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sistem certificiranja
1 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0550
Sistem certificiranja naj predvidi okvir, ki državam članicam omogoča določiti izvajalce služb zračnega prometa ne glede na to, kje so pridobili dovoljenje, ker je to v interesu varnega vodenja zračnega prometa prek meja držav članic ter v korist uporabnikov zračnega prostora in njihovih potnikov.
In the interest of facilitating the safe handling of air traffic across the boundaries of the Member States for the benefit of the airspace users and their passengers, the system of certification should provide for a framework to enable Member States to designate providers of air traffic services, regardless of where they have been certified.
2 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0550
Sistem certificiranja naj predvidi okvir, ki državam članicam omogoča določiti izvajalce služb zračnega prometa ne glede na to, kje so pridobili dovoljenje, ker je to v interesu varnega vodenja zračnega prometa prek meja držav članic ter v korist uporabnikov zračnega prostora in njihovih potnikov.
In the interest of facilitating the safe handling of air traffic across the boundaries of the Member States for the benefit of the airspace users and their passengers, the system of certification should provide for a framework to enable Member States to designate providers of air traffic services, regardless of where they have been certified.
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-48
posodobitev sistemov visokega izobraževanja in usposabljanja v Republiki Tadžikistan, vključno s sistemom vzajemnega certificiranja ustanov visokega šolstva in visokošolskih diplom;
updating higher education and training systems in the Republic of Tajikistan, including the system of certification of higher education establishments and higher education diplomas;
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-24
Podjetje opravlja svojo dejavnost na območju Republike Slovenije v skladu s pravom v Republiki Sloveniji in z zahtevami, ki veljajo za operaterje prenosnega sistema (zlasti njihovo certificiranje), in s tem sporazumom.
The company shall conduct its activities on the territory of the Republic of Slovenia in accordance with the law in the Republic of Slovenia, including applicable requirements for transmission system operators (in particular their certification), and this Agreement.
5 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-114
b. uvedbo sistema tehničnega usposabljanja in certificiranja v okviru IATTC, namenjenega kapitanom in posadkam ribiških plovil v zvezi z ribiškim orodjem in njegovo uporabo kakor tudi v zvezi s tehnikami reševanja in varovanja delfinov;
b. The establishment within the framework of the IATTC of a system of technical training and certification for fishing captains and crews on the gear and its use, as well as the techniques for the rescue and safety of dolphins;
6 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-53
radijski spekter, znanstveno raziskovanje in usposabljanje, industrijsko sodelovanje, trgovino in razvoj trga, standarde, certificiranje in regulatorne ukrepe, razvoj globalnih in regionalnih zemeljskih sistemov za izboljšanje GNSS, varnost, odgovornost ter povračilo stroškov.
radio-spectrum, scientific research and training, industrial cooperation, trade and market development, standards, certification and regulatory measures, development of global and regional GNSS ground augmentation systems, security, liability and cost recovery.
7 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0213
Temelj te odločitve so bile ugotovitve v Srbiji in Črni gori, v skladu s katerimi sistem certificiranja in nadzora nad preferencialnim poreklom sladkorja iz oznak KN 1701 in 1702 pristojnim organom te države upravičenke ni omogočal preverjanje statusa porekla proizvodov in izvajanja upravnega sodelovanja kot se zahteva za preverjanje dokazil o poreklu.
At the basis of this decision were findings made in Serbia and Montenegro according to which the system of certification and control of the preferential origin of sugar of CN codes 1701 and 1702 did not allow the competent authorities of this beneficiary country to verify the originating status of the products and to provide administrative cooperation as required for the verification of evidence of origin.
8 Končna redakcija
Države članice imenujejo uradne organe ali oddelke, pooblaščene za opravljanje certificiranja, in tiste, ki so odgovorni za zagotavljanje izpolnjevanja sistema certificiranja.
Member States shall designate the official bodies or departments authorized to carry out certification and those responsible for ensuring compliance with the certification system.
9 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0018
države članice lahko uvedejo ali obdržijo prostovoljne sisteme akreditacije, katerih cilj je izboljšanje ravni storitev v zvezi s certificiranjem teh naprav;
Member States may introduce or maintain voluntary accreditation schemes aiming at enhanced levels of certification service provision for these devices;
10 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0017
države članice lahko uvedejo ali obdržijo prostovoljne sisteme akreditacije, katerih cilj je izboljšanje ponudbe storitev v zvezi s certificiranjem teh naprav;
Member States may introduce or maintain voluntary accreditation schemes aiming at enhanced levels of certification service provision for these devices;
11 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0017
države članice lahko uvedejo ali obdržijo prostovoljne sisteme akreditacije, katerih cilj je izboljšanje ponudbe storitev v zvezi s certificiranjem teh naprav.
Member States may introduce or maintain voluntary accreditation schemes aiming at enhanced levels of certification service provision for such devices.
12 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0018
države članice lahko uvedejo ali obdržijo poljubne sisteme akreditacije, ki so predvideni za izboljšanje ponudbe storitev v zvezi s certificiranjem teh naprav.
the Member States may introduce or maintain voluntary arrangements for accreditation intended to improve the level of the certification service provided for such devices.
13 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0213
Kljub velikim prizadevanjem organov v Srbiji in Črni gori, da bi popravili položaj, so v njihovem sistemu certificiranja in nadzora nad preferencialnim poreklom še vedno pomanjkljivosti.
Despite considerable efforts by the authorities in Serbia and Montenegro to redress the situation, deficiencies persist in their system of certification and control of preferential origin.
14 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0865
sistem sledljivosti, certificiranja in zaščite kakovosti oljčnega olja in namiznih oljk, predvsem nadzor kakovosti oljčnega olja, prodanega končnim potrošnikom, v pristojnosti državnih upravnih organov;
the traceability system, the certification and protection of the quality of olive oil and table olives, in particular the monitoring of the quality of olive oils sold to final consumers, under the authority of the national administrations;
15 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0550
Uvesti je treba skupni sistem za certificiranje izvajalcev navigacijskih služb zračnega prometa, ki bi natančno opredeljeval načine za določanje pravic in obveznosti teh izvajalcev, ter za redno nadziranje izpolnjevanja teh zahtev.
Whilst guaranteeing the continuity of service provision, a common system should be established for certifying air navigation service providers, which constitutes a means for defining the rights and obligations of those providers and for regular monitoring of compliance with such requirements.
16 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0550
so morale razviti, vpeljati in vzdrževati učinkovit notranji sistem za nadzor kakovosti, ki temelji na ustreznih delih mednarodno priznanih standardov kakovosti in je v skladu s standardoma EN 45004 (inšpekcijski nadzorni organi) in EN 29001, kakor ju razlagajo zahteve sistema za certificiranje kakovosti IAKS (integrirani administrativni in kontrolni sistem),
have developed, implemented and maintained an effective internal quality system based on appropriate parts of internationally recognised quality standards and in compliance with EN 45004 (inspection bodies) and with EN 29001, as interpreted by the IACS Quality System Certification Scheme Requirements,
17 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0550
Poročilo Skupine na visoki ravni za enotno evropsko nebo v novembru 2000 je potrdilo, da obstaja potreba po pravilih na ravni Skupnosti za uvedbo razlikovanja med funkcijami zakonodaje in izvajanja storitev in za vzpostavitev sistema certificiranja z namenom, da se zavarujejo zahteve javnega interesa predvsem glede varnosti in za izboljšanje sistema pristojbin.
The report of the High Level Group on the single European sky of November 2000 has confirmed the need for rules at Community level to distinguish between regulation and service provision and to introduce a system of certification aimed at preserving public interest requirements, most notably in terms of safety, and to improve charging mechanisms.
18 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0725
Določbe so oblikovane tako, da je poskrbljeno za zagotavljanje skladnosti z določbami Mednarodne konvencije o standardih za usposabljanje, izdajanje spričeval in ladijsko stražarjenje pomorščakov, 1978, kakor je bila spremenjena, z določbami Mednarodnega kodeksa ravnanja za varno upravljanje ladij (Kodeks ISM) in usklajenega sistema za preglede in certificiranje.
In drafting the provision, care has been taken to ensure compatibility with the provisions of the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers, 1978, as amended, the International Safety Management (ISM) Code and the harmonised system of survey and certification.
19 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0746
V skladu z drugim odstavkom člena 7 Uredbe Komisije (ES) št. 1788/2001 z dne 7. septembra 2001 o podrobnih pravilih za izvajanje določb o potrdilih o kontrolnem pregledu za uvoz iz tretjih držav na podlagi člena 11 Uredbe Sveta (EGS) št. 2092/91 o ekološki pridelavi kmetijskih proizvodov in o označevanju takih kmetijskih proizvodov in živil [3] države članice pred 1. aprilom 2002 obvestijo druga drugo in Komisijo o ukrepih, ki so jih sprejele za izvajanje sistema certificiranja, zlasti v zvezi s pristojnimi organi.
According to the second paragraph of Article 7 of Commission Regulation (EC) No 1788/2001 of 7 September 2001 laying down detailed rules for implementing the provisions concerning the certificate of inspection for imports from third countries under Article 11 of Council Regulation (EEC) No 2092/91 on organic production of agricultural products and indications(3), Member States shall, before 1 April 2002, inform each other and the Commission on the measures they have taken for the purpose of implementing the system of certificates, in particular as concerns the competent authorities.
20 Pravna redakcija
spodbujanje evropskih standardov in sistemov certificiranja in ureditve s predpisi,
promote European standards, systems of certification and regulatory approaches,
21 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0213
Temelj te odločitve so bile ugotovitve v Srbiji in Črni gori, v skladu s katerimi sistem certificiranja in nadzora nad preferencialnim poreklom sladkorja iz oznak KN 1701 in 1702 pristojnim organom te države upravičenke ni omogočal preverjanje statusa porekla proizvodov in izvajanja upravnega sodelovanja kot se zahteva za preverjanje dokazil o poreklu.
At the basis of this decision were findings made in Serbia and Montenegro according to which the system of certification and control of the preferential origin of sugar of CN codes 1701 and 1702 did not allow the competent authorities of this beneficiary country to verify the originating status of the products and to provide administrative cooperation as required for the verification of evidence of origin.
22 Pravna redakcija
Seznam standardov za radijske aparate, ki so izvzeti iz sistema certificiranja za radiodifuzijo
Broadcasting certificate exempt radio apparatus standards list
23 Pravna redakcija
sodelovanje v regionalnih/mednarodnih ureditvah medsebojnega priznavanja ali sistemih certificiranja,
participation in regional/international mutual recognition arrangements or certification systems,
24 Pravna redakcija
spodbujati uporabo evropskih tehničnih standardov, sistemov certificiranja in zakonodajnih pristopov,
promote European technical standards, systems of certification and regulatory approaches,
25 Pravna redakcija
spodbujati uporabo evropskih tehničnih standardov, sistemov certificiranja in zakonodajnih pristopov.
promotion of European technical standards, systems of certification and regulatory approaches.
26 Pravna redakcija
tehnične predpise in standarde, sanitarno in fitosanitarno zakonodajo, vzajemno priznavanje ugotavljanja skladnosti, inter alia certificiranje, sistem označevanja,,
technical regulations and standards, sanitary and phytosani-tary legislation, mutual recognition of conformity assessment, certifications, marks systems, inter alia;
27 Pravna redakcija
ugotovitev pogojev in mehanizmov za stalno vzdrževanje programa certificiranja (oblikovanje sistema upravljanja kakovosti, mehanizma presoj in procesa posvetovanja/stalnega dialoga).
establishment of the conditions and mechanisms for on-going maintenance of the certification programme (develop quality management system, audit mechanism and a consultation/on-going dialogue process).
28 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0213
(5) Kljub velikim prizadevanjem organov v Srbiji in Črni gori, da bi popravili položaj, so v njihovem sistemu certificiranja in nadzora nad preferencialnim poreklom še vedno pomanjkljivosti.
(5) Despite considerable efforts by the authorities in Serbia and Montenegro to redress the situation, deficiencies persist in their system of certification and control of preferential origin.
29 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0616
(2) Skupni upravni odbor za Sporazum (v nadaljevanju odbor) je na svoji seji dne 27. in 28. februarja 2003 izdal priporočilo v zvezi z določitvijo enakovrednosti sistemov certificiranja za naslednje živalske proizvode:
(2) The Joint Management Committee for the Agreement (the Committee), at its meeting on 27 and 28 February 2003, issued a recommendation concerning the determination of equivalence of certification systems for the following animal products:
30 Pravna redakcija
Sprejeti bo le certificiranje tistih organov, katerih programi skladnosti z GMP (vključno s podporno infrastrukturo zakonodajnih zahtev, standardi, procesi, sistemi kakovosti itd.) bodo medsebojno priznani kot ekvivalentni.
Only certification by authorities with GMP compliance programmes (including the supporting infrastructure of regulatory requirements, standards, processes, and quality systems, etc.) mutually recognised as equivalent will be accepted.
31 Pravna redakcija
Pregled dokumentacije je lahko sestavljen iz pregleda dokumentov in evidenc iz odstavka 3.1, struktur in pooblastil revidiranca ter vseh pomembnih sprememb sistemov inšpekcije in certificiranja od začetka veljavnosti tega sporazuma ali od prejšnje kontrole, s poudarkom na izvajanju elementov sistema inšpekcije in certificiranja za pomembne živali, živalske proizvode, rastline ali rastlinske proizvode.
The document review may consist of a review of the documents and records referred to in paragraph 3.1, the structures and powers of the auditee, and any relevant changes to inspection and certification systems since the entry into force of this Agreement or since the previous verification, with emphasis on the implementation of elements of the system of inspection and certification for animals, animal products plants or plant products of interest.
32 Pravna redakcija
Pogodbenici brez poseganja v svoje mednarodne obveznosti in v okviru svojih pooblastil in zakonov sprejmeta ukrepe za zmanjšanje razlik pri utežeh in merah, standardizaciji in certificiranju s spodbujanjem uporabe združljivih sistemov standardov in certificiranja.
Without prejudice of their international obligations, within the scope of their responsibilities, and in accordance with their laws, the Contracting Parties shall take steps to reduce differences in respect of weights and measures, standardization and certification by promoting the use of compatible systems of standards and certification.
33 Pravna redakcija
V zvezi s certificiranjem rastlin in rastlinskih proizvodov ter drugega blaga pristojni organi uporabljajo načela, določena v Mednarodnih standardih FAO za fitosanitarne ukrepe št. 7 "Sistem izdajanja izvoznih spričeval" in št. 12 "Smernice za fitosanitarna spričevala".
In respect of certification of plants and plant products and other goods, the competent authorities shall apply the principles laid down in the FAO International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures No 7 'Export Certification System' and No 12 'Guidelines for Phytosanitary Certificates'.
34 Pravna redakcija
Pogodbenici brez poseganja v svoje mednarodne obveznosti, v okviru svojih pooblastil in v skladu s svojimi zakoni, sprejmeta ukrepe za zmanjšanje razlik pri utežeh in merah, standardizaciji in certificiranju s spodbujanjem uporabe združljivih sistemov standardov in certifikatov.
Without prejudice to their international obligations, within the scope of their responsibilities, and in accordance with their laws, the Contracting Parties shall take steps to reduce differences in respect of weights and measures, standardization and certification by promoting the use of compatible systems of standards and certification.
35 Pravna redakcija
Za organizacije, ki uporabljajo evropske ali mednarodne standarde za okoljske zadeve, povezane s sistemom EMAS, in ki so pridobile certifikat po ustreznih postopkih certificiranja, ker izpolnjujejo zahteve teh standardov, se šteje, da izpolnjujejo ustrezne zahteve te uredbe, pod pogojem da:
Organisations implementing European or international standards for environmental issues relevant to EMAS and certified, according to appropriate certification procedures, as complying with those standards shall be considered as meeting the corresponding requirements of this Regulation, provided that:
36 Pravna redakcija
Organizacija je razvila, izvedla in vzdržuje učinkovit notranji sistem kakovosti, ki temelji na ustreznih delih mednarodno priznanih standardov kakovosti in je v skladu s Standardi EN 45004 (inšpekcijski organi) in EN 29001 po razlagi določb Sheme IASC o certificiranju sistema kakovosti ter med drugim zagotavlja, da:
The organisation has developed, implemented and maintains an effective internal quality system based on appropriate parts of internationally recognised quality standards and in compliance with EN 45004 (inspection bodies) and with EN 29001, as interpreted by the IACS Quality System Certification Scheme Requirements, and which, inter alia, ensures that:
37 Pravna redakcija
V okviru te priloge GMP obsegajo sistem, v katerem proizvajalec sprejema specifikacije proizvoda in/ali procesa od odobritve za dajanje na trg (MA) / identifikacijske številke zdravila (DIN) ali imetnika licence ali vlagatelja, in zagotavlja, da je izdelek izdelan v skladu s temi specifikacijami (ekvivalentno certificiranju odgovornih oseb v ES).
For the purpose of this Annex, GMP includes the system whereby the manufacturer receives the specifications of the product and/or process from the marketing authorisation (MA)/drug identification number (DIN) or licence holder or applicant and ensures the product is made in compliance with the specifications (equivalent to qualified person certification in the EC).
38 Pravna redakcija
Sklep o vključitvi tega koraka naj temelji na oceni tveganja, pri čemer se upoštevajo dejavniki, kot so zadevne živali, živalski proizvodi, rastline ali rastlinski proizvodi, zgodovina skladnosti z zahtevami v gospodarskem sektorju ali državi izvoznici, obseg proizvedenega ter uvoženega ali izvoženega proizvoda, spremembe v infrastrukturi in nacionalni sistemi inšpekcije in certificiranja.
The decision to include this step should be based on a risk assessment, taking into account factors such as the animals, animal products, plants or plant products concerned, the history of conformity with requirements by the industry sector or exporting country, the volume of product produced and imported or exported, changes in infrastructure and the national inspection and certification systems.
39 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0741
Kadar se uporabljajo neobdelana vlakna iz gozdov, vlagatelj zagotovi ustrezne certifikate, skupaj z dodatno dokumentacijo, s katerimi dokaže, da sistem certificiranja pravilno ocenjuje zgoraj omenjena načela in ukrepe trajnostnega upravljanja z gozdovi.
Where virgin fibres from forests are used, the applicant shall provide appropriate certificate(s) together with supporting documentation showing that the certification scheme correctly assesses the abovementioned principles and measures of sustainable forest management.
40 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0091
na skupnem certificiranju celotne stavbe bloka s skupnim sistemom ogrevanja ali
on a common certification of the whole building for blocks with a common heating system, or
41 Prevajalska redakcija
Glej Da (1) Priloge V, toda ne za sisteme certificiranja- obstoječe certificiranje;
Refer Yes (1) Annex V, but not for certification systems - existing certification;
42 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998L0037
ker se tudi certificiranje skladnosti in nacionalni certifikacijski sistemi za stroje precej razlikujejo;
whereas, furthermore, conformity certification and national certification systems for machinery differ considerably;
43 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992D0242
razvijanje specifikacij, standardiziranje, ocenjevanje in certificiranje varnosti informacijskih sistemov,
development of specifications, standardization, evaluation and certification in respect of the security of information systems;
44 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31989L0108
ker je zaradi takšnega preverjanja kakršen koli sistem uradnega certificiranja v trgovinske namene odvečen;
Whereas such checks render superfluous any system of official certification for trade purposes;
45 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001R1513
sistem sledljivosti, certificiranja in zaščite kakovosti oljčnega olja in namiznih oljk pod vodstvom državne uprave.
the traceability system, the certification and protection of olive oil and table olives quality, under the authority of the national administrations.
46 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004D0212
S tem pa ni izključena uporaba elektronskega certificiranja in drugih dogovorjenih sistemov, usklajenih na ravni Skupnosti."
However, this shall not preclude the use of electronic certification or other agreed systems, harmonised at Community level."
47 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992D0242
Področje ukrepov IV: Razvijanje specifikacij, standardiziranje, ocenjevanje in certificiranje varnosti informacijskih sistemov
Action line IV - Development of specifications, standardization, evaluation and certification in respect of the security of information systems
48 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31978L0387
ker je treba pogoje za potrjevanje semena koruze prilagoditi obstoječim mednarodnim sistemom za certificiranje sortnosti semena;
Whereas the conditions for the certification of maize seed should be adapted to the existing international schemes for the varietal certification of seed;
49 Prevajalska redakcija
Sodelovanje pri standardizaciji in certificiranju je usmerjeno k spodbujanju združljivih sistemov med pogodbenicama in zajema zlasti:
Cooperation in standardisation and certification shall aim at promoting compatible systems between the Parties and in particular include:
50 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0957
Preden pogodbenici lahko dokončata svoje postopke in se obvestita o dokončanju, in preden lahko začne Sporazum veljati, so potrebne nekatere spremembe v sistemih certificiranja in priznavanju enakovrednosti sistemov certificiranja za nekatere proizvode.
Certain amendments to the Annexes to the Agreement concerning certification and recognition of equivalence of certification systems for certain commodities are necessary before the two Parties can complete their respective procedures and notify each other of their completion and before the Agreement can enter into force.
Prevodi: sl > en
sistem certificiranja