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prisvojitev pravic
1 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992L0111
"Za pridobitev blaga znotraj Skupnosti za plačilo se šteje tudi: prisvojitev blaga, ki jo opravijo oborožene sile države članice Severnoatlantske zveze za svoje potrebe ali potrebe spremnega civilnega osebja in ga niso pridobile pod splošnimi pravili obdavčevanja na domačem trgu ene od držav članic, če pri uvozu tega blaga ne bi mogle uveljavljati oprostitve iz člena 14(1)(g).";
'The following shall also be deemed to be an intra-Community acquisition of goods effected for consideration: the appropriation of goods by the forces of a State party to the North Atlantic Treaty, for their use or for the use of the civilian staff accompanying them, which they have not acquired subject to the general rules governing taxation on the domestic market of one of the Member States, when the importation of these goods could not benefit from the exemption set out in Article 14 (1) (g).`;
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prisvojitev pravic