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1 Končna redakcija
Prostor 2. reda je torej lahko statična ali gibljiva slika grafika nad desno ali levo ramo voditelja, lahko pa reporter, ki v živo poroča s terena in se pogovarja z voditeljem-posrednikom med njim in gledalci.
Thus the second order space can be static or moving picture-graphics above the left or right shoulder of the newspresenter, or it can present a reporter who is reporting live from the field, who talks with the newspresenter acting as a mediator between him/her and the viewers.
2 Pravna redakcija
Povprečna kontaktna sila Fm, ki jo tvorijo statične in aerodinamične komponente kontaktne sile z dinamičnim popravkom in se dovaja kontaktnemu vodniku, je prikazana na sliki 5.1 za enofazne (AC) sisteme kot funkcija hitrosti vožnje.
The mean contact force Fm formed by the static and aerodynamic components of the contact force with dynamic correction which shall be applied on the contact wire is shown in figure 5. 1 for AC systems as a function of running speed.
3 Pravna redakcija
V zvezi z enosmernim (DC)sistemi je povprečna kontaktna sila Fm, ki jo tvorijo statične in aerodinamične komponente kontaktne sile z dinamičnim popravkom in se uporablja za DC 1,5 kV in DC 3,0 kV sisteme, prikazana na sliki 5.2 kot funkcija hitrosti vožnje.
Concerning DC systems, the mean contact force Fm formed by the static and aerodynamic components of the contact force with dynamic correction which shall be applied for DC 1, 5 kV and DC 3, 0 kV systems is shown in fig. 5. 2 as a function of running speed.
4 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0733
Povprečna kontaktna sila Fm, ki jo tvorijo statične in aerodinamične komponente kontaktne sile z dinamičnim popravkom in se dovaja kontaktnemu vodniku, je prikazana na sliki 5.1 za enofazne (AC) sisteme kot funkcija hitrosti vožnje.
The mean contact force Fm formed by the static and aerodynamic components of the contact force with dynamic correction which shall be applied on the contact wire is shown in figure 5.1 for AC systems as a function of running speed.
5 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0733
V zvezi z enosmernim (DC) sistemi je povprečna kontaktna sila Fm, ki jo tvorijo statične in aerodinamične komponente kontaktne sile z dinamičnim popravkom in se uporablja za DC 1,5 kV in DC 3,0 kV sisteme, prikazana na sliki 5.2 kot funkcija hitrosti vožnje.
Concerning DC systems, the mean contact force Fm formed by the static and aerodynamic components of the contact force with dynamic correction which shall be applied for DC 1,5 kV and DC 3,0 kV systems is shown in fig. 5.2 as a function of running speed.
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