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preverjanje pristnosti podpisa
1 Pravna redakcija
Podpisani carinski uradnik zahtevam preverjanje pristnosti in točnosti tega potrdila.
The undersigned Customs official requests verification of the authenticity and accuracy of this certificate.
2 Pravna redakcija
Podpisani carinski uradnik zahtevam preverjanje pristnosti in točnosti tega informativnega potrdila.
The undersigned customs official requests verification of the authenticity and accuracy of this information certificate
3 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R2234
(c) najmanj enkrat na teden pošiljati Komisiji kakršne koli podatke, ki omogočajo preverjanje vpisov v potrdila o pristnosti, zlasti v zvezi s številko potrdila, izvoznikom, prejemnikom, namembno državo, proizvodom (žive živali/meso), neto maso in datumom podpisa.
(c) undertake to forward to the Commission at least once a week any information enabling the entries on the certificates of authenticity to be verified, in particular with regard to the number of the certificate, the exporter, the consignee, the country of destination, the product (live animals/meat), the net weight and the date of signature.
4 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31999L0093
sta pristnost in veljavnost potrdila, zahtevanega med preverjanjem podpisa, zanesljivo preverjeni;
the authenticity and validity of the certificate required at the time of signature verification are reliably verified;
5 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31999R2424
se mora obvezati Komisiji najmanj enkrat na teden posredovati vse podatke, ki omogočajo preverjanje vpisov na potrdilih o pristnosti, zlasti številko potrdila, izvoznika, prejemnika, namembno državo, proizvod, neto maso in datum podpisa.
undertake to forward to the Commission at least once per week any information enabling the entries on the certificates of authenticity, in particular the number of the certificate, the exporter, the consignee, the country of destination, the product, the net weight and the date of signature, to be verified.
6 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R2234
najmanj enkrat na teden pošiljati Komisiji kakršne koli podatke, ki omogočajo preverjanje vpisov v potrdila o pristnosti, zlasti v zvezi s številko potrdila, izvoznikom, prejemnikom, namembno državo, proizvodom (žive živali/meso), neto maso in datumom podpisa.
undertake to forward to the Commission at least once a week any information enabling the entries on the certificates of authenticity to be verified, in particular with regard to the number of the certificate, the exporter, the consignee, the country of destination, the product (live animals/meat), the net weight and the date of signature.
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preverjanje pristnosti podpisa