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1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 7
(4) Pritožbo se obravnava po določbah pritožbenega postopka v rednem sodnem postopku.
(4) The appeal shall be tried pursuant to the provisions governing the appellate procedure within the framework of ordinary court proceedings.
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-101
(b) odredi, da se obravnava nadaljuje po rednih postopkih obravnave, določenih s tem statutom, in v tem primeru se šteje, da obtoženi ni priznal krivde in lahko zadevo preda drugemu obravnavnemu senatu.
(b) Order that the trial be continued under the ordinary trial procedures provided by this Statute, in which case it shall consider the admission of guilt as not having been made and may remit the case to another Trial Chamber.
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 26/1999
Če tožeča stranka pred koncem glavne obravnave, ki teče po določbah tega zakona o rednem postopku, zmanjša tožbeni zahtevek, tako da ne presega 200.000 tolarjev, se postopek nadaljuje po določbah tega zakona o postopku v sporih majhne vrednosti.
If prior to the completion of the main hearing conducted pursuant to provisions governing the regular proceedings the plaintiff has reduced the claim so that the amount of dispute exceeds 200,000 tolars, the procedure shall be continued pursuant to the provisions of the present Act governing the small claims procedure.
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-101
Če obravnavni senat ni prepričan, da so pogoji iz prvega odstavka izpolnjeni, šteje, da krivda ni bila priznana, in v tem primeru odredi, da se glavna obravnava nadaljuje po rednih postopkih obravnave, določenih s tem statutom, in lahko zadevo preda drugemu obravnavnemu senatu.
Where the Trial Chamber is not satisfied that the matters referred to in paragraph 1 are established, it shall consider the admission of guilt as not having been made, in which case it shall order that the trial be continued under the ordinary trial procedures provided by this Statute and may remit the case to another Trial Chamber.
5 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-82
(c) Odbor se redno sestaja na nižji ravni, da obravnava zlasti in kolikor je potrebno, za posamezne objekte in naprave, izvajanje dogovorov o usklajevanju, opredeljenih v tem protokolu, vključno s, ob upoštevanju tehničnega in operativnega razvoja, posodabljanjem dogovorjenih inšpekcijskih pregledov glede na spremembe v pretoku, inventarju in operativnih programih objekta in naprave, ter delovanje inšpekcijskih postopkov v različnih vrstah dejavnosti rednih inšpekcijskih pregledov in, na splošno, zahteve statističnega vzorčenja.
(c) The Committee shall meet periodically at a lower level to discuss, in particular and to the extent necessary, for individual facilities, the operation of the coordination arrangements provided for in this Protocol, including, in the light of technical and operational developments, up-dating of agreed estimates of inspection efforts with respect to changes in throughput, inventory and facility operational programmes, and the application of inspection procedures in different types of routine inspection activities and, in general terms, statistical sampling requirements.
6 Pravna redakcija
Nekatere podrobne določbe in praktične postopke za obravnavanje prošenj za vizume v diplomatskih in konzularnih predstavništvih držav članic, ki so vključene v tesno sodelovanje iz člena 1 Protokola, ki uvršča schengenski pravni red v okvir Evropske unije, v nadaljevanju imenovan "Protokol", ki so zajeti v CCI in njegovih prilogah, je treba sprejeti in redno spreminjati in ažurirati z namenom izpolnjevanja operativnih zahtev pristojnih konzularnih organov.
Certain detailed provisions and practical procedures for examining visa applications in the diplomatic missions and consular posts of Member States participating in the closer cooperation referred to in Article 1 of the Protocol integrating the Schengen acquis into the framework of the European Union, hereinafter referred to as the "Protocol", contained in the CCI and the Annexes thereto, are to be adopted and regularly amended and updated in order to meet the operational requirements of the relevant consular authorities.
7 Prevod
Odbor se redno sestaja na nižji ravni, da obravnava zlasti in kolikor je potrebno, za posamezne objekte in naprave, delovanje dogovorov o usklajevanju, opredeljenih v tem protokolu, vključno s, ob upoštevanju tehničnega in operativnega razvoja, posodabljanjem dogovorjenih inšpekcijskih pregledov glede na spremembe v pretoku, inventarju in operativnih programih objekta ali naprave, ter delovanje inšpekcijskih postopkov v različnih vrstah dejavnosti rednih inšpekcijskih pregledov in, na splošno, zahteve statističnega vzorčenja.
The Committee shall meet periodically at a lower level to discuss, in particular and to the extent necessary, for individual facilities, the operation of the coordination arrangements provided for in this Protocol, including, in the light of technical and operational developments, up-dating of agreed estimates of inspection efforts with respect to changes in throughput, inventory and facility operational programmes, and the application of inspection procedures in different types of routine inspection activities and, in general terms, statistical sampling requirements.
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redni postopki obravnave