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prikaz stanja
1 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000L0060
Prikaz stanja podzemne vode
Presentation of Groundwater Status
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 13-2005
b) prikaz stanja okolja in njegovih delov s kazalci stanja okolja;
b) a representation of the state of the environment and parts thereof using environmental status indicators;
3 Objavljeno
V prispevku avtor prikazuje indikacije za zdravljenje s presaditvijo in stanje v evropskih državah.
Author presents indications for haematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) and its state in European countries.
4 Objavljeno
Prikazana so napogostejša bolezenska stanja in ostali dejavniki, ki vplivajo na nastanek prirastlin in ileusa.
The authors pointed out the most frequent diseases and other factors which produce development of adhesions and ileus.
5 Objavljeno
Namen prispevka je prikaz današnjega stanja in izkušenj nekaterih presajevalnih centrov v svetu, ki se ukvarjajo s presaditvijo pljuč.
The purpose of this article is to review update situation and experiences from several transplantation center which performes lung transplantation.
6 Objavljeno
DRUGO: Dokument v pomoč
Sedanje stanje čiščenja odpadnih voda prebivalstva je prikazano na sliki 2. S predpisi bo določena raven čiščenja na vseh sedanjih napravah.
The current state in the treatment of wastewater generated by the population is shown in Picture 2. The level of treatment in all existing plants and facilities will be determined by regulations.
7 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-63
Finančne evidence SELEC-a, vključno z računovodskimi, ki se vodijo skladno s proračunom, ki prikazuje prejemke in izdatke, ter bilanco stanja, ki prikazuje SELEC-ova sredstva in obveznosti, pregleda zunanja finančna revizija.
The financial records of SELEC, including the accounts established pursuant to the budget showing income and expenditures, and the balance sheet showing SELEC's assets and liabilities, shall be subject to an external financial audit.
8 Objavljeno
Avtorji so v analizi želeli prikazati del negativnih posledic, ki jih ima raba alkohola na zdravstveno stanje prebivalcev Slovenije, starih 15 in več let.
Negative consequences attributable to alcohol consuption for the health of Slovenian population aged 15 years or more are part presented in the analysis.
9 Objavljeno
Primeri, zdravljeni na kliniki za infekcijske bolezni in vročinska stanja v Ljubljani, so ilustrirani s prikazom kliničnih in laboratorijskih značilnosti.
Postnatal diagnostic procedures and treatment of such children are presented. Cases of children treated at the Department of Infectious Diseases in Ljubljana are illustrated by clinical and laboratory features.
10 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 39
Tabela 4 prikazuje analizo stanja na področju indikatorjev prehranjevanja za leta 1997, 1998, 2001 in 2002 v primerjavi s priporočili zdravega prehranjevanja (Vir:
Table 4 presents the analysis of the state of nutrition indicators for years 1997, 1998, 2001 and 2002 in comparison wih the recommendations for healthy nutrition (Source:
11 Objavljeno
Prikazani so rezultati analize stanja zdravstvene nege v treh bolnišnicah in prioritetne naloge za načrtovanje razvojnih sprememb v organizaciji in v njenem okolju.
Analysis results of the health care state in three hospitals and priority tasks for the planning of developmental changes in the organization and its sphere are presented.
12 Objavljeno
Prikazuje tudi lastne izkušnje in rezultate 39 presaditev kostnega mozga od leta 1989 do 1995. Stanje v Sloveniji primerja z razmerami v Evropi, še posebej v državah bivšega vzhodnega bloka.
He is presenting his own experiences with 39 HSCT from 1989 till 1995 and compares them with HSCT activities in Eastern European countries.
13 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-59
Računi v zvezi z vsemi dohodki in odhodki, vnesenimi v proračun, skupaj z izkazom stanja, ki Europolu prikazujejo sredstva in obveznosti, so predmet letne revizije v skladu s finančnimi predpisi.
The accounts in respect of all income and expenditure entered in the budget together with the balance sheet showing Europol's assets and liabilities shall be subject to an annual audit in accordance with the financial regulation.
14 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-2
Preglednica 2 prikazuje minimalni pričakovani učinek izbranih tehnologij za zajemanje živega srebra v plinastem stanju. Uporaba teh ukrepov je odvisna od posameznih postopkov in je najprimernejša, če so koncentracije živega srebra v dimnem plinu visoke.
The minimum expected performance of selected techniques for capturing gaseous mercury is outlined in table 2. The application of these measures depends on the specific processes and is most relevant if concentrations of mercury in the flue gas are high.
15 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
(1) Neto vrednost sredstev in obveznosti Evropske skupnosti za premog in jeklo, prikazanih v bilanci stanja Evropske skupnosti za premog in jeklo z dne 23. julija 2002, se ob upoštevanju morebitnega povečanja ali zmanjšanja zaradi likvidacijskih postopkov obravnava kot sredstva Unije, namenjena za raziskave v sektorjih, povezanih s premogovništvom in jeklarsko industrijo, imenovana »Evropska skupnost za premog in jeklo v likvidaciji«.
The net worth of the assets and liabilities of the European Coal and Steel Community, as they appear in the balance sheet of the European Coal and Steel Community of 23 July 2002, subject to any increase or decrease which may occur as a result of the liquidation operations, shall be considered as Union assets intended for research in sectors related to the coal and steel industry, referred to as the "European Coal and Steel Community in liquidation".
16 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0437
Da bi upoštevali to stanje in zagotovili kar najpopolnejši prikaz stanja v industriji Skupnosti, so bili pridobljeni in analizirani podatki za celotno dejavnost in naknadno se je ugotavljalo, ali je bila proizvodnja namenjena interni uporabi ali prostemu trgu.
In order to take this situation into account and to provide as complete a picture as possible of the situation of the Community industry, data have been obtained and analysed for the entire activity, and it was subsequently determined whether the production was destined for captive use or for the free market.
17 Končna redakcija
Poleg tega jima Komisija predloži bilanco stanja, ki prikazuje sredstva in obveznosti Skupnosti.
It shall also submit to them a balance sheet showing the assets and liabilities of the Community.
18 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1605
izkaz denarnega toka, ki prikazuje zneske, pobrane in plačane med letom ter končno stanje denarja zakladnice;
the cash-flow table showing amounts collected and disbursed during the year and the final treasury position;
19 Končna redakcija
(2) S pritrdilnim mnenjem se oceni, da računovodskih izkazi resnično in pošteno prikazujejo finančno stanje in poslovni izid.
(2) The unqualified opinion shall denote the assessment that the financial statements present a true and fair view of the financial position and the operating result.
20 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
Tokovi za vsako sredstvo in obveznost, prikazano v računih akumulacije, so ponovno vidni v računu "spremembe bilance stanja".
The flows for each asset and liability item recorded in the accumulation accounts are seen again in the "changes in balance sheets" account (ESA 95, 8.04).
21 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
Bilance stanja prikazujejo celotna sredstva in obveznosti različnih enot na začetku in koncu obračunskega obdobja, skupaj z njihovimi neto vrednostmi.
The balance sheets show the total assets and liabilities of the various units at the beginning and end of the accounting period, together with their net worth.
22 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1605
Odločitev o razrešnici zajema obračune vseh prihodkov in odhodkov Skupnosti, končno bilanco ter sredstva in obveznosti Skupnosti, prikazane v bilanci stanja.
The discharge decision shall cover the accounts of all the Communities' revenue and expenditure, the resulting balance and the assets and liabilities of the Communities shown in the balance sheet.
23 Končna redakcija
DRUGO: Z1-06-2827
z novimi podatki v celoti dopolnjeno stanje ohranjenosti vrst, trenutno navedenih v akcijskem načrtu, kakor so prikazane v razpredelnici 1 a dokumenta AEWA/MOP 2.9,
A full update of the conservation status of the species currently listed in the Action Plan, as presented in Table 1a of document AEWA/MOP2.9;
24 Končna redakcija
3. mnenje pooblaščenega revizorja o tem, ali računovodski izkazi prikazujejo resnično finančno stanje in poslovni izid ter spremembe v finančnem položaju pravne osebe.
3. the opinion of the certified auditor whether the financial statements present fairly the financial position and the operating result, as well as the changes in financial position of the legal person.
25 Končna redakcija
mora klavnica veterinarsko službo obvestiti o času klanja in številu ter poreklu živali in ji poslati kopijo potrdila o zdravstvenem stanju, ki je prikazano v Prilogi IV;
the slaughterhouse must notify the veterinary service of the time of slaughter and the number and the origin of the animals, and send it a copy of the health attestation shown in Annex IV;
26 Končna redakcija
Če se naprava za prikaz napake preklopi v prejšnje stanje aktiviranja, se lahko brišejo ustrezne kode napake in shranjeni podatki o pogojih delovanja motorja ob prvem pojavu napake.”
If the MI is switched back to the previous state of activation, the corresponding fault codes and stored freeze-frame conditions may be erased."
27 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 42002D0234
Upravljanje sredstev se prikaže v letnem izkazu poslovnega izida in v letni bilanci stanja za ESPJ v likvidaciji in po zaključeni likvidaciji za sredstva Raziskovalnega sklada za premog in jeklo.
The management of the funds shall be accounted for in the annual profit-and-loss account and the annual balance sheet prepared for the ECSC in liquidation and, on completion of the liquidation, the Assets of the Research Fund for Coal and Steel.
28 Končna redakcija
Rezultati raziskave prikazujejo krajevno porazdelitev tlaka prilagodljivega pridrževala na preoblikovanec za več zaporednih stanj med postopkom ob upoštevanju spremembe oblike in debeline preoblikovanca.
The results of the research show the local distributions of pressure acting on the blank for a sequence of states during the process, taking into account the changes in the shape and the thickness of the blank.
29 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0437
Dokazovale so, da obdobje analize ni reprezentativno prikazalo normalne konkurenčne situacije, saj so bile cene in stopnje dobička, glede na industrijo, v teh letih posebej visoke v primerjavi s povprečnim stanjem v industriji.
It was further submitted that the analysis period was not representative of a normal competitive situation, as prices and profit margins, according to the industry, were particularly high during these years compared with the average situation in the industry.
30 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 42002D0234
Vsako leto se pripravijo izkaz poslovnega izida, bilanca stanja in finančno poročilo, ki prikazujejo ločeno od drugih finančnih poslov preostalih Skupnosti likvidacijske postopke iz točke 1 in investicijske transakcije iz točke 2.
Each year a profit-and-loss account, balance sheet and financial report shall be drawn up to show, separately from the other financial operations of the remaining Communities, the liquidation operations provided for in point 1 and the investment transactions under point 2.
31 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999L0096
Ko se merilnik vrne v stanje za preskušanje v načinu prikazovanja absorpcijskega koeficienta k, se koeficient absorpcije svetlobe nato pravilno izračuna na podlagi izmerjene motnosti in LA, ki jo navede proizvajalec merilnika motnosti,.
The light absorption coefficient is then correctly calculated based upon the measured opacity and the LA, as submitted by the opacimeter manufacturer, when the instrument is returned to the k readout mode for testing.
32 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1257
kvantificiran opis sedanjega stanja s prikazom neskladja, vrzeli in razvojnih potencialov, namenjenih finančnih sredstev in najpomembnejših rezultatov aktivnosti prejšnjega programskega obdobja glede na razpoložljive rezultate vrednotenja,
a quantified description of the current situation showing disparities, gaps and potential for development, the financial resources deployed and the main results of operations undertaken in the previous programming period with regard to the evaluation results available,
33 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
Potrošnjo stalnega kapitala, ki jo je treba razlikovati od amortizacije, izračunane za davčne namene, in amortizacije, prikazane v poslovnih izkazih, je treba oceniti na osnovi stanja osnovnih sredstev in verjetne (povprečne) ekonomske življenjske dobe različnih kategorij zadevnih sredstev.
The consumption of fixed capital, which has to be distinguished from depreciation calculated for fiscal purposes and that appearing in the company accounts, should be evaluated on the basis of stocks of fixed capital goods and the (average) probable economic life of the various categories of goods in question.
34 Končna redakcija
najkasneje ob koncu tega obdobja je perutnino treba eviscerirati v klavnici, kjer je potekal zakol, ali v drugi odobreni razsekovalnici, ki izpolnjuje dodatne zahteve iz (ii) v drugi alinei točke 15(b) Poglavja III; v tem primeru mora perutnina imeti potrdilo o zdravstvenem stanju, ki je prikazano v Prilogi V;
at the end of this period at the latest, it must be eviscerated in the slaughterhouse where the slaughtering was performed or in another approved cutting plant fulfilling the additional requirements under (ii) in the second indent of point 15 (b) of Chapter III and in this last case, be accompanied by the health attestation shown in Annex V;
35 Končna redakcija
Neto vrednost teh sredstev in obveznosti, prikazanih v bilanci stanja ESPJ z dne 23. julija 2002, se ob upoštevanju morebitnega povečanja ali zmanjšanja zaradi likvidacijskih postopkov obravnava kot sredstva, namenjena za raziskave v sektorjih, povezanih s premogovništvom in jeklarsko industrijo, imenovana "ESPJ v likvidaciji".
The net worth of these assets and liabilities, as they appear in the balance sheet of the ECSC of 23 July 2002, subject to any increase or decrease which may occur as a result of the liquidation operations, shall be considered as assets intended for research in the sectors related to the coal and steel industry, referred to as the "ECSC in liquidation".
36 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
Kadar se proizvodnja izračuna na podlagi podatkov o začetnem in končnem stanju, prodaji in po možnosti vseh drugih rab (kot so osnovna sredstva, proizvedena za lastne potrebe), se ponavljajoče se izgube že odštejejo od sprememb zalog, in če bi jih še enkrat prikazali pod postavko "izgube", bi prišlo do dvojnega knjiženja.
When output is calculated from data on initial and final stocks, sales and possibly other uses (such as own-account produced fixed capital goods), recurrent losses are already deducted from the changes in stocks, and recording of them a further time under the item "losses" would lead to double-counting.
37 Končna redakcija
delo in sociala
(3) Banka Slovenije lahko banki v bančni skupini naloži, da opravi konsolidacijo posameznih postavk oziroma posameznih poslov ali skupine poslov znotraj bančne skupine, če je to potrebno zaradi popolnega ali pravilnega prikaza finančnega stanja oziroma rezultatov poslovanja bančne skupine kot celote oziroma posamezne banke v bančni skupini.
(3) The Bank of Slovenia may instruct a bank in a banking group to carry out the consolidation of individual items or individual transactions or groups of transactions within the banking group, if such is necessary for the complete or correct presentation of the financial position or the results of the operations of the banking group as a whole or of an individual bank in the banking group.
38 Končna redakcija
delo in sociala
(1) Tudi kadar ne gre za bančno skupino po tem zakonu, lahko Banka Slovenije naloži banki, ki je na način iz drugega odstavka 95. člena tega zakona podrejena pravni osebi, ki ni banka oziroma finančni holding, da opravi konsolidacijo posameznih poslov oziroma skupin poslov, če je to potrebno zaradi popolnega ali pravilnega prikaza finančnega stanja oziroma rezultatov poslovanja banke.
(1) Even if a banking group as specified in the present law is not involved, the Bank of Slovenia may instruct a bank that is subordinate in a manner specified in the second paragraph of article 95 of the present law to a legal person that is not a bank or financial holding company to carry out the consolidation of individual transactions or groups of transactions, if such is necessary for the complete or correct presentation of the financial position or the results of the operations of the bank.
39 Končna redakcija
Revidiranje računovodskih izkazov po tem zakonu je preizkušanje in ocenjevanje računovodskih izkazov ter podatkov in metod, uporabljenih pri njihovem sestavljanju, in na podlagi tega dajanje neodvisnega strokovnega mnenja o tem, ali računovodski izkazi v vseh pomembnejših pogledih podajajo resničen in pošten prikaz finančnega stanja in poslovni izid pravne osebe v skladu s slovenskimi računovodskimi standardi (v nadaljnjem besedilu: revidiranje).
Pursuant to this Act, the auditing of financial statements shall denote testing and assessing of financial statements, data and methods applied in the preparation thereof, and on such basis providing an independent professional opinion as to whether the financial statements show a true and fair view, in all material aspects, of the financial position of the legal person, and of the results of its operations in accordance with the Slovenian Accounting Standards (hereinafter referred to as " auditing ")
40 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999L0102
` 3.7.1 Če ni več izpadlih vžigov v obsegu, ki lahko poškoduje katalizator (po navedbi proizvajalca), ali če motor deluje po spremembi vrtljajev in pogojev obremenitve, pri katerih obseg izpadlih vžigov ne bo povzročil okvare katalizatorja, se lahko naprava za prikaz napake (MI) preklopi v prejšnje stanje aktiviranja med prvim ciklom vožnje, ko je bil ugotovljen obseg izpadlih vžigov, in se pri naslednjih ciklih lahko preklopi v običajni način delovanja.
"3.7.1. If misfire at levels likely to cause catalyst damage (as specified by the manufacturer) is not present any more, or if the engine is operated after changes to speed and load conditions where the level of misfire will not cause catalyst damage, the MI may be switched back to the previous state of activation during the first driving cycle on which the misfire level was detected and may be switched to the normal activated mode on subsequent driving cycles.
41 Končna redakcija
Z raziskavo, analizo in zapisom hočem natančneje predstaviti, prikazati notranje delovanje diskurza, a tudi predstaviti avtorja in njegove izdelke v luči antidiskriminacijskega člena Ustave republike Slovenije. Najprej v luči II. poglavja (o človekovih pravicah in temeljnih svoboščinah), kjer 14. člen (enakost pred zakonom) pravi takole: 'V Sloveniji so vsakomur zagotovljene enake človekove pravice in temeljne svoboščine, ne glede na narodnost, raso, spol, jezik, vero; politično ali drugo prepričanje, gmotno stanje, rojstvo, izobrazbo, družbeni položaj ali katerokoli drugo osebno okoliščino.'
My research, analysis and documentation is aimed at a detailed presentation and description of the inner workings of this discourse. In addition, I would also like to present the author and his work in the light of the antidiscriminatory article of the Constitution of the Republic of Slovenia, first in the light of Chapter 2 dealing with human rights and fundamental freedoms where Article 14 (equality before the law) reads as follows: 'In Slovenia each individual shall be guaranteed equal human rights and fundamental freedoms irrespective of national origin, race, sex, language, religion, political or other beliefs, financial status, birth, education, social status or whatever other personal circumstance. All persons shall be equal before the law.'
42 Pravna redakcija
Sektorski računi zajemajo tudi bilance stanja za prikaz stanja sredstev, obveznosti in neto vrednosti ob začetku in koncu obračunskega obdobja.
The sector accounts also include balance sheets to describe the stocks of assets, liabilities and net worth at the beginning and the end of the accounting period.
43 Pravna redakcija
Stanja se prikazujejo tudi za prebivalstvo in zaposlenost.
Stocks are also recorded for population and employment.
44 Pravna redakcija
Stanja se prikazujejo za vsa sredstva znotraj meja sistema;
Stocks are recorded for all assets within the system's boundaries;
45 Pravna redakcija
Spodaj prikazane tabele stanja so ustaljena specifikacija protokola.
The state tables given below are the definitive specification of the protocol.
46 Pravna redakcija
Sistem OBD zapisuje kode, ki prikazujejo stanje sistema za nadzor emisij.
The OBD system must record code(s) indicating the status of the emission-control system.
47 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1747
Neto spremembe morajo biti prikazane v primerjavi s stanjem pred spremembo.
The net changes must be shown as compared with the situation before the correction.
48 Pravna redakcija
Vendar pa se ta stanja prikazujejo kot srednje vrednosti obračunskega obdobja.
However, these stocks are recorded as mean values over the accounting period.
49 Pravna redakcija
To pomeni, da se lahko vse spremembe stanj popolnoma pojasnijo s prikazanimi tokovi.
This implies that all changes in stocks can be fully explained by recorded flows.
50 Pravna redakcija
novejšo, potrjeno barvno fotografijo, ki prikazuje profil plovila v trenutnem stanju.
a recent, certified colour photograph showing a side view of the vessel in its current state.
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prikaz stanja