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sprememba poti
1 Objavljeno
DRUGO: Ustava
(potrditev spremembe ustave na referendumu)
(Confirmation of Constitutional Amendments by Referendum)
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2008-35
pregled in po potrebi spremembe prilog k sporazumu.
Review and, if needed, amend the Annexes of the Agreement.
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2009-24
Odbor SGP sprejme vse potrebne spremembe Dodatka I.
The EPA Committee shall adopt any necessary amendments to Appendix II.
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-48
(b) Ta sporazum se s potrebnimi spremembami uporablja:
(b) This Agreement applies mutatis mutandis:
5 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2008-61
? ponovno oceno razmer in po potrebi spremembo odzivanja;
? re-assessment of the situation and modification, when necessary, of response actions;
6 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2009-24
Sprememba začne veljati potem, ko jo potrdita pogodbenici.
Amendments shall take effect only after approval by the Parties.
7 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-102
resolucija, ki potrjuje spremembo področja uporabe sporazuma,
Resolution Confirming the Amendment of the Scope of the Agreement
8 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-59
Tretji stavek odstavka 1 se uporablja s potrebnimi spremembami.
The third sentence of paragraph 1 shall apply mutatis mutandis.
9 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-57
Za vsako spremembo tega sporazuma je potrebno soglasje pogodbenic.
Any modification of this Agreement shall be subject to the mutual consent of the two Parties.
10 Objavljeno
regionalni razvoj
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 1999-80
Na vse potrebne spremembe je treba opozoriti predlagatelja zaradi možne spremembe zastavljenih nalog v ZahtZK.
Any changes necessary should be brought to the attention of the Delegator for possible amendment of the RGQA Tasking arrangement.
11 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2009-24
Odbor SGP lahko odloči o prehodnih ukrepih ali potrebnih spremembah.
The EPA Committee may decide on any transitional measures or amendments which may be necessary.
12 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-100
Zlasti se ne more zahtevati predložitev potrdila v zvezi s spremembo.
In particular, the furnishing of any certificate concerning the change may not be required.
13 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
Potrebne spremembe tega oddelka se sprejmejo z evropskim zakonom Sveta.
A European law of the Council may make the necessary amendments to this Section.
14 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2011-16
Večina, potrebna za sprejetje vsake spremembe, je določena v statutu.
The majority required for the adoption of any such amendment shall be determined in the statutes.
15 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-46
II.6.2 Za spremembe tega prvega dodatka je potrebno soglasje pogodbenic.
II.6.2 Amendments made to the present Appendix I shall require the Parties' written agreement.
16 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 81-2008
pregledovanje in po potrebi predlaganje sprememb prilog k tej konvenciji;
to review and, where necessary, propose amendments to the Annexes to this Convention;
17 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-11
e) kadar je potrebno, preveri in sprejme predloge sprememb tega protokola;
(e) Where necessary, consider and adopt proposals for amendments to this Protocol; and
18 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-59
Člen 25 se s potrebnimi spremembami nanaša na dejavnost uradnikov za zvezo.
Article 25 shall apply mutatis mutandis to the activity of the liaison officers.
19 Objavljeno
Srbeče ekcemu podobne spremembe potekajo kronično z vmesnimi obdobji remisije.
The itchy eczematous lesions run a chronic course, often interrupted by remissions.
20 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-19
Zlasti ne more zahtevati predložitve katerega koli potrdila v zvezi s spremembo.
In particular, the filing of any certificate concerning the change may not be required.
21 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 26/1999
Ko je tožba vročena toženi stranki, je za spremembo potrebna njena privolitev;
After the action has been served on the defendant, the amendment shall be subject to his consent;
22 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-60
Če je za sprejetje priloge ali njene spremembe potrebna tudi sprememba tega protokola, taka priloga ali njena sprememba ne začne veljati, dokler ne začne veljati sprememba tega protokola.
If the adoption of an annex or an amendment to an annex involves an amendment to this Protocol, that annex or amendment to an annex shall not enter into force until such time as the amendment to this Protocol enters into force.
23 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-46
2.1 Za spremembe ali dopolnitve Dokumentov o financiranju ni potrebno soglasje poroka.
2.1 Modifications of, or amendments to, the Financing Documents shall not require the consent of the Guarantor.
24 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-46
Ti pa nato svojo potrditev predlaganih sprememb predložijo v odobritev odboru za PECS.
The relevant Committees and Programme Boards shall thereafter forward their approval of the proposed changes to the PECS Committee for its approval.
25 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-61
Nadzorni odbor prouči in po potrebi potrdi vsak predlog Komisiji za spremembo programa.
10 The Monitoring Committee shall consider and approve, where appropriate, any proposal to the Commission to amend the Programme.
26 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2008-46
Vsak pogodbenik lahko kadar koli po diplomatski poti zahteva spremembo tega memoranduma.
Either of the Contracting Parties may at any time demand through diplomatic channels an amendment to this Memorandum.
27 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2011-68
Vsaka pogodbenica lahko kadar koli po diplomatski poti zahteva spremembo tega sporazuma.
Either of the Contracting Parties may at any time request an amendment to this Agreement through diplomatic channels.
28 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-82
(b) Za vsako spremembo tega sporazuma je potrebno soglasje Agencije, Skupnosti in držav.
(b) All amendments shall require the agreement of the Agency, the Community and the States.
29 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-82
d) preuči predloge za spremembe tega sporazuma, ki so morda potrebne, in o njih odloči;
d) examine and decide upon any proposals to amend, as may be necessary, this Agreement;
30 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-33
Komisija priporoči Svetu spremembe Tehnične priloge k tej konvenciji, kadar je potrebno.
Whenever necessary, the Commission shall make recommendations to the Council for amendments to the Technical Annex to this Convention.
31 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-100
(h) v skladu z določbami 23. člena proučiti in po potrebi sprejeti spremembe te pogodbe;
(h) consider and adopt, as required, amendments to this Treaty, in accordance with the provisions of Article 23;
32 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-55
poudarja potrebo po poenostavitvi postopka za spremembo organizacijskih določb konvencije;
Stresses the need to simplify the procedure for amending Convention provisions of an organisational nature;
33 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 25
Takšne spremembe se morajo potrošniku sporočiti pred sklenitvijo pogodbe v pisni obliki.
Such changes must be indicated to the consumer in writing before the contract is concluded.
34 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2009-104
Pogodbenika se po diplomatski poti uradno obvestita o spremembah navedenih obmejnih območij.
The Contracting Parties shall notify each other on the changes of the above listed transfrontier regions through diplomatic channels.
35 Objavljeno
Te spremembe velikokrat predstavljajo prve znake in napovedujejo slabo napoved poteka bolezni.
These oral lesions are often the first signs of HIV infection and prognostic markers of health deterioration.
36 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-49
(2) Pogodbenici se po diplomatski poti obvestita o kakršnih koli spremembah ustreznih organov.
(2) The Parties shall, through diplomatic channels, inform each other on any change of the relevant bodies.
37 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-19
(1) [Zahtevana soglasnost] Soglasnost je potrebna za spremembe naslednjih določb tega pravilnika:
(1) [Requirement of Unanimity] Amendment of the following provisions of these Regulations shall require unanimity:
38 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-48
Določbe 10. člena se s potrebnimi spremembami uporabljajo za subregionalne in regionalne programe.
The provisions of article 10 shall apply mutatis mutandis to subregional and regional programmes.
39 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-26
(2) Pogodbenici se po diplomatski poti medsebojno obvestita o spremembah navedenih obmejnih območij.
(2) The Contracting Parties shall notify each other through diplomatic channels of any changes in the border regions specified above.
40 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-100
(i) v skladu z določbami 24. člena proučiti in po potrebi sprejeti spremembe prilog k tej pogodbi;
(i) consider and adopt, as required, amendments to annexes to this Treaty, in accordance with the provisions of Article 24;
41 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-109
13.3 Če navzoče in glasujoče pogodbenice soglasno potrdijo spremembo, jo izvršilni odbor pošlje generalnemu sekretarju, ki to spremembo razpošlje vsem pogodbenicam.
If there is a consensus vote in favour of the amendment by the Contracting Parties present and voting, it shall be communicated by the Executive Committee to the Secretary-General who shall then circulate the amendment to all Contracting Parties.
42 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 1999-66
(a) Besedilo predlaganih sprememb se skupaj s potrebnimi informacijami pošlje generalnemu direktorju.
(a) The text of the proposed changes shall be transmitted together with the necessary information to the Director-General.
43 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 40/2003
Zato bomo partnerji podprli spremembe, ki so potrebne za zagotovitev stabilnega sistema javnih financ.
The partners shall therefore support the changes that are necessary to ensure a stable public finance system.
44 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-96
Spremembe tega memoranduma začnejo veljati mesec dni po datumu, ko sta pogodbenici sprejeli te spremembe in o tem ustrezno obvestili drugo pogodbenico po diplomatski poti.
Amendments to this Memorandum of Understanding shall become effective one month following the date upon which both Contracting Parties have accepted the amendments and have accordingly notified the other Contracting Party through diplomatic channels.
45 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-19
(b) Za sprejem posamezne spremembe določb iz pododstavka (a) so potrebne tri četrtine oddanih glasov.
(b) Adoption of any amendment to the provisions referred to in subparagraph (a) shall require three-fourths of the votes cast.
46 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-26
Vsaka tako dogovorjena sprememba bo pričela veljati šele, ko bo potrjena z izmenjavo diplomatskih not.
Any modifications so agreed shall only come into force when they have been confirmed by an exchange of Diplomatic Notes.
47 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2008-61
Pogodbenice se obvestijo o spremembah teh podatkov takoj, ko nastanejo, po rednih komunikacijskih poteh.
Parties shall inform each other on any changes in the information listed above as soon as these occur, using the routine communication channels.
48 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-26
(2) Pogodbenici se po diplomatski poti medsebojno obvestita o spremembah glede navedenih pristojnih organov.
(2) The Contracting Parties shall notify each other through diplomatic channels of any changes regarding the competent authorities specified above.
49 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-96
Spremembe tega memoranduma o soglasju začnejo veljati mesec dni po dnevu, ko so pogodbenice te spremembe sprejele in o njih ustrezno obvestile druge pogodbenice po diplomatski poti.
Amendments to this Memorandum of Understanding shall become effective one month following the date upon which Contracting Parties have accepted the amendments and have accordingly notified the other Contracting Parties through diplomatic channels.
50 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 18-1062
(3) Kadar se vpiše spremembo lastništva, se izda novo potrdilo o vpisu v register zrakoplovov, prejšnje potrdilo pa mora lastnik vrniti Upravi.
(3) Whenever a change of ownership is entered, a new /confirmation/ of entry in the aircraft register shall be issued and the owner must return the previous /confirmation/ to the Administration.
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