissionable material in all peaceful nuclear activities within their territories, under their jurisdiction or carried out under their control anywhere, for the exclusive purpose of verifying that such material is not diverted to nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices.
21 Objavljeno
WTO: Subvencije-Izravnalni ukrepi
11.4 Preiskava v smislu prvega odstavka se ne sproži, dokler oblasti na podlagi preverjanja stopnje podpore ali nasprotovanja vlogi(38) domačih proizvajalcev enakega proizvoda ne ugotovijo, da je vlogo vložila domača industrija oziroma je vložena v njenem imenu.(39) Vloga se obravnava, kot da je vložena ` s strani ali v imenu domače industrije` , če jo podpirajo domači proizvajalci, katerih skupen proizvod pomeni več kot 50 odstotkov celotne proizvodnje proizvoda, ki ga proizvaja ta del domače industrije, ki podpira ali pa nasprotuje vlogi.
11.4 An investigation shall not be initiated pursuant to paragraph 1 unless the authorities have determined, on the basis of an examination of the degree of support for, or opposition to, the application expressed[109] by domestic producers of the like product, that the application has been made by or on behalf of the domestic industry.[110] The application shall be considered to have been made "by or on behalf of the domestic industry" if it is supported by those domestic producers whose collective output constitutes more than 50 per cent of the total production of the like product produced by that portion of the domestic industry expressing either support for or opposition to the application.
22 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0364
Take izjave se podajo, ne da bi posegale v preverjanja in preiskave v skladu z državnimi pravili in pravili Skupnosti.
Such declarations are made without prejudice to the checks and investigations provided for by national or Community rules.
23 Končna redakcija
Žal moramo reči, da neodvisno preverjanje znanstvenih podatkov in konfrontacija z medicinskimi praksami ne sodita v koncept revije.
Unfortunately, we must conclude that neither independent checking of scientific conclusions nor confrontation of medical approaches is a part of the concept of this magazine.
24 Končna redakcija
Ta preskus obsega preverjanje, da se nobeni dve mesti na kovini na zunanji steni jeklenke ne razlikujeta po trdoti za več kakor 25 HB.
This test involves checking that any two points on the metal of the external surface of the cylinder do not differ in hardness by more than 25 HB.
25 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0874
podatki se prejemajo in hranijo ne da bi bili deležni kakršnega koli postopka razen preverjanja, ki je popolno, dosledno in v pravilni obliki, dokler se jih ne prepusti Komisiji;
the data shall be received and held in escrow, undergoing no procedure other than verification that it is complete, consistent, and in proper format, until it is released to the Commission;
26 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0435
Preverjanje je potrdilo, da so bili ti stroški tesno povezani s poslovanjem na notranjem trgu in ne z izvozno dejavnostjo, kot je na začetku trdilo podjetje.
The verification confirmed that these expenses were closely linked to the operations in the domestic market and not to the export activities as initially claimed by the company.
27 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0658
Zgornja tabela kaže, da se tržni delež industrije Skupnosti ne bi razvijal na bistveno drugačen način, četudi bi poraba ostala konstantna skozi celotno obdobje preverjanja.
The above table illustrates that even if consumption had remained constant throughout the period examined, the Community industry's market share would not have developed in a substantially different manner.
28 Končna redakcija
Kontrolni pregled obsega preverjanje, da se ta vrednost ne razlikuje za več kot 0,05 m-1 od vrednosti, odčitane na kazalniku merilnika motnosti, kadar se filter postavi med vir svetlobe in fotoelektrično celico.
The check consists in verifying that this value does not differ by more than 0.05 m-1 from that read on the opacimeter indicating dial when the screen is introduced between the source of light and the photoelectric cell.
29 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0725
Določi se postopek za preverjanje skladnosti, namenjen temu, da se kakršna koli sprememba mednarodnega instrumenta izključi iz področja uporabe te uredbe samo v primeru, da obstaja na podlagi ocene Komisije očitno tveganje, da bi takšna sprememba znižala standarde pomorske zaščite ali da ne bi bila skladna z zakonodajo Skupnosti.
A procedure for checking conformity is hereby established in order to exclude from the scope of this Regulation any amendment to an international instrument only if, on the basis of an evaluation by the Commission, there is a manifest risk that such an amendment will lower the standard of maritime security or be incompatible with Community legislation.
30 Končna redakcija
da bi bilo seme koruze hitro na voljo, ne glede na to, da uradni pregledi za preverjanje skladnosti s pogoji iz Priloge II glede kalivosti še niso dokončani, odobrijo uradno potrditev in trženje za prvega kupca semena kategorij "osnovno seme" ali "certificirano seme".
in order to make maize seed rapidly available, notwithstanding the fact that the official examination to check compliance with the conditions laid down in Annex II in respect of germination has not been concluded, authorise the official certification and marketing as far as the first buyer by way of trade of the categories "basic seed" or "certified seed".
31 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31975L0410
Pri spreminjanju za 10° C in z zagotovilom, da sprememba temperature ni večja od 5° C/h, morajo biti tračne tehtnice in tehtnice, opremljene z napravo za preverjanje ničle z dodatno maso, take, da se njihovi kazalci ničle in kontrolna vrednost ne spreminjajo za več kot:
F or a variation of 10ş C, and provided that the variation in temperature is not greater than 5ş C/hour, the belt weighers shall be such that their ze ro indications or, in the case of machines fitted with a zero checking device with additional mass, the control value, do not vary by more than:
32 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0074
V tem smislu je obstoj sistema ali postopka preverjanja pomemben, ker v tem primeru omogoča, da vlada države izvoza zagotovi in dokaže, da količina vložkov, za katere se zahteva povračilo, ne presega količine podobnih izvoženih izdelkov, ne glede na obliko, in da ni povračila uvoznih dajatev, ki presegajo tiste, ki se prvotno zaračunavajo za zadevne uvožene vložke.
In this context, the existence of a verification system or procedure is important because it enables the government of the exporting country to ensure and demonstrate that the quantity of inputs for which drawback is claimed does not exceed the quantity of similar products exported, in whatever form, and that there is no drawback of import charges in excess of those originally levied on the imported inputs in question.
33 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0074
Ker ni zahtevano, da se uvoženi vložki porabijo v proizvodnem postopku in ker ne obstaja sistem preverjanja, ki ga zahteva Priloga II osnovne uredbe, DEPB na poizvozni podlagi ne more veljati za dovoljeno povračilo ali shemo nadomestnega povračila (Priloga III) v skladu s členom 2(1)(a)(ii) osnovne uredbe.
In the absence of a requirement that imported inputs be consumed in the production process and a system of verification as required by Annex II to the basic Regulation, the DEPB on a post-export basis cannot be considered as a permitted drawback or substitution drawback scheme (Annex III) pursuant to Article 2(1)(a)(ii) of the basic Regulation.
34 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0036
Vsaka država članica ustvari ustrezna sredstva za zagotovitev preverjanja na ploščadi zrakoplova, ki pristane na katero koli njihovo letališče, odprto za mednarodni zračni promet, in za katerega obstaja sum, da ne izpolnjuje mednarodnih varnostnih standardov.
Each Member State shall put in place the appropriate means to ensure that third-country aircraft suspected of non-compliance with international safety standards landing at any of its airports open to international air traffic shall be subject to ramp inspections.
35 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0215
Preverjanje številk, ki so jih posredovale države članice in države pristopnice, kaže, da skupni obseg zahtevkov, ki so jih predložili tradicionalni uvozniki za izdelke, navedene v Prilogi I k tej uredbi, presega za njih rezervirani delež kvot ali pa ga ne dosega.
Examination of the figures supplied by Member States and the acceding States shows that the aggregate volume of applications submitted by traditional importers for the products listed in Annex I to this Regulation exceeds or is lower than the portion of the quota set aside for them.
36 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0055
je bila, ne da bi bila navedena v enem izmed navedenih katalogov, sprejeta ali predložena za sprejem v zadevni državi članici ali v drugi državi članici bodisi za potrjevanje in trženje bodisi za potrjevanje za druge države bodisi za preverjanje kot standardno seme,
or, without being listed in one of those catalogues, has been accepted or has been submitted for acceptance in the Member State in question or in another Member State, either for certification and marketing, or for certification for other countries, or for verification as standard seed,
37 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0001
Če uporabnik storitve ne more prosto izbrati tehnične podpore, mora biti ponudnik storitve izbran in nagrajen po tržnih načelih, brez razlikovanja, in če je to potrebno, po razpisnih postopkih, skladnih z predpisi Skupnosti, vedno pa ob taki stopnji oglaševanja, ki omogoča, da je trg storitev odprt konkurenci in da je omogočeno preverjanje nepristranskosti pravil razpisnega postopka.
Where the choice of the provider of technical support is not freely left to the beneficiary of the service, such provider must be chosen and remunerated according to market principles, in a non-discriminatory way, where necessary using tendering procedures which are in accordance with Community law, and in any event using a degree of advertising sufficient to enable the services market to be opened up to competition and the impartiality of procurement rules to be reviewed.
38 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32000L0009
Priglašeni organ, njegov direktor in osebje, ki je odgovorno za izvajanje postopkov preverjanja, ne morejo biti niti konstruktor, proizvajalec, dobavitelj ali monter varnostnih elementov ali podsistemov, katerih inšpekcijske preglede opravljajo, niti pooblaščeni zastopnik katere koli od teh strank in fizična ali pravna oseba, ki te varnostne elemente ali podsisteme da na trg.
The notified body, its director and the staff responsible for carrying out the verification operations may not be either the designer, manufacturer, supplier or installer of the safety components or subsystems which they inspect or the authorised representative of any of those parties or the natural or legal person, who places these safety components or subsystems on the market.
39 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0027
“(b) pri zdravilih iz tretjih držav, ne glede na to, ali je bilo zdravilo izdelano v Skupnosti, da je bila v državi članici v celoti izvedena kakovostna analiza vsake posamezne serije, količinska analiza vsaj vseh zdravilnih učinkovin ter vsi ostali preskusi ali preverjanja, potrebni za zagotavljanje kakovosti zdravil v skladu z zahtevami dovoljenja za promet z zdravilom.”;
"(b) in the case of medicinal products coming from third countries, irrespective of whether the product has been manufactured in the Community, that each production batch has undergone in a Member State a full qualitative analysis, a quantitative analysis of at least all the active substances and all the other tests or checks necessary to ensure the quality of medicinal products in accordance with the requirements of the marketing authorisation.";
40 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0011
Države članice zagotovijo, da za razmnoževalni material sort trte in, kjer je primerno, klonov, ki so bili uradno sprejeti v eni od držav članic za potrjevanje in preverjanje standardnega razmnoževalnega materiala v skladu s to direktivo, na njihovem ozemlju ne veljajo nobene tržne omejitve glede sorte in, kjer je primerno, klona, brez poseganja v Uredbo (ES) št. 1493/1999.';
Member States shall ensure that propagating material of vine varieties and, where applicable, clones, which have been officially accepted in one of the Member States for certification and for checking as standard propagating material in accordance with this Directive, are not subjected to any marketing restrictions in their territory based on variety, and, where applicable, clone, without prejudice to Regulation (EC) No 1493/1999.";
41 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0001
Če uporabnik storitve ne more prosto izbrati ponudnika storitev iz odstavka 2 in razen če obstaja le en možni ponudnik zaradi vrste storitve ali pravne podlage za njeno zagotavljanje, mora biti ponudnik storitve izbran in nagrajen po tržnih načelih, brez razlikovanja, in če je to potrebno, po razpisnih postopkih, skladnih z predpisi Skupnosti, vedno pa ob taki stopnji oglaševanja, ki omogoča, da je trg storitev odprt konkurenci in da je omogočeno preverjanje nepristranskosti pravil razpisnega postopka.
Where the choice of the provider of a service listed in paragraph 2 is not freely left to the beneficiary of the service, and unless there is only one possible provider due to the nature of the service or the legal basis for the provision of that service, such provider must be chosen and remunerated according to market principles, in a non-discriminatory way, where necessary using tendering procedures which are in accordance with Community law, and in any event using a degree of advertising sufficient to enable the services market to be opened up to competition and the impartiality of procurement rules to be reviewed.
42 Pravna redakcija
Vizualni pregled izpušnega sistema za preverjanje, da ne pušča.
Visual inspection of the exhaust system in order to check that there are no leakages.
43 Pravna redakcija
Vizualni pregled ustreznih delov emisijskega sistema motornega vozila za preverjanje, da ne pušča.
Visual inspection of the relevant parts of the motor vehicle's emission system to check that there are no leaks.
44 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1601
Tudi če bi PBS in DEPB izpolnjevali merila iz Prilog II in III, bi bilo treba sklepati, da primeren sistem preverjanja ne obstaja.
Even if the PBS and DEPB were to meet the criteria of Annexes II and III, it should be concluded that no reasonable verification system exists.
45 Pravna redakcija
Okoljski preveritelj ne potrdi okoljske izjave, če med preverjanjem opazi, na primer z naključnimi preverjanji, da organizacija ne deluje v skladu z zakonodajo.
The environmental verifier shall not validate the environmental statement, if during the verification process he observes, for example through spot-checks, that the organisation is not in legal compliance.
46 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1582
(2) Preverjanje je pokazalo, da se ta datum ne ujema z ukrepom, o katerem bo Upravljalni Odbor podal svoje mnenje, zato je treba ta datum popraviti -
(2) A check has shown that this date is not consistent with the measure presented for an opinion to the Management Committee; therefore, this date should be corrected,
47 Pravna redakcija
Direktiva 96/96/ES ne vključuje predpisa za preverjanje delovanja sistemov RSL, tj. sposobnosti naprave, da učinkovito nadzira največjo hitrost vozila.
Directive 96/96/EC does not include a requirement to carry out functional checking of RSL systems, i.e. the ability for the device to effectively control the vehicle's maximum speed.
48 Pravna redakcija
Preverjanje mora pokazati, da aritmetična srednja vrednost ne presega VSTAVITI SIMBOL (najvišja povprečna vrednost vsebnosti maščob vzorca), kjer je:
Verification must show that the arithmetic mean does not exceed M (the maximum mean milk fat content of the sample) where:
49 Pravna redakcija
Organizacije akreditacijskim organom ne smejo odreči pravice, da nadzorujejo okoljskega preveritelja z opazovanjem njegovega dela med preverjanjem organizacije.
Organisations may not refuse the right of accreditation bodies to supervise the environmental verifier through witnessed assessments during the verification process.
50 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31997R2026
kadar ni postopkov preverjanja, kadar ti niso upravičeni ali kadar so taki postopki sicer uvedeni in se domneva, da so upravičeni, vendar se ugotovi, da se dejansko ne uporabljajo ali da se ne uporabljajo učinkovito, lahko subvencija obstaja.
where there are no verification procedures, where they are not reasonable, or where such procedures are instituted and considered reasonable but are found not be actually applied or not be applied effectively, there may be a subsidy.
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preverjanje "da-ne"