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prikaz s stolpci
1 Pravna redakcija
Vrsta prevoza se označi na nosilcu podatkov s šiframi iz stolpca A iz seznama, prikazanega v odstavku 3.
The modes of transport shall be designated in the data medium by the codes in column A of the list shown in paragraph 3.
2 Pravna redakcija
Vsak račun je predstavljen s parom vrstice in stolpca, pri čemer so po dogovoru viri prikazani v vrsticah, porabe pa v stolpcih.
Each account is represented by a row and column pair and the convention is followed that resources are shown in the rows and uses are shown in the columns.
3 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0134
Začasna ustavitev plačila razširjenih protidampinških dajatev v skladu s členom 5 Uredbe (ES) št. 88/97 je s tem za zadevne stranke odpravljena, in sicer od datuma, prikazanega v stolpcu 'Datum začetka veljavnosti'.
The suspension of payment of the extended anti-dumping duty pursuant to Article 5 of Regulation (EC) No 88/97 is hereby lifted for the parties concerned as from the relevant date shown in the column headed 'Date of effect'.
4 Pravna redakcija
Tabela 8.19 to prikazuje v celici (3,2), tj. v vrstici 3 in stolpcu 2. Ker ta tabela transakcije s tujino prikazuje v posebnem računu, njene diagonalne postavke, to so celice (3,3), (4,4), (5,5), (6,6), (7,7) in (8,8), vsebujejo samo transakcije med rezidenčnimi institucionalnimi enotami.
Table 8. 19 shows this in cell (3, 2), that is, in row 3 and column 2. Since this table distinguishes transactions with the rest of the world in a separate account, its diagonal items, that is cells (3, 3), (4, 4), (5, 5), (6, 6), (7, 7) and (8, 8), contain only transactions among resident institutional units.
5 Pravna redakcija
Najprej zunanji račun blaga in storitev prikazuje v vrstici uvoz celotnega gospodarstva (celica 14,1), v stolpcu pa izvoz (celica 1,14) in izravnalno postavko (celica 15,14), saldo menjave blaga in storitev s tujino ( 39).
First, the external account of goods and services presents in the row imports by the total economy (cell 14, 1) and in the column exports (cell 1, 14) and the balancing item (cell 15, 14), the external balance of goods and services (-39).
6 Prevajalska redakcija
S tem namenom vsaka NCB na podlagi tega člena in brez nadaljnjih formalnosti ali dejanj 1. januarja 2004 bodisi prenese bodisi prejme delež v vpisanem kapitalu ECB, ki je prikazan poleg njenega imena v četrtem stolpcu preglednice v Prilogi I tega sklepa, pri čemer se "+" nanaša na kapitalski delež, ki ga ECB prenese na NCB, in "-" na kapitalski delež, ki ga NCB prenese na ECB.
To this effect, each NCB shall, by virtue of this Article and without any further formality or act being required, either transfer or receive on 1 January 2004 the share in the ECB's subscribed capital set out next to its name in the fourth column of the table in Annex I to this Decision, whereby "+" shall refer to a capital share that the ECB shall transfer to the NCB and "-" to a capital share that the NCB shall transfer to the ECB.
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prikaz s stolpci