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preverjanje dokumentov
1 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31997D0794
Preverjanje dokumentov se opravi skladno s pravili, določenimi v Prilogi I.
The documentary check shall be carried out in accordance with the rules laid down in Annex I.
2 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000R1607
preverjanje dokumentov in vpisov v evidenco, določeno skladno s členom 70 Uredbe (ES) št. 1493/1999.
verification of the documents and register entries laid down pursuant to Article 70 of Regulation (EC) No 1493/1999.
3 Prevod
CELEX: 32002R2342
preverjanje dokumentov in, kjer je to primerno, preverjanje na kraju samem vsebine teh obračunov in transakcij, ki so njihova podlaga, vključno s pregledi pri upravičencih, ki jih brez vsakih omejitev opravi Komisija;
document and, where appropriate, on-the-spot checks by the Commission, subject to no limitations or restrictions, on the content of those accounts and on the underlying transactions, including checks made with beneficiaries;
4 Objavljeno
regionalni razvoj
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-84
7.3 Evidenco odstranitve dokumentov z oznakama ZAUPNO in TAJNO iz prostorov naj vodi imenovani član osebja; ta evidenca naj se uporablja za preverjanje dokumentov, ko so vrnjeni.
7.3 A record of SECRET and CONFIDENTIAL documents removed from the premises should be kept by a nominated member of staff; this record should be used to check the documents when they are returned.
5 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-34
Z notranjo zakonodajo se predvidi vložitev in sprejem ali preverjanje deklaracije blaga in dokumentov, ki se priložijo, pred prispetjem blaga.
National legislation shall make provision for the lodging and registering or checking of the Goods declaration and supporting documents prior to the arrival of the goods.
6 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-48
Pravilno pooblaščeni inšpektorji države inšpekcije so pooblaščeni za pregled plovila, njegovega dovoljenja, orodja, evidenc, objektov in naprav, rib in ribiških proizvodov in vseh ustreznih dokumentov, potrebnih za preverjanje skladnosti z ustreznimi ukrepi ohranjanja in upravljanja.
The duly authorised inspectors of an inspecting State shall have the authority to inspect the vessel, its licence, gear, equipment, records, facilities, fish and fish products and any relevant documents necessary to verify compliance with the relevant conservation and management measures.
7 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-64
Če Evropska skupnost in Združene države v prihodnosti sklenejo sporazum o varovanju informacij, bo ta urejal dostop, vzdrževanje, uporabo in objavo dokumentov Del 1, Del 2 in Del 3. Do takrat se predstavnikom Evropske komisije in uslužbencem skupnega podjetja Galileo in Evropske vesoljske agencije dovoli ustno pridobivanje informacij in vpogled v dokument Del 2 za potrebe uveljavitve in skladnosti s tem sporazumom na osnovi uveljavljenega varnostnega preverjanja s strani države članice, ki je podpisala GSOMIA ali GSOIA z Združenimi državami, v skladu s postopki, ki veljajo za nacionalno varnost, in zakonodajo države članice in sporazumom GSOMIA ali GSOIA, podpisanim z Združenimi državami.
Should an applicable agreement regarding security of information between the European Community and the United States be concluded in the future, it shall govern the access, maintenance, use and release of Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3. For the time being, representatives of the European Commission and staff members of the GALILEO Joint Undertaking and European Space Agency shall be granted oral and visual access to Part 2 for the purposes of implementation of and compliance with this Agreement, on the basis of an established security clearance with a Member State that has a GSOMIA or GSOIA with the United States, in accordance with the national security procedures and laws of the Member State, and with the GSOMIA or GSOIA with the United States.
8 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0036
Preverjanje veljavnosti dokumentov, ki so potrebni za mednarodne lete, kakor so:
Check for presence and validity of the documents necessary for international flights such as:
9 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0726
Dovoljenje za promet se zavrne, če se po preverjanju podrobnih podatkov in dokumentov, predloženih v skladu s členom 31, pokaže, da:
The marketing authorisation shall be refused if, after verification of the particulars and documents submitted in accordance with Article 31, it appears that:
10 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0796
preverjanje pravilnosti vnosov v register na podlagi vzorca spremnih dokumentov, kakor so fakture za nakup in prodajo ter veterinarska spričevala.
a check of the correctness of entries in the register on the basis of a sample of supporting documents such as purchase and sales invoices and veterinary certificates.
11 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0027
Dovoljenje za promet z zdravilom se zavrne, če se po preverjanju podrobnih podatkov in dokumentov, navedenih v členih 8, 10, 10a, 10b in 10c dokaže, da:
The marketing authorisation shall be refused if, after verification of the particulars and documents listed in Articles 8, 10, 10a, 10b and 10c, it is clear that:
12 Končna redakcija
Po preverjanju predloženih dokumentov, države članice do 10. delovnega dne po končnem datumu za predložitev zahtevkov za vsako serijsko številko Komisiji pošljejo naslednje:
After verifying the documents submitted, the Member States shall send the Commision the following by the 10th working day following the closing date for the submission of applications in respect of each serial number:
13 Končna redakcija
Od 1. julija 1985 na skupnih mejah preverjanja dokumentov o prevozih, ki se ne opravljajo z dovolilnico ali v okviru kvote v skladu s predpisi Skupnosti ali dvostranskimi predpisi, nadomestijo pregledi po naključnem izboru.
From 1 July 1985 checks on documents detailing transport operations not carried out under licence or quota pursuant to Community or bilateral rules shall be replaced at the common borders by spot checks.
14 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0726
Dovoljenje za promet se zavrne, če se po preverjanju podrobnih podatkov in dokumentov, predloženih v skladu s členom 6, pokaže, da predlagatelj ni pravilno ali zadostno dokazal kakovosti, varnosti ali učinkovitosti zdravila.
The marketing authorisation shall be refused if, after verification of the particulars and documents submitted in accordance with Article 6, it appears that the applicant has not properly or sufficiently demonstrated the quality, safety or efficacy of the medicinal product.
15 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0103
Države èlanice opravljajo preglede prve stopnje vseh umikov s trga v vsaki proizvodni organizaciji; sestavljeni so iz pregleda dokumentov in preverjanja identitete ter fiziènega pregleda, z vzorèenjem, kadar je to primerno, mase proizvodov, umaknjenih s trga, in preverjanja skladnosti s predpisi iz èlena 3, v skladu s postopki iz Priloge IV k Uredbi Komisije (ES) št. 1148/2001 [8].
The Member States shall make first-level checks on withdrawal operations in each producer organisation, comprising a documentary and identity check and a physical check, where appropriate by sampling, of the weight of the products withdrawn from the market and a check on compliance with the rules in Article 3, in accordance with the procedures laid down in Annex IV to Commission Regulation (EC) No 1148/2001(8).
16 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0802
Po skrbnem preverjanju predlagatelj ali predlagatelji, izjavljajo, da so po njihovi najboljši veri in prepričanju podatki, ki so podani v tej utemeljeni vlogi, resnični, pravilni in popolni, da so bile predloženi verodostojni in popolni izvodi dokumentov, ki jih zahteva ta obrazec, da so vse ocene opredeljene kot take in so najboljše ocene na podlagi dejstev, in da so vsa izražena mnenja iskrena.
The submitting party or parties declare that, following careful verification, the information given in this reasoned submission is to the best of their knowledge and belief true, correct, and complete, that true and complete copies of documents required by Form RS, have been supplied, and that all estimates are identified as such and are their best estimates of the underlying facts and that all the opinions expressed are sincere.
17 Pravna redakcija
natančno preverjanje dokumentov v vlogah za plačila v skladu s členom 4.
scrutiny of the documents in the payment application file in accordance with Article 4.
18 Pravna redakcija
se uredi vse potrebno, da seznam tako prenesenih dokumentov ostane v arhivskem uradu TRČS SECRET UE/EU TOP SECRET, kjer se dokumenti hranijo, in da se vpiše v vpisnik ter tako omogoči preverjanje dokumentov ob njihovi vrnitvi.
arrangements are made for the list of documents so carried to be held in the TRČS SECRET UE/EU TOP SECRET Registry holding the documents and recorded in a log, and checked against this record on their return.
19 Pravna redakcija
je pošiljka ali partija opremljena z zahtevanimi spričevali, alternativnimi dokumenti ali žigi, kot je določeno v členu 13(1)(ii) (preverjanje dokumentov),
the consignment or lot is accompanied by the required certificates, alternative documents or marks, as specified in Article 13(l)(ii) (documentary checks),
20 Pravna redakcija
Države članice zagotovijo pobiranje pristojbin (fitosanitarna pristojbina) zaradi pokrivanja stroškov, ki jih povzročijo preverjanje dokumentov, preverjanje istovetnosti in zdravstveni pregledi rastlin iz člena 13a(1), ki se opravijo skladno s členom 1. Višina pristojbine odraža:
Member States shall ensure the collection of fees (Phytosanitary fee) to cover the costs occasioned by the documentary checks, identity checks and plant health checks provided for in Article 13a(l), which are carried out pursuant to Article 13. The level of the fee shall reflect:
21 Pravna redakcija
Takšno spremljanje mora obsegati vsaj preglede akreditacijske dokumentacije ob kateremkoli času, preglede na kraju samem, ki vključujejo osebne ali telefonske pogovore s prosilci, preverjanje izletov in nastanitve ter, če je le mogoče, preverjanje dokumentov, ki so povezani s skupinsko vrnitvijo.
Such monitoring must at least comprise checks at any time on accreditation documentation, spot checks involving personal or telephone interviews with applicants, verification of trips and accommodation, and, wherever possible, verification of the documents relating to group return.
22 Pravna redakcija
23 Pravna redakcija
Inventurni popisi in preverjanja, shranjevanje in uničevanje tajnih dokumentov EU
Musters and checks, storage and destruction of EU classified documents
24 Pravna redakcija
Zaradi vodenja programa pomoči je treba določiti postopke za fizično preverjanje ter preverjanje dokumentov poteka dostave in predelave, preverjanja morajo pokrivati dovolj reprezentativno število zahtevkov za pomoč, treba je določiti tudi kazni za organizacije proizvajalcev in predelovalce, ki kršijo pravila, zlasti z lažnimi izjavami ali ne predelajo dostavljenih proizvodov.
For the purposes of administering the aid scheme, procedures must be laid down for physical and documentary checks on delivery and processing operations, checks must cover a sufficiently representative number of aid applications and certain penalties must be laid down for producer organisations and processors which breach the regulations, in particular by making false declarations or failing to process products delivered.
25 Pravna redakcija
"Preverjanje dokumentov" in inšpekcijske preglede, kot je predpisano v členu 13b(1), in preglede ujemanja z določbami člena 4 v zvezi s Prilogo III mora opraviti uradni organ vstopnega mejnega prehoda ali carinski urad vstopnega mejnega prehoda po dogovoru med odgovornim uradnim organom in carinskimi uradi tiste države članice.
"Documentary checks" and also the inspections as provided for in Article 13b(l) and the checks for compliance with the provisions of Article 4 in respect of Annex III must be made by the official body of point of entry or, in agreement between the responsible official body and the customs authorities of that Member State, by the customs office of point of entry.
26 Pravna redakcija
Družba naj izdela in izvaja postopke za preverjanje vseh dokumentov in podatkov, ki so pomembni za SMS.
The company should establish and maintain procedures to control all documents and data which are relevant to the SMS.
27 Pravna redakcija
preverjanje ukazov za dostop do dokumentov s podatki o postopku (člen 12(1), (2) in člen 12(2), (3) Konvencije);
examination of orders opening a data file (Article 12(1), second sentence and (2), third sentence of the Convention);
28 Pravna redakcija
Odgovorne so tudi za preverjanje in varovanje tajnosti tistih dokumentov, ki jih uporabljajo v njim dodeljenih prostorih.
They should also be responsible for the verification and security of those documents during their use in the premises assigned to them.
29 Pravna redakcija
Države članice lahko predpišejo, da se ustrezni original ali spričevala ali alternativni dokumenti v elektronski obliki z izjemo žigov, kot je opredeljeno v členu 13(1)(ii), ki se ga predloži odgovornemu uradnemu organu za "preverjanje dokumentov" skladno z določbami člena 13a(1)(b)(i) ob inšpekcijskem pregledu označi z "vizo" tistega organa skupaj s poimenovanjem in datumom predložitve dokumenta.
Member States shall lay down that the respective original, or the electronic form of the certificates or of the alternative documents other than marks, as specified in Article 13(l)(ii), which is produced to the responsible official body for "documentary checks" in accordance with the provisions of Article 13a(l)(b)(i), upon inspection shall be marked with a "visa" of that body, together with its denomination and the date of presentation of the document.
30 Pravna redakcija
Zaradi preverjanja vnosov v dokument T2M lahko zahtevajo še predložitev vseh drugih dokumentov, zlasti ladijskih listin plovil iz člena 326(a), (b) in (c).
They may further require, in order to check the entries on the T2M document, the production of all relevant documents, and in particular the ship's papers of the vessels referred to in Article 326 (a), (b) and (c).
31 Pravna redakcija
se izvršijo ob predložitvi dokazne dokumentacije za izdatke in po preverjanju teh dokumentov s strani pristojnih organov ter izpolnitvi navedenih obveznosti.
shall be made on presentation of supporting documents for the expenditure and following verification by the competent authorities of these documents and of fulfilment of the specified obligations.
32 Pravna redakcija
Točka 1 poglavja V Skupnih konzularnih navodil o vizumih(preverjanje drugih dokumentov, odvisno od prošnje) predpisuje uporabo enotnega obrazca za dokazila o namestitvi.
Point 1.4, Chapter V of the Common Consular Instructions on Visas (Verification of other documents depending on the application) lays down the use of a harmonised form providing proof of accommodation.
33 Pravna redakcija
Za namene naknadnega preverjanja potrdil o poreklu pristojni hrvaški organi vsaj dve leti hranijo izvode potrdil kot tudi vseh izvoznih dokumentov, ki se nanašajo nanje.
For the purpose of subsequent verification of certificates of origin, copies of the certificates as well as any export documents referring to them shall be kept for at least two years by the competent Croatian authorities.
34 Pravna redakcija
V tem členu imajo preverjanja, izvedena v poslovnih prostorih pristojnih organov na podlagi ustreznih dokumentov in/ali podatkov, ki jih podjetja izročijo na zahtevo navedenih organov, isto veljavo kakor preverjanja, izvedena v poslovnih prostorih podjetij.".
For the purposes of this Article, checks carried out at the premises of the competent authorities, on the basis of relevant documents and/or data handed over by undertakings at the request of the said authorities, shall have the same status as checks carried out at the premises of undertakings.'.
35 Pravna redakcija
Za namene naknadnega preverjanja potrdil o poreklu pristojni organi Bosne in Hercegovine vsaj dve leti hranijo izvode potrdil kot tudi vseh izvoznih dokumentov, ki se nanašajo nanje.
For the purpose of subsequent verification of certificates of origin, copies of the certificates as well as any export documents referring to them shall be kept for at least two years by the competent authorities of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
36 Pravna redakcija
uvedba postopkov preverjanja, s katerimi bi zagotovili, da so v vozilu dokumenti in varnostna oprema, ki mora spremljati prevoz, ter usklajenost omenjenih dokumentov in opreme s predpisi,
the implementation of verification procedures to ensure the presence on board means of transport of the documents and safety equipment which must accompany transport and the compliance of such documents and equipment with the regulations,
37 Pravna redakcija
Zahteve po naknadnem preverjanju zgoraj navedenih dokumentov sprejemajo pristojni carinski organi Skupnosti in Libanona v obdobju dveh let po izdaji in izdelavi zadevnega dokazila o poreklu.
Requests for subsequent verification of documents referred to above shall be accepted by the competent customs authorities of the Community and of Lebanon for a period of two years after the issuing and making out of the proof of origin concerned.
38 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0313
(6) Letni obračuni in spremne listine omogočijo Komisiji, da za nekatere plačilne agencije z vidika opravljenih preverjanj odloči o popolnosti, točnosti in verodostojnosti predloženih dokumentov.
(6) For certain paying agencies, in the light of the verifications made, the annual accounts and the accompanying documents permit the Commission to take a decision on the completeness, accuracy and veracity of the accounts submitted.
39 Pravna redakcija
preverjanja dokumentov o predvidenih proizvodnih operacijah (kot so pogodbe, predračuni, korespondenca), iz katerih je jasno razvidno, da bodo pridobljeni proizvodi izdelani iz blaga na začasnem izvozu.
the examination of supporting documents relating to the transaction under consideration (such as contracts, correspondence or invoices) which show clearly that the compensating products are to be manufactured from the temporary export goods.
40 Pravna redakcija
Carinski organi držav članic si medsebojno pomagajo pri preverjanju verodostojnosti in točnosti dokumentov ter pravilnosti podrobnih postopkov, s katerimi se v skladu s tem poglavjem dokazuje skupnostni status blaga.
The customs authorities of the Member States shall mutually assist one another in checking the authenticity and accuracy of the documents and the regularity of the detailed procedures which, in accordance with this Chapter, are used to prove the Community status of goods.
41 Pravna redakcija
Od 1. julija 1985 na skupnih mejah preverjanja dokumentov o prevozih, ki se ne opravljajo z dovolilnico ali v okviru kvote v skladu s predpisi Skupnosti ali dvostranskimi predpisi, nadomestijo pregledi po naključnem izboru.
From 1 July 1985 checks on documents detailing transport operations not carried out under licence or quota pursuant to Community or bilateral rules shall be replaced at the common borders by spot checks.
42 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R2237
Kolikor je treba ali kakor zahteva to poglavje, države članice vzajemno pomagajo druga drugi, da bi zagotovile učinkovit nadzor ter omogočile preverjanje pristnosti predloženih dokumentov in točnosti izmenjanih podatkov.
As far as necessary or as required by this Chapter, the Member States shall assist one another mutually to ensure effective controls, and enable the authenticity of documents submitted and the accuracy of the data exchanged to be verified.
43 Pravna redakcija
navedbo vseh dokumentov, ki jih je treba priložiti, kot so dokazila za preverjanje izjav kandidata v skladu s členom 11(7), ali dopolnitve informacij, ki jih predvideva navedeni člen pod enakimi pogoji kakor člena 26 in 27,
an indication of any documents to be annexed, either to support the verifiable statements furnished by the candidate in accordance with Article 11 (7), or to supplement the information provided for in that Article under the same conditions as those laid down in Articles 26 and 27;
44 Pravna redakcija
Naknadno preverjanje dokazil o poreklu se opravi naključno, ali kadar carinski organi države uvoznice upravičeno dvomijo o pristnosti teh dokumentov, statusu porekla teh izdelkov ali o izpolnjevanju drugih zahtev iz te priloge.
Subsequent verifications of proofs of origin shall be carried out at random or whenever the customs authorities of the importing country have reasonable doubts as to the authenticity of such documents, the originating status of the products concerned or the fulfilment of the other requirements of this Annex.
45 Pravna redakcija
regionalni razvoj
(a) Od vseh uslužbencev, vključujoč začasno zaposlene uslužbence nagrajence nagrad na področju raziskav in pripravnike se lahko v času izvajanja njihovih nalog zahteva varnostno preverjanje, ki jim daje dostop do zaupnih dokumentov.
(a) All staff members, including temporary staff, research award holders and trainees, may be required to have security clearance giving them access to classified documents in the course of their duties.
46 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32001D0822
Preverjanje dobaviteljeve izjave se lahko opravi naključno ali kadar carinski organi države uvoznice upravičeno dvomijo o verodostojnosti teh dokumentov ali točnosti oziroma popolnosti informacij v zvezi s poreklom zadevnih materialov.
Verification of suppliers' declaration may be carried out at random or whenever the customs authorities of the importing country have reasonable doubts as to the authenticity of the document or the accuracy or completeness of the information concerning the true origin of the materials in question.
47 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1429
Po preverjanju predloženih dokumentov države članice najpozneje peti delovni dan po koncu roka za oddajo zahtevkov obvestijo Komisijo o seznamu vlagateljev, razčlenjenem po količini, ki velja za skupino oznak KN za vsako zaporedno številko.
After verification of the documents submitted, the Member States shall notify the Commission, no later than the fifth working day following the end of the application period, of the list of applicants broken down by quantity applied for per CN code group for each order number.
48 Pravna redakcija
ker bi se nekatera opravila nadzornih služb, zlasti tista, ki se nanašajo na preverjanje potrebnih dokumentov, olajšala, če bi lahko organi, ki so za to odgovorni, prenesli pooblastila za izvajanje takšnih kontrol na eno od ostalih zastopanih služb;
Whereas certain work of the inspection services, and in particular that relating to the examination of documents which must be carried, would be facilitated if the authorities responsible for them could delegate powers to one of the other services represented to effect such inspections;
49 Pravna redakcija
Naknadno preverjanje potrdil o gibanju blaga EUR.1 in izjav na računu se opravi naključno, ali kadar carinski organi države uvoznice upravičeno dvomijo o pristnosti teh dokumentov, statusu porekla teh izdelkov ali o izpolnjevanju drugih zahtev tega protokola.
Subsequent verification of EUR.1 movement certificates and invoice declarations shall be carried out randomly or whenever the customs authorities of the importing State have reason to doubt the authenticity of such documents, the originating status of the products concerned or the fulfilment of the other requirements of this Protocol.
50 Pravna redakcija
razpošiljanje dokumentov TRČS SECRET UE/EU TOP SECRET v skladu z navodili organa izvora ali na podlagi potrebe po seznanitvi s podatki zaradi opravljanja funkcije ali delovnih nalog, ob poprejšnjem preverjanju ustreznosti zahtevanega varnostnega potrdila naslovnika;
the distribution of TRČS SECRET UE/EU TOP SECRET documents in accordance with the instructions of the originator or on a need-to-know basis, having first checked that the addressee has the requisite security clearance;
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preverjanje dokumentov