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sprejemljiva ponudba
1 Končna redakcija
20. " sprejemljiva ponudba " tista ponudba, ki je pravočasna in za katero se po odpiranju ponudb, na podlagi pregleda in ocenjevanja ugotovi, da ustreza v celoti merilom, pogojem in morebitnim kvalifikacijskim zahtevam;
20. An 'eligible' tender is a tender which is submitted on time and which is found, after the opening of tenders and based on the review and evaluation, to entirely correspond with the measures, conditions and the eventual qualification requirements;
2 Končna redakcija
(Pravilnost, primernost in sprejemljivost ponudbe)
(Correct, Appropriate and Acceptable Tenders)
3 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31976R1416
kadar postopek oddaje gradnje ali razpis za zbiranje ponudb ne da nobenih rezultatov ali kjer ponujene cene niso sprejemljive,
where the award of contract procedure or invitations to tender do not give any result or where the prices quoted are not acceptable;
4 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0017
Vsi ponudniki, ki predložijo sprejemljive ponudbe, so istočasno povabljeni z elektronskimi sredstvi, da predložijo nove cene in/ali nove vrednosti;
All tenderers who have submitted admissible tenders shall be invited simultaneously by electronic means to submit new prices and/or new values;
5 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0018
Vsi ponudniki, ki so predložili sprejemljive ponudbe, so istočasno povabljeni z elektronskimi sredstvi, da predložijo nove cene in/ali nove vrednosti;
All tenderers who have submitted admissible tenders shall be invited simultaneously by electronic means to submit new prices and/or new values;
6 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1605
Naročnik uradno obvesti vse kandidate ali ponudnike, katerih vloge ali ponudbe so bile zavržene, o razlogih za zavrženje in vse ponudnike, katerih ponudbe so sprejemljive in ki pošljejo pisno zahtevo, o značilnostih in relativnih prednosti izbrane ponudbe in o imenu ponudnika, kateremu je bilo naročilo oddano.
The contracting authority shall notify all candidates or tenderers whose applications or tenders are rejected of the grounds on which the decision was taken, and all tenderers whose tenders are admissible and who make a request in writing of the characteristics and relative advantages of the successful tender and the name of the tenderer to whom the contract is awarded.
7 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0018
vsakega ponudnika, ki je oddal sprejemljivo ponudbo, o lastnostih in relativnih prednostih izbrane ponudbe ter o imenu izbranega ponudnika ali strank okvirnega sporazuma.
any tenderer who has made an admissible tender of the characteristics and relative advantages of the tender selected as well as the name of the successful tenderer or the parties to the framework agreement.
8 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0017
vsakega ponudnika, ki je oddal sprejemljivo ponudbo, o lastnostih in relativnih prednostih izbrane ponudbe ter o imenu izbranega ponudnika ali pogodbenih strank okvirnega sporazuma.
any tenderer who has made an admissible tender of the characteristics and relative advantages of the tender selected, as well as the name of the successful tenderer or the parties to the framework agreement.
9 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0877
Sprejemljivo usklajeno opredelitev v zvezi s stopnjo trženja, obliko ponudbe, razredom kakovosti in, če je primerno, sorto ali tipom bi bilo torej treba uporabljati po vsej Skupnosti.
A reasonably harmonised definition should therefore apply throughout the Community regarding the marketing stage, presentation, quality class and, where applicable, the variety or type.
10 Končna redakcija
(4) Za izpolnjevanje obveznosti izvajalca do podizvajalca lahko naročnik v razpisnih pogojih predpiše posebne pogoje. Sprejem teh pogojev mora ponudnik posebej potrditi, da bi bila njegova ponudba sprejemljiva.
(4) Contractors may prescribe special conditions related to the fulfilment of obligations of suppliers towards their subcontractors. Tenderers shall explicitly confirm their consent to such conditions to make their bids acceptable.
11 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0018
Ponudnik mora v svoji ponudbi dokazati s katerimi koli ustreznimi sredstvi in na način, ki je sprejemljiv za naročnika, da gradnja, proizvod ali storitev, ki je skladna s standardom, izpolnjuje izvedbene ali funkcionalne zahteve naročnika.
In his tender, the tenderer must prove to the satisfaction of the contracting authority and by any appropriate means that the work, product or service in compliance with the standard meets the performance or functional requirements of the contracting authority.
12 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0017
Ponudnik mora v svoji ponudbi dokazati s kakršnimi koli ustreznimi sredstvi in na način, ki je sprejemljiv za naročnika, da proizvod, storitev ali gradnja, ki je skladna s standardom, izpolnjuje izvedbene ali funkcionalne zahteve naročnika.
In his tender, the tenderer shall prove to the satisfaction of the contracting entity and by any appropriate means that the product, service or work in compliance with the standard meets the performance or functional requirements of the contracting entity.
13 Končna redakcija
ker bi bilo potrebno za stabilizacijo trgov in zagotovitev primernega življenjskega standarda kmetijske skupnosti ter sprejemljivih cen oskrbe za potrošnike spodbujati centralizacijo ponudbe in skupno prilagajanje pridelovalcev na zahteve trga;
Whereas, in order to stabilise markets and to ensure a fair standard of living for the agricultural Community and reasonable prices for supplies to consumers, centralisation of the supply and the joint adaptation 1OJ No C 66, 1.7.1971, p. 28. by growers of their produce to the requirements of the market should be encouraged;
14 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0018
Kadar se okvirni sporazum sklene z večjim številom gospodarskih subjektov, morajo biti slednji vsaj trije, v kolikor je število gospodarskih subjektov, ki izpolnjujejo pogoje za udeležbo zadostno in/ali je dovolj sprejemljivih ponudb za uporabo meril za ocenjevanje.
Where a framework agreement is concluded with several economic operators, the latter must be at least three in number, insofar as there is a sufficient number of economic operators to satisfy the selection criteria and/or of admissible tenders which meet the award criteria.
15 Končna redakcija
Na evropska mala in srednje velika podjetja v primerjavi s podobnimi podjetji v Severni Ameriki negativno vpliva pomanjkanje lastniškega kapitala, ker vlada na trgu kapitala trajno pomanjkanje, ki preprečuje ponudbi, da bi dosegla povpraševanje po ceni, ki bi bila sprejemljiva za obe strani.
An equity gap, implying that there is a persistent capital market imperfection preventing supply from meeting demand at a price acceptable to both sides, affects negatively European small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) compared with similar companies in North America.
16 Končna redakcija
(2) Če naročnik izbira izvajalca po postopku s pogajanji, ker ni prejel pravilnih ali sprejemljivih ponudb in v postopek ne vključi vseh ponudnikov iz neuspelega odprtega ali omejenega postopka, katerim je priznal sposobnost po 48. členu tega zakona, in ki so predložili, glede na zahteve v postopku javnega naročanja, pravilne ponudbe, mora objaviti obvestilo, da bo oddal naročilo po postopku s pogajanji.
(2) If contractors select tenderers by the negotiating procedure because they did not receive any correct or acceptable bids, and if they did not include in this procedure all tenderers from the unsuccessful open or restricted procedure to whom they had acknowledged capability under Article 48 of this Act, and who had submitted correct tenders, such contractors shall publish a notice stating that they will award a contract by the negotiating procedure.
17 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0017
Če naročnik izkoristi možnost sklicevanja na specifikacije iz odstavka 3(a), ne sme zavrniti ponudbe z obrazložitvijo, da proizvodi ali storitve, ki so ponujeni, niso skladni s specifikacijami, na katere se sklicuje, če ponudnik v svoji ponudbi s katerimi koli ustreznimi sredstvi in na način, ki je sprejemljiv za naročnika, dokaže, da rešitve, ki jih predlaga, na enak način izpolnjujejo zahteve, določene v tehničnih specifikacijah.
Where a contracting entity makes use of the option of referring to the specifications mentioned in paragraph 3(a), it cannot reject a tender on the ground that the products and services tendered for do not comply with the specifications to which it has referred, once the tenderer proves in his tender to the satisfaction of the contracting entity, by whatever appropriate means, that the solutions which he proposes satisfy in an equivalent manner the requirements defined by the technical specifications.
18 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0018
V primeru, da naročnik izkoristi možnost sklicevanja na specifikacije iz odstavka 3(a), ne sme zavrniti ponudbe z obrazložitvijo, da proizvodi in storitve, ki so ponujeni, niso skladni s tehničnimi specifikacijami, na katere se sklicuje, če ponudnik v svoji ponudbi s katerimi koli ustreznimi sredstvi in na način, ki je sprejemljiv za naročnika, dokaže, da rešitve, ki jih predlaga, na enak način izpolnjujejo zahteve, določene v tehničnih specifikacijah.
Where a contracting authority makes use of the option of referring to the specifications mentioned in paragraph 3(a), it cannot reject a tender on the grounds that the products and services tendered for do not comply with the specifications to which it has referred, once the tenderer proves in his tender to the satisfaction of the contracting authority, by whatever appropriate means, that the solutions which he proposes satisfy in an equivalent manner the requirements defined by the technical specifications.
19 Pravna redakcija
Če nobena od ponudb ni sprejemljiva, se pomoč ne dodeli.
No action shall be taken where no tender is acceptable.
20 Pravna redakcija
ker če ni sprejemljiva nobena ponudba, se lahko ne sprejme nobene;
whereas, if no tender is acceptable, none need be accepted;
21 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31997R2519
Le sklicevanje na garancijo, ki je položena za isto količino v prejšnji ponudbi, ni sprejemljivo.
The mere reference to a guarantee lodged for the same lot in a previous tender shall be inadmissible.
22 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31992D0097
Naročnik lahko zavrne vsako ponudbo, ki ni opremljena s sprejemljivo garancijo za veljavnost ponudbe.
Any tender not accompanied by an acceptable tender guarantee may be rejected by the contracting authority.
23 Pravna redakcija
Če je ponudba sprejemljiva, mora agencija o tem obvestiti ponudnika v petih delovnih dneh po prejemu ponudbe.
Should an offer be inadmissible, the operator concerned shall be informed by the intervention agency accordingly within five working days following receipt.
24 Pravna redakcija
Če ponudnik predloži več kakor eno ponudbo za vrsto alkohola, končno uporabo ali postopek razpisa, nobena od teh ponudb ni sprejemljiva.
If a tenderer submits more than one tender per type of alcohol, end use or tendering procedure, none of those tenders shall be admissible.
25 Pravna redakcija
Če je ponudba sprejemljiva, je potrebno ponudnike čimprej obvestiti o lokaciji intervencijskega skladišča ter o časovnem razporedu prevzema.
Should an offer be admissible, operators shall be informed as soon as possible of the store at which the cereals are to be taken over and of the delivery schedule.
26 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R0496
Po preučitvi ponudbe je Komisija menila, da je zaveza sprejemljiva, ker bo odpravila škodljive učinke dampinga v skladu s členom 8(1) osnovne uredbe.
After examination of the offer, the Commission considered the undertaking as acceptable since it would eliminate the injurious effects of dumping pursuant to Article 8(1) of the Basic Regulation.
27 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1514
Zaradi tega Komisija meni, da je ponudba zaveze sprejemljiva in je zadevno podjetje obvestila o bistvenih dejstvih, razmislekih in dolžnostih, na katerih sprejetje temelji.
In view of this, the offer of the undertaking is therefore considered acceptable by the Commission and the company concerned has been informed of the essential facts, considerations and obligations upon which acceptance is based.
28 Pravna redakcija
Predlog za sklenitev pogodbe ali ponudba za razpisni sprejemljiva, če ne vsebuje podatkov iz odstavka 3 (a), (b), (d) in (e), in se ne predloži dokazila o zagotovljenem jamstvu.
Contract applications or tenders shall not be acceptable unless they include the particulars referred to in paragraph 3 (a), (b), (d) and (e), and proof has been furnished that a security has been provided.
29 Pravna redakcija
Naročniki, ki izvajajo eno od dejavnosti iz Prilog I, II, VII, VIII in IX, takoj po prejemu pisne zahteve vse izločene kandidate ali ponudnike obvestijo o razlogih za zavrnitev njihove prošnje ali ponudbe, vse ponudnike, ki so predložili sprejemljive ponudbe, pa o značilnostih in sorazmernih prednostih izbrane ponudbe ter imenu izbranega ponudnika.
The contracting entities carrying out one of the activities mentioned in Annexes I, II, VII, VIII and IX shall, promptly after the date on which a written request is received, inform any eliminated candidate or tenderer of the reasons for rejection of his application or his tender and any tenderer who has made an admissible tender of the characteristics and relative advantages of the tender selected as well as the name of the successful tenderer.
30 Pravna redakcija
Kadar se več sprejemljivih ponudb v celoti ali le delno nanaša na iste kadi, Komisija zadevno količino alkohola dodeli ponudniku, ki je predložil ponudbo z najvišjo absolutno vrednostjo.
Where several admissible tenders relate fully or in part to the same vats, the Commission shall allocate the quantity of alcohol concerned to the tenderer submitting the tender with the highest absolute value.
31 Pravna redakcija
Sprejemljive ponudbe se pošljejo Komisiji brez poimenskega imenovanja ponudnikov skladno s členom 7(3) najpozneje prvi delovni dan po zadnjem datumu za oddajo ponudb do 12. ure (po bruseljskem času).
Admissible tenders shall be forwarded to the Commission without the tenderers being mentioned by name in accordance with Article 7(3) no later than 12.00 (Brussels time) on the first working day following the final date for submission of tenders.
32 Pravna redakcija
Vloga za sklenitev pogodbe ali ponudba ni sprejemljiva, če ne vsebuje podatkov iz točk (a), (b), (d) in (e) odstavka 5 in če ni bilo predloženo dokazilo, da je bila položena varščina v ustreznem znesku.
A contract application or tender shall not be acceptable unless it includes the particulars referred to in points (a), (b), (d) and (e) of paragraph 5, and proof has been furnished that the relevant amount of security has been lodged.
33 Pravna redakcija
ker je treba zaradi administrativnih razlogov proizvajalcem določiti rok za vložitev zahtevkov za odškodnino pristojnim organom, da so te sprejemljive, ter roke za posredovanje ponudb in njihovo priznavanje;
Whereas for administrative reasons it is necessary to fix a time limit for the submission of applications for compensation by producers to the competent authorities in order to be admissible, as well as the time limits for the transmission of offers and their acceptance;
34 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31997R2320
Vendar ta ponudba ni bila sprejemljiva, ker v njej niso bile vsebovane potrebne garancije s strani ruskih organov, s katerimi bi se omogočilo ustrezno spremljanje stanja, zlasti glede na prag dajatev prostega uvoza.
However, this offer was not acceptable as it did not contain the necessary guarantees on the part of the Russian authorities to allow adequate monitoring, particularly with regard to the duty-free threshold.
35 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1796
kar zadeva LRK se zaradi dejstva, da ni bila nobenemu od podjetij iz te države odobrena individualna obravnava in da ponudbe niso vsebovale nobenih garancij kitajskih oblasti, ki bi omogočale ustrezno spremljanje, zaveze niso štele za sprejemljive,
as concerns the PRC, given that none of the companies in these countries were granted individual treatment and that no guarantees were contained in the offers on the part of the Chinese authorities to allow for adequate monitoring, the offers of undertakings were not considered to be acceptable,
36 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31992D0097
Kadar se, kot odgovor na poizvedovanje ponudnika ali kako drugače, podatki glede naročila, ki naj se izvede, ali drugi podatki, ki lahko vplivajo na določitev cene v ponudbi, zagotovijo ponudniku, potem te podatke naročnik posreduje v pisni obliki tudi drugim ponudnikom, če so znani, pod pogojem, da se podatki komercialne narave v zvezi s sprejemljivostjo variantnih rešitev ne razkrijejo drugim ponudnikom.
Where, in response to a tender's queries or otherwise, information regarding the contract to be performed or other information which may affect the pricing of the tender is supplied to a tenderer, such information shall also be issued in writing by the contracting authority to the other tenderers, in so far as these are known, provided that information of a commercial nature relating to the acceptability of variant solutions shall not be issued to the other tenderers.
37 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000R0562
Ko so razpisi izdani, se lahko določi najnižja cena, pod katero ponudbe niso sprejemljive.
When invitations to tender are issued, a minimum price below which tenders shall not be admissible may be fixed.
38 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R2131
V primeru prodaje za izvoz se lahko določi, da ponudbe, vložene v skladu s členom 44 Uredbe (EGS) št. 3719/88, niso sprejemljive.
In the case of sales for export, provision may be made for tenders submitted pursuant to Article 44 of Regulation (EEC) No 3719/88 not to be admissible.
39 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000R0562
Če obstajajo hujši pokazatelji nasprotnega ali če ponudbe niso usklajene z ekonomskimi dejstvi, so ponudbe sprejemljive le, kadar ponudnik skladno z drugim pododstavkom predloži ustrezna dokazila.
Where there are serious indications to the contrary or that tenders are not in line with economic facts, tenders shall be deemed admissible only where the tenderer presents suitable evidence of compliance with the second subparagraph.
40 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0017
Vsi ponudniki, ki predložijo sprejemljive ponudbe, so istočasno povabljeni z elektronskimi sredstvi, da predložijo nove cene in/ali nove vrednosti;
All tenderers who have submitted admissible tenders shall be invited simultaneously by electronic means to submit new prices and/or new values;
41 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998R0708
Intervencijska agencija lahko za sprejemljivo šteje pisno ponudbo, poslano po telekomunikacijskih sredstvih, če so v njej vsi zgoraj navedeni podatki.
The intervention agency may regard as admissible a written telecommunicated offer, provided that all the above particulars are contained therein.
42 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31990R3446
Zahtevki za pogodbe ali ponudbe niso sprejemljivi, če ne vsebujejo podatkov iz odstavka 3(a), (b), (d) in (e) ter ni bilo predloženo dokazilo o položeni varščini.
Contract applications or tenders shall not be acceptable unless they include the particulars referred to in paragraph 3 (a), (b), (d) and (e), and proof has been fornished that a security has been provided.
43 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0018
vsakega ponudnika, ki je oddal sprejemljivo ponudbo, o lastnostih in relativnih prednostih izbrane ponudbe ter o imenu izbranega ponudnika ali strank okvirnega sporazuma.
any tenderer who has made an admissible tender of the characteristics and relative advantages of the tender selected as well as the name of the successful tenderer or the parties to the framework agreement.
44 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0017
vsakega ponudnika, ki je oddal sprejemljivo ponudbo, o lastnostih in relativnih prednostih izbrane ponudbe ter o imenu izbranega ponudnika ali pogodbenih strank okvirnega sporazuma.
any tenderer who has made an admissible tender of the characteristics and relative advantages of the tender selected, as well as the name of the successful tenderer or the parties to the framework agreement.
45 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0877
Sprejemljivo usklajeno opredelitev v zvezi s stopnjo trženja, obliko ponudbe, razredom kakovosti in, če je primerno, sorto ali tipom bi bilo torej treba uporabljati po vsej Skupnosti.
A reasonably harmonised definition should therefore apply throughout the Community regarding the marketing stage, presentation, quality class and, where applicable, the variety or type.
46 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004D0445
To končno sprejemljivo cenovno zavezujočo ponudbo je pripravilo podjetje pred objavo dokončnih ugotovitev, vendar v tako pozni fazi postopka, da je bilo administrativno nemogoče vključiti njeno sprejetje v dokončno uredbo.
This final acceptable offer of a price undertaking was made by the company prior to the publication of the definitive findings, but at such a late stage in the proceeding that it was administratively impossible to include its acceptance in the definitive Regulation.
47 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0018
Ponudnik mora v svoji ponudbi dokazati s katerimi koli ustreznimi sredstvi in na način, ki je sprejemljiv za naročnika, da gradnja, proizvod ali storitev, ki je skladna s standardom, izpolnjuje izvedbene ali funkcionalne zahteve naročnika.
In his tender, the tenderer must prove to the satisfaction of the contracting authority and by any appropriate means that the work, product or service in compliance with the standard meets the performance or functional requirements of the contracting authority.
48 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0017
Ponudnik mora v svoji ponudbi dokazati s kakršnimi koli ustreznimi sredstvi in na način, ki je sprejemljiv za naročnika, da proizvod, storitev ali gradnja, ki je skladna s standardom, izpolnjuje izvedbene ali funkcionalne zahteve naročnika.
In his tender, the tenderer shall prove to the satisfaction of the contracting entity and by any appropriate means that the product, service or work in compliance with the standard meets the performance or functional requirements of the contracting entity.
49 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000R0562
Zainteresirane stranke intervencijskim agencijam držav članic, kjer je bil izdan razpis, v odgovor na razpis, vložijo bodisi pisno ponudbo s povratnico ali na kakšen drug pisni način s povratnico, ki je sprejemljiv za intervencijsko agencijo.
In response to invitations to tender, interested parties shall submit their tenders to the intervention agencies of the Member States where they have been issued, either by lodging a written bid against a receipt or by any other written means of communication accepted by the intervention agency, with advice of receipt.
50 Prevajalska redakcija
Pri določanju teh rokov naročniki v skladu s svojimi sprejemljivimi potrebami upoštevajo dejavnike, kot so kompleksnost nameravanega naročila, obseg predvidenih podpogodb in čas, ki je običajno potreben za pošiljanje ponudb po pošti iz tujine in doma.
In determining any such time-limit, entities shall, consistent with their own reasonable needs, take into account such factors as the complexity of the intended procurement, the extent of sub-contracting anticipated and the normal time for transmitting tenders by mail from foreign as well as domestic points.
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sprejemljiva ponudba