Iskalni niz je ali predolg ali pa vsebuje preveč besed.
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1 Objavljeno
Možnosti okužbe ran z obkladki in ob prevezi
Possibility of wounds infections with compresses and solutions
2 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0010
točki 3 in 4 člena 3 se nadomestita z naslednjim: "3. zvitki tobaka z zdrobljeno mešanico polnila in z zunanjim ovojem običajne barve cigare, ki v celoti ovija izdelek, vključno filter, kjer je to ustrezno, vendar ne ovija ustnika pri cigarah z ustnikom, in s prevezo, oboje iz rekonstituiranega tobaka, kadar teža enote, brez filtra ali ustnika, ni manjša od 1,2 grama in kadar je ovoj nameščen spiralno z ostrim kotom najmanj 30° glede na podolžno os cigare;
Article 3, points 3 and 4, shall be replaced by the following: "3. rolls of tobacco with a threshed blend filler and with an outer wrapper of the normal colour of a cigar covering the product in full, including where appropriate the filter but not in the case of tipped cigars, the tip, and a binder, both being of reconstituted tobacco, where the unit weight, not including filter or mouth-piece, is not less than 1,2 g and where the wrapper is fitted in spiral form with an acute angle of at least 30° to the longitudinal axis of the cigar;
3 Pravna redakcija
Piraias, Chania, Preveza, Arta Achaia Arkadia, Argolida.
Piraias, Chania, Preveza, Arta, Achaia, Arkadia, Argolida.
4 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1966
(2) Sodišče Evropskih skupnosti je v sodbi v združenih primerih C-260/00 do C-263/00 fn glede uvrščanja kolenskih opor in drugih prevez opredelil merila za razlikovanje med običajnimi različicami prevez, ki služijo splošnemu namenu, in različicami, ki so namenjene opravljanju posebne medicinske funkcije in jih je zaradi tega treba uvrstiti pod številko 9021 kombinirane nomenklature.
(2) In its judgment in joined cases C-260/00 to C-263/00(4) in respect of the classification of knee supports and other bandages, the Court of Justice of the European Communities specified criteria to draw a distinction between ordinary versions of bandages that serve a general purpose and versions that are designed to perform a specific medical function and subsequently are to be classified in heading 9021 of the Combined Nomenclature.
5 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1966
(3) Za zagotovitev enotne uporabe kombinirane nomenklature, priložene k Uredbi (EGS) št. 2658/87, je potrebno navesti razloge za uvrščanje blaga, navedenega v Prilogi k Uredbi (ES) št. 834/95, in sicer zato, da bi pojasnili, zakaj je uvrščeni proizvod običajna različica kolenske preveze.
(3) In order to ensure uniform application of the Combined Nomenclature annexed to Regulation (EEC) No 2658/87, it is necessary to specify the reasons for the classification of the good mentioned in the Annex to Regulation (EC) No 834/95, in order to clarify why the classified product is an ordinary version of a knee-bandage.
6 Pravna redakcija
delo in sociala
CELEX: 32002L0010
zvitki tobaka z zdrobljeno mešanico polnila in z zunanjim ovojem običajne barve cigare, ki v celoti ovija izdelek, vključno filter, kjer je to ustrezno, vendar ne ovija ustnika pri cigarah z ustnikom, in s prevezo, oboje iz rekonstituiranega tobaka, kadar teža enote, brez filtra ali ustnika, ni manjša od 1,2 grama in kadar je ovoj nameščen spiralno z ostrim kotom najmanj 30° glede na podolžno os cigare;
rolls of tobacco with a threshed blend filler and with an outer wrapper of the normal colour of a cigar covering the product in full, including where appropriate the filter but not in the case of tipped cigars, the tip, and a binder, both being of reconstituted tobacco, where the unit weight, not including filter or mouth-piece, is not less than 1,2 g and where the wrapper is fitted in spiral form with an acute angle of at least 30° to the longitudinal axis of the cigar;
7 Pravna redakcija
zvitki tobaka z zdrobljeno mešanico polnila in z zunanjim ovojem običajne barve cigare, ki v celoti ovija izdelek, vključno filter, kjer je to ustrezno, vendar ne ovija ustnika pri cigarah z ustnikom, in s prevezo, oboje iz rekonstituiranega tobaka, kadar teža enote, brez filtra ali ustnika, ni manjša od 1,2 grama in kadar je ovoj nameščen spiralno z ostrim kotom najmanj 30° glede na podolžno os cigare;
rolls of tobacco with a threshed blend filler and with an outer wrapper of the normal colour of a cigar covering the product in full, including where appropriate the filter but not in the case of tipped cigars, the tip, and a binder, both being of reconstituted tobacco, where the unit weight, not including filter or mouth-piece, is not less than 1,2 g and where the wrapper is fitted in spiral form with an acute angle of at least 30° to the longitudinal axis of the cigar;
8 Prevajalska redakcija
Uporabite prevezo za žilo.
Apply a tourniquet.
9 Prevajalska redakcija
Odstranite prevezo za žilo!
Remove tourniquet!
10 Prevajalska redakcija
Odstranite prevezo za žilo.
Remove tourniquet.
11 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995L0059
ovoj in prevezo iz tobaka, oba iz rekonstruiranega tobaka,
a wrapper and binder of tobacco, both of reconstituted tobacco,
12 Prevajalska redakcija
Če roke in stopala niso prizadete, jih zaščitimo z Esmarchovimi prevezami.
Hand and foot, if not affected, should be protected by Esmarch (expulsion) bandages.
13 Prevajalska redakcija
- Kot vsi obliži in preveze lahko zdravilo Neupro povzroči kožne reakcije, kot sta rdečica in
- As with every patch or bandage, Neupro can cause skin reactions, such as reddening and
14 Prevajalska redakcija
12. 13. 14. Namestite prevezo za žilo. Določite mesto injiciranja in ga dezinficirajte. Punktirajte veno in z obližem pritrdite pribor za punkcijo vene.
Hold the syringe upright and push the plunger until no air is left in the syringe.
15 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1966
Sodišče Evropskih skupnosti je v sodbi v združenih primerih C-260/00 do C-263/00[4] glede uvrščanja kolenskih opor in drugih prevez opredelil merila za razlikovanje med običajnimi različicami prevez, ki služijo splošnemu namenu, in različicami, ki so namenjene opravljanju posebne medicinske funkcije in jih je zaradi tega treba uvrstiti pod številko 9021 kombinirane nomenklature.
In its judgment in joined cases C-260/00 to C-263/00(4) in respect of the classification of knee supports and other bandages, the Court of Justice of the European Communities specified criteria to draw a distinction between ordinary versions of bandages that serve a general purpose and versions that are designed to perform a specific medical function and subsequently are to be classified in heading 9021 of the Combined Nomenclature.
16 Prevajalska redakcija
Pritrdilni element vsakega kovinskega končnika mora vsebovati votlo zakovico, ki poteka skozi vrv tako, da omogoča napeljavo niti št. Vrv naj bo v enem kosu in naj ima pritrditev ali je prevezana s trakom carinske oznake.
The fastener of each metal end-piece shall include a hollow rivet passing through the rope so as to allow the introduction of the thread or strap of the customs seal.
17 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1966
Za zagotovitev enotne uporabe kombinirane nomenklature, priložene k Uredbi (EGS) št. 2658/87, je potrebno navesti razloge za uvrščanje blaga, navedenega v Prilogi k Uredbi (ES) št. 834/95, in sicer zato, da bi pojasnili, zakaj je uvrščeni proizvod običajna različica kolenske preveze.
In order to ensure uniform application of the Combined Nomenclature annexed to Regulation (EEC) No 2658/87, it is necessary to specify the reasons for the classification of the good mentioned in the Annex to Regulation (EC) No 834/95, in order to clarify why the classified product is an ordinary version of a knee-bandage.
18 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995L0059
zvitki tobaka z zunanjim ovojem tobačne barve, ki je glede na vzdolžno os cigare spiralno ovit pod ostrim kotom najmanj 30o in s prevezo, oboje iz rekonstruiranega tobaka, pri čemer je glede na težo tobačnih delcev v zvitku tobaka najmanj 60 % tobačnih delcev širših in daljših od 1,75 mm;
rolls of tobacco with an outer wrapper of the normal colour of a cigar, and a binder, of reconstituted tobacco, where at least 60 % by weight of the tobacco particles are both wider and longer than 1,75 mm and where the wrapper is fitted in spiral form with an acute angle of at least 30 ° to the longitudinal axis of the cigar;
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