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s sodbo
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 26/1999
S sodbo odloči sodišče o zahtevku, ki se nanaša na glavno stvar in stranske terjatve.
By passing a judgment, the court shall decide upon the relief claimed in respect of the cause of action, and determine the lateral claims.
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 26/1999
Sodišče druge stopnje mora s sodbo spremeniti sodbo sodišča prve stopnje:
The court of second instance shall be bound by rendition of a judgment to modify the judgment of the court of first instance:
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-76
m) če je s sodbo izrečena izguba pravice.
where and to the extent that the sentence imposes a disqualification.
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 26/1999
Kadar sodišče ne odloči s sodbo, odloči s sklepom.
Unless the court renders a judgment, its decision shall be made in the form of a decree.
5 Objavljeno
DRUGO: Konvencija o človekovih pravicah-EN
a zakonit zapor, odrejen s sodbo pristojnega sodišča;
a the lawful detention of a person after conviction by a competent court;
6 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 1994-33
a) zakonit zapor, odrejen s sodbo pristojnega sodišča,
a. the lawful detention of a person after conviction by a competent court;
7 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
a) zakonit pripor, odrejen s sodbo pristojnega sodišča,
(a) the lawful detention of a person after conviction by a competent court;
8 Objavljeno
DRUGO: Konvencija o človekovih pravicah-EN
3 Če svet zahtevo sprejme, se veliki senat izreče o zadevi s sodbo.
3 If the panel accepts the request, the Grand Chamber shall decide the case by means of a judgment.
9 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 26/1999
Če ugotovi, da je bilo materialno pravo zmotno uporabljeno, ugodi revizijsko sodišče s sodbo reviziji in spremeni izpodbijano sodbo.
If the revising court establishes that the state of facts has been determined erroneously or incompletely, it shall grant to the revision and modify the attacked judgment.
10 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 50
(1) Če sodišče tožbi ugodi, s sodbo odpravi izpodbijani upravni akt:
(1) If the court grants the lawsuit, it shall remove the contested administrative acts with the ruling:
11 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 26/1999
O tožbenem zahtevku odloči sodišče s sodbo, v postopku zaradi motenja posesti pa s sklepom.
The claim shall be decided upon by a judgment, while the action for disturbance of possession shall be determined by a decree.
12 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 1994-33
Če zbor sprejme zahtevo za ponovno obravnavo, se veliki senat izreče o zadevi s sodbo.
If the panel accepts the request, the Grand Chamber shall decide the case by means of a judgment.
13 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 26/1999
Če ugotovi, da je bil s sodbo prve stopnje prekoračen tožbeni zahtevek, sodišče druge stopnje glede na naravo prekoračitve tožbenega zahtevka s sklepom razveljavi sodbo sodišča prve stopnje in mu vrne zadevo v novo sojenje oziroma s sodbo spremeni izpodbijano odločbo.
If the court of second instance establishes that the limits of the claim have been transgressed, it may set aside the judgment of the first instance and remand the case for reconsideration to the court below or, considering the nature of transgression, render a judgment modifying the attacked decision.
14 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 50
(2) Vrhovno sodišče s sodbo razveljavi sodbo sodišča prve stopnje in odpravi upravni akt, če je bila v postopku pred sodiščem prve stopnje prekršena določba 35. člena tega zakona.
(2) The Supreme Court shall, with a ruling, annul the ruling of the court of first instance and remove the administrative act if, in the procedure before the court of first instance, the provision of Article 35 of this Law was violated.
15 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 50
(2) Vrhovno sodišče s sodbo razveljavi sodbo sodišča prve stopnje in odpravi upravni akt, če je bila v postopku pred sodiščem prve stopnje prekršena določba 37. člena tega zakona.
(2) The Supreme Court shall, with a ruling, annul the ruling of the court of first instance and remove the administrative act if, in the procedure before the court of first instance, the provision of Article 37 of this Act was violated.
16 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 50
(1) Sodišče sme upravni akt odpraviti in s sodbo odločiti o stvari, če narava stvari to dopušča in če:
(1) The court may remove the administrative act and decide on the matter with a ruling, if this is permitted by the nature of the matter and if:
17 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 7
Višje sodišče s sodbo spremeni sodbo o prekršku sodišča prve stopnje tudi, če spozna, da je treba pri odmeri sankcij za prekrške oziroma odvzemu premoženjske koristi drugače presojati upoštevane okoliščine.
The higher court shall also amend the misdemeanour judgement issued by the court in the first instance if it finds that the considered circumstances must be assessed in a different manner within the framework of the determination of misdemeanour sanctions or deprivation of a pecuniary advantage.
18 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 7
(2) Če se postopek konča s sodbo, s katero se obdolženec spozna za odgovornega za prekršek, lahko sodišče s sodbo o prekršku ugodi zahtevku v mejah svoje pristojnosti v celoti, lahko pa mu ugodi samo deloma in s presežkom napoti oškodovanca na pravdo.
(2) If the proceedings end with a judgement finding the accused person liable for committing a misdemeanour, the court may, in the misdemeanour judgement and within the limits of its jurisdiction, grant the claim entirely or partly, instructing the injured party to lodge a civil suit for the remaining claim.
19 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 50
(1) Sodišče s sodbo zavrne zahtevo za varstvo zakonitosti, če spozna, da niso podane kršitve zakona, ki se uveljavljajo v zahtevi.
(1) The court shall reject the request for protection of legality with a ruling if it establishes that the violations of the law claimed in the request do not exist.
20 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 26/1999
Sodišče druge stopnje zavrne s sodbo pritožbo kot neutemeljeno in potrdi sodbo prve stopnje, če spozna, da niso podani razlogi, iz katerih se sodba lahko izpodbija, in ne razlogi, na katere mora paziti po uradni dolžnosti.
The court of second instance shall by a judgment dismiss the appeal as unfounded and affirm the judgment of the court of first instance if it establishes that grounds for appeal are lacking and that no violation has occurred which is to be inquired into by virtue of office.
21 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 50
(1) Če v primeru iz prejšnjega člena vrhovno sodišče samo opravi glavno obravnavo in ugotovi drugačno dejansko stanje, kakor je bilo ugotovljeno v sodbi sodišča prve stopnje, s sodbo spremeni sodbo sodišča prve stopnje.
(1) lf in a case from the preceding article the Supreme Court only conducts the main hearing and establishes facts which are different to those established in the ruling of first instance, it shall, with a ruling, change the ruling of the court of first instance.
22 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 7
(1) Odvzem premoženjske koristi se izreče z odločbo o prekršku, s sodbo o prekršku oziroma s sklepom o prekršku, s katerim je bil izrečen vzgojni ukrep.
(1) Deprivation of a pecuniary advantage shall be imposed in the form of a misdemeanour decision, misdemeanour judgement, or misdemeanour order imposing a correctional measure.
23 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 50
Vrhovno sodišče s sodbo pritožbo kot neutemeljeno zavrne in potrdi sodbo sodišča prve stopnje, če spozna, da niso podani razlogi, iz katerih se sodba lahko izpodbija, in ne razlogi, na katere mora paziti po uradni dolžnosti.
The Supreme Court shall, with a ruling, reject an appeal as unsubstantiated if it establishes that the reasons under which the ruling may be contested and the reasons to which it must be attentive ex officio do not exist.
24 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 50
(1) S sodbo, s katero se izpodbijani upravni akt odpravi, odloči sodišče tudi o tožnikovem zahtevku, da se mu vrnejo vzete stvari ali povrne škoda.
(1) The court shall, in the same ruling in which it removed the contested administrative act, decide on the plaintiff's request to be returned items or to be reimbursed for damages.
25 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2011-80
osebe, ki so na Interpolovem seznamu iskanih oseb ali so bile obsojene s sodbo sodišč Republike Slovenije zaradi kaznivih dejanj terorizma;
Persons who: are on the Interpol watchlist; or have been convicted by judgments of courts of the Republic Slovenia for criminal offences of terrorism.
26 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-5
Železniška vozila se lahko zasežejo na območju zunaj območja države članice, v kateri ima imetnik svoj sedež, samo s sodbo sodne oblasti te države.
5 Railway vehicles may only be seized on a territory other than that of the Member State in which the keeper has its registered office, under a judgment given by the judicial authority of that State.
27 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 7
(1) Če sodišče spozna, da ni potrebno dopolnjevanje dokaznega postopka ter da niso podani razlogi iz 62. člena tega zakona, s sodbo zahtevo kot neutemeljeno zavrne.
(1) If the court finds that no supplementation of the procedure for taking evidence is necessary and that the reasons referred to in Article 62 of this Act are not in place, it shall pass a judgement refusing the request as unfounded.
28 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 26/1999
Če se izpodbija sodba prve stopnje s pritožbo samo zaradi tega, ker sodišče prve stopnje ni s sodbo odločilo o vseh zahtevkih strank, ki so bili predmet pravde, se šteje pritožba za predlog stranke, naj se izda dopolnilna sodba.
If the judgment of first instance is appealed against solely on the ground that the court of first instance has failed to determine all disputed claims, such appeal shall be considered as a motion to supplement the judgment.
29 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 50
(1) Sodišče s sodbo tožbo kot neutemeljeno zavrne, če ugotovi, da je bil postopek pred izdajo izpodbijanega upravnega akta pravilen, da je odločba pravilna in na zakonu utemeljena.
(1) The court shall, with a ruling, reject a lawsuit as unsubstantiated if it establishes that the procedure prior to the issuing of the contested administrative acts was correct, and that the decisions were correct and based in law.
30 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 26/1999
Revizijsko sodišče s sodbo zavrne revizijo kot neutemeljeno, če ugotovi, da niso podani razlogi, zaradi katerih je bila vložena, in ne razlogi, na katere mora paziti po uradni dolžnosti.
The revising court shall by a judgment dismiss the revision as unfounded on establishing that the grounds for revision are lacking and that no violation has occurred which is to be inquired into by virtue of office.
31 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
Obnova postopka se začne s sodbo, v kateri Sodišče izrecno ugotovi obstoj novega dejstva, ki je takšno, da je lahko podlaga za obnovo postopka, in izreka, da je predlog zaradi tega dopusten.
The revision shall be opened by a judgment of the Court expressly recording the existence of a new fact, recognising that it is of such a character as to lay the case open to revision and declaring the application admissible on this ground.
32 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 50
(1) Če ima upravni akt take bistvene pomanjkljivosti, da zaradi njih ni mogoče presoditi, ali je zakonit ali ne, sme sodišče akt iz tega razloga s sodbo odpraviti, ne da bi poslalo tožbo v odgovor.
( I ) If an administrative act contains essential deficiencies which make an assessment of its legality impossible, the court may, for this reason, remove the act with a resolution, without sending the lawsuit for an answer.
33 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 7
(3) Če sodišče ob obdolžilnem predlogu spozna, da ni pogojev za začetek postopka, s sodbo zavrne predlog, oškodovanca pa napoti, da lahko svoj premoženjskopravni zahtevek uveljavlja pred pristojnim sodiščem.
(3) If, on the basis of the accusation petition, the court finds that the conditions for instituting proceedings are not in place, it shall issue a judgement refusing the petition and advise the injured party that he may exercise his pecuniary claim before the competent court.
34 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 26/1999
Če sodišče ni odločilo o vseh zahtevkih, o katerih bi moralo odločiti s sodbo, ali ni odločilo o delu zahtevka, lahko stranka v petnajstih dneh od prejema sodbe predlaga pravdnemu sodišču, naj se sodba dopolni.
If in the judgment the court has failed to determine all the claims or a part of a particular claim which it should have determined, the party may file within fifteen days after the receipt of the judgment a motion with the civil court to supplement the judgment.
35 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 7
(1) Sodba o prekršku, s katero se postopek ustavi, se izda:
(1) A misdemeanour judgement through which the proceedings shall be stopped shall be issued:
36 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 26/1999
Če sodišče na ugovor, da tožbeni zahtevek ni zapadel, spozna, da je ta zapadel po izdaji plačilnega naloga, toda pred koncem glavne obravnave, razveljavi s sodbo plačilni nalog in odloči o tožbenem zahtevku (prvi odstavek 311. člena).
If upon a plea that claim has not yet fallen due the court establishes that the claim has in fact fallen due only after the payment order had been issued, it shall by a judgment set aside the payment order and determine the claim (first paragraph of Article 311).
37 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 50
(1) Če je tožba vložena zaradi molka, sodišče pa spozna, da je upravičena, ji s sodbo ugodi in pod pogoji iz prvega oziroma petega odstavka 61. člena tega zakona samo odloči o stvari ali pa naloži pristojnemu organu, kakšen upravni akt naj izda.
(1) If the lawsuit is filed due to silence and the court finds it justified, it shall grant it and, under the conditions from the first or fifth paragraph of Article 61 of this Law, shall only rule on the matter or instruct a competent body which administrative act to issue.
38 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 26/1999
Če se izvirnik in prepis sodbe ne ujemata glede kakšne odločitve, ki je vsebovana v izreku sodbe, se vročijo strankam popravljeni prepisi sodbe s pripombo, da se s tem prepisom nadomešča prejšnji prepis.
If the copy and the original are at variance in respect of any decision included in the ordering part of the judgment, the corrected copy of the judgment shall be served upon the parties together with a notice that the former copy is being replaced thereby.
39 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 7
(7) Višje sodišče ugodi pritožbi in s sodbo spremeni sodbo o prekršku sodišča prve stopnje ali jo spremeni po uradni dolžnosti, če ugotovi, da so bila odločilna dejstva v sodbi o prekršku sodišča prve stopnje pravilno ugotovljena, da pa je treba na ugotovljeno dejansko stanje ob pravilni uporabi predpisov izdati drugačno odločbo, glede na stanje stvari pa tudi v primeru kršitve iz 2., 5., 7. in 8. točke prvega odstavka 155. člena tega zakona.
(7) The higher court shall grant the appeal and issue an order amending the misdemeanour judgement or amend it ex officio, if it finds that the decisive facts specified in the misdemeanour judgement issued by the court in the first instance have been established correctly, but that a different decision must be issued with respect to the actual situation established and with the appropriate application of regulations; with respect to the state of facts, it shall also amend the decision in the cases referred to in points 2, 5, 7 and 8 of paragraph 1 of Article 155 of this Act.
40 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 7
(3) Sankcije, odvzem premoženjske koristi in stroške postopka, izrečene s sodbo oziroma sklepom o prekršku, ter uklonilni zapor izvrši sodišče po določbah zakona o izvrševanju kazenskih sankcij o izvrševanju denarne kazni oziroma kazni zapora, če z zakonom ni drugače določeno.
(3) Sanctions, deprivation of a pecuniary advantage and legal costs imposed on the basis of a misdemeanour judgement or order, and compliance detention shall be executed by the court pursuant to the provisions of the act governing the execution of criminal sanctions applying to the implementation of fines or prison sentences, unless otherwise determined by this Act.
41 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-68
(1) Če tretja oseba predloži Evropskemu patentnemu uradu dokaz, da je začela postopek zoper prijavitelja, v katerem naj bi ji bila s sodbo priznana upravičenost do podelitve evropskega patenta, Evropski patentni urad ustavi postopek za podelitev, razen če ta tretja oseba ne privoli, da se ta nadaljuje.
(1) If a third party provides proof to the European Patent Office that he has opened proceedings against the applicant for the purpose of seeking a judgment that he is entitled to the grant of the European patent, the European Patent Office shall stay the proceedings for grant unless the third party consents to the continuation of such proceedings.
42 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-76
Ta člen se ne uporablja za sodbe v zvezi s statusom ali poslovno sposobnostjo oseb.
This Article shall not apply to judgments concerning status or capacity of persons.
43 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 50
sodbo ali sklep, s katerim je bil končan postopek, glede katerega se zahteva obnova;
the ruling or resolution which concluded the procedure whose repetition is requested;
44 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-101
Zoper sodbo po 74. členu je dopustna pritožba v skladu s Pravili o postopku in dokazih:
A decision under article 74 may be appealed in accordance with the Rules of Procedure and Evidence as follows:
45 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
Sodbe Sodišča Evropske unije so izvršljive v skladu s pogoji iz III-401. člena Ustave.
The judgments of the Court of Justice of the European Union shall be enforceable under the conditions laid down in Article III-401.
46 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-5
Terjatve, ki so nastale zaradi prevoza, za katerega veljajo Enotna pravila CIV ali Enotna pravila CIM in jih enemu prevozniku dolguje drug prevoznik, ki ni pod sodno pristojnostjo iste države članice, lahko s sodbo prisodi upniku le sodna oblast države članice, v kateri ima sedež prevoznik, ki je upravičen do plačila zahtevane terjatve.
3 Debts arising from a transport operation subject to the CIV Uniform Rules or the CIM Uniform Rules, owed to one transport undertaking by another transport undertaking not under the jurisdiction of the same Member State, may only be attached under a judgment given by the judicial authority of the Member State which has jurisdiction over the undertaking entitled to payment of the debt sought to be attached.
47 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-68
(4) Če tretja oseba med postopkom ugovora ali med rokom za ugovor Evropskemu patentnemu uradu predloži dokaz, da je začela postopek zoper imetnika evropskega patenta, v katerem naj bi ji bila s sodbo priznana upravičenost do evropskega patenta, Evropski patentni urad ustavi postopek ugovora, razen če ta tretja oseba ne privoli, da se tak postopek nadaljuje.
(4) If a third party provides proof to the European Patent Office during opposition proceedings or during the opposition period that he has opened proceedings against the proprietor of the European patent for the purpose of seeking a judgment that he is entitled to the European patent, the European Patent Office shall stay the opposition proceedings unless the third party consents to the continuation of such proceedings.
48 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 26/1999
Sodišče druge stopnje preizkusi sodbo prve stopnje v tistem delu, v katerem se izpodbija s pritožbo;
The court of second instance shall examine the judgment only in respect of those parts which are subject to attack;
49 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-5
Sodišče mora z eno samo sodbo odločiti o vseh zahtevkih za povrnitev stroškov, s katerimi se ukvarja.
3 The court or tribunal shall give its decision in one and the same judgment on all recourse claims brought before it.
50 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-5
Sodišče mora z eno samo sodbo odločiti o vseh zahtevkih za povrnitev stroškov, s katerimi se ukvarja.
3 The court or tribunal must give its decision in one and the same judgment on all recourse claims brought before it.
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s sodbo