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sistem poslovodenja in kontrole
1 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1605
Njegova vloga je preverjati pravilno delovanje sistemov poslovodenja in kontrol, ki jih uvedejo odredbodajalci.
His role is to verify the proper functioning of the management and control systems put in place by the authorising officers.
2 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1605
Notranji revizor svoji instituciji svetuje glede obvladovanja tveganj z neodvisnimi mnenji o kakovosti sistemov poslovodenja in kontrol ter s priporočili za izboljšanje pogojev izvajanja postopkov in spodbujanje dobrega finančnega poslovodenja.
The internal auditor shall advise his/her institution on dealing with risks, by issuing independent opinions on the quality of management and control systems and by issuing recommendations for improving the conditions of implementation of operations and promoting sound financial management.
3 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1605
V primeru nadaljnjega prenosa nalog v njegovih službah odredbodajalec na podlagi prenosa nalog ostane odgovoren za učinkovitost notranjih sistemov poslovodenja in kontrol in za izbiro odredbodajalca na podlagi nadaljnjega prenosa.
In the event of subdelegation, within his services, the authorising officer by delegation continues to be responsible for the effectiveness of the internal management and control systems put in place and for the choice of the authorising officer by subdelegation.
4 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R2343
V primeru prenosa nalog odredbodajalec ostane odgovoren za uspešnost notranjih sistemov poslovodenja in kontrol ter za izbiro odredbodajalca na podlagi prenosa.
In the event of delegation, the authorising officer shall continue to be responsible for the effectiveness of the internal management and control systems put in place and for the choice of the authorising officer by delegation.
5 Prevod
CELEX: 32002R2342
Sistemi in postopki poslovodenja in notranjih kontrol so namenjeni za:
The management and internal control systems and procedures shall be designed to:
6 Prevod
CELEX: 32002R2342
V zvezi z vlogo finančnih akterjev reforma finančnega poslovodenja skupaj z opuščanjem centraliziranih predhodnih kontrol povečuje odgovornost odredbodajalcev pri vseh prihodkih in izdatkih, vključno v smislu sistemov notranjega kontroliranja.
As regards the role of the financial actors, the reform of financial management, together with the dropping of centralised ex ante controls, increases the responsibilities of the authorising officers in all revenue and expenditure operations, including in terms of internal control systems.
7 Prevod
CELEX: 32002R2342
V zvezi z različnimi načini izvrševanja proračuna je treba določiti, da mora Komisija, kadar proračuna ne izvršuje neposredno s svojimi službami, najprej preveriti, če imajo subjekti, na katere namerava prenesti naloge izvrševanja, poslovodne postopke ter sisteme kontrol in računovodske sisteme, ki so primerni in ustrezni glede na zahteve dobrega finančnega poslovodenja.
As for the different methods of implementing the budget, it should be laid down that, when the Commission does not implement the budget directly in its departments, it must first ascertain that the entities to which it plans to entrust implementing tasks have management procedures and control and accounting systems which are adequate and appropriate with regard to the requirements of sound financial management.
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sistem poslovodenja in kontrole