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1 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31982D0913
Cutting premises
2 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31990D0433
Cutting Premises
3 Pravna redakcija
Razsekovalnica (5):
Cutting plant (5):
4 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31999D0724
Cutting plant
5 Pravna redakcija
CP = razsekovalnica
CP= Cutting plant.
6 Pravna redakcija
Klavnica in razsekovalnica
Slaughterhouse and cutting plant
7 Končna redakcija
sprejemna razsekovalnica hrani evidenco o količini, vrsti in poreklu pošiljk, prejetih v skladu s to direktivo;
the recipient cutting premises shall maintain a record of the amount, type and origin of consignments received in accordance with this Directive;
8 Končna redakcija
Razsekovalnice morajo imeti vsaj:
Cutting plants must have at least:
9 Končna redakcija
10 Končna redakcija
obrat je odobrena klavnica, odobrena razsekovalnica, odobrena hladilnica, odobren obrat za preembaliranje ali enota, ki združuje več takih obratov.
establishment means an approved slaughterhouse, an approved cutting plant, an approved cold store, an approved rewrapping centre or a unit grouping together several such establishments.
11 Končna redakcija
če to opravilo poteka v razsekovalnici:
in so far as this operation is carried out in the cutting plant:
12 Končna redakcija
Pri odločanju, ali se klavnica, razsekovalnica ali hladilnica zunaj klavnice ali objekta lahko vključi na enega od seznamov iz odstavka 1, se posebej upoštevajo:
In deciding whether a slaughterhouse, a cutting plant or a cold store situated outside a slaughterhouse or plant may appear on one of the lists referred to in paragraph 1 particular account shall be taken of:
13 Končna redakcija
14 Končna redakcija
termometer ali termograf v razsekovalnici;
a thermometer or telethermometer recorder in the cutting room;
15 Končna redakcija
Razsekovalnice nadzoruje uradni veterinar.
Cutting plants shall be supervised by an official veterinarian.
16 Končna redakcija
razsekovalnicah, v primeru hrbtenice goveda;
cutting plants, in the case of vertebral column of bovine animals;
17 Končna redakcija
je bilo meso razsekano v odobreni razsekovalnici;
the meat was cut in an approved cutting plant;
18 Končna redakcija
Poleg splošnih zahtev morajo razsekovalnice imeti vsaj:
In addition to the general requirements, cutting plants must have at least:
19 Končna redakcija
"obrat" je odobrena klavnica, odobrena razsekovalnica ali odobrena hladilnica, ki se nahaja izven takšnih odobrenih klavnic in objektov, ki ga je odobrila tretja država in je naveden na seznamu, sestavljenem v skladu s členom 4.
'establishment' means an approved slaughterhouse, an approved cutting plant or an approved cold store, situated outside such approved slaughterhouses and plants, which has been approved by the third country and which appears on the list or lists drawn up in accordance with Article 4.
20 Končna redakcija
v sredini številka veterinarske odobritve razsekovalnice.
in the centre, the veterinary approval number of the cutting plant.
21 Končna redakcija
Trupi z drobovino se pošiljajo v naslednjo razsekovalnico:
The uneviscerated carcases will be transported to the following cutting plant:.
22 Končna redakcija
Klavnica, razsekovalnica ali hladilnica zunaj klavnice ali razsekovalnice ne sme biti vključena na seznam ali sezname iz odstavka 1, če leži v eni od držav s seznama iz člena 3(1) in če so jo pristojni organi tretje države poleg tega uradno odobrili za izvoz v Skupnost.
A slaughterhouse, a cutting plant or a cold store situated outside a slaughterhouse or cutting plant may only appear on the list or lists provided for in paragraph 1 if it is situated in one of the countries referred to in Article 3 (1) and if it has, in addition, been officially approved for exports to the Community by the competent authorities of the third country.
23 Končna redakcija
24 Končna redakcija
Hladilnice, ki se nahajajo izven klavnic in razsekovalnic, morajo imeti vsaj:
Cold stores located outside the slaughterhouses and the cutting plants must have at least:
25 Končna redakcija
pristojni organ lahko odobri izjeme tudi v skladu s Prilogo II, če gre za razsekovalnice, ki se ne nahajajo v odobrenem obratu in so odobrene v skladu s členom 4(2) Direktive 64/433/EGS, pod pogojem, da razsekovalnica ne razseka več kot tri tone tedensko in upošteva zahtevo glede temperature iz točke 49 Poglavja VIII Priloge I.
derogations may also be granted by the competent authority in accordance with Annex II in the case of cutting plants which are not situated in an approved establishment and which are approved pursuant to Article 4 (2) of Directive 64/433/EEC, provided the cutting plant does not handle more than three tonnes per week, subject to compliance with the temperature requirement laid down in point 49 of Chapter VIII of Annex I.
26 Končna redakcija
odstranjevanja hrbtenjače ovc in koz v razsekovalnicah, ki so za to posebej odobrene;
removal of spinal cord of ovine and caprine animals in cutting plants specifically authorised for this purpose;
27 Končna redakcija
biti razsekani in/ali izkoščeni v razsekovalnicah, ki so odobrene in nadzorovane v skladu s členom 6;
have been cut and/or boned in cutting plants approved and supervised in accordance with Article 6;
28 Končna redakcija
Naslov(i) in številka(številke) veterinarske odobritve odobrene razsekovalnice (odobrenih razsekovalnic):
Address(es) and veterinary approval number(s) of the approved cutting plant(s):.
29 Končna redakcija
izrabe mesa ličnic in jezika govejih, ovčjih in kozjih glav v razsekovalnicah, ki so za to posebej odobrene;
harvesting of cheek meat and tongue from bovine, ovine and caprine heads in cutting plants specifically authorised for this purpose;
30 Končna redakcija
Razsekovanje na kose, manjše od polovic in četrti ali izkoščevanje se sme opravljati samo v razsekovalnicah.
Cutting into pieces smaller than half-carcases and quarters or boning shall only be allowed in cutting plants.
31 Končna redakcija
prostor za pakiranje, če se to izvaja v razsekovalnici, razen če so izpolnjeni pogoji iz točke 74 poglavja XIV.
a room for packaging, where such operations are carried out in the cutting plant, unless the conditions provided for in point 74 of Chapter XIV are fulfilled.
32 Končna redakcija
primerno opremljen prostor za opravljanje preskusov za ugotavljanje trihineloze, če se takšni preskusi opravljajo v razsekovalnici;
a room suitably equipped for carrying out a trichinoscopic test, where such test is carried out in the cutting plant;
33 Končna redakcija
oznaka zdravstvene ustreznosti na velikih pakiranjih se uniči, ko se pakiranje odpre v razsekovalnici pod nadzorom uradnega veterinarja;
the health mark on the large packaging shall be destroyed when the large packaging is opened in cutting premises under the supervision of the official veterinarian;
34 Končna redakcija
Sveže meso, namenjeno za razsek, je treba takoj po vnosu prenesti v razsekovalnico in ga do razseka hraniti v prostoru, določenem v odstavku 2(a);
Fresh meat intended for cutting must as soon as it is brought in, be placed in the cutting plant and, until used, in the room provided for in paragraph 2 (a);
35 Končna redakcija
delov, ki so manjši od četrti odkoščenega mesa, iz razsekovalnic, pregledanih na podlagi člena 4 in odobrenih v ta namen v skladu s postopkom iz člena 29.
cuts smaller than quarters or boned meat coming from cutting plants inspected pursuant to Article 4 and approved for this purpose in accordance with the procedure set out in Article 29. Such meat shall, in addition to the conditions laid down in
36 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31992L0116
Če razsekovalnice uporabljajo drugo sveže meso razen perutnine, mora to meso biti skladno z ustreznimi standardi Direktiv 64/433/EGS, 91/495/EGS in 92/45/EGS.
When cutting plants use fresh meat other than poultrymeat, such meat must conform to the relevant standards of Directives 64/433/EEC (3), 91/495/EEC (4) and 92/45/EEC (5).
37 Končna redakcija
Praktično usposabljanje poteka v klavnicah, razsekovalnicah, hladilnicah in na inšpekcijskih postajah za sveže meso ali, za pregled pred zakolom, na gospodarstvu.
The practical training shall take place in slaughterhouses, cutting plants, cold stores and inspection posts for fresh meat or, for the pre-slaughter inspection, in a holding.
38 Končna redakcija
Zlasti mora uradnega veterinarja, odgovornega za nadzor, na njegovo zahtevo obvestiti o poreklu mesa, vnesenega v njegovo razsekovalnico, in o poreklu zaklanih živali.
In particular, he must be able on request to inform the official veterinarian responsible for supervision of the source of the meat brought into his cutting plant and the origin of the animals slaughtered.
39 Končna redakcija
Sveže meso, namenjeno za razsek, je treba takoj po vnosu prenesti v razsekovalnico in ga do razseka razkosanja hraniti v prostoru, predvidenem v točki 15(a) Poglavja III.
Fresh meat intended for cutting must, as soon as it is brought in, be placed in the cutting room and, until cut up, in the room provided for in point 15 (a) of Chapter III.
40 Končna redakcija
Odobrene razsekovalnice, odobreni obrati za preembaliranje in odobrene hladilnice morajo biti pod nadzorom člana nadzorne veterinarske skupine, navedene v tretjem pododstavku člena 8(2) te direktive.
Approved cutting plants, approved rewrapping centres and approved cold stores must be supervised by a member of the inspection team referred to in the third subparagraph of Article 8 (2) of this Directive.
41 Končna redakcija
Brez poseganja v točko 19 Poglavja V se meso, ki ne izpolnjuje zahtev iz člena 3(I)(B)(1) te direktive, v odobrene razsekovalnice ne sme prepeljati, razen če se shrani v posebnih skladiščnih prostorih;
Without prejudice to point 19 of Chapter V, meat which does not fulfil the requirements of Article 3 (I) (B) (1) of this Directive may not be placed in approved cutting plants unless placed in special storage areas;
42 Končna redakcija
Pošiljke trupov, vključno s tistimi, ki imajo odstranjene dele v skladu s točko 53(b) Poglavja IX, se odpremijo iz odobrene klavnice v odobreno razsekovalnico, kjer bo bodo razkosani, v skladu z naslednjimi pogoji:
Consignments of carcases, including those which have had parts removed pursuant to point 53 (b) of Chapter IX, shall be dispatched from an approved slaughterhouse to approved cutting premises for cutting therein subject to the following conditions:
43 Končna redakcija
Nosilec dejavnosti razsekovalnice ali obrata za preembaliranje, lastnik ali njegov zastopnik mora voditi evidenco o svežem perutninskem mesu, ki vstopa ali izstopa iz obrata, in pri tem navesti naravo prejetega perutninskega mesa.
The operator of a cutting plant or of a rewrapping centre, the owner or his agent must keep records of fresh poultrymeat entering and leaving the establishment, specifying the nature of the poultrymeat received.
44 Končna redakcija
Pristojni organ lahko za vsak primer posebej odobri odstopanja od teh zahtev, če je meso iz takšne klavnice takoj dobavljeno v razsekovalnice ali mesnice v neposredni bližini klavnice, pod pogojem, da prevoz ne traja dlje od ene ure.
Derogations from this requirements may be granted by the competent authority on a case-by-case basis where meat is removed immediately from such slaughterhouses for delivery to cutting plants or butcher shops in the immediate vicinity of the slaughterhouse, provided that transportation takes not more than one hour.
45 Končna redakcija
zdravstveni pregled svežega mesa v razsekovalnici, ki je namenjeno trgovini med državami članicami ES; - zdravstveni pregled svežega mesa, namenjenega trgovini med državami članicami ES, pred razkosanjem in ob izhodu iz razsekovalnice;
health inspection of fresh meat held in the cutting plant and intended for intra-Community trade; - health inspection of fresh meat intended for intra-Community trade, prior to cutting and when it leaves the cutting plant;
46 Končna redakcija
Sveže meso, ki ne izpolnjuje pogojev iz te direktive, se lahko daje v odobrene razsekovalnice le pod pogojem, da se v njih skladišči v posebnih prostorih; razkosati se mora v ločenih prostorih in ne hkrati s svežim mesom, ki navedene pogoje izpolnjuje.
Fresh meat which does not fulfil the conditions of this Directive may be placed in approved cutting plants only on condition that it is stored there in special places; it must be cut up in other places or at other times than fresh meat which fulfils those conditions.
47 Končna redakcija
je v razsekovalnicah, odobrenih v skladu s členom 6, vsaj enkrat dnevno, ko se obdeluje meso, prisoten član veterinarske nadzorne skupine, navedene v tretjem pododstavku odstavka 2, ki preveri splošno higiensko stanje v obratu in register svežega mesa, ki prihaja ali odhaja iz njega;
in cutting plants approved in accordance with Article 6, a member of the inspection team referred to in the third subparagraph of paragraph 2 is present at least once a day when meat is being worked on, to check the general hygiene of the plant and the register of fresh meat entering and leaving it;
48 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31992L0116
VZOREC POTRDILO O ZDRAVSTENEM STANJU za trupe perutnine z odloženo evisceracijo ali za trupe rac in gosi, ki se redijo za pridobivanje mastnih jeter, ki so bile omamljene, izkrvavljene in oskubljene na rejni farmi in prepeljane v razsekovalnico, opremljeno z ločenim prostorom za evisceracijo
MODEL HEALTH ATTESTATION for the carcases of poultry for delayed evisceration or for carcases of ducks and geese reared for the production of 'foie gras', stunned, bled and plucked on the fattening farm and transported to a cutting plant which is equipped with a separate room for evisceration
49 Končna redakcija
ker mora po uvoznem pregledu vsako pošiljko svežega mesa, ki vstopi v državo članico, v primeru svežega mesa, preusmerjenega v drugo državo članico, razen mesa, razkosanega po uvozu v odobreni razsekovalnici, spremljati spričevalo, ki uradno navaja, da so predpisane uvozne zahteve izpolnjene;
Whereas each consignment of fresh meat admitted to a Member State following the import inspection must; in the case of fresh meat re-routed to another Member State, with the exception of meat cut up after importation in an approved cutting plant, be accompanied by a certificate officially stating that the prescribed import requirements have been fulfilled;
50 Končna redakcija
Pošiljke trupov, vključno s tistimi, ki imajo odstranjene dele v skladu s točko 53(b) Poglavja IX, se odpremijo iz odobrene klavnice, obrata za preembaliranje ali razsekovalnice v restavracije, menze in institucije za neposredno dobavo končnim uporabnikom po toplotni obdelavi v skladu z naslednjimi pogoji:
Consignments of carcases, including those which have had parts removed pursuant to point 53 (b) of Chapter IX, shall be dispatched from an approved slaughterhouse, rewrapping centre or cutting premises to restaurants, canteens and institutions for direct supply to the final user after heat treatment, subject to the following conditions:
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