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preverjanje pristnosti
1 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001R1488
Preverjanje pristnosti
Checking for authenticity
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2011-73
Pooblaščeni serviser ali servisna delavnica na nameščene pečate odtisne posebne oznake in poleg tega vnese elektronske varnostne podatke v snemalno napravo skladno z dodatkom 1 B, zlasti za preverjanje pristnosti.
The approved fitter or workshop shall place a special mark on the seals which it affixes and, in addition, shall enter for a control device in conformity with Appendix 1B, the electronic security data for carrying out, in particular, the authentication checks.
3 Končna redakcija
Polje mora biti tako obdelano in posevek na taki stopnji razvoja, da to omogoča ustrezno kontrolo pristnosti in sortne čistosti, zdravstvenega stanja in, pri koruzi, pristnosti in čistosti samooplodnih linij in preverjanje odstranjevanja metlic pri proizvodnji semena hibridnih sort.
The field shall be so cultivated and the crop at such a stage of development as to permit an adequate check of identity and varietal purity, of health status and, in the case of maize, of the identity and purity of inbred lines and of emasculation for the production of seed of hybrid varieties.
4 Končna redakcija
Države članice zagotovijo, da je seme kategorij »certificirano seme« in »standardno seme« predmet uradne naknadne kontrole na polju, kjer se s preverjanjem primerja njihovo sortno pristnost in sortno čistost s standardnimi vzorci.
Member States shall ensure that seed of the categories "certified seed" and "standard seed" is subject to official post-control in the field by inspection to compare their varietal identity and varietal purity against standard controls.
5 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R2286
Zahteva za preverjanje pristnosti dokumenta in točnosti podatkov v njem.
Verification of the authenticity of this document and the accuracy of the information contained therein is requested
6 Pravna redakcija
Podpisani carinski uradnik zahtevam preverjanje pristnosti in točnosti tega potrdila.
The undersigned Customs official requests verification of the authenticity and accuracy of this certificate.
7 Pravna redakcija
Podpisani carinski uradnik zahtevam preverjanje pristnosti in točnosti tega informativnega potrdila.
The undersigned customs official requests verification of the authenticity and accuracy of this information certificate
8 Pravna redakcija
dodajanje držav v razvoju na sezname iz Prilog IV in V na uradno zahtevo države prosilke, ki nudi potrebna jamstva za preverjanje pristnosti teh izdelkov;
the addition of developing countries to the lists from Annexes IV and V at the official request of an applicant country that offers the necessary guarantees for checking the authenticity of these products;
9 Pravna redakcija
Če je kartica za biografske podatke v celoti izdelana iz plastike, ponavadi ni možno vdelati oznak za preverjanje pristnosti, ki se uporabljajo na papirju.
If a card for biographical data is made entirely of plastic, it is not usually possible to incorporate the authentication marks used in paper.
10 Pravna redakcija
pomaga Skupnosti tako, da carinskim organom držav članic dovoli preverjanje pristnosti dokumenta ali točnosti navedb glede pravega porekla zadevnih izdelkov.
assists the Community by allowing the customs authorities of Member States to verify the authenticity of the document or the accuracy of the information regarding the true origin of the products in question.
11 Pravna redakcija
Če sistem iz prvega pododstavka ni uveden, države članice uporabljajo svoje lastne sisteme za preverjanje pristnosti pod pogojem, da so ti v skladu s predpisi Skupnosti.
If the system referred to in the first subparagraph is not introduced, the Member States shall implement their own authentication systems, provided that these comply with Community rules.
12 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R2237
Kolikor je treba ali kakor zahteva to poglavje, države članice vzajemno pomagajo druga drugi, da bi zagotovile učinkovit nadzor ter omogočile preverjanje pristnosti predloženih dokumentov in točnosti izmenjanih podatkov.
As far as necessary or as required by this Chapter, the Member States shall assist one another mutually to ensure effective controls, and enable the authenticity of documents submitted and the accuracy of the data exchanged to be verified.
13 Pravna redakcija
redložitev informativnega potrdila, izdanega pod pogoji iz člena 22 in katerega vzorec je naveden v Prilogi VIII,, in sicer za preverjanje pristnosti in točnosti informacij na izjavi iz odstavka 1 ali za pridobitev dodatnih informacij.
The submission of the information certificate, issued under the conditions set out in Article 22 and of which a specimen is given in Annex VIII, may however be requested of the exporter by the customs office concerned, either for checking the authenticity and accuracy of information given on the declaration provided for in paragraph 1, or for obtaining additional information.
14 Pravna redakcija
predložitev informativnega potrdila, izdanega pod pogoji z odstavka 3 in katerega vzorec je naveden v Prilogi 7,, in sicer za preverjanje pristnosti in natančnosti informacij na izjavi iz odstavka 1 ali za pridobitev dodatnih informacij.
The submission of the information certificate, issued under the conditions set out in paragraph 3 and of which a specimen is given in Annex 7, may however be requested of the exporter by the customs office concerned, either for checking the authenticity and accuracy of information given on the declaration provided for in paragraph 1, or for obtaining additional information.
15 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1428
Razvrščanje sestavlja avtomatsko ločevanje proizvoda v tri kategorije velikosti, kot je navedeno v vlogi za priznanje, sledi preverjanje pristnosti sorte in čiščenje ter razkuževanje z uporabo blagih postopkov (fizično ločevanje, sistem ECOGEN).
Grading involves automatic separation of the product into three size categories as indicated in the application for recognition, following a check on varietal authenticity and cleaning and disinfection using mild procedures (physical separation/ECOGEN system).
16 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0002
- ponavljajočo se zavračanje ali nepotrebno odlašanje pri pridobivanju pooblastil za izvajanje misij upravnega in preiskovalnega sodelovanja v Hrvaški za preverjanje pristnosti dokumentov ali točnosti informacij potrebnih za odobritev preferencialne obravnave v okviru sporazumov, ali pri izvajanju ali pripravi ustreznih poizvedb za odkrivanje ali preprečevanje kršitev pravil o poreklu,
- a repeated refusal or undue delay to obtain the authorisation to conduct administrative and investigative cooperation missions in Croatia, in order to verify the authenticity of documents or the accuracy of information relevant for granting the preferential treatment granted under the Agreements, or to carry out or arrange for appropriate inquiries to identify or prevent contravention of the rules of origin,
17 Pravna redakcija
Ker je dostop do tarifnih kvot za ročno izdelane izdelke in ročno tkano blago omogočen državam v razvoju v okviru splošnega sistema preferencialov, Skupnost ima po prejetju uradne zahteve in po posvetovanju z Odborom za carinski zakonik pristojnost podaljšati seznam upravičencev do kvot, da vključuje države, upravičene do splošnega sistema preferencialov in ki nudijo potrebna jamstva za preverjanje pristnosti izdelkov;
As access to the tariff quotas for hand-made products and handloom fabrics is open to developing countries under the GSP, the Commission should have the power, on receipt of an official request and after consulting the Customs Code Committee, to extend the list of quota beneficiaries to include countries entitled to the GSP which offer the necessary guarantees for checking the authenticity of the products;
18 Pravna redakcija
se morajo obvezati, da bodo Komisiji vsako sredo poslali informacije, ki bodo omogočile preverjanje podatkov, vpisanih na potrdilih o pristnosti.
undertake to forward to the Commission each Wednesday an information enabling the entries on certificates of authenticity to be verified.
19 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0297
(b) zavezati, da bo najmanj enkrat tedensko posredoval Komisiji vse podatke, ki jih lahko potrebuje za preverjanje navedb na potrdilih o pristnosti.
(b) undertake to supply the Commission, at least once a week, with any information it may need to verify the entries on the certificates of authenticity.
20 Pravna redakcija
se mora obvezati, da na zahtevo predloži Komisiji in državam članicam informacije, ki bodo omogočile preverjanje podatkov na potrdilih o pristnosti.
undertake to supply the Commission and the Member States, on request, with any information enabling the particulars on certificates of authenticity to be evaluated.
21 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R2234
(7) Da bi zagotovili pravilno upravljanje uvoza zadevnih proizvodov, se uvozna dovoljenja izdajo z obveznim preverjanjem, zlasti vpisov o potrdilih o pristnosti.
(7) In order to ensure proper management of imports of the products concerned, import licences should be issued subject to verification, in particular of entries on certificates of authenticity.
22 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0297
(5) Uvozna dovoljenja je treba izdati na podlagi preverjanja, da bi zagotovili pravilno upravljanje z uvozi zadevnih proizvodov, zlasti navedb na potrdilih o pristnosti.
(5) In order to ensure proper management of imports of the products concerned, import licences should be issued subject to verification, in particular of the entries on the certificates of authenticity.
23 Pravna redakcija
Zaradi poznejšega preverjanja potrdil o pristnosti pristojni vladni organ izvozne države upravičenke vsaj tri leta hrani kopije potrdil in vse zadevne izvozne dokumente.
For the purpose of subsequent verification of certificates of authenticity, copies of the certificates as well as any export documents referring to them shall be kept for at least three years by the competent governmental authority of the exporting beneficiary country.
24 Pravna redakcija
Izdelki s poreklom v skladu s tem oddelkom so ob uvozu v Skupnost upravičeni do preferencialne tarifne obravnave iz člena 67, če se zanje predloži nadomestno potrdilo o poreklu obrazec A, ki so ga izdali carinski organi Norveške ali Švice na podlagi potrdila o poreklu obrazec A, ki so ga izdali pristojni organi izvozne države upravičenke, če so izpolnjeni pogoji iz člena 78 in če Norveška in Švica pomagata Skupnosti, tako da njenim carinskim organom dovolita preverjanje pristnosti in točnosti izdanih potrdil. Postopek preverjanja iz člena 94 se smiselno uporablja.
Originating products within the meaning of this Section shall be eligible on importation into the Community to benefit from tariff preferences referred to in Article 67 on production of a replacement certificate of origin Form A issued by the customs authorities of Norway or Switzerland on the basis of a certificate of origin Form A issued by the competent authorities of the exporting beneficiary country provided that the conditions laid down in Article 78 have been satisfied and provided that Norway or Switzerland assists the Community by allowing its customs authorities to verify the authenticity and accuracy of the certificates of origin Form A. The verification procedure laid down in Article 94 shall apply mutatis mutandis.
25 Pravna redakcija
ker je za zagotovitev učinkovitega upravljanja uvoza mesa treba ustrezno poskrbeti za uvozna dovoljenja, ki se izdajajo na podlagi preverjanja predvsem podatkov na potrdilih o pristnosti;
Whereas, in order to ensure proper management of the imports of meat, provision should be made, where relevant, for import licences to be issued subject to verification, in particular of entries on certificates of authenticity;
26 Pravna redakcija
Naknadna preverjanja obrazcev EUR.2 se opravi naključno ali kadar carinski organi države uvoznice utemeljeno dvomijo o točnosti informacij v zvezi s pristnostjo obrazcev in pravim poreklom zadevnega blaga.
Subsequent verifications of forms EUR 2 shall be carried out at random or whenever the customs authorities of the importing State have reasonable doubt as to the accuracy of the information regarding the authenticity of the forms and the true origin of the goods in question.
27 Pravna redakcija
(*) Naknadna preverjanja obrazcev EUR.2 se opravi naključno ali kadar carinski organi države uvoznice utemeljeno dvomijo o točnosti informacij v zvezi s pristnostjo obrazcev in pravim poreklom zadevnega blaga.
(*) Subsequent verifications of forms EUR 2 shall be carried out at random or whenever the customs authorities of the importing State have reasonable doubt as to the accuracy of the information regarding the authenticity of the forms and the true origin of the goods in question.
28 Pravna redakcija
Naknadna preverjanja obrazcev EUR.2 se opravi naključno ali kadar koli carinski organi države uvoznice utemeljeno dvomijo o točnosti informacij v zvezi s pristnostjo obrazcev in pravim poreklom zadevnega blaga.
(*) Subsequent verifications of forms EUR.2 shall be carried out at random or whenever the customs authorities of the importing State have reasonable doubt as to the accuracy of the information regarding the authenticity of the forms and the true origin of the goods in question.
29 Pravna redakcija
Dostop do tarifnih kvot iz členov 3 in 4 se lahko kadar koli v primeru nepravilnosti ali v primeru nezadostnega upravnega sodelovanja, ki je potrebno za preverjanje potrdil o pristnosti v celoti ali delno začasno odvzame.
Access to the tariff quotas provided for in Articles 3 and 4 may at any time be temporarily withdrawn, in whole or in part, in the event of irregularities or of a lack of the administrative cooperation required for the checking of certificates of authenticity.
30 Pravna redakcija
Naknadno preverjanje dokazil o poreklu se opravi naključno, ali kadar carinski organi države uvoznice utemeljeno dvomijo o pristnosti dokumentacije, poreklu zadevnih izdelkov ali o izpolnjevanju drugih zahtev tega protokola.
Subsequent verifications of proofs of origin shall be carried out at random or whenever the customs authorities of the importing country have reasonable doubts as to the authenticity of such documents, the originating status of the products concerned or the fulfillment of the other requirements of this Protocol.
31 Pravna redakcija
Naknadno preverjanje dokazil o poreklu se opravi naključno, ali kadar carinski organi države uvoznice upravičeno dvomijo o pristnosti teh dokumentov, statusu porekla teh izdelkov ali o izpolnjevanju drugih zahtev iz te priloge.
Subsequent verifications of proofs of origin shall be carried out at random or whenever the customs authorities of the importing country have reasonable doubts as to the authenticity of such documents, the originating status of the products concerned or the fulfilment of the other requirements of this Annex.
32 Pravna redakcija
Naknadna preverjanja potrdil o gibanju blaga EUR.1 in obrazcev EUR.2 se opravijo naključno, ali kadar carinski organi države uvoznice upravičeno dvomijo o pristnosti dokumenta ali točnosti informacij v zvezi s pravim poreklom blaga.
Subsequent verification of movement certificates EUR.l and of forms EUR.l shall be carried out at random or whenever the customs authorities of the importing State have reasonable doubt as to the authenticity of the document or the accuracy of the information regarding the true origin of the goods in question.
33 Pravna redakcija
Za zagotovitev pravilne uporabe določb iz tega naslova si carinski organi držav članic Skupnosti in Švice medsebojno pomagajo pri preverjanju pristnosti in točnosti potrdil o gibanju blaga, skupaj s potrdili, izdanimi po členu 8(4).
In order to ensure the proper application of the provisions of this Title, the Member States of the Community and Switzerland shall assist each other, through their respective customs administrations, in checking the authenticity and accuracy of movement certificates, including those issued under Article 8(4).
34 Pravna redakcija
Da bi zagotovila pravilno izvajanje te priloge, si Skupnost in Čile prek svojih uprav medsebojno pomagata pri preverjanju pristnosti potrdil o gibanju blaga EUR.1 ali izjav na računu ter točnosti informacij, navedenih v teh dokumentih.
In order to ensure the proper application of this Annex, the Community and Chile shall assist each other, through their respective administrations, in checking the authenticity of the movement certificates EUR.l or the invoice declarations and the correctness of the information given in these documents.
35 Pravna redakcija
Za zagotavljanje pravilne uporabe tega protokola si Skupnost in Nepal nudita medsebojno pomoč pri preverjanju pristnosti in točnosti izdanih izvoznih dovoljenj in potrdil o poreklu ali vseh izjav, podanih v okviru pogojev tega protokola.
In order to ensure the correct application of this Protocol, the Community and Nepal offer mutual assistance for the verification of the authenticity and the accuracy of export licences and certificates of origin issued or of any declarations made within the terms of this Protocol.
36 Pravna redakcija
Pri zagotavljanju pravilne uporabe tega protokola si Skupnost in Kambodža medsebojno pomagata pri preverjanju pristnosti in točnosti izdanih izvoznih dovoljenj in potrdil o poreklu ali vseh izjav, podanih v okviru pogojev tega protokola.
In order to ensure the correct application of this Protocol, the Community and Cambodia offer mutual assistance for the verification of the authenticity and the accuracy of export licences and certificates of origin issued or of any declarations made within the terms of this Protocol.
37 Pravna redakcija
Za zagotavljanje pravilne uporabe tega dodatka si Skupnost in Romunija nudita medsebojno pomoč pri preverjanju pristnosti in verodostojnosti izdanih izvoznih dovoljenj in potrdil o poreklu ali vseh izjav, podanih v okviru pogojev tega dodatka.
In order to ensure the correct application of this Appendix, the Community and Romania offer mutual assistance for the checking of the authenticity and the veracity of export licences and certificates of origin issued or of any declarations made within the terms of this Appendix.
38 Pravna redakcija
Naknadna preverjanja potrdil o gibanju blaga EUR.1 in obrazcev EUR.2 se opravijo naključno, ali kadar carinski organi države uvoznice upravičeno dvomijo o pristnosti dokumenta ali točnosti informacij v zvezi s pravim poreklom zadevnega blaga.
Subsequent verifications of movement certificates EUR 1 and of forms EUR 2 shall be carried out at random or whenever the customs authorities of the importing State have reasonable doubt as to the authenticity of the document or the accuracy of the information regarding the true origin of the goods in question.
39 Pravna redakcija
Naknadna preverjanja potrdil o gibanju blaga EUR.1 in obrazcev EUR.2 se opravijo naključno, ali kadar carinski organi države uvoznice upravičeno dvomijo o pristnosti dokumenta ali točnosti informacij v zvezi s pravim poreklom zadevnega blaga.
Subsequent verification of movement certificates EUR.l and of forms EUR.2 shall be carried out at random or whenever the customs authorities of the importing State have reasonable doubt as to the authenticity of the document or the accuracy of the information regarding the true origin of the goods in question.
40 Pravna redakcija
Za zagotavljanje pravilne uporabe tega dodatka si Skupnost in Hrvaška ponudita medsebojno pomoč pri preverjanju pristnosti in verodostojnosti izdanih izvoznih dovoljenj in potrdil o poreklu ali vseh izjav, podanih v okviru pogojev tega dodatka.
In order to ensure the correct application of this Appendix, the Community and Croatia offer mutual assistance for the checking of the authenticity and the accuracy of export licences and certificates of origin issued or of any declarations made within the terms of this Appendix.
41 Pravna redakcija
Če tudi po novem sporočilu v roku štirih mesecev organi ne prejmejo rezultatov preverjanja ali ti rezultati ne morejo potrditi pristnosti zadevnega dokumenta, organi, razen v izjemnih primerih, zavrnejo pravico do koriščenja tarifnih ukrepov.
If after the second communication the results of the verification are not communicated to the requesting authorities within four months, or if these results do not allow the authenticity of the document in question to be determined, the requesting authorities shall, save in exceptional circumstances, refuse entitlement to the tariff measures.
42 Pravna redakcija
Naknadno preverjanje potrdil o poreklu ali izvoznih dovoljenj se izvaja naključno ali kadar pristojni organi Skupnosti utemeljeno dvomijo o pristnosti potrdila ali dovoljenja ali o točnosti podatkov v zvezi z resničnim poreklom zadevnih izdelkov.
Subsequent verification of certificates of origin or export licences shall be carried out at random, or whenever the competent Community authorities have reasonable doubt as to the authenticity of the certificate or licence or as to the accuracy of the information regarding the true origin of the products in question.
43 Pravna redakcija
Za zagotovitev pravilne uporabe tega naslova si države članice Skupnosti in Kneževina Andora preko svojih ustreznih carinskih uprav medsebojno pomagajo pri preverjanju pristnosti in točnosti potrdil EUR. 1, in izjav izvoznikov, danih na računih.
In order to ensure the proper application of this Title, Member States of the Community and the Principality of Andorra shall assist each other, through their respective customs administrations, in checking the authenticity and accuracy of EUR 1 certificates and the declarations by exporters made on invoices.
44 Pravna redakcija
Za zagotavljanje pravilne uporabe tega protokola si Skupnost in Ukrajina nudita medsebojno pomoč pri preverjanju pristnosti in točnosti izdanih izvoznih dovoljenj in potrdil o poreklu ali kakršnihkoli izjav, podanih v okviru pogojev tega protokola.
In order to ensure the correct application of this Protocol, the Community and Ukraine offer mutual assistance for the checking of the authenticity and the accuracy of export licences and certificates of origin issued or of any declarations made within the terms of this Protocol.
45 Pravna redakcija
Naknadna preverjanja potrdil EUR.1 in izjav izvoznikov, danih na računih se opravi naključno ali kadar koli carinski organi države uvoznice utemeljeno dvomijo o pristnosti dokumenta ali točnosti informacij v zvezi s pravim poreklom zadevnega blaga.
Subsequent verification of EUR 1 certificates and of exporters' declarations made on invoices shall be carried out at random or whenever the customs authorities of the importing State have reasonable doubt as to the authenticity of the document or the accuracy of the information regarding the true origin of the goods in question.
46 Pravna redakcija
Naknadno preverjanje potrdil o gibanju blaga EUR.1 in obrazcev EUR.2 se izvaja naključno ali kadar koli carinski organi države uvoznice upravičeno dvomijo o pristnosti dokumenta ali o točnosti informacij v zvezi s pravim poreklom zadevnih izdelkov.
Subsequent verification of movement certificates EUR.l and of forms EUR.2 shall be carried out at random or whenever the customs authorities of the importing State have reasonable doubts as to the authenticity of the document or the accuracy of the information regarding the true origin of the products in question.
47 Pravna redakcija
Naknadno preverjanje potrdil o poreklu ali izvoznih dovoljenj se izvaja naključno, ali kadar pristojni organi Skupnosti utemeljeno dvomijo o pristnosti potrdila ali dovoljenja ali o točnosti informacij v zvezi z resničnim poreklom zadevnih izdelkov.
Subsequent verification of certificates of origin or export licences shall be carried out at random, or whenever the competent authorities of the Community have reasonable doubt as to the authenticity of the certificate or licence or as to the accuracy of the information regarding the true origin of the products in question.
48 Pravna redakcija
Za zagotavljanje pravilne uporabe tega protokola si Skupnost in Uzbekistan nudita medsebojno pomoč pri preverjanju pristnosti in točnosti izdanih izvoznih dovoljenj in potrdil o poreklu ali kakršnihkoli izjav, podanih v okviru pogojev tega protokola.
In order to ensure the correct application of this Protocol, the Community and Uzbekistan offer mutual assistance for the checking of the authenticity and the accuracy of export licences and certificates of origin issued or of any declarations made within the terms of this Protocol.
49 Pravna redakcija
Države upravičenke obvestijo Komisijo o imenih in naslovih vladnih organov na njihovem območju, ki so pristojni za izdajo potrdil o pristnosti, skupaj z vzorci žigov teh organov ter imen in naslovov vladnih organov, pristojnih za preverjanje potrdil.
The beneficiary countries shall inform the Commission of the names and addresses of the governmental authorities situated in their territory which are empowered to issue certificates of authenticity, together with specimens of stamps used by those authorities, and the names and addresses of the governmental authorities responsible for checking the certificates.
50 Pravna redakcija
Za zagotavljanje pravilne uporabe tega protokola si Skupnost in Belorusija nudita medsebojno pomoč pri preverjanju pristnosti in točnosti izdanih izvoznih dovoljenj in potrdil o poreklu ali kakršnih koli izjav, podanih v okviru pogojev tega protokola.
In order to ensure the correct application of this Protocol, the Community and Belarus offer mutual assistance for the checking of the authenticity and the accuracy of export licences and certificates of origin issued or of any declarations made within the terms of this Protocol.
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preverjanje pristnosti