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preverjanje na meji
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-66
Za preverjanje skladnosti ladijskih dizelski motorjev z zgornjimi mejami NOx v skladu s 13. pravilom te priloge se uporabljajo naslednji ciklusi preizkušanja, ki temeljijo na preizkusnem postopku in izračunu, kot sta določena v Tehničnem kodeksu NOx.
The following text cycles and weighing factors should be applied for verification of compliance of marine diesel engines with the NO(x) limits in accordance with Regulation 13 of this Annex using the test procedure and calculation method as specified in the NO(x) technical Code.
2 Končna redakcija
ker takšno mejno preverjanje obstaja zaradi neskladij v nacionalnih zahtevah na tem področju;
whereas the existence of such frontier controls results from disparities between national requirements in this field;
3 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 41998D0026
opazujejo kontrolne ukrepe na kopenskih mejah, z namenom preverjanja njihove učinkovitost podnevi in ponoči.
observe control measures at the land borders with the aim of verifying their efficiency day and night.
4 Končna redakcija
Od 1. julija 1985 na skupnih mejah preverjanja dokumentov o prevozih, ki se ne opravljajo z dovolilnico ali v okviru kvote v skladu s predpisi Skupnosti ali dvostranskimi predpisi, nadomestijo pregledi po naključnem izboru.
From 1 July 1985 checks on documents detailing transport operations not carried out under licence or quota pursuant to Community or bilateral rules shall be replaced at the common borders by spot checks.
5 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0658
Na podlagi primerjave povprečnih cen franko tovarna, ki jih zaračunavajo proizvajalci Skupnosti in proizvajalci izvozniki uvoznikom Skupnosti (CIF meja EU, vključno s carino), so bile domače cene nelojalno znižane v petih obdobjih preverjanja za 2 do 12 %.
Based on a comparison of average ex-works prices charged by the Community producers and by exporting producers to the Community importers (cif EU border including customs duty), domestic prices were undercut throughout the five periods examined by between 2 and 12 %.
6 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 41998D0026
Stalni odbor je izključno odgovoren za pripravo poročil, ki vsebujejo oceno priprav držav kandidatk za uveljavitev Konvencije in preverjanje ali so izpolnjeni vsi predpogoji za praktično uporabo Konvencije o izvajanju Schengenskega sporazuma in odpravo mejnih kontrol na notranjih mejah.
The Standing Committee shall have sole responsibility for drafting the reports with a view to evaluating the preparations by the candidate States to bring the Schengen Convention into force and verifying that all of the preconditions for the practical application of the Schengen Convention and the abolition of checks at the internal borders have been fulfilled.
7 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999L0096
Pogoji za preverjanje sprejemljivosti preskusov ETC (glej Prilogo III, Dodatek 2, točko 3.9) pri merjenju emisij motorjev, ki za gorivo uporabljajo plin, glede na mejne vrednosti iz vrstice A, se ponovno pregledajo in po potrebi spremenijo v skladu s postopkom iz člena 13 Direktive 70/156/EGS.
((The conditions for verifying the acceptability of the ETC tests (see Annex III, Appendix 2, section 3.9) when measuring the emissions of gas fuelled engines against the limit values applicable in row A shall be re-examined and, where necessary, modified in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 13 of Directive 70/156/EEC.))
8 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0237
Odločba Komisije 1999/518/ES [5] je nadalje spremenila merila za preverjanja na mejnih kontrolnih točkah Skupnosti z vključitvijo posebnih preverjanj kar zadeva stilbene, po tem, ko so pristojne oblasti v Švici odkrile dietilstilbestrol (DES) v telečjem mesu, uvoženem iz Združenih držav.
Commission Decision 1999/518/EC(5) further amended the inspection measures at Community border inspection posts to include specific testing for stilbenes following the detection by the competent authorities of Switzerland of diethylstilboestrol (DES) in beef meat imported from the United States.
9 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999L0096
Če se pristojni organ strinja, se na vseh ostalih motorjih, homologiranih v skladu z vrsticami A, B1 ali B2 oziroma C v tabelah iz točke 6.2.1, za preverjanje skladnosti proizvodnje opravijo preskusi bodisi s cikli ESC in ELR bodisi s ciklom ETC. Mejne vrednosti so navedene v točki 6.2.1 te priloge.
With the agreement of the authority, all other engines type approved to row A, B1 or B2, or C of the tables in section 6.2.1 are subjected to testing either on the ESC and ELR cycles or on the ETC cycle for the checking of the production conformity. The limit values are given in section 6.2.1 of this Annex.
10 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1596
Na zahtevo pristojnih organov vlagatelji priskrbijo vse nadaljnje informacije in utemeljitve, za katere organi menijo, da so potrebne, da se zagotovi skladnost s ceno franko meja pri opravljanju carinskih formalnosti, ter sprejmejo, kadar je to potrebno, kakršna koli preverjanja računov, s strani teh organov v smislu Uredbe Sveta (EGS) št. 4045/89(**)."
At the request of the competent authorities, applicants shall supply any further information and substantiation which the authorities consider necessary to ensure compliance with the free-at-frontier price when the customs formalities are conducted and shall accept, where applicable, any checks by those authorities of the accounts within the maeaning of Council Regulation (EEC) No 4045/89(10)."
11 Pravna redakcija
prehod meja štiriindvajset ur na dan z ustreznimi pregledi in formalnostmi za blago, dano v carinski tranzitni postopek, njihova prevozna sredstva in vozila, ki potujejo prazna, razen če je potrebno preverjanje na meji zaradi preprečevanja širjenja bolezni ali za zaščito živali;
frontiers can be crossed twenty-four hours a day with the corresponding inspections and formalities in respect of goods placed under a customs transit procedure, their means of transport and vehicles travelling unladen, save where frontier inspection is necessary in order to prevent the spread of disease or protect animals;
12 Pravna redakcija
opazujejo kontrolne ukrepe na kopenskih mejah, z namenom preverjanja njihove učinkovitost podnevi in ponoči.
observe control measures at the land borders with the aim of verifying their efficiency day and night.
13 Pravna redakcija
Trenutno znaša vsota, ki je organom mejne kontrole za osnovo pri preverjanju sredstev za preživljanje, 75 NLG na osebo na dan.
The amount which border control officials take as a basis when verifying means of subsistence is currently NLG 75 per person per day.
14 Pravna redakcija
Pogodbenici se strinjata, da se pregledi na meji in preverjanja proizvodov, ki imajo potrdilo, da ustrezajo zahtevam pogodbenice uvoznice, dokončajo čim hitreje.
The Parties agree that border inspections and checks of products certified to the importing Party's requirements shall be completed as expeditiously as possible.
15 Pravna redakcija
ker se pričakuje, da bodo ta preverjanja in odločitve, ki se bodo sprejele, znatno vplivala na registrirano uporabo in tako na mejne vrednosti ostankov, ki naj se določijo za te pesticide;
whereas these examinations and the consequential decisions to be taken are anticipated to have significant effects on authorized uses and thus on maximum residue levels which should be fixed for these pesticides;
16 Pravna redakcija
Če ni sklenjen tak dogovor, "preverjanje istovetnosti" ali "zdravstveni pregled rastlin" v celoti opravi uradni organ vstopnega mejnega prehoda na katerem koli kraju, določenem pod (b).
If no such agreement is made, the entire "identity check" or "plant health check" shall be made by the official body of the point of entry at either of the places specified in (b).
17 Pravna redakcija
ker lahko države članice po veljavni zakonodaji Skupnosti te preglede, preverjanje in nadzor organizirajo in izvajajo kjer koli želijo, čeprav jih v praksi običajno izvajajo na svojih mejah;
Whereas, under existing Community legislation, Member States are free to organize and perform the aforementioned checks, verifications and inspections where they so wish but in practice they normally carry them out at their frontiers;
18 Pravna redakcija
"kontrola" pomeni vsak pregled, nadzor, preverjanje ali formalnost, ki jo na mejah držav članic izvajajo nacionalni organi in povzroči zastoj ali omejitev prostega pretoka zadevnih vozil ali plovil.
'control' means any check, inspection, verification or formality performed at the frontiers of Member States by the national authorities, which signifies a stop or a restriction on the free movement of the vehicles or vessels concerned.
19 Pravna redakcija
Tako dobljeni končni rezultati se uporabijo pri preverjanju skladnosti z določbami, kakor je opisano v točkah 4.2, 4.3 in 4.4. Sprejemljiva je ena neskladnost meje obnovljivosti na 10 vzorčnih enot.
The final results obtained in this way are used to check compliance as described in points 4. 2. 4. 3 and 4. 4. One non-compliance with the reproducibility limit per 10 sampling units is accepted.
20 Pravna redakcija
Švica lahko izvaja kontrole na meji zaradi preverjanja dovolilnic, izdanih v skladu s Prilogo 6 k Sporazumu med Evropskimi skupnostmi in Švicarsko konfederacijo o cestnem in železniškem prevozu blaga.
Switzerland may perform controls at the frontier to verify permits issued under Annex 6 to the Agreement between the European Communities and the Swiss Confederation on carriage of goods by road and rail.
21 Pravna redakcija
(b) Švica lahko izvaja kontrole na meji zaradi preverjanja dovolilnic, izdanih v skladu s Prilogo 6 k Sporazumu med Evropskimi skupnostmi in Švicarsko konfederacijo o cestnem in železniškem prevozu blaga.
(b) Switzerland may perform controls at the frontier to verify permits issued under Annex 6 to the Agreement between the European Communities and the Swiss Confederation on carriage of goods by road and rail.
22 Pravna redakcija
Vse vpletene pogodbenice lahko izvajajo kontrole na meji zaradi preverjanja skladnosti s sistemom kvot iz člena 16 tranzitnega sporazuma, kadar ga ne nadomešča sistem ekotočk, in zaradi preverjanja skladnosti s sistemom kvot, ki izhaja iz dvostranskih sporazumov med Avstrijo na eni strani in Finsko, Norveško, Švedsko in Švico na drugi strani.
All Contracting Parties concerned may perform controls at the frontier to verify compliance with the quota arrangements referred to in Article 16 of the transit agreement which are not replaced by the ecopoint system and with quota arrangements covered by bilateral agreements between Austria on the one hand and Finland, Norway, Sweden and Switzerland on the other.
23 Pravna redakcija
Na podlagi prikritega evidentiranja se lahko pri mejni kontroli in raznih policijskih ter carinskih preverjanjih v notranjosti države v celoti ali delno zbirajo in posredujejo razpisnemu organu naslednje informacije:
For the purposes of discreet surveillance, all or some of the following information may be collected and communicated to the authority issuing the alert when border checks or other police and customs checks are carried out within the country:
24 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1295
Pri prečkanju zunanjih meja držav članic so kontrole članov olimpijske družine, katerim so bili vizumi izdani v skladu s to uredbo, ob vstopu omejene na preverjanje skladnosti s pogoji, določenimi v 3.členu uredbe.
When crossing the external borders of the Member States, the entry checks carried out on members of the Olympic family who have been issued visas in accordance with this Regulation shall be limited to verifying compliance with the conditions set out in Article 3.
25 Pravna redakcija
Od 1. julija 1985 na skupnih mejah preverjanja dokumentov o prevozih, ki se ne opravljajo z dovolilnico ali v okviru kvote v skladu s predpisi Skupnosti ali dvostranskimi predpisi, nadomestijo pregledi po naključnem izboru.
From 1 July 1985 checks on documents detailing transport operations not carried out under licence or quota pursuant to Community or bilateral rules shall be replaced at the common borders by spot checks.
26 Pravna redakcija
Ukrepi se izvajajo tako, da ne preprečujejo prostega pretoka blaga ali storitev med pogodbenicama, zlasti kar zadeva upravo in pobiranje cestnin, odsotnost nadzora ali sistematičnega preverjanja na mejah med pogodbenicama in odsotnost odvečnih formalnosti.
The measures shall be applied in such a way as not to impede the free movement of goods or services between the Contracting Parties, notably as regards the administration and collection of tolls or road-use charges, the absence of controls or systematic verification at the frontiers between the Contracting Parties and the absence of excessive formalities.
27 Pravna redakcija
ker v praksi običajno opravljajo te kontrole in preverjanja na svojih mejah po svojih pravnih predpisih, ki vpeljujejo določbe teh sporazumov v nacionalno pravo, ali nacionalnih predpisih, ki urejajo te vrste mednarodnega prevoza, če niso pogodbenice nobenega od sporazumov;
whereas in practice, under their laws incorporating the provisions of those Agreements into national law or, where they are not contracting parties to either Agreement, under their national law governing these types of international carriage, they normally carry out these controls and verifications at their frontiers;
28 Pravna redakcija
Glede na uvedbo enotnega trga v Skupnosti, ki vključuje odpravo meja med državami članicami, morajo imeti organi, pristojni za nadzor zalog in trženja proizvodov iz grozdja in vina, potrebna sredstva za izvajanje učinkovitih preverjanj v skladu z enotnimi pravili, določenimi na ravni Skupnosti.
In view of the establishment of the single market in the Community, which entails the abolition of boundaries between Member States, the authorities responsible for supervising the stocking and marketing of wine products must have the necessary means to carry out effective checks in accordance with uniform rules laid down at Community level.
29 Pravna redakcija
Če se pri preverjanju izkaže, da so razpoložljivi podatki točni in se ujemajo z izjavo mornarja in njegovimi dokumenti, lahko organi mejne kontrole schengenskega vstopnega ali izstopnega letališča na meji izdajo schengenski tranzitni vizum z veljavnostjo največ petih dni.
where the verification of the available data is positive and the outcome concurs with the seaman's declaration or documents, the border control authorities of the Schengen airport of entry or exit may issue a Schengen transit visa at the border with a maximum validity of five days.
30 Pravna redakcija
Ta protokol ne preprečuje niti uporabe večjih olajšav, ki si jih med seboj odobrita dve ali več pogodbenic, niti pravice pogodbenic do uporabe lastne zakonodaje za preverjanja in formalnosti na svojih mejah, če to v nobenem primeru ne zmanjša olajšav, ki izhajajo iz tega protokola.
This Protocol shall not prevent the application of greater facilities which two or more Contracting Parties grant to each other, nor the right of the Contracting Parties to apply their own legislation to controls and formalities at their frontiers, on condition that this does not reduce in any way the facilities deriving from this Protocol.
31 Pravna redakcija
Stalni odbor je izključno odgovoren za pripravo poročil, ki vsebujejo oceno priprav držav kandidatk za uveljavitev Konvencije in preverjanje ali so izpolnjeni vsi predpogoji za praktično uporabo Konvencije o izvajanju Schengenskega sporazuma in odpravo mejnih kontrol na notranjih mejah.
The Standing Committee shall have sole responsibility for drafting the reports with a view to evaluating the preparations by the candidate States to bring the Schengen Convention into force and verifying that all of the preconditions for the practical application of the Schengen Convention and the abolition of checks at the internal borders have been fulfilled.
32 Pravna redakcija
Skladi lahko financirajo ukrepe za pripravo, spremljanje, vrednotenje in preverjanje, ki so potrebni za izvajanje te uredbe, na pobudo ali v imenu Komisije in po posvetu z odbori iz členov 48 do 51 o različnih vrstah ukrepov, ob upoštevanju zgornje meje 0,25 % letnega financiranja iz posameznega Sklada.
At the initiative or on behalf of the Commission and following consultation of the committees referred to in Articles 48 to 51 on the different types of measures, subject to a ceiling of 0,25 % of their respective annual allocation, the Funds may finance the preparatory, monitoring, evaluation and checking measures necessary for implementing this Regulation.
33 Pravna redakcija
Avstrija na podlagi člena 17 Sporazuma med Evropsko gospodarsko skupnostjo in Republiko Avstrijo o tranzitnem prevozu blaga po cesti in železnici (imenovanem "tranzitni sporazum") lahko izvaja mejne kontrole zaradi preverjanja skladnosti s sistemom ekotočk, kakor ga navajata člena 15 in 16 tranzitnega sporazuma.
Pursuant to Article 17 of the Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Republic of Austria on transit of goods by road and rail (referred to as 'the transit agreement`), Austria may perform controls at the frontier to verify compliance with the ecopoint system as referred to in Articles 15 and 16 of the transit agreement.
34 Pravna redakcija
(a) Avstrija na podlagi člena 17 Sporazuma med Evropsko gospodarsko skupnostjo in Republiko Avstrijo o tranzitnem prevozu blaga po cesti in železnici (imenovanem "tranzitni sporazum") lahko izvaja mejne kontrole zaradi preverjanja skladnosti s sistemom ekotočk, kakor ga navajata člena 15 in 16 tranzitnega sporazuma.
(a) Pursuant to Article 17 of the Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Republic of Austria on transit of goods by road and rail (referred to as 'the transit agreement`), Austria may perform controls at the frontier to verify compliance with the ecopoint system as referred to in Articles 15 and 16 of the transit agreement.
35 Pravna redakcija
Za preverjanje pravilnega delovanja SIS v nordijskih državah mora postati državna nacionalna sekcija Schengenskega informacijskega sistema ( D N.SIS) v celoti operativna (npr. končnim uporabnikom mora biti omogočen pristop do dejanskih podatkov v vseh 15 državah) s 1. januarjem 2002, pred odpravo kontrol na notranjih mejah.
To check that the SIS is functioning correctly in the Nordic States, the national section of the Schengen Information System (N.SIS) of the Nordic States should become fully operational (i.e. final users should be able to access real data in all 15 countries) as from 1 January 2001, before the abolition of internal border controls.
36 Pravna redakcija
kot mejne vrednosti za skupno količino ogljikovodikov in dušikovih oksidov ter za količino delcev pri vozilih z motorjem na kompresijski vžig z direktnim vbrizgavanjem veljajo vrednosti, ki se dobijo z množenjem vrednosti L 2 in L 3 v tabelah v točki (homologacija) in (preverjanje skladnosti) s faktorjem 1,4.
the limit values for the combined mass of hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides and for the mass of particulates of vehicles fitted with compression ignition engines of the direct-injection type are those obtained by multiplying the values L2 and L3 in the tables in (type-approval) and (conformity check) by a factor of 1,4.
37 Pravna redakcija
ker se bodo predloženi standardi uporabljali tako za homologacijo novih tipov vozil kot tudi za preverjanje skladnosti proizvodnje, odkar spremenjeni postopek vzorčenja in statističnega vrednotenja omogoča odpravo dovoljenih odstopanj za mejne vrednosti, določene v prejšnjih fazah zmanjševanja vrednosti na podlagi Direktive 70/220/EGS;
whereas the proposed standards will apply both to the approval of new vehicle types and to checks on conformity of production, since the amended method of sampling and statistical evaluation enables the tolerances allowed for the limit values set under previous stages of value reduction pursuant to Directive 70/220/EEC to be removed;
38 Pravna redakcija
Brez poseganja v (c) in (d) spodaj, mora "preverjanje istovetnosti" in "zdravstvene preglede rastlin"opraviti uradni organ vstopnega mejnega prehoda v povezavi s carinskimi formalnostmi, zahtevanimi za uvedbo carinskega postopka, kot je navedeno v členu 13(1) ali členu 13(4), in sicer na istem mestu kot te formalnosti, v prostorih uradnega organa vstopnega mejnega prehoda ali na katerem koli bližnjem kraju, ki ga določijo ali odobrijo carinski organi in odgovorni uradni organ in ki ni namembni kraj, kot je določeno pod (d).
"Identity checks" and "plant health checks" must be made, without prejudice to (c) and (d) below, by the official body of point of entry in connection with the customs formalities required for placing under a customs procedure as referred to in Article 13(1) or Article 13(4), and either at the same place as these formalities, on the premises of the official body of point of entry or at any other place close by and designated or approved by the customs authorities and by the responsible official body, other than the place of destination as specified under (d).
39 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32001R1808
Kadar pošiljka, ki bo uvožena v Skupnost, prispe na mejni carinski urad po morju ali zraku ali z železnico in če bo z enako obliko prevoza in brez vmesnega skladiščenja odpravljena na drug carinski urad v Skupnosti, ki je bil določen skladno s členom 12(1) Uredbe (ES) št. 338/97, se skladno s členom 4(7) Uredbe (ES) št. 338/97 opravijo preverjanja in predloži uvozna dokumentacija na tem drugem carinskem uradu.
In accordance with Article 4(7) of Regulation (EC) No 338/97, where a shipment to be introduced into the Community arrives at a border customs office by sea, air, or rail for dispatch by the same mode of transport and without intermediate storage to another customs office in the Community designated in accordance with Article 12(1) of Regulation (EC) No 338/97, the completion of checks and the presentation of import documents shall take place at the latter.
40 Pravna redakcija
Organi mejne kontrole schengenskega pristanišča na pravilno izpolnjenem schengenskem obrazcu (glej prilogo I) in po možnosti po faksu (glej prilogo II, v kateri so navedene številke faksov in telefonske številke oseb za stike z javnostmi na najpomembnejših zunanjih mejnih prehodih) obvestijo kontrolne organe vstopnega schengenskega letališča o rezultatih preverjanja ter navedejo, ali je na podlagi teh rezultatov vizum mogoče načeloma izdati na meji.
the border control authorities of the Schengen port inform the border control authorities of the Schengen airport of entry by means of a duly completed Schengen form (see Annex I), preferably by fax (see Annex II for faxes and telephone numbers of contacts at the most important external border posts) of the results of the verification and indicate whether a visa can in principle be issued at the border on the basis of these results,
41 Pravna redakcija
Na podlagi novih znanstvenih podatkov in rezultatov nadzora, ki ga izvajajo države članice glede preverjanja skladnosti z zgornjimi mejnimi vrednostmi težkih kovin in 3-MCPD v razdelkih 3 in 4 Priloge I, Komisija vsakih pet let, in prvič pred 5. aprilom 2003, ponovno pregleda zgornje mejne vrednosti s skupnim ciljem zagotavljanja visoke stopnje varovanja zdravja potrošnikov.
On the basis of new scientific data and the results of controls carried out by the Member States to check compliance with the maximum levels of heavy metals and 3-MCPD in sections 3 and 4 of Annex I, the Commission shall proceed, every five years, and before 5 April 2003 for the first time, to a review of the maximum levels with the overall objective of ensuring a high level of consumer health protection.
42 Pravna redakcija
Na podlagi rezultatov nadzora, ki ga izvajajo države članice glede preverjanja skladnosti z zgornjimi mejnimi vrdenostmi nitratov, določenimi v razdelku 1 Priloge I, poročil v zvezi z uporabo in izboljšanjem dobre kmetijske prakse za znižanje vrdenosti nitratov, ter ocene podatkov, na katere države članice opirajo dobro kmetijsko prakso, Komisija vsakih pet let, in prvič pred 1. januarjem 2002, ponovno pregleda zgornje mejne vrednosti s skupnim ciljem zniževanja omenjenih vrdenosti.
On the basis of the results of controls carried out by the Member States to check compliance with the maximum levels of nitrates laid down in section 1 of Annex I, the reports with regard to the application and improvement of codes of good agricultural practice to reduce nitrate levels and the evaluation of the data on which the Member States have based their good agricultural practice, the Commission shall proceed, every five years, and before 1 January 2002 for the first time, to a review of the maximum levels with the overall objective of reducing the said levels.
43 Pravna redakcija
Vendar pa lahko v primeru tranzita blaga, ki ni iz Skupnosti, uradni organ vstopnega mejnega prehoda v dogovoru z uradnim organom ali organi namembnega kraja sklene, da "preverjanje istovetnosti" ali "zdravstvene preglede rastlin" v celoti ali delno opravi uradni organ namembnega kraja v svojih prostorih ali na katerem koli bližnjem kraju, ki ga določijo ali odobrijo carinski organi in odgovorni uradni organ in ki ni namembni kraj, kot je določeno pod (d).
However, in case of transit of non-Community goods, the official body of point of entry may decide, in agreement with the official body or bodies of destination, that all or part of the "identity checks" or "plant health checks" shall be made by the official body of destination, either on its premises or at any other place close by and designated or approved by the customs authorities and by the responsible official body, other than the place of destination as specified under (d).
44 Pravna redakcija
Druga naloga stalnega odbora je ustvarjanje podlage, da lahko Izvršni odbor zagotovlja pravilno uporabo Konvencije o izvajanju Schengenskega sporazuma v državah, v katerih je uveljavljena, zlasti s spremljanjem izvajanja priporočil odborov, ki obiščejo zunanje meje, z zagotavljanjem ukrepov za odpravo pomanjkljivosti, navedenih v letnem poročilu o zunanjih mejah, s posvečanjem večje pozornosti skupnim prizadevanjem za izboljšanje kvalitete kontrol na zunanjih mejah in s prizadevanji za optimalno uporabo Konvencije na področju policijskega sodelovanja, sodelovanja sodstva in SIS. Stalni odbor rešuje ugotovljene probleme in pripravlja predloge za zadovoljivo in optimalno izvajanje Konvencije. Schengenske države so še naprej izključno odgovorne za preverjanje, ali se Konvencija pravilno uporablja. Stalni odbor se zato omeji na izvajanje postopkov preverjanja opredeljenih v njegovem mandatu.
The second task of the Standing Committee shall be to lay the foundations so that the Executive Committee can ensure the proper application of the Schengen Convention by the States which have already brought it into force, in particular by following up the recommendations made by the visiting committees to the external borders, by ensuring that follow-up action is taken to remedy the shortcomings mentioned in the Annual Report on the External Borders, by focusing greater attention on the joint efforts needed to improve the quality of controls at the external borders and by optimising the application of the Convention in the fields of police cooperation, judicial cooperation and the SIS.The Standing Committee shall seek solutions to the problems detected and shall make proposals for the satisfactory and optimal implementation of the Convention.Sole responsibility for checking to ensure that the Convention is properly applied shall continue to remain with the Schengen States.The Standing Committee shall therefore confine itself to carrying out the verification procedures as defined in the following mandate.
45 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31978R3076
ker trenutno ni učinkovite metode za preverjanje izpolnjevanja teh zahtev na mejah;
whereas there is at the moment no effective method of checking at frontiers that these requirements are met;
46 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31997L0078
pošiljka proizvodov mora priti na navedeno mejno kontrolno točko, da opravi pregled dokumentov in preverjanje identitete.
the consignment of products must be presented at the said border inspection post in order to undergo the documentary check and identity check.
47 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000D0208
Pomembno je opredeliti preglede, ki jih je treba opraviti na mejni kontrolni točki izstopa za preverjanje porekla pošiljke.
it is important to specify the checks that must be performed at the border inspection post of exit to verify the provenance of the consignment.
48 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000L0076
Rezultati meritev, opravljenih za preverjanje skladnosti z mejnimi vrednostmi emisij, se standardizirajo glede na pogoje iz člena 11.
The results of the measurements made to verify compliance with the emission limit values shall be standardised with respect to the conditions laid down in Article 11.
49 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31997D0794
ker je za preverjanje skladnosti z zahtevami zdravstvenega spričevala primerno na mejnih kontrolnih točkah opraviti vzorčenje na delu živali;
whereas it is appropriate to sample a proportion of animals at border inspection posts in order to check compliance with the requirements of the health certificate;
50 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31997D0794
Države članice zadržijo pošiljke živali na mejni kontrolni točki samo v sumljivih primerih, dokler čakajo na izvide laboratorijskih preverjanj.
Member States shall only detain the consignment of animals in the border inspection post while awaiting the results of the laboratory checks in cases of suspicion.
Prevodi: sl > en
preverjanje na meji