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razporeditev denarnih prihodkov
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
Razporeditev denarnih prihodkov nacionalnih centralnih bank
Allocation of monetary income of national central banks
2 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001D0913
ta ponder temelji na prebivalstvu in bruto domačemu proizvodu vsake države članice in velja za vložke v kapital ECB, prenos deviznih rezerv nacionalnih centralnih bank v ECB, razporeditev denarnih prihodkov nacionalnih centralnih bank ter razdeljevanje dobička in razdelitev izgub ECB.
this weighting is based on the population and gross domestic product of each Member State and governs the contributions to the ECB's capital, the transfers of the NCB's foreign reserve assets to the ECB, the monetary income allocation of the NCBs, and the distribution of profits and sharing of losses of the ECB.
3 Prevajalska redakcija
Enako velja za razporeditev denarnih prihodkov NCB na podlagi člena 32.1 Statuta, razdelitev prihodka ECB od izdajanja bankovcev, obrestovanje terjatev NCB, ki ustrezajo sredstvom deviznih rezerv, prenesenim na ECB, in obrestovanje saldov znotraj Eurosistema iz naslova eurobankovcev v obtoku -
The same should apply to the allocation of the NCBs' monetary income pursuant to Article 32.1 of the Statute, the distribution of the ECB's seigniorage income, the remuneration on the NCBs' claims equivalent to the foreign reserve assets transferred to the ECB and the remuneration on the intra-Eurosystem balances on euro banknotes in circulation,
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razporeditev denarnih prihodkov