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pristojnost Sodišča za predhodno odločanje
1 Končna redakcija
Vsaka država članica lahko z izjavo, dano ob podpisu Amsterdamske pogodbe ali kadar koli pozneje, prizna pristojnost Sodišča za predhodno odločanje v skladu z odstavkom 1.
By a declaration made at the time of signature of the Treaty of Amsterdam or at any time thereafter, any Member State shall be able to accept the jurisdiction of the Court of Justice to give preliminary rulings as specified in paragraph 1.
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
(3) Sodišče splošne pristojnosti je pristojno za obravnavanje in odločanje o vprašanjih, predloženih v predhodno odločanje v skladu s III-369. členom Ustave, na posebnih področjih, določenih s statutom Sodišča Evropske unije.
The General Court shall have jurisdiction to hear and determine questions referred for a preliminary ruling under Article III-369, in specific areas laid down by the Statute of the Court of Justice of the European Union.
3 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2007-19
"Avstrija pričakuje, da bo vprašanje pristojnosti Sodišča Evropskih skupnosti za predhodno odločanje v bližnji prihodnosti ugodno rešeno, in si bo še naprej prizadevala za to."
"Austria assumes that the question of the competence of the Court of Justice of the European Communities to give preliminary rulings will be settled favourably in the near future, and it will continue to work to that end."
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-59
Z izjavo ob podpisu tega protokola ali kadar koli kasneje lahko katera koli država članica prizna pristojnost Sodišča evropskih skupnosti za predhodno odločanje o razlagi Konvencije o Europolu pod pogoji, določenimi v odstavku 2(a) ali (b).
By a declaration made at the time of the signing of this Protocol or at any time thereafter, any Member State shall be able to accept the jurisdiction of the Court of Justice of the European Communities to give preliminary rulings on the interpretation of the Europol Convention under the conditions specified in either paragraph 2 (a) or (b).
5 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2007-19
Vsaka država članica lahko z izjavo ob podpisu tega protokola ali kadar koli pozneje sprejme pristojnost Sodišča Evropskih skupnosti za predhodno odločanje o razlagi Konvencije o zaščiti finančnih interesov Evropskih skupnosti in prvega protokola k tej konvenciji v skladu s pogoji, ki so določeni v odstavku 2(a) ali 2(b).
By a declaration made at the time of the signing of this Protocol or at any time thereafter, any Member State shall be able to accept the jurisdiction of the Court of Justice of the European Communities to give preliminary rulings on the interpretation of the Convention on the protection of the European Communities' financial interests and the first Protocol to that Convention under the conditions specified in either paragraph 2 (a) or paragraph 2 (b).
6 Objavljeno
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Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2007-19
"Vlada Zvezne republike Nemčije glede Protokola h Konvenciji o zaščiti finančnih interesov Evropskih skupnosti (uradniki) izjavlja, da namerava do istega datuma s pogajanji doseči dogovor o pristojnosti Sodišča Evropskih skupnosti za predhodno odločanje, ki je enak kot pri Konvenciji o zaščiti finančnih interesov Evropskih skupnosti."
"The Government of the Federal Republic of Germany states its intention, as regards the Protocol to the Convention on the protection of the European Communities' financial interests (officials), of reaching, through negotiation, an agreement on the competence of the Court of Justice of the European Communities to give preliminary rulings that is the same as that sought for the Convention on the protection of the European Communities' financial interests and by the same date."
7 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2007-19
"Vlade Kraljevine Belgije, Kraljevine Nizozemske in Velikega vojvodstva Luksemburg menijo, da je treba za to, da bo ta protokol začel veljati, do konca leta 1996 najti ustrezno rešitev za pristojnost Sodišča Evropskih skupnosti za razlago protokola, po možnosti v okviru sedanjih razprav o podelitvi pristojnosti Sodišču za predhodno odločanje o razlagi Konvencije o zaščiti finančnih interesov Evropskih skupnosti."
"The Governments of the Kingdom of Belgium, the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg take the view that, for this Protocol to enter into force, a satisfactory solution to the question of the competence to be conferred on the Court of Justice of the European Communities for the interpretation of the Protocol must be found by the end of November 1996, preferably within the framework of the current discussions on the conferral of competence on the Court of Justice to give preliminary rulings on the interpretation of the Convention on the protection of the European Communities' financial interests."
8 Končna redakcija
Sodišču se doda Sodišče prve stopnje s pristojnostjo obravnavanja in odločanja na prvi stopnji o nekaterih vrstah tožb ali postopkov, opredeljenih skladno s pogoji iz odstavka 2, pri čemer je pritožba na Sodišče dovoljena zgolj glede pravnih vprašanj in v skladu s pogoji, določenimi v statutu. Sodišče prve stopnje ni pristojno za obravnavanje in odločanje o vprašanjih, predloženih v predhodno odločanje v skladu s členom 234.
A Court of First Instance shall be attached to the Court of Justice with jurisdiction to hear and determine at first instance, subject to a right of appeal to the Court of Justice on points of law only and in accordance with the conditions laid down by the Statute, certain classes of action or proceeding defined in accordance with the conditions laid down in paragraph 2. The Court of First Instance shall not be competent to hear and determine questions referred for a preliminary ruling under Article 234.
9 Pravna redakcija
"Avstrija domneva, da bo vprašanje pristojnosti Sodišča Evropskih skupnosti glede predhodnega odločanja ugodno rešeno v bližnji prihodnosti in si bo še naprej prizadevala za takšno rešitev."
'Austria assumes that the question of the competence of the Court of Justice of the European Communities to give preliminary rulings will be settled favourably in the near future, and it will continue to work to that end.`
10 Pravna redakcija
"Vlade Kraljevine Belgije, Kraljevine Nizozemske in Velikega vojvodstva Luksemburg so mnenja, da je za uveljavitev tega protokola treba do konca novembra 1996 zadovoljivo rešiti vprašanje pristojnosti, ki se dodeli Sodišču Evropskih skupnosti glede razlage protokola, po možnosti v okviru potekajočih razprav o dodelitvi pristojnosti Sodišču glede predhodnih odločanj o razlaganju Konvencije o zaščiti finančnih interesov Evropskih skupnosti."
'The Governments of the Kingdom of Belgium, the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg take the view that, for this Protocol to enter into force, a satisfactory solution to the question of the competence to be conferred on the Court of Justice of the European Communities for the interpretation of the Protocol must be found by the end of November 1996, preferably within the framework of the current discussions on the conferral of competence on the Court of Justice to give preliminary rulings on the interpretation of the Convention on the protection of the European Communities' financial interests.`
11 Pravna redakcija
"Vlada Zvezne republike Nemčije izraža svojo namero, da v zvezi s Protokolom h Konvenciji o zaščiti finančnih interesov Evropskih skupnosti (uradniki) s pogajanji ob istem času doseže isti sporazum o pristojnosti Sodišča Evropskih skupnosti za predhodno odločanje, kot je predviden za Konvencijo o zaščiti finančnih interesov Evropskih skupnosti."
'The Government of the Federal Republic of Germany states its intention, as regards the Protocol to the Convention on the protection of the European Communities' financial interests (officials), of reaching, through negotiation, an agreement on the competence of the Court of Justice of the European Communities to give preliminary rulings that is the same as that sought for the Convention on the protection of the European Communities' financial interests and by the same date.`
12 Pravna redakcija
Določbe odstavka 1 veljajo za napotila za predhodno odločanje, predvideno v Protokolu v zvezi z razlago Sodišča o Konvenciji z dne 29.2.1968 o medsebojnem priznavanju gospodarskih družb in pravnih oseb ter Protokola v zvezi z razlago Sodišča o Konvenciji z dne 27.9.1968 o sodni pristojnosti in uveljavljanju sodb v civilnih in gospodarskih zadevah, podpisanega v Luxembourgu dne 3. junija 1971, in za napotila, ki jih predvideva člen 4 tega Protokola.
The provisions of paragraph (1) shall apply to the references for a preliminary ruling provided for in the Protocol concerning the interpretation by the Court of Justice of the Convention of 29 February 1968 on the mutual recognition of companies and legal persons and the Protocol concerning the interpretation by the Court of Justice of the Convention of 27 September 1968 on jurisdiction and the enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters, signed at Luxembourg on 3 June 1971, and to the references provided for by Article 4 of the latter Protocol.
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pristojnost Sodišča za predhodno odločanje