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starševsko nadomestilo
1 Objavljeno
CELEX: 32004D0676
Za starše samohranilce iz prvega pododstavka in za prve tri mesece starševskega dopusta, če ga izrabi oče med porodniškim dopustom ali eden od staršev takoj po porodniškem dopustu ali med ali takoj po dopustu ob posvojitvi, znaša nadomestilo 1065,02 eurov mesečno ali 50 % tega zneska, če je začasni uslužbenec na dopustu s polovičnim časom.
The allowance shall be EUR 1065,02 per month, or 50 % of such sum if the member of temporary staff is on half-time leave, for the single parents referred to in the first subparagraph and during the first three months of parental leave where such leave is taken by the father during maternity leave or by either parent immediately after maternity leave or during or immediately after adoption leave.
2 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0723
Za starše samohranilce iz prvega odstavka in za prve tri mesece starševskega dopusta, če ga izrabi oče med porodniškim dopustom ali eden od staršev takoj po porodniškem dopustu ali med ali takoj po dopustu ob posvojitvi, znaša nadomestilo 1 065,02 EUR mesečno ali 50 % tega zneska, če je uradnik na dopustu s polovičnim časom.
The allowance shall be EUR 1065,02 per month, or 50 % of such sum if the official is on half-time leave, for the single parents referred to in the first paragraph and during the first three months of parental leave where such leave is taken by the father during maternity leave or by either parent immediately after maternity leave or during or immediately after adoption leave.
3 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0723
Za starše samohranilce iz prvega odstavka in za prve tri mesece starševskega dopusta, če ga izrabi oče med porodniškim dopustom ali eden od staršev takoj po porodniškem dopustu ali med ali takoj po dopustu ob posvojitvi, znaša nadomestilo 1 065,02 evrov mesečno ali 50 % tega zneska, če je uradnik na dopustu s polovičnim časom.
The allowance shall be EUR 1 065,02 per month, or 50 % of such sum if the official is on half-time leave, for the single parents referred to in the first paragraph and during the first three months of parental leave where such leave is taken by the father during maternity leave or by either parent immediately after maternity leave or during or immediately after adoption leave.
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starševsko nadomestilo