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senat treh sodnikov
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 26/1999
Višje sodišče odloča v senatu treh sodnikov.
The proceedings before the high court shall be conducted by a panel consisting of three judges.
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
Sodišče oblikuje senate treh in petih sodnikov.
The Court of Justice shall form chambers consisting of three and five Judges.
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 50
(1) Vrhovno sodišče odloča na prvi stopnji v senatu treh sodnikov.
(1) In the first instance, the Supreme Court shall adjudicate with a panel of three judges.
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
Sodišče splošne pristojnosti zaseda v senatih treh ali petih sodnikov.
The General Court shall sit in chambers of three or five Judges.
5 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 50
(3) O predlogu za obnovo postopka odloči sodišče v senatu treh sodnikov.
(3) The decision on the request to repeat the procedure shall be made by the court with a panel of three judges.
6 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-49
Sodišče o zadevah, ki so mu predložene, odloča kot sodnik posameznik, v odborih treh sodnikov, senatih sedmih sodnikov in velikem senatu sedemnajstih sodnikov.
To consider cases brought before it, the Court shall sit in a single-judge formation, in committees of three judges, in Chambers of seven judges and in a Grand Chamber of seventeen judges.
7 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2009-48
Sodišče pri obravnavi zadev, ki so mu predložene, zaseda kot sodnik posameznik, v odborih treh sodnikov, senatih sedmih sodnikov in velikem senatu sedemnajstih sodnikov.
` 1 To consider cases brought before it, the Court shall sit in a single-judge formation, in committees of three judges, in Chambers of seven judges and in a Grand Chamber of seventeen judges.
8 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 50
Upravno sodišče odloča v senatu treh sodnikov, kolikor ta zakon ne določa drugače.
The Administrative Court shall make decisions with a panel of three judges, unless otherwise stipulated by this Law.
9 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
Odločitve senatov treh ali petih sodnikov so veljavne le, če jih sprejmejo trije sodniki.
Decisions of the chambers consisting of either three or five Judges shall be valid only if they are taken by three Judges.
10 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 26/1999
Vrhovno sodišče odloča o pritožbah zoper odločbe višjih sodišč v senatu treh sodnikov.
In deciding upon appeals against decisions of high courts, the Supreme Court shall sit in a panel consisting of three judges.
11 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 50
` Vrhovno sodišče odloča o pritožbah zoper sklepe, ki jih je izdalo upravno sodišče, v senatu treh sodnikov, o pritožbah zoper sodbe upravnega sodišča pa v senatu petih sodnikov.` .
"The Supreme Court shall adjudicate on appeals against resolutions passed by the Administrative Court in a panel of three judges, and on appeals against Administrative Court rulings in a panel of five judges."
12 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 7
O zahtevi za varstvo zakonitosti odloča Vrhovno sodišče Republike Slovenije v senatu treh sodnikov na nejavni seji.
Requests for protection of legality shall be decided upon by the Supreme Court of the Republic of Slovenia, i.e. by a senate of three judges, within the framework of a non-public session.
13 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-58
V tem sporazumu izraz “sodišče” vključuje senate treh sodnikov, senate, zbor velikega senata, veliki senat in sodnike.
For the purposes of this Agreement, the term “Court” shall include committees, chambers, a panel of the Grand Chamber, the Grand Chamber and the judges.
14 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 50
(2) Vrhovno sodišče odloča o pritožbah zoper odločbe, ki jih je izdal senat upravnega sodišča, v senatu petih sodnikov, o pritožbah zoper druge odločbe upravnega sodišča pa v senatu treh sodnikov.
(2) The Supreme Court shall adjudicate on appeals against decisions passed by the Administrative Court panel with a pane) of five judges, and on appeals against other Administrative Court rulings with a panel of three judges.
15 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 50
(2) V sporih o pristojnosti med upravnim sodiščem in sodiščem splošne pristojnosti oziroma specializiranim sodiščem odloča vrhovno sodišče v senatu treh sodnikov.
(2) In disputes between the Administrative Court and a court of general jurisdiction or a specialised court over jurisdiction, the decision shall be made by the Supreme Court with a panel of three judges.
16 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 26/1999
Če senat sklene, naj se kakšen dokaz izvede pred zaprošenim sodnikom, se v zaprosilu za izvedbo dokaza opiše stanje stvari po poteku glavne obravnave in se posebej navede, na katere okoliščine je treba posebno paziti pri izvedbi dokaza.
If the panel decides that specific pieces of evidence be produced before the requested judge, the request to this effect shall state the description of the stage of litigation, and shall the circumstances to be paid special attention upon the production of evidence.
17 Končna redakcija
Sodišče odloča v senatu treh sodnikov.
The court shall reach a decision within a senate of three judges.
18 Končna redakcija
Sodišče prve stopnje zaseda v senatih treh ali petih sodnikov.
The Court of First Instance shall sit in chambers of three or five Judges.
19 Končna redakcija
Lahko pa oblikuje senate treh ali petih sodnikov, bodisi za izvajanje nekaterih pripravljalnih poizvedb ali za razsojanje v določenih vrstah zadev v skladu s pravili, sprejetimi za te namene.
It may, however, form Chambers, each consisting of three or five Judges, either to undertake certain preparatory inquiries or to adjudicate on particular categories of cases in accordance with rules laid down for these purposes.
20 Končna redakcija
Lahko pa med svojimi člani oblikuje senate treh ali petih sodnikov, bodisi za izvajanje nekaterih pripravljalnih poizvedb ali za razsojanje v določenih vrstah zadev skladno s pravili, sprejetimi za te namene.
It may, however, form chambers, each consisting of three or five Judges, either to undertake certain preparatory inquiries or to adjudicate on particular categories of cases in accordance with rules laid down for these purposes.
21 Končna redakcija
Zaradi pristopa novih držav članic je Svet s Sklepom z dne 19. aprila 2004 med drugim spremenil določbo Protokola o Statutu Sodišča glede števila sodnikov, ki sestavljajo veliki senat, in zato je treba določbe Poslovnika glede te sestave Sodišča prilagoditi.
Because of the accession of the new Member States, the Council has, by decision of 19 April 2004, amended inter alia the provision of the Protocol on the Statute of the Court of Justice concerning the number of Judges forming the Grand Chamber and the provisions of the Rules of Procedure concerning the composition of that formation of the Court must consequently be adjusted.
22 Končna redakcija
Z začetkom veljavnosti Pogodbe o pristopu Češke republike, Republike Estonije, Republike Ciper, Republike Latvije, Republike Litve, Republike Madžarske, Republike Malte, Republike Poljske, Republike Slovenije in Slovaške republike k Evropski uniji [1] se bo število sodnikov Sodišča prve stopnje v skladu s členom 48 Protokola o Statutu Sodišča povišalo s 15 na 25 in zato je treba določiti število sodnikov, ki sestavljajo veliki senat
With the entry into force of the Treaty concerning the accession of the Czech Republic, the Republic of Estonia, the Republic of Cyprus, the Republic of Latvia, the Republic of Lithuania, the Republic of Hungary, the Republic of Malta, the Republic of Poland, the Republic of Slovenia and the Slovak Republic to the European Union(1), the number of Judges comprising the Court of First Instance will rise from 15 to 25, in accordance with Article 48 of the Protocol on the Statute of the Court of Justice, and it is necessary in consequence to fix the number of Judges forming the Grand Chamber;
23 Pravna redakcija
V členu 76(3) se za besedo "senat" doda "treh sodnikov".
In Article 76(3), after the words "the Chamber", there shall be added the words "of three Judges".
24 Pravna redakcija
delo in sociala
Predsedniki senatov petih sodnikov so izvoljeni za dobo treh let.
The Presidents of Chambers of five Judges shall be elected for a term of three years.
25 Pravna redakcija
delo in sociala
Predsedniki senatov treh sodnikov so izvoljeni za določeno dobo.
The Presidents of Chambers of three Judges shall be elected for a defined term.
26 Pravna redakcija
V členu 9(2) se za besedo "senati" dodata besedi "treh sodnikov".
In Article 9(2) the words "of three Judges" shall be added after the word "Chambers".
27 Pravna redakcija
V členu 25(2) se za besedo "senati" doda "petih in treh sodnikov".
In Article 25(2) the words "of five and three Judges" shall be added after the word "Chambers".
28 Pravna redakcija
Sodniki izvolijo predsednike senatov treh sodnikov za dobo enega leta.
The Judges shall elect the Presidents of the Chambers of three Judges for a term of one year.
29 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004D0404
(2) Zaradi tega je treba prilagoditi število sodnikov velikega senata.
(2) As a result, it is necessary to adjust the number of Judges forming the Grand Chamber.
30 Pravna redakcija
(a) besede "kateri koli senat" se nadomestijo z besedami "kateri koli senat petih ali treh sodnikov";
(a) the words "any Chamber" shall be replaced by the words "any Chamber of five or three Judges";
31 Pravna redakcija
delo in sociala
Če je senatu treh ali petih sodnikov dodeljen predsednik Sodišča prve stopnje, predseduje navedenemu senatu.
If the President of the Court of First Instance is assigned to a Chamber of three or of five Judges, he shall preside over that Chamber."
32 Pravna redakcija
Senate petih sodnikov in treh sodnikov sestavljajo za vsako zadevo predsednik senata, sodnik-poročevalec in toliko sodnikov, da je skupno število pet oziroma trije sodniki.
The Chambers of five Judges and three Judges shall, for each case, be composed of the President of the Chamber, the Judge-Rapporteur and the number of Judges required to attain the number of five and three Judges respectively.
33 Pravna redakcija
Po izvolitvi predsednikov senatov treh sodnikov se sestavijo seznami, na katerih so vsi sodniki, dodeljeni določenemu senatu, razen njegovega predsednika, za sestavo senatov treh sodnikov.
For the composition of the Chambers of three Judges, after the election of the Presidents of those Chambers lists shall be drawn up including all the Judges attached to the Chamber concerned, with the exception of its President.
34 Pravna redakcija
Če je predsednik senata treh sodnikov zadržan, naloge predsednika senata opravlja sodnik navedenega senata v skladu z vrstnim redom, določenim v členu 6 tega poslovnika."
When the President of a Chamber of three Judges is prevented from attending, the functions of President of the Chamber shall be exercised by a Judge of that Chamber according to the order laid down in Article 6 of these Rules."
35 Pravna redakcija
(b) v drugem pododstavku (sedaj edini odstavek) se besedi "dodeljen senatu" nadomestita z besedami "dodeljen senatu petih ali treh sodnikov".
(b) in the second subparagraph (now the sole paragraph), the words "assigned to a Chamber" shall be replaced by the words "assigned to a Chamber of five or three Judges".
36 Pravna redakcija
Če je v katerem senatu treh ali petih sodnikov število sodnikov, dodeljenih temu senatu, večje od tri ali pet, predsednik senata odloči, kateri izmed sodnikov bo poklican za sodelovanje pri sojenju o zadevi.
If in any Chamber of three or five Judges the number of Judges assigned to that Chamber is higher than three or five respectively, the President of the Chamber shall decide which of the Judges will be called upon to take part in the judgment of the case.
37 Pravna redakcija
delo in sociala
"Sodišče prve stopnje ustanovi senate, sestavljene iz treh in petih sodnikov in veliki senat, sestavljen iz 11 sodnikov ter odloči, kateri sodniki so jim dodeljeni."
"The Court of First Instance shall set up Chambers of three and of five Judges and a Grand Chamber of 11 Judges and shall decide which Judges shall be assigned to them."
38 Pravna redakcija
delo in sociala
V členu 32(3) se za besedami "v katerem koli senatu" dodajo besede "sestavljenem iz treh ali petih sodnikov".
In Article 32(3), after the words "in any Chamber" there shall be added the words "composed of three or of five Judges".
39 Pravna redakcija
Ob upoštevanju določb člena 14 se spori med Skupnostmi in njihovimi uslužbenci dodelijo senatom treh sodnikov.
Subject to the provisions of Article 14, disputes between the Communities and their servants shall be assigned to Chambers of three Judges.
40 Pravna redakcija
"1. Sodniki takoj po izvolitvi predsednika Sodišča izvolijo predsednike senatov petih sodnikov za dobo treh let.
"1. The Judges shall, immediately after the election of the President of the Court, elect the Presidents of the Chambers of five Judges for a term of three years.
41 Pravna redakcija
delo in sociala
V prvem pododstavku člena 11(1) se za besedama "senati, sestavljeni" vstavijo besede "iz treh ali petih sodnikov".
In the first subparagraph of Article 11(1), after the words "by Chambers composed" there shall be inserted the words "of three or of five Judges".
42 Pravna redakcija
Če je predsednik senata petih sodnikov zadžan, naloge predsednika senata opravlja predsednik senata treh sodnikov, po potrebi v skladu z vrstnim redom, določenim v členu 6 tega poslovnika, ali če senat ne vključuje predsednika senata treh sodnikov, eden od drugih sodnikov glede na vrstni red, določen v členu 6.
When the President of a Chamber of five Judges is prevented from attending, the functions of President of the Chamber shall be exercised by a President of a Chamber of three Judges, where necessary according to the order laid down in Article 6 of these Rules or, if that Chamber does not include a President of a Chamber of three Judges, by one of the other Judges according to the order laid down in Article 6.
43 Pravna redakcija
Sodišče prve stopnje ustanovi senate, sestavljene iz treh ali petih sodnikov in odloči, kateri sodniki delujejo v njih.
The Court of First Instance shall set up Chambers composed of three or five Judges and shall decide which Judges shall be attached to them.
44 Pravna redakcija
Če v katerem od senatov ni dosežena sklepčnost treh sodnikov, predsednik tega senata o tem obvesti predsednika Sodišča, ki določi dodatnega sodnika za dopolnitev senata.
If in any Chamber the quorum of three Judges has not been attained, the President of that Chamber shall so inform the President of the Court who shall designate another Judge to complete the Chamber.
45 Pravna redakcija
delo in sociala
"1. V skladu z določbami člena 7(3) sodniki izmed sebe izvolijo predsednike senatov, sestavljenih iz treh in petih sodnikov.
"1. The Judges shall elect from amongst themselves, pursuant to the provisions of Article 7(3), the Presidents of the Chambers composed of three and of five Judges.
46 Pravna redakcija
Če v katerem izmed senatov kvorum treh sodnikov ni dosežen, predsednik tega senata o tem obvesti predsednika Sodišča prve stopnje, ki določi drugega sodnika za zapolnitev senata.
If in any Chamber the quorum of three Judges has not been attained, the President of that Chamber shall so inform the President of the Court of First Instance who shall designate another Judge to complete the Chamber.
47 Pravna redakcija
" Če so predsednik Sodišča in predsedniki senatov petih sodnikov vsi istočasno zadržani ali pa njihovi položaji istočasno niso zasedeni, opravlja naloge predsednika eden od predsednikov senatov treh sodnikov v skladu s prednostno razvrstitvijo, ki jo določa člen 6 tega poslovnika";
"When the President of the Court and the Presidents of the Chambers of five Judges are all prevented from attending at the same time, or their posts are vacant at the same time, the functions of President shall be exercised by one of the Presidents of the Chambers of three Judges according to the order of precedence laid down in Article 6 of these Rules";
48 Pravna redakcija
(5) Člen 16 novega Protokola o statutu Sodišča določa, da sodniki izmed sebe izvolijo predsednike senatov in da so predsedniki senatov petih sodnikov izvoljeni za tri leta; s tem v zvezi je treba spremeniti poslovnik.
(5) Article 16 of the new Protocol on the Statute of the Court of Justice provides that the Judges are to elect the Presidents of the chambers from among their number and that the Presidents of the chambers of five Judges are to be elected for three years; consequential amendments must be made to the Rules of Procedure.
49 Pravna redakcija
Zadeve ni mogoče dodeliti senatu petih ali treh sodnikov, če država članica ali institucija Skupnosti, ki je stranka v postopku, zahteva, da o zadevi odloča veliki senat.
However, a case may not be assigned to a Chamber of five or three Judges if a Member State or an institution of the Communities, being a party to the proceedings, has requested that the case be decided by the Grand Chamber.
50 Pravna redakcija
Kadar Sodišče ES razveljavi sodbo ali odredbo, ki jo je izdal en sam sodnik, predsednik Sodišča prve stopnje dodeli zadevo senatu, ki je sestavljen iz treh sodnikov, vendar ta sodnik ni njegov član.
Where the Court of Justice sets aside a judgement delivered or an order made by a single Judge, the President of the Court of First Instance shall assign the case to a Chamber composed of three Judges of which that Judge is not a member.";
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senat treh sodnikov