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pritožba na Komisijo
1 Končna redakcija
pritožba na Komisijo
complaint to the Commission
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 1994-33
1) Komisija ne bo obravnavala nobene pritožbe, predložene na podlagi 25. člena, ki je:
The Commission shall not deal with any petition submitted under Article 25 which:
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
(4) Zoper odločbo disciplinske komisije je dovoljena pritožba na disciplinsko sodišče.
An appeal to the disciplinary tribunal shall be allowed against a ruling by the disciplinary commission.
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 1994-33
3) Komisija lahko odloči, da bo pritožbo ponovno uvrstila na seznam zadev, če okoliščine to upravičujejo.
The Commission may decide to restore a petition to its list of cases if it considers that the circumstances justify such a course.
5 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 1994-33
»Pravica predložiti zadevo Sodišču pripada samo visokim pogodbenim strankam, Komisiji in posamezniku, nevladni organizaciji ali skupini posameznikov, ki so vložili pritožbo na podlagi 25. člena.«
"Only the High Contracting Parties, the Commission, and persons, non-governmental organisations or groups of individuals having submitted a petition under Article 25 shall have the right to bring a case before the Court."
6 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 1994-33
Po sprejemu pritožbe, predložene na podlagi 25. člena, jo lahko Komisija zavrne z dvotretjinsko večino svojih članov, če pri njenem obravnavanju ugotovi, da obstaja kakšen vzrok za nesprejemljivost po 27. členu.
After it has accepted a petition submitted under Article 25, the Commission may nevertheless decide by a majority of two-thirds of its members to reject the petition if, in the course of its examination, it finds that the existence of one of the grounds for non-acceptance provided for in Article 27 has been established.
7 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 1994-33
2) Komisija šteje za nesprejemljivo vsako pritožbo, predloženo na podlagi 25. člena, za katero meni, da ni v skladu z določili te Konvencije ali. da je nedvomno neutemeljena ali pa da pomeni zlorabo pravice do pritožbe.
The Commission shall consider inadmissible any petition submitted under Article 25 which it considers incompatible with the provisions of the present Convention, manifestly ill-founded, or an abuse of the right of petition.
8 Objavljeno
CELEX: 32004D0676
Določbe prvega pododstavka se ne uporabljajo za začasnega uslužbenca ali nekdanjega začasnega uslužbenca, ki pred odborom za pritožbe ali disciplinsko komisijo priča o zadevi, ki se nanaša na začasnega uslužbenca ali nekdanjega začasnega uslužbenca.
The provisions of the first subparagraph shall not apply to a member of temporary staff or former member of temporary staff giving evidence before the Appeal Board or before the Disciplinary Board on a matter concerning a member of temporary staff or former member of temporary staff.
9 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 1994-33
4) Vsaka država, ki je dala izjavo na podlagi prvega odstavka tega člena, lahko kadarkoli pozneje izjavi, da sprejema za eno ali več ozemelj, na katera se izjava nanaša, pristojnost Komisije za sprejemanje pritožb od posameznikov, nevladnih organizacij ali skupin posameznikov v skladu s 25. členom te Konvencije.
Any State which has made a declaration in accordance with paragraph 1 of this Article may at any time thereafter declare on behalf of one or more of the territories to which the declaration relates that it accepts the competence of the Commission to receive petitions from individuals, non-governmental organisations or groups of individuals in accordance with Article 25 of the present Convention.
10 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 1994-33
2) Takšna mnenja se ne smejo nanašati na vprašanja, ki so v zvezi z vsebino ali obsegom pravic in svoboščin, kakor so opredeljene v I. delu Konvencije in v protokolih h Konvenciji, in tudi ne na kakšno drugo vprašanje, ki bi lahko postalo predmet obravnave pred Komisijo, na Sodišču ali Odboru ministrov v postopku, ki je določen s Konvencijo za obravnavanje pritožb.
Such opinions shall not deal with any question relating to the content or scope of the rights or freedoms defined in Section 1 of the Convention and in the protocols thereto, or with any other question which the Commission, the Court or the Committee of Ministers might have to consider in consequence of any such proceedings as could be instituted in accordance with the Convention.
11 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 1994-33
1) Komisija lahko sprejme v obravnavo pritožbe, ki jih na generalnega sekretarja Sveta Evrope naslovi katerakoli oseba, nevladna organizacija ali skupina posameznikov, ki zatrjujejo, da so žrtve kršitve pravic iz te Konvencije s strani katerekoli visoke pogodbene stranke, s pogojem, da visoka pogodbena stranka, proti kateri je vložena pritožba, izjavi, da priznava pristojnost Komisije za obravnavanje takšnih pritožb.
The Commission may receive petitions addressed to the Secretary General of the Council of Europe from any person, non-governmental organisation or group of individuals claiming to be the victim of a violation by one of the High Contracting Parties of the rights set forth in this Convention, provided that the High Contracting Party against which the complaint has been lodged has declared that it recognises the competence of the Commission to receive such petitions.
12 Končna redakcija
Postopki, ki se sprožijo s pritožbo ali na pobudo Komisije
Procedures on complaint or on the Commission's own initiative
13 Končna redakcija
Izid postopkov, ki se sprožijo s pritožbo ali na pobudo Komisije
Result of procedures on complaint or on the Commission's own initiative
14 Končna redakcija
O tem se izda sklep, na katerega je možna pritožba v treh dneh na Državno revizijsko komisijo.
A conclusion shall be made with this regard which can be disputed within three days with the National Review Commission.
15 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0773
Pomembno je opredeliti jasne in učinkovite postopke za obravnavanje pritožb, naslovljenih na Komisijo.
It is important to define clear and efficient procedures for handling complaints lodged with the Commission.
16 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0773
Komisiji se predložijo trije izvodi na papirju in, če je mogoče, en izvod pritožbe v elektronski obliki.
Three paper copies as well as, if possible, an electronic copy of the complaint shall be submitted to the Commission.
17 Končna redakcija
Komisija zaène postopke na podlagi pritožbe ali na lastno pobudo zato, da prekine vsako kršitev doloèb èlenov 2 ali 8 ali da uveljavi èlen 4(2).
Acting on receipt of a complaint or on its own initiative, the Commission shall initiate procedures to terminate any infringement of the provisions of Article 2 or of Article 8 or to enforce Article 4 (2).
18 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0773
Pritožnikom bi morala biti dana možnost, da izrazijo svoje mnenje, če Komisija meni, da ni zadostnih razlogov za ukrepanje na podlagi pritožbe.
Complainants should be granted the opportunity of expressing their views if the Commission considers that there are insufficient grounds for acting on the complaint.
19 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0074
Na podlagi podatkov iz pritožbe in odgovorov na vprašalnik Komisije je bilo preiskanih naslednjih šest shem, ki domnevno zajemajo odobravanje izvoznih subvencij:
On the basis of the information contained in the complaint and the replies to the Commission's questionnaire, the following six schemes, which allegedly involve the granting of export subsidies, were investigated:
20 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0773
Zlasti navedite, kako ravnanje, ki je predmet pritožbe, vpliva na vas in kako naj bi po vašem mnenju posredovanje Komisije odpravilo domnevne težave.
State in particular how the conduct complained of affects you and explain how, in your view, intervention by the Commission would be liable to remedy the alleged grievance.
21 Končna redakcija
Zoper odločitev volilne komisije, ki lahko vpliva na potrditev poslanskih mandatov, ima vsak kandidat in predstavnik liste kandidatov pravico do pritožbe na državni zbor.
Each candidate or representative of a list of candidates shall have the right to lodge an appeal with the National Assembly against the decision of an electoral commission which could affect the confirmation of a deputy's term of office.
22 Končna redakcija
Kljub temu pa lahko pritožnik, ki je bil obveščen o nameri zavrnitve njegove pritožbe, zahteva dostop do dokumentov, na katerih temelji stališče Komisije.
Nevertheless, a complainant who has been informed of the intention to reject his complaint may request access to the documents on which the Commission based its position.
23 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0773
Če Komisija obvesti pritožnika o nameravani zavrnitvi pritožbe v skladu s členom 7(1), pritožnik lahko zahteva dostop do dokumentacije, na kateri temelji začasna presoja Komisije.
Where the Commission has informed the complainant of its intention to reject a complaint pursuant to Article 7(1) the complainant may request access to the documents on which the Commission bases its provisional assessment.
24 Končna redakcija
Èe Komisija v postopku, ki teèe na podlagi pritožbe ali na njeno pobudo, ugotovi, da sporazum, sklep ali usklajeno ravnanje izpolnjuje doloèbe èlenov 2 in 5, izda odloèbo o uporabi èlena 5.
If the Commission, whether acting on a complaint received or on its own initiative, concludes that an agreement, decision or concerted practice satisfies the provisions both of Article 2 and of Article 5, it shall issue a decision applying Article 5.
25 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0397
V skladu s členom 5(1) osnovne uredbe se šteje, da je bila pritožba vložena na prvi delovni dan po njeni predložitvi Komisiji s priporočeno pošto ali na podlagi potrdila o prejemu, ki ga je izdala Komisija.
Pursuant to the Article 5(1) of the basic Regulation, a complaint shall be deemed to have been lodged on the first working day following its delivery to the Commission by registered mail or the issuing of an acknowledgement of receipt by the Commission.
26 Končna redakcija
Financiranje javnih postaj s strani držav članic je bil predmet številnih pritožb, ki so jih na Komisijo naslovile zasebne komercialne postaje, predvsem glede udeležbe javnih postaj na oglaševalskem trgu [26].
The funding by Member States of public service broadcasters has been the subject of a number of complaints to the Commission by private commercial broadcasters, notably about the presence of public service broadcasters on the advertising market(26).
27 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0781
Ukrepi, ki jih določa ta uredba, so v skladu z mnenjem odbora za pristojbine, pravili izvajanja ter postopki Komisije za pritožbe Urada za harmonizacijo na notranjem trgu (blagovne znamke in modeli) –
The measures provided for in this Regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the Committee on fees, Implementation Rules and the Procedure of the Boards of Appeal of the Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market (trade mark and designs),
28 Končna redakcija
Komisija ima pooblastilo za sprejetje izvedbenih doloeb glede oblike, vsebine in drugih podrobnosti pritožb na podlagi elena 10, vlog na podlagi elena 12 in obvestil na podlagi elena 14(1) ter zaslišanj, ki jih predvideva elen 26(1) in (2).
The Commission shall have power to adopt implementing provisions concerning the form, content and other details of complaints pursuant to Article 10, applications pursuant to Article 12, notifications pursuant to Article 14 (1) and the hearings provided for in Article 26 (1) and (2).
29 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0074
V nadaljevanju se je Komisija posvetovala z indijsko vlado v svojih prostorih v Bruslju, vendar na teh posvetovanjih indijska vlada ni predložila prepričljivih dokazov, ki bi zavrnili trditve iz pritožbe.
Consultations with the GOI were subsequently held with the Commission at its offices in Brussels, where no conclusive evidence was provided by the GOI which could refute the allegations made in the complaint.
30 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0773
Kadar Komisija meni, da na podlagi informacij, s katerimi razpolaga, ni zadostne podlage za ukrepanje na podlagi pritožbe, pritožniku sporoči svoje razloge in določi rok, v katerem pritožnik lahko pisno sporoči svoje mnenje.
Where the Commission considers that on the basis of the information in its possession there are insufficient grounds for acting on a complaint, it shall inform the complainant of its reasons and set a time-limit within which the complainant may make known its views in writing.
31 Končna redakcija
Zoper odločbo volilne komisije, s katero se zavrne lista kandidatov, zoper odločbo volilne komisije iz drugega odstavka 103. člena tega zakona ter zoper odločbo republiške volilne komisije iz prejšnjega člena se lahko vloži pritožba na sodišče, pristojno za upravne spore, v 48 urah po prejemu odločbe.
An appeal against a decision of the electoral commission by which a list of candidates is rejected, against a decision of the electoral commission referred to in the second paragraph of Article 103 hereof and against a decision of the republic electoral commission referred to in the preceding Article may be lodged at the court, competent to deal with contentious administrative matters, within 48 hours of announcement of the decision.
32 Končna redakcija
Èe Komisija v postopku, ki teèe na podlagi pritožbe, ugotovi, da na podlagi dokazov ni nobene podlage za ukrepanje po èlenih 2, 4(2) ali 8 glede sporazuma, sklepa ali usklajenega ravnanja, izda odloèbo, s katero zavrne pritožbo kot neutemeljeno.
If the Commission, acting on a complaint received, concludes that on the evidence before it there are no grounds for intervention under Article 2, Article 4 (2) or Article 8 in respect of any agreement, decision or practice, it shall issue a decision rejecting the complaint as unfounded.
33 Končna redakcija
Pritožniki pa ne morejo imeti dostopa do kakršnih koli zaupnih informacij ali drugih poslovnih tajnosti, ki so last podjetij, na katere se nanaša pritožba, ali podjetij tretjih oseb, ki jih je Komisija pridobila med preiskavo (člena 11 in 14 Uredbe št. 17).
Complainants may not, however, have access to any confidential information or other business secrets belonging to the firms complained of, or to third-party firms, which the Commission has obtained in the course of its investigations (Articles 11 and 14 of Regulation No 17).
34 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0773
Kadar Komisija izda ugotovitve o možnih kršitvah, ki se nanašajo na zadevo, v zvezi s katero je prejela pritožbo, pritožniku pošlje kopijo nezaupne verzije ugotovitve o možnih kršitvah in določi rok, v katerem pritožnik lahko pisno sporoči svoje mnenje.
Where the Commission issues a statement of objections relating to a matter in respect of which it has received a complaint, it shall provide the complainant with a copy of the non-confidential version of the statement of objections and set a time-limit within which the complainant may make known its views in writing.
35 Končna redakcija
ker so zaradi tega ti sporazumi izpostavljeni nevarnosti, da se jih z retroaktivnim uèinkom razglasi za neveljavne, èe se jih pregleda na podlagi pritožbe ali na pobudo Komisije, vendar se jih lahko v primeru takega poznejšega pregleda z retroaktivnim uèinkom razglasi za pravno dopustne;
whereas this exposes such agreements to the risk of being declared void with retroactive effect should they be examined following a complaint or on the Commissions's own initiative, but does not prevent their being retroactively declared lawful in the event of such subsequent examination;
36 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0793
Koordinator na zahtevo zadevnim državam članicam in Komisiji predloži letno poročilo o dejavnostih, ki zlasti zadeva uporabo členov 8a in 14 ter morebitne pritožbe glede uporabe členov 8 in 10, predložene koordinacijskemu odboru, in ukrepe, sprejete za njihovo rešitev.
The coordinator shall submit on request to the Member States concerned and to the Commission an annual activity report, concerning, in particular, the application of Articles 8a and 14, as well as any complaints regarding the application of Articles 8 and 10 submitted to the coordination committee and the steps taken to resolve them.
37 Končna redakcija
Na zahtevo Sodišča in po posvetovanju s Komisijo in Evropskim parlamentom lahko Svet soglasno doda Sodišču sodišče s pristojnostjo obravnavanja in odločanja na prvi stopnji, pri čemer je pritožba na Sodišče dovoljena zgolj glede pravnih vprašanj in v skladu s pogoji, določenimi v Statutu, v nekaterih vrstah tožb ali postopkov, ki so jih sprožile fizične ali pravne osebe.
At the request of the Court of Justice and after consulting the Commission and the European Parliament, the Council may, acting unanimously, attach to the Court of Justice a court with jurisdiction to hear and determine at first instance, subject to a right of appeal to the Court of Justice on points of law only and in accordance with the conditions laid down by the Statute, certain classes of action or proceeding brought by natural or legal persons.
38 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0074
Glede na veliko število proizvajalcev iz Skupnosti, ki so podprli pritožbo, in v skladu s členom 27 osnovne uredbe je Komisija v obvestilu o začetku objavila svoj namen, da izbere vzorec proizvajalcev Skupnosti na podlagi največjega reprezentativnega obsega proizvodnje in prodaje industrije Skupnosti, ki ga je mogoče razumno preiskati v razpoložljivem času.
In view of the large number of Community producers supporting the complaint, and in accordance with Article 27 of the basic Regulation, the Commission announced in the notice of initiation its intention to select a sample of Community producers, based on the largest representative volume of production and sales of the Community industry, which could be reasonably investigated within the time available.
39 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0397
Glede na veliko proizvajalcev Skupnosti, ki so podprli pritožbo in v skladu s členom 17 osnovne uredbe, je Komisija v obvestilu o začetku postopka napovedala svojo namero o izbiri vzorca proizvajalcev Skupnosti na podlagi največjega reprezentativnega obsega proizvodnje in prodaje industrije Skupnosti, ki bi ga bilo mogoče ustrezno preiskati v razpoložljivem času.
In view of the large number of Community producers supporting the complaint, and in conformity with Article 17 of the basic Regulation, the Commission announced in the notice of initiation of the proceeding its intention to select a sample of Community producers based on the largest representative volume of production and sales of the Community industry which could be reasonably investigated within the time available.
40 Končna redakcija
Komisija je v zvezi z belgijsko upravo za telegrafijo in telefonijo (Régie des télégraphes et téléphones - RTT) ukrepala, potem ko je prejela pritožbo glede domnevne zlorabe prevladujočega položaja, ki jo je poslal zasebni izvajalec telekomunikacijskih storitev z dodano vrednostjo in se je nanašala na pogoje, pod katerimi se zakupujejo telekomunikacijski vodi.
The Commission has taken action in respect of the Belgian Régie des télégraphes et téléphones after receiving a complaint concerning an alleged abuse of dominant position from a private supplier of value-added telecommunications services relating to the conditions under which telecommunications circuits were being leased.
41 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0397
Komisija je preučila razpoložljive podatke, ki omogočajo izračun stopnje dampinga, t. j. pritožbo, odgovore na vprašalnik proizvajalcev izvoznikov, vključenih v vzorec, in treh drugih proizvajalcev izvoznikov, ki so zahtevali individualno obravnavo v skladu s členom 17(3) osnovne uredbe, podatke, ki jih je predložilo več zainteresiranih strank, in uradno uvozno statistiko Eurostata.
The Commission examined the information available that would allow to calculate the margin of dumping, i.e. the complaint, the questionnaire replies by the sampled exporting producers and three other exporting producers that had requested individual examination in line with Article 17(3) of the basic Regulation, information submitted by several interested parties and official import statistics from Eurostat.
42 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0868
Preiskava s skladu s to uredbo se začne na podlagi pisne pritožbe, ki jo v imenu industrije Skupnosti vloži katera koli pravna ali fizična oseba ali zveza, ali na predlog Komisije, če obstajajo zadostni dokazi o obstoju izravnalnih subvencij (vključno z višino le-teh, če je to mogoče) ali o nepošteni praksi oblikovanja cen v smislu te uredbe, škode in vzročne povezave med domnevno subvencioniranimi ali nepošteno oblikovanimi cenami storitev zračnega prevoza in domnevno škodo.
An investigation under this Regulation shall be initiated upon the lodging of a written complaint on behalf of the Community industry by any natural or legal person or any association, or on the Commission's own initiative, if there is sufficient evidence of the existence of countervailable subsidies (including, if possible, of their amount) or unfair pricing practices within the meaning of this Regulation, injury and a causal link between the allegedly subsidised or unfairly priced air services and the alleged injury.
43 Končna redakcija
Dostop do spisa, ki je eden od postopkovnih zaščitnih ukrepov, ki je namenjen zagotavljanju učinkovitega uveljavljanja pravice biti zaslišan , [3] določene v členu 19(1) in (2) Uredbe Sveta št. 17 [4] in v členu 2 Uredbe Komisije št. 99/63/EGS [5], pa tudi v ustreznih določbah uredb o uporabi členov 85 in 86 na področju prometa, je treba urediti v vseh primerih, ki vključujejo odločbe o kršitvah, zavrnitvi pritožb, uvedbi začasnih ukrepov in odločbe, sprejete na podlagi člena 15(6) Uredbe št. 17.
Access to the file, which is one of the procedural safeguards designed to ensure effective exercise of the right to be heard (3) provided for in Article 19 (1) and (2) of Council Regulation No 17 (4) and Article 2 of Commission Regulation No 99/63/EEC (5), as well as in the corresponding provisions of the Regulations governing the application of Articles 85 and 86 in the field of transport, must be arranged in all cases involving decisions on infringements, decisions rejecting complaints, decisions imposing interim measures and decisions adopted on the basis of Article 15 (6) of Regulation No 17.
44 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0385
Po uspešni pritožbi izvoznika na neodvisni organ v nizozemski sodni pristojnosti proti odločitvi pristojnih nizozemskih organov, da v skladu s členoma 8 in 9 Uredbe Komisije (ES) št. 780/2003 z dne 7. maja 2003 o odpiranju in dodeljevanju tarifne kvote za zamrznjeno goveje meso, zajeto v oznaki KN 0202, in za proizvode, zajete v oznaki KN 02062991 (od 1. julija 2003 do 30. junija 2004) [2], ne potrdijo tega izvoznika in posledično zavrnejo njegov zahtevek za uvozno dovoljenje, oddan v prvem obdobju (od 1. do 4. julija 2003) v skladu s prvo alineo člena 12(2) Uredbe, so morali pristojni nizozemski organi izvozniku odobriti zahtevek z učinkom za nazaj in izdati uvozno dovoljenje za 33,34071 tone zamrznjenega govejega mesa za to obdobje.
Following a successful appeal of an operator to an independent body under Dutch jurisdiction against the decision of the Dutch authorities not to approve that operator in accordance with Articles 8 and 9 of Commission Regulation (EC) No 780/2003 of 7 May 2003 opening and providing for the administration of a tariff quota for frozen meat of bovine animals covered by CN code 0202 and products covered by CN code 0206 29 91 (1 July 2003 to 30 June 2004)(2) and, consequently, to reject his application for an import licence lodged during the first period (1 to 4 July 2003) in accordance with the first indent of Article 12(2) of that Regulation, the Dutch authorities were bound to approve this operator retrospectively and to issue an import licence in respect of 33,34071 tonnes of frozen meat of bovine animals for that period.
45 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0523
Vse pritožbe na teh področjih so zoper Komisijo kot tako.
Any appeal in these areas shall be made against the Commission as such.
46 Pravna redakcija
regionalni razvoj
(f) Komisija za pritožbe oblikuje svoj pravilnik glede na določbe te priloge.
(f) The Appeals Board shall establish its own rules subject to the provisions of this Annex.
47 Pravna redakcija
Pritožbe v zvezi z uporabo odstopanj iz odstavka 3 se lahko naslovijo tudi neposredno na Komisijo.
It shall also be possible for complaints about use of derogations referred to in paragraph 3 to be made direct to the Commission.
48 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R2597
Trdili so, da dejstvo, da je bila proizvodnja za lastne potrebe PET filma izključena iz pritožbe, pomeni, da Komisija na osnovi pritožbe ni mogla oceniti skupne proizvodnje PET filma v Skupnosti.
They claimed that the fact that the captive production of PET film was left out in the complaint means that the Commission could not estimate the total production of PET film in the Community on the basis of the complaint.
49 Pravna redakcija
Komisija sproži postopke za odpravo vsake kršitve določb členov 85(1) ali 86 Pogodbe na podlagi pritožbe ali na lastno pobudo.
Acting on receipt of a complaint or on its own initiative, the Commission shall initiate procedures to terminate any infringement of the provisions of Articles 85 (1) or 86 of the Treaty.
50 Pravna redakcija
regionalni razvoj
(c)Komisije za pritožbe na sestanku veljavno odloča, če so na njem prisotni predsednik ali njegov namestnik in dva člana ali njuna namestnika.
(c) No meeting of the Appeals Board is in order unless the Chairman, or his deputy, and two members, or their deputies, are present.
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pritožba na Komisijo