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pribitek dobička
1 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1796
Pribitek dobička, uporabljen pri sestavljanju normalne vrednosti, je bil tako pravilno določen v skladu s členom 2(3), (4) in (6) osnovne uredbe, to je na podlagi celotne domače prodaje podobnega izdelka, izvedene v okviru rednega trgovanja.
The profit margin used in constructing the normal value was therefore correctly determined in accordance with Article 2(3), (4) and (6) of the basic Regulation, i.e. on the basis of all domestic market sales of the like product made in the ordinary course of trade.
2 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1796
Zaradi posebnih lastnosti JŽV za rudarsko dejavnost, ki niso izvožene v Skupnost in so poseben izdelek, ki zahteva visoko razvito opremo in se prodaja z znatnim pribitkom dobička, je zadevni proizvajalec izvoznik trdil, da se pribitek dobička na domačo prodajo ne bi smel upoštevati pri izračunavanju sestavljene normalne vrednosti drugih vrst vrvi.
Due to the specific properties of the mining SWR not exported to the Community, which constitutes a specific product requiring sophisticated equipment and which is sold with a substantial profit margin, it claimed that the profit margin made on domestic sales of mining SWR should not be taken into consideration in the calculation of the constructed normal value of the other types of ropes.
3 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32001R1601
Po mnenju ruskih in tajskih sodelujočih proizvajalcev-izvoznikov je Komisija, ki je določila skupni čisti dobiček zgolj na podlagi prodaje, opravljene v okviru rednega trgovanja, in ne na podlagi skupnega obsega domače prodaje zadevnega proizvoda, neprimerno napihnila pribitek dobička.
For the Russian and Thai cooperating exporting producers, by determining the total net profits only on the basis of the sales made in the ordinary course of trade and not on the total turnover of all domestic sales of the product concerned, the Commission would unreasonably inflate the profit margin.
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pribitek dobička