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1 Objavljeno
Opisane so metode za postavitev diagnoze in postopki za razpoznavanje okužbe ploda.
Methods for making diagnosis of infection with human parvovirus B 19 and for recognition of fetal involvement are described.
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-5
Poleg oznak in napisov iz prvega odstavka se lahko na vagon pritrdijo tudi sredstva za elektronsko razpoznavanje.
2 The signs and inscriptions provided for in paragraph 1 may be completed by means of electronic identification.
3 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0273
Trgovinski dokumenti, kot so računi, popisi tovora, upravni dokumenti, prevozni dokumenti in drugi dokumenti o pošiljanju naj vsebujejo dovolj podatkov, ki omogočajo nedvoumno razpoznavanje:
Commercial documents such as invoices, cargo manifests, administrative documents, transport and other shipping documents shall contain sufficient information to identify positively:
4 Končna redakcija
Stache (1889a) je postavil kriterij za razpoznavanje kozinskih plasti na terenu - te so temnorjave do črne barve, apnenec je rahlo lapornat in lokalno siliciziran, vonj ima po bitumnu, med njim nastopajo plasti breče.
Stache (1889a) established the criterion for recognizing the Kozina beds in the field - they are of dark brown to black colour, limestone is slightly marly and locally silicified, bituminous, and contains beds of breccia.
5 Končna redakcija
Dalje za zahvaljujemo za pomoč pri razpoznavanju koral akad. dr. Dragici Turnšek in diskociklinid doc.dr.Vlasti osovi† iz Univerze v Zagrebu. Slednja je sodelovala pri zbiranju literature o haracejah in prispevala prevod biostratigrafskih poglavij v angleščino.
We are thankful to Acad. Dr. Dragica Turnšek for coral recognition. In addition, we thank Doc. Dr. Vlasta osovi† for providing special literature on charophyta, for discocylinid identifying and for translation in English a biostratigraphic part of the paper.
6 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0033
Podatki o zdravstvenem stanju in anamnezi, zbrani z vprašalnikom in v osebnem razgovoru, ki ga opravi usposobljen zdravstveni delavec; podatki vključujejo pomembne dejavnike, ki lahko pripomorejo k razpoznavanju in izločanju oseb, ki bi kot dajalci lahko predstavljali tveganje za zdravje drugih, kakršna je npr. možnost prenosa bolezni ali ogrožanje lastnega zdravja.
Health and medical history, provided on a questionnaire and through a personal interview performed by a qualified healthcare professional, that includes relevant factors that may assist in identifying and screening out persons whose donation could present a health risk to others, such as the possibility of transmitting diseases, or health risks to themselves.
7 Pravna redakcija
Skica (skice) z zadostnimi nadrobnostmi, ki omogoča(-jo) razpoznavanje tipa naprave in prikazuje(-jo):
Drawing(s) in sufficient detail to permit identification of the type of the device and showing:
8 Pravna redakcija
Vse informacije, ki so potrebne za pravilno razpoznavanje preskusnih sistemov, morajo biti na njihovih bivališčih ali zabojnikih.
All information needed to properly identify the test systems should appear on their housing or containers.
9 Pravna redakcija
Ta seznam navaja vse potrebne podatke za vsako tretjo državo, da omogoči razpoznavanje proizvodov, ki jih zajemajo pravila, in še zlasti:
This list gives all the information deemed necessary in respect of each third country to permit the identification of products covered by the rules and particularly:
10 Pravna redakcija
Vsaka pogodbenica zagotovi, da so njena ribiška plovila in ribiška raziskovalna plovila s pooblastilom za ribolov na območju konvencije označena na način, ki omogoča njihovo takojšnje razpoznavanje v skladu s splošni sprejetimi standardi, kot so standardi FAO za označevanje in razpoznavanje ribiških plovil.
Each Contracting Party shall ensure that its fishing vessels and fishing research vessels authorised to fish in the Convention area are marked in such a way that they can be readily identified with generally accepted standards, such as the FAO standard specification for the marking and identification of fishing vessels.
11 Pravna redakcija
Zlasti trgovinski dokumenti, kot so računi, popisi tovora, upravni dokumenti, vozni listi in drugi dokumenti o prevozu, morajo vsebovati podatke, ki omogočajo nedvoumno razpoznavanje:
in particular, commercial documents such as invoices, cargo manifests, administrative documents, transport and other shipping documents shall certain sufficient information positively to identify:
12 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0273
Trgovinski dokumenti, kot so računi, popisi tovora, upravni dokumenti, prevozni dokumenti in drugi dokumenti o pošiljanju naj vsebujejo dovolj podatkov, ki omogočajo nedvoumno razpoznavanje:
Commercial documents such as invoices, cargo manifests, administrative documents, transport and other shipping documents shall contain sufficient information to identify positively:
13 Pravna redakcija
konci mrež, vrvi in opreme, zasidranih v morju, so podnevi opremljeni z bojami z zastavicami ali radarskim reflektorejm in ponoči s svetilnimi bojami, ki omogočajo razpoznavanje njihovega položaja in dimenzij.
the ends of nets, lines and gear anchored in the sea shall be fitted with flag or radar-reflector buoys by day and light buoys by night sufficient to indicate their position and extent.
14 Pravna redakcija
Skica (skice) z zadostnimi nadrobnostmi, ki omogoča(-jo) razpoznavanje tipa naprave in prikazuje(-jo):…………………………………………………………………………….
Drawing(s) in sufficient detail to permit identification of the type of the device and showing.....
15 Pravna redakcija
Če takega imena ni, je ime, pod katerim se izdelek prodaja, ime, ki je običajno v državi članici, kjer se prodaja končnemu potrošniku ali obratom javne prehrane, ali opis živila, in, če je potrebno, opis njegove uporabe, ki je dovolj jasen, da kupcu omogoča razpoznavanje njegove dejanske narave in razlikovanje od drugih izdelkov, s katerimi bi ga lahko zamenjal.
Failing this, the name under which a product is sold shall be the name customary in the Member State in which it is sold to the final consumer or to mass caterers, or a description of the foodstuff, and if necessary of its use, which is clear enough to let the purchaser know its true nature and distinguish it from other products with which it might be confused.
16 Pravna redakcija
na zahtevo pomagati pogodbenicam pri njihovem razpoznavanju primerov nezakonitega prometa in nemudoma razposlati med zadevne pogodbenice vse podatke, ki jih je prejel v zvezi z nezakonitim prometom;
to assist Parties upon request in their identification of cases of illegal traffic and to circulate immediately to the Parties concerned any information it has received regarding illegal traffic;
17 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0405
(12) Komisija mora objaviti študije in podatke, ki jih je zbrala ob uporabi te uredbe, čeprav v obliki, ki ne omogoča razpoznavanja posebnega uvoza ali posameznih podjetij. Določiti mora način obveščanja.
(12) The Commission must publish the studies and the information collected in application of this Regulation, albeit in a form that does not enable specific imports or individual companies to be identified. It must specify the arrangements for the communications.
18 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0405
(9) Zbrane podatke in rezultate analiz, ki jih opravi Komisija, je treba po posvetovanju med državami članicami in Komisijo objaviti na ravni Skupnosti, da se zagotovi preglednost trga, čeprav v obliki, ki ne omogoča razpoznavanja posebnega uvoza ali posameznih podjetij.
(9) The information collected and the results of the analyses carried out by the Commission must be published at Community level in order to ensure the transparency of the market, albeit in a form that does not enable specific imports or individual companies to be identified, with consultation between the Member States and the Commission.
19 Pravna redakcija
Vendar, kjer uporaba drugih določb te direktive, zlasti tistih iz člena 3, potrošnikom v državah članicah trženja ne bi omogočila razpoznavanja dejanske narave živila in njegovega razlikovanja od živil, s katerim bi ga lahko zamenjali, prodajno ime spremlja druga opisna informacija, ki naj se prikaže v bližini prodajnega imena.
However, where the application of the other provisions of this Directive, in particular those set out in Article 3, would not enable consumers in the Member State of marketing to know the true nature of the foodstuff and to distinguish it from foodstuffs with which they could confuse it, the sales name shall be accompanied by other descriptive information which shall appear in proximity to the sales name.
20 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992L0058
Barva za razpoznavanje te opreme je rdeča.
The colour for identifying this equipment is red.
21 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993D0256
22 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31991L0414
kontrolna številka formulacije ali drug način za njeno razpoznavanje;
the formulation batch number or some means of identifying it;
23 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1725
Kasnejše razpoznavanje sprememb vrednosti razpoznavnih sredstev in dolgov [30]
Subsequent identification or changes in value of identifiable assets and liabilities(30)
24 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993D0256
Merila so oblikovana za razpoznavanje analita in naj bi preprečevala pojav lažno-pozitivnih rezultatov.
The criteria are designed for the identification of the analyte and aim to prevent false positive results.
25 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31990L0384
Stranka, ki je izvedla prvo stopnjo postopka, za vsako tehtnico izda potrdilo, ki vsebuje potrebne podatke za razpoznavanje tehtnice in ki navaja preglede in preskuse, ki so bili izvedeni.
The party which has carried out the first stage of the procedure shall issue for each of the instruments a certificate, containing the necessary data for identification of the instrument and specifying the examinations and tests that have been carried out.
26 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31990L0384
Certifikat mora vsebovati zaključke pregleda, pogoje (če obstajajo) za njegovo veljavnost, potrebne podatke za razpoznavanje odobrene tehtnice in, če je primerno, opis njenega delovanja.
The certificate shall contain the conclusions of the examination, conditions (if any) for its validity, the necessary data for identification of the approved instrument and, if relevant, a description of its functioning.
27 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31994R1164
ker bi bilo treba za lažje upravljanje pomoči iz sklada določiti način za razpoznavanje faz projektov, ki bi jih bilo mogoče šteti za tehnično in finančno ločene, in po potrebi za združevanje projektov;
Whereas, in order to facilitate the management of assistance from the Fund, there should be provision for identifying the stages of projects which may be be considered technically and financially separate and for grouping the projects together, if necessary;
28 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31976L0760
risbe (v trojniku) z zadostnimi detajli, ki omogočajo razpoznavanje tipa in prikazujejo geometrični položaj, v katerem je potrebno napravo namestiti glede na prostor, ki naj ga zavzema registrska tablica, ter zunanje robove površine, ki mora biti osvetljena.
drawings (three copies), in sufficient detail to permit identification of the type and showing geometrically the position in which the device is to be mounted in relation to the space to be occupied by the registration plate, and the outlines of the surface to be illuminated;
29 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1725
vse preračune, ki izhajajo iz kasnejšega razpoznavanja ali sprememb vrednosti razpoznavnih sredstev in dolgov;
any adjustments resulting from subsequent identification or changes in value of identifiable assets and liabilities;
30 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31976L0759
risbe (v trojniku) z zadostnimi nadrobnostmi, ki omogočajo razpoznavanje tipa smerne svetilke in prikazujejo geometrijsko lego, v kateri je treba smerno svetilko vgraditi na vozilo, os opazovanja, ki se upošteva kot referenčna os v preskusih (vodoravni kot H = 0°, navpični kot V = 0°), in točko, ki v navedenih preskusih predstavlja referenčno središče;
drawings, (three copies), in sufficient detail to permit identification of the type and category and showing, geometrically, the position in which the device is to be mounted on the vehicle, the axis of observation to be taken as the axis of reference in the tests (horizontal angle H = 0o, vertical angle V = 0o), and the point to be taken as the centre of reference in the said tests;
31 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31977L0539
risbe (v trojniku) z zadostnimi detajli, ki omogočajo razpoznavanje tipa žarometa za vzvratno vožnjo in prikazujejo geometrični položaj, v katerem je treba žaromet za vzvratno vožnjo vgraditi na vozilo, os opazovanja, ki se pri preskusih upošteva kot referenčna os (vodoravni kot H = 0°, navpični kot V = 0°) in točko, ki jo je treba pri preskusih upoštevati kot referenčno središče;
drawings (three copies), in sufficient detail to permit identification of the type of the reversing lamp and showing geometrically the position in which the reversing lamp is to be mounted on the vehicle, the axis of observation to be taken as the axis of reference in the tests (horizontal angle H = 0o, vertical angle V = 0o), and the point to be taken as the centre of reference in the said tests;
32 Prevajalska redakcija
Način razpoznavanja takih bolnikov bi lahko bil zasnovan na merilih, kakršna so ravni PSA, Gleasonov indeks in stadij bolezni.
How such patients are identified could be based on criteria such as PSA levels, Gleason score and stage of disease.
33 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001R1554
Kadar prevoz v razsutem stanju ne omogoča razpoznavanja posameznih partij, se povprečni donos celotnega tovora uporabi za ves zadevni sladkor.
Where transport in bulk does not permit individual lots to be identified, the average yield of the whole cargo shall be applied to all the sugar concerned.
34 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0405
Komisija mora objaviti študije in podatke, ki jih je zbrala ob uporabi te uredbe, čeprav v obliki, ki ne omogoča razpoznavanja posebnega uvoza ali posameznih podjetij.
The Commission must publish the studies and the information collected in application of this Regulation, albeit in a form that does not enable specific imports or individual companies to be identified.
35 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1725
Pri razpoznavanju, kaj tvori posebno postavko opredmetenih osnovnih sredstev, je potrebna presoja pri uporabi sodil za opredelitev v posebnih okoliščinah ali pri posebnih vrstah podjetij.
In identifying what constitutes a separate item of property, plant and equipment, judgement is required in applying the criteria in the definition to specific circumstances or specific types of enterprises.
36 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1725
Druga računovodska vprašanja so ugotavljanje zneska manjšinskega kapitala, obračunavanje prevzemov, ki se pojavljajo v nekem obdobju, kasnejše spremembe nabavne vrednosti prevzema ali razpoznavanja sredstev in dolgov ter zahtevana razkritja.
Other accounting issues include the determination of the minority interest amount, accounting for acquisitions which occur over a period of time, subsequent changes in the cost of acquisition or in the identification of assets and liabilities, and the disclosures required.
37 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0405
Zbrane podatke in rezultate analiz, ki jih opravi Komisija, je treba po posvetovanju med državami članicami in Komisijo objaviti na ravni Skupnosti, da se zagotovi preglednost trga, čeprav v obliki, ki ne omogoča razpoznavanja posebnega uvoza ali posameznih podjetij.
The information collected and the results of the analyses carried out by the Commission must be published at Community level in order to ensure the transparency of the market, albeit in a form that does not enable specific imports or individual companies to be identified, with consultation between the Member States and the Commission.
38 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0033
Podatki o zdravstvenem stanju in anamnezi, zbrani z vprašalnikom in v osebnem razgovoru, ki ga opravi usposobljen zdravstveni delavec; podatki vključujejo pomembne dejavnike, ki lahko pripomorejo k razpoznavanju in izločanju oseb, ki bi kot dajalci lahko predstavljali tveganje za zdravje drugih, kakršna je npr. možnost prenosa bolezni ali ogrožanje lastnega zdravja.
Health and medical history, provided on a questionnaire and through a personal interview performed by a qualified healthcare professional, that includes relevant factors that may assist in identifying and screening out persons whose donation could present a health risk to others, such as the possibility of transmitting diseases, or health risks to themselves.
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