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1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-109 za predpise, ki naj bi bili vpisani po 5. členu, kadar je to primerno, jasen opis označevanja homologacije ali certificiranja in/ali zahtevanih oznak za homologacijo in ustreznost izdelave ali pogoje za samocertificiranje pri proizvajalcu, in
for regulations to be listed under Article 5, where appropriate, a clear description of approval or certification markings and/or labels requisite for type approval and conformity of production or for manufacturer self-certification requirements; and
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-104
Edini alternativni postopek, ki je splošno znan in se uporablja v nekaterih državah članicah Gospodarske komisije za Evropo, je samocertificiranje, s katerim proizvajalec brez predhodnega upravnega nadzora potrjuje, da je vsak izdelek, ki ga dá na trg, v skladu z ustreznim pravilnikom; pristojni upravni organi lahko s preskušanjem naključnih vzorcev na trgu potrdijo, da so samocertificirani izdelki v skladu z zahtevami ustreznega pravilnika.
The only alternative procedure generally known and applied in certain Member States of the Economic Commission for Europe is the self-certification by which the manufacturer certifies, without any preliminary administrative control, that each product put on the market conforms to the given Regulation; the competent administrative authorities may verify by random sampling on the market that the self-certified products comply with the requirements of the given Regulation.
3 Pravna redakcija
Vsako izvoženo serijo bo spremljal certifikat serije, ki ga bo izdal proizvajalec (samocertificiranje) po popolni količinski in kakovostni analizi vseh aktivnih sestavin, ki bo preverila, ali kakovost izdelka ustreza zahtevam iz odobritve za trg/odobritve proizvoda.
Each batch exported will be accompanied by a batch certificate issued by the manufacturer ('self certification') after a full qualitative and quantitative analysis of all active constituents to ensure that the quality of the products complies with the requirements of the marketing authorisation/product approval.
4 Pravna redakcija
Edini alternativni postopek, ki je splošno znan in se uporablja v nekaterih državah članicah Gospodarske komisije za Evropo, je samocertificiranje, s katerim proizvajalec brez predhodnega upravnega nadzora potrdi, da je vsak izdelek, ki ga da v promet, skladen s pravilnikom;
The only alternative procedure generally known and applied in certain Member States of the Economic Commission for Europe is the self-certification by which the manufacturer certifies, without any preliminary administrative control, that each product put on the market conforms to the given Regulation;
5 Pravna redakcija
Organizacija se lahko zaveže, da bo sodelovala z organi za zaščito podatkov, tako da pri certificiranju zavezanosti k načelom varnega pristana pri Ministrstvu za trgovino (glej FAQ 6 o samocertificiranju) izjavi naslednje:
An organization may commit to cooperate with the DPAs by declaring in its safe harbor certification to the Department of Commerce (see FAQ 6 on self-certification) that the organization:
6 Pravna redakcija
V vseh primerih so ugodnosti varnega pristana zagotovljene od tistega datuma, ko organizacija, ki želi izpolniti pogoje varnega pristana, samocertificira pri Ministrstvu za trgovino (ali njegovemu pooblaščenemu predstavniku) zavezanost k načelom, v skladu s smernicami, ki jih glede samocertificiranja določajo najpogosteje zastavljena vprašanja.
In all instances, safe harbor benefits are assured from the date on which each organization wishing to qualify for the safe harbor self-certifies to the Department of Commerce (or its designee) its adherence to the Principles in accordance with the guidance set forth in the Frequently Asked Question on Self-Certification.
7 Pravna redakcija
Organizacija, ki želi razširiti ugodnosti varnega pristana na osebne podatke o človeških virih, ki jih prejme iz EU, za uporabo v okviru zaposlitvenih razmerij, mora to navesti ob samocertificiranju pri Ministrstvu za trgovino (ali njegovemu pooblaščenemu predstavniku) in izpolniti zahteve, ki so glede samocertificiranja določena v najpogosteje zastavljenih vprašanjih.
An organization that wishes to extend safe harbor benefits to human resources personal information transferred from the EU for use in the context of an employment relationship must indicate this when it self-certifies to the Department of Commerce (or its designee) and conform to the requirements set forth in the Frequently Asked Question on Self-Certification.
8 Pravna redakcija
Ne glede na postopke samocertificiranja, predpisane v zgornjem odstavku 2, si vsak upravljalni organ pridrži pravico preskusiti ali drugače pregledati izdelke, ki se prodajajo ali so bili prodani na njegovih ozemljih (v primeru Komisije na ozemljih držav članic Evropske skupnosti), da ugotovi, ali so izdelki certificirani v skladu s specifikacijami iz Priloge C. Upravljalna organa se med seboj obveščata in v polnem obsegu sodelujeta drug z drugim pri zagotavljanju, da izdelki, ki nosijo skupni logotip, izpolnjujejo specifikacije iz Priloge C.
Notwithstanding the self-certification procedures specified in paragraph 2 above, each Management Entity reserves the right to test or otherwise review products that are or have been sold within its territories (in the territories of the European Community Member States in the case of the Commission) to determine whether the products are certified in accordance with the Specifications set forth in Annex C. The Management Entities shall communicate and cooperate fully with one another to ensure all products bearing the Common Logo meet the Specifications set forth in Annex C.
9 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000D0520
FAQ 6 - Samocertificiranje
FAQ 6 - Self-Certification
10 Prevajalska redakcija
Vsako izvoženo serijo bo spremljal certifikat serije, ki ga bo izdal proizvajalec (samocertificiranje) po popolni količinski in kakovostni analizi vseh aktivnih sestavin, ki bo preverila, ali kakovost izdelka ustreza zahtevam iz odobritve za trg/odobritve proizvoda.
Each batch exported will be accompanied by a batch certificate issued by the manufacturer ('self certification`) after a full qualitative and quantitative analysis of all active constituents to ensure that the quality of the products complies with the requirements of the marketing authorisation/product approval.
11 Prevajalska redakcija
Izraz "proizvajalčevo samocertificiranje" pomeni pravno zahtevo pogodbenice, da mora proizvajalec kolesnih vozil, opreme in/ali delov, ki se lahko vgradijo v kolesna vozila in/ali uporabijo na njih, potrditi, da vsako vozilo, oprema ali del, ki ga uvede v trgovino, izpolnjuje posebne tehnične zahteve.
The term "manufacturer self-certification" means a Contracting Party's legal requirement that a manufacturer of wheeled vehicles, equipment and/or parts which can be fitted and/or be used on wheeled vehicles must certify that each vehicle, item of equipment or part that the manufacturer introduces into commerce satisfies specific technical requirements.
12 Prevajalska redakcija
Vsaki izvoženi seriji bo priložen certifikat o seriji, ki ga pripravi proizvajalec (samocertificiranje) po celoviti kvalitativni analizi, kvantitativni analizi vseh aktivnih sestavin in vseh drugih preskusih in pregledih, potrebnih za zagotovitev, da je kakovost proizvoda skladna z zahtevami dovoljenja za promet.
Each batch exported will be accompanied by a batch certificate prepared by the manufacturer (self-certification) after a full qualitative analysis, a quantitative analysis of all the active constituents and all the other tests or checks necessary to ensure the quality of the product in accordance with the requirements of the marketing authorisation.
13 Prevajalska redakcija
Vsaki izvoženi seriji mora biti priložen certifikat o seriji, ki ga pripravi proizvajalec (samocertificiranje) po celoviti kvalitativni analizi, kvantitativni analizi vseh aktivnih sestavin in vseh drugih preskusih in pregledih, potrebnih za zagotovitev, da je kakovost proizvoda skladna z zahtevami dovoljenja za promet.
Each batch exported shall be accompanied by a batch certificate prepared by the manufacturer (self-certification) after a full qualitative analysis, a quantitative analysis of all the active constituents and all the other tests or checks necessary to ensure the quality of the product in accordance with the requirements of the marketing authorisation.
14 Prevajalska redakcija
za predpise, ki bodo uvrščeni na seznam v skladu s členom 5, kjer je to primerno, jasen opis homologacijskih ali certifikacijskih oznak in/ali oznak, potrebnih za homologacijo in skladnost proizvodnje ali za zahteve proizvajalčevega samocertificiranja;
for regulations to be listed under Article 5, where appropriate, a clear description of approval or certification markings and/or labels requisite for type approval and conformity of production or for manufacturer self certification requirements;
15 Prevod
Izraz "proizvajalčevo samocertificiranje" pomeni pravna zahteva pogodbenice, da proizvajalec kolesnih vozil, opreme in/ali delov, ki se lahko vgradijo v kolesna vozila in/ali uporabijo na njih, mora potrditi, da vsako vozilo, oprema ali del, ki ga uvede v trgovino, izpolnjuje posebne tehnične zahteve.
The term `manufacturer self-certification` means a Contracting Party's legal requirement that a manufacturer of wheeled vehicles, equipment and/or parts which can be fitted and/or be used on wheeled vehicles must certify that each vehicle, item of equipment or part that the manufacturer introduces into commerce satisfies specific technical requirements.
16 Prevod
za predpise, ki bodo vključeni v seznam v skladu s členom 5, kjer je to primerno, jasno poimenovanje homologacijskih ali certifikacijskih oznak in/ali oznak, potrebnih za homologacijo in skladnost proizvodnje ali za zahteve proizvajalčevega samocertificiranja; in
for regulations to be listed under Article 5, where appropriate, a clear description of approval or certification markings and/or labels requisite for type approval and conformity of production or for manufacturer self certification requirements; and
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