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sodišče višje stopnje
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 7
- višja sodišča kot sodišča za prekrške druge stopnje.
- higher courts as courts responsible for deciding misdemeanours in the second instance.
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 7
Sodišče prve stopnje pošlje pritožbo višjemu sodišču v treh dneh;
The court in the first instance shall send the appeal to the higher court within three days;
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 7
(1) V sporu o pristojnosti med sodišči prve stopnje odloči višje sodišče.
(1) A jurisdictional dispute between courts in the first instance shall be decided by a higher court.
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 7
(1) Višje sodišče s sklepom zavrže prepozno ali nedovoljeno pritožbo, če tega ni storilo sodišče prve stopnje.
(1) The higher court shall issue an order to dismiss late or impermissible appeals, if this has not been already done by the court in the first instance.
5 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 7
(1) Sodišče prve stopnje mora opraviti vsa procesna dejanja in pretresti vsa sporna vprašanja, na katera je opozorilo višje sodišče v svoji odločbi.
Article 166 (1) The court in the first instance must perform all procedural acts and discuss all disputed questions to which the higher court has drawn attention in its decision.
6 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 7
(1) Zoper sodbo o prekršku, izdano na prvi stopnji, oziroma sklep, izdan na prvi stopnji, je dovoljena pritožba na višje sodišče, če ta zakon ne določa drugače.
(1) An appeal may be lodged with a higher court against a misdemeanour judgement or decision passed in the first instance, unless otherwise determined by this Act.
7 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 7
Višje sodišče sme razveljaviti sodbo sodišča prve stopnje samo deloma, če se dajo posamezni deli sodbe izločiti brez škode za pravilno odločitev.
The higher court may repeal a judgement issued by the court in the first instance only partially, if specific parts of the judgement may be excluded without any effects on the correctness of the decision.
8 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 7
(8) Višje sodišče lahko spremeni sodbo sodišča prve stopnje tudi takrat, kadar spozna, da je sodišče prve stopnje zmotno presodilo listine ali druge dokaze, ki jih ni samo izvedlo in je nanje oprlo sodbo.
(8) The higher court may also amend the misdemeanour judgement issued by the court in the first instance if it finds that the court in the first instance made a mistake in assessing a document or other evidence which it did not take but on which it based its judgement.
9 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 26/1999
Sklep iz 403. člena tega zakona izda predsednik senata sodišča prve stopnje, razen če je zadeva v zvezi s predlogom za obnovo postopka takrat, ko prispe revizija k sodišču prve stopnje, že poslana v odločitev višjemu sodišču (prvi odstavek 401. člena);
The decree under Article 403 of the present Act shall be rendered by the judge presiding the panel of the court of first instance, except when by the time the revision is received by the court of first instance the case concerning the motion to reopen the proceedings has already been sent into decision of the high court (first paragraph of Article 401);
10 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 7
(3) V primerih iz prejšnjega odstavka pošlje sodišče prve stopnje pritožbo višjemu sodišču najkasneje v štiriindvajsetih urah po poteku vseh pritožbenih rokov iz prvega odstavka 151. člena tega zakona;
(3) In the cases referred to in the preceding paragraph the court in the first instance shall send the appeal to a higher court within twenty-four hours of expiry of all appellate deadlines referred to in paragraph 1 of Article 151 of this Act;
11 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 7
(9) V primeru, ko je edini razlog za razveljavitev sodbe sodišča prve stopnje zmotno ugotovljeno dejansko stanje in je za pravilno ugotovitev potrebna samo drugačna presoja že ugotovljenih dejstev, ne pa tudi izvedba novih dokazov, višje sodišče sodbe sodišča prve stopnje ne razveljavi, ampak ravna po sedmem odstavku tega člena.
(9) If the only reason for repealing the judgement issued by the court in the first instance is a mistake in the finding of facts, and only a different assessment of the already-established facts is required for a correct judgement, where at the same time no new evidence is required, the higher court shall not repeal the judgement issued by the court in the first instance, but shall act in accordance with paragraph 7 of this article.
12 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 7
Višje sodišče s sodbo spremeni sodbo o prekršku sodišča prve stopnje tudi, če spozna, da je treba pri odmeri sankcij za prekrške oziroma odvzemu premoženjske koristi drugače presojati upoštevane okoliščine.
The higher court shall also amend the misdemeanour judgement issued by the court in the first instance if it finds that the considered circumstances must be assessed in a different manner within the framework of the determination of misdemeanour sanctions or deprivation of a pecuniary advantage.
13 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 7
(3) Če višje sodišče razveljavi sodbo o prekršku sodišča prve stopnje zaradi bistvenih kršitev določb postopka o prekrških, je treba v obrazložitvi navesti, katere določbe so bile kršene in v čem je kršitev.
(3) If the higher court repeals the misdemeanour judgement issued by the court in the first instance due to substantial violations of the provisions governing misdemeanour proceedings, the grounds for the decision must include a specification of which provisions have been violated and the nature of an individual violation.
14 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 26/1999
Če se nanaša razlog za obnovo postopka edinole na postopek pred višjim sodiščem, pošlje predsednik senata sodišča prve stopnje po naroku za obravnavanje predloga za obnovo postopka zadevo temu višjemu sodišču, da izda odločbo.
If the motion to reopen the proceedings is related solely to the proceedings in appeal, the judge presiding the panel of the court of first instance shall send the case, after having considered the motion at a hearing, to the high court to decide thereupon.
15 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 7
(2) Zoper druge odločbe sodišča prve stopnje je pritožba dovoljena le, če je bila izrečena višja globa od najnižje predpisane mere za prekršek, stranska sankcija ali odvzem premoženjske koristi ali odločeno o premoženjskopravnem zahtevku.
(2) An appeal against other decisions passed by the court in the first instance shall be permitted only if the court imposed a fine higher than the minimum fine prescribed for the misdemeanour, secondary sanction or deprivation of a pecuniary advantage, or if the court passed a decision on a property claim.
16 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 7
(6) Višje sodišče s sklepom razveljavi sodbo o prekršku sodišča prve stopnje tudi, če sodba o prekršku sodišča prve stopnje ni bila izpodbijana zaradi zmotne in nepopolne ugotovitve dejanskega stanja, če nastane pri odločanju o pritožbi precejšen dvom o resničnosti odločilnih dejstev, ki so bila ugotovljena v sodbi o prekršku, zaradi česar misli, da je bilo dejansko stanje zmotno in nepopolno ugotovljeno v obdolženčevo škodo.
(6) The higher court shall issue an order to repeal the misdemeanour judgement issued by the court in the first instance even if the misdemeanour judgement issued by the court in the first instance is not challenged due to a mistake in the finding of facts or incomplete finding of facts, if during the procedure of deciding the appeal a reasonable doubt emerges regarding the truthfulness of the decisive facts established in the misdemeanour judgement, due to which the court believes that a mistake has been made in the finding of facts or the facts have been established incompletely to the detriment of the accused person.
17 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 7
(7) Višje sodišče ugodi pritožbi in s sodbo spremeni sodbo o prekršku sodišča prve stopnje ali jo spremeni po uradni dolžnosti, če ugotovi, da so bila odločilna dejstva v sodbi o prekršku sodišča prve stopnje pravilno ugotovljena, da pa je treba na ugotovljeno dejansko stanje ob pravilni uporabi predpisov izdati drugačno odločbo, glede na stanje stvari pa tudi v primeru kršitve iz 2., 5., 7. in 8. točke prvega odstavka 155. člena tega zakona.
(7) The higher court shall grant the appeal and issue an order amending the misdemeanour judgement or amend it ex officio, if it finds that the decisive facts specified in the misdemeanour judgement issued by the court in the first instance have been established correctly, but that a different decision must be issued with respect to the actual situation established and with the appropriate application of regulations; with respect to the state of facts, it shall also amend the decision in the cases referred to in points 2, 5, 7 and 8 of paragraph 1 of Article 155 of this Act.
18 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 7
(4) Višje sodišče ugodi pritožbi in s sklepom razveljavi sodbo o prekršku sodišča prve stopnje ali jo razveljavi po uradni dolžnosti ter zadevo vrne v novo odločitev, če ugotovi, da je podana bistvena kršitev določb postopka o prekršku, razen v primerih iz petega in sedmega odstavka tega člena ali če spozna, da bi moralo zaradi zmotne in nepopolne ugotovitve dejanskega stanja sodišče prve stopnje postopek dopolniti ali izvesti nov postopek ter znova odločiti o isti zadevi.
(4) The higher court shall grant the appeal and issue an order repealing the judgement issued by the court in the first instance, or repeal the judgement ex officio and return the case for retrial, if it finds that a substantial violation has been committed of the provisions governing misdemeanour proceedings, except for the cases specified in paragraphs 5 and 7 of this article, or if it finds that, due to a mistake in the finding of facts or incomplete finding of facts, the court in the first instance must supplement the proceedings or institute new proceedings and adopt a new decision on the issue.
19 Pravna redakcija
ker imajo tisti proizvajalci, ki so sprožili postopke na Sodišču prve stopnje višje stroške z zastopniki in bi torej morali dobiti višji pavšalni znesek;
Whereas those producers who brought proceedings before the Court of First Instance will have incurred higher agents' fees and should therefore receive a higher flat-rate amount;
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sodišče višje stopnje