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sistem kontrolnih pregledov
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-49
Poleg enostavnih pregledov delovanja (svetlobne in svetlobnosignalne naprave, stanje pnevmatik itd.) se lahko opravijo tudi posebni testi in/ali kontrolni pregledi zavornega sistema vozila ter emisij motornega vozila:
As well as simple functional checks (lighting, signalling, tyre condition etc.), specific tests and/or inspections shall be carried out on the vehicle's brakes and the motor vehicle's emissions in the following manner:
2 Pravna redakcija
sadike izvirajo od proizvajalca, ki je sprejel sistem kontrolnih pregledov, enakovreden ureditvi iz člena 9, in je privolil v uporabo omejitve iz pododstavka (b);
the seedlings come from a producer who has accepted an inspection system equivalent to the arrangements laid down in Article 9 and has agreed to apply the restriction in subparagraph (b);
3 Pravna redakcija
Ta uredba se uporablja brez poseganja v sistem kontrolnih pregledov iz členov 8 in 9 Uredbe (EGS) št. 2092/91 in v oddelkih B in C Priloge III k navedeni uredbi.
This Regulation shall apply without prejudice to the inspection system in Articles 8 and 9 of Regulation (EEC) No 2092/91 and in Annex III, Sections B and C, thereto.
4 Pravna redakcija
instrumenti za pregledovanje in avtomatski kontrolni instrumenti, ki se uporabljajo v industrijskih sistemih za proizvodnjo, distribucijo in uporabo električne energije
Checking and automatically controlling instruments used in industrial systems for the generation, distribution and use of electric power
5 Pravna redakcija
Pogostost inšpekcijskih pregledov in nadzora je odvisna od velikosti obrata, vrste proizvedenih proizvodov, ocene tveganja in jamstev, ki jih zagotavlja v skladu z načeli sistema analize tveganj in kritičnih kontrolnih točk (HACCP).
The frequency of inspections and supervision shall depend on the size of the plant, the type of products manufactured, risk assessment and guarantees offered in accordance with the principles of the system of hazard analysis and critical control points (HACCP).
6 Pravna redakcija
Izkoščeno sveže meso, s katerega so bila odstranjena vsa stranska tkiva, vključno z vidnim limfnim in živčnim tkivom, in iz njega pridobljeni proizvodi živalskega izvora iz dela I, pridobljeni od ustrezajočih živali iz držav ali regij, ki spadajo v kategorijo 5, se smejo tržiti v skladu z drugim pododstavkom člena 16(3), če so pridobljeni iz živali, potrjenih, da izpolnjujejo pogoje, predpisane v točki 2, ki prihajajo iz čred, v katerih se ni pojavil noben primer BSE v preteklih sedmih letih in ki so potrjene, da izpolnjujejo pogoje, predpisane v točki 1, in izvirajo iz obratov, ki izpolnjujejo pogoj, predpisan v točki 11. Pristojni organ zagotovi, da so izpolnjeni pogoji, predpisani v točkah 3 do 10 in 12 glede računalniško podprtega sistema sledljivosti in kontrolnih pregledov.
Deboned fresh meat from which all adherent tissues, including obvious lymphatic and nervous tissue, has been removed, and products of animal origin referred to in Part I, deriving therefrom which are obtained from eligible animals from countries or regions in category 5, may be marketed in accordance with the second subparagraph of Article 16(3) when obtained from animals which are certified as meeting the conditions laid down in point 2 and coming from herds in which no case of BSE has occurred in the last seven years and which are certified as meeting the conditions laid down in point 1 and produced in establishments which meet the condition laid down in point 11. The competent authority shall ensure that the conditions laid down in points 3 to 10 and 12 with respect to the computerised tracing system and the controls are complied with.
7 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001R0999
Pristojni organ zagotovi, da so izpolnjeni pogoji, predpisani v točkah 3 do 10 in 12 glede računalniško podprtega sistema sledljivosti in kontrolnih pregledov.
The competent authority shall ensure that the conditions laid down in points 3 to 10 and 12 with respect to the computerised tracing system and the controls are complied with.
8 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992L0117
se lahko priznajo sistemi nadzora na podlagi seroloških kontrolnih pregledov na gospodarstvu, če zagotavljajo jamstvo, ki je enakovredno sistemu inšpekcijskih pregledov v valilnici, predvidenemu v točki II(A)(1), (B)(3) in (4) ter (C);
surveillance systems based on a serological check at the holding may be recognized if they offer guarantees equivalent to the system of inspection at the hatchery provided for in point II (A) (1), (B) (3) and (4) and (C);
9 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31997L0078
glede na količino proizvodov, ki jih pregledujejo na mejni kontrolni točki, dovolj veterinarskega in pomožnega osebja, posebej usposobljenega za pregledovanje, ali se proizvodi ujemajo s spremljajočimi dokumenti, in za sistematične fizične preglede vsake pošiljke proizvodov,
sufficient numbers, in relation to the quantity of products dealt with by the border inspection post, of veterinary and auxiliary staff specially trained to carry out checks that products correspond to the accompanying documents and systematic physical checks of each product consignment,
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sistem kontrolnih pregledov