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stena valja
1 Končna redakcija
stena valja
cylinder wall
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-71
notranji premer 75 do 400 mm, debelina sten najmanj 10 mm. Dolžina je enaka premeru valja ali večja.
75 mm (3 in) to 400 mm (16 in) internal diameter, 10 mm (0.4 in) or more wall thickness, with the length equal to or greater than the diameter.
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-82
notranji premer 75 mm (3` ) do 400 mm (16` ), debelina sten najmanj 10 mm (0,4` ), dolžina je enaka premeru valja ali večja.
75 mm (3") to 400 mm (16") internal diameter, 10 mm (0,4") or more wall thickness, with the length equal to or greater than the diameter.
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-71
Ohišje predstavlja tog valj z debelino stene do 30 mm in z zelo natančno obdelavo obeh koncev, za vgradnjo ležajev z eno ali več prirobnicami.
The housing consists of a rigid cylinder of wall thickness up to 30 mm (1.2 in) with precision machined ends to locate the bearings and with one or more flanges for mounting.
5 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-82
Ohišje predstavlja tog valj z debelino stene do 30 mm (1,2` ) in z zelo natančno obdelavo obeh koncev, za vgradnjo ležajev z eno ali več prirobnicami.
The housing consists of a rigid cylinder of wall thickness up to 30 mm (1,2") with precision machined ends to locate the bearings and with one or more flanges for mounting.
6 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-71
Spojke so kratki valji s prirobnico, z debelino sten do 3 mm in s premerom od 75 do 400 mm. Izdelane so iz materiala z visokim razmerjem med trdnostjo in gostoto, opisanega v pojasnilih k tej točki.
The bellows is a short cylinder of wall thickness 3 mm (0.12 in) or less, a diameter of between 75 mm (3 in) and 400 mm (16 in), having a convolute, and manufactured from one of the high strength to density ratio materials described in the explanatory note to this Section.
7 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-82
Spojke so kratki valji s prirobnico, z debelino sten do 3 mm (0,12` ) in s premerom od 75 mm (3` ) do 400 mm (16` ), izdelane pa so iz materiala z visokim razmerjem med trdnostjo in gostoto, opisanega v pojasnilih k temu oddelku.
The bellows is a short cylinder of wall thickness 3 mm (0,12") or less, a diameter of between 75 mm (3") and 400 m (16"), having a convolute, and manufactured from one of the high strength to density ratio materials described in the explanatory note to this section.
8 Končna redakcija
najmanjša računska debelina stene valjaste lupine jeklenke, v mm;
a = calculated minimum thickness of the cylindrical shell wall, in mm;
9 Končna redakcija
Skozi trn se je tlak vode prenesel na valje, ki so plastično deformirali steno cevi radialno v izvrtino cevne stene.
Through the mandrel the water pressure is transmitted to the Člinders which plastically deform the tube wall in the direction radial to the tube-sheet borehole.
10 Končna redakcija
Debelina stene valjaste lupine na nobeni točki proti tlaku odporne lupine plinskih jeklenk ne sme biti manjša od debeline, izračunane po enačbi: za jeklenke brez vzdolžnih zvarov:
The thickness of the cylindrical shell wall at any point on the stress-resistant shell of the gas cylinders must not be less than that calculated by the formula: for cylinders without longitudinal welds: PIC FILE= "T0036326"
11 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32000L0004
Za preverjanje stekel/pomičnih streh/pregradnih sten, opremljenih s sistemom za samodejno spremembo smeri gibanja, je treba merilno pripravo/preskusno palico potisniti skozi odprtino iz notranjosti vozila oziroma pri pregradni steni iz zadnjega dela potniškega prostora tako, da se valjasta površina preskusne palice dotika robov odprtine okvira stekla/pomične strehe/pregradne stene.
To check power-operated windows/roof-panel systems/partition systems with reversing devices, a measuring instrument/test rod shall be placed through the opening from the inside of the vehicle or, in the case of a partition system, from the rear part of the passenger compartment in such a way that the cylindrical surface of the rod contacts any part of the vehicle structure which forms the boundary of the window/roof-panel aperture/partition.
12 Končna redakcija
V tem kotu stoji pusta pisalna miza, na kateri so fonograf, laringoskop, vrsta tankih orgelskih piščali z mehom, garnitura petrolejskih cilindrov za pojoče plamene z gorilniki, priključenimi na plinsko napeljavo v steni po gumijasti cevi, več glasbenih vilic različnih velikosti, slika človeške glave v naravni velikosti v prerezu, tako da je videti tisti del z govorilnimi organi, in škatla, v kateri je zaloga povoščenih valjev za fonograf .
In this corner stands a flat writing-table, on which are a phonograph, a laryngoscope, a row of tiny organ pipes with a bellows, a set of lamp chimneys for singing flames with burners attached to a gas plug in the wall by an indiarubber tube, several tuning-forks of different sizes, a life-size image of half a human head, shewing in section the vocal organs, and a box containing a supply of wax cylinders for the phonograph.
13 Pravna redakcija
a = ab ab računska najmanjša debelina stene valjastega dela jeklenke, v mm;
a = calculated minimum thickness of the wall of the cylindrical part of the cylinder, in mm;
14 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31992D0608
Aerometer mora biti v sredini stolpa tekočine in se ne sme dotikati sten valja.
The hydrometer must be positioned in the middle of the liquid column and should not touch the sides of the cylinder.
15 Pravna redakcija
Imenska debelina stene valjastega dela jeklenke in zaobljenih dnov ne sme biti manjša od:
The nominal wall thickness of the cylindrical part and of the dished end may not, under any circumstances, be less than:
16 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31987L0094
Plastièen lij, po možnosti z valjasto steno na zgornjem koncu in premerom približno 200 mm.
Funnel, of plastic materials, preferably with a cylindrical wall at the upper end, diameter approximately 200 mm.
17 Pravna redakcija
Debelina stene valjastega dela jeklenke ne sme biti manjša od vrednosti, izračunane po naslednji formuli:
The thickness of the cylindrical part of the gas cylinders must not be less than that calculated by means of the formula:
18 Pravna redakcija
Ploskve preskušancev, ki ustrezajo notranji oziroma zunanji površini stene valja, ne smejo biti strojno obdelane.
The two faces of each test-piece which correspond to the internal and external walls of the cylinder may not be machined.
19 Pravna redakcija
notranji premer 75 mm (3") do 400 mm (16"), debelina sten najmanj 10 mm (0,4"), dolžina je enaka premeru valja ali večja.
75 mm (3") to 400 mm (16") internal diameter, 10 mm (0, 4") or more wall thickness, with the length equal to or greater than the diameter.
20 Pravna redakcija
Debelina stene valjaste lupine na nobeni točki proti tlaku odporne lupine plinskih jeklenk ne sme biti manjša od debeline, izračunane po enačbi:
The thickness of the cylindrical shell wall at any point on the stress-resistant shell of the gas cylinders must not be less than that calculated by the formula:
21 Pravna redakcija
Za zagotovitev ustrezne porazdelitve napetosti se mora debelina sten jeklenke na območju prehoda med valjasto steno in podstavkom postopoma povečevati.
In order to ensure satisfactory stress distribution, the thickness of the cylinder walls must increase progressively in the transition section between the cylindrical wall and the base.
22 Pravna redakcija
Ohišje predstavlja tog valj z debelino stene do 30 mm (1,2") in z zelo natančno obdelavo obeh koncev, za vgradnjo ležajev z eno ali več prirobnicami.
The housing consists of a rigid cylinder of wall thickness up to 30 mm (1, 2") with precision machined ends to locate the bearings and with one or more flanges for mounting.
23 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R2285
Strojno orodje, ki deluje z laserskim žarkom, za vrezovanje rež na površini valjaste cevi za uporabo pri izdelavi endovaskularnih protez ("stents") ( a )
Machine-tool operating by laser beam, for the cutting of slots on the surface of a cylindrical tube for use in the manufacture of endo-vascular prosthesis (so-called `stents` ) (a)
24 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R2003
Da preprečimo kotaljenje cevi, vstavimo majhne lesene zagozde med zgornji del svinčenih valjev in steno cevi (eno na vsako stran) ali namestimo križ iz lesa med valj in jekleno kocko.
To prevent the tube from rolling, insert small wooden wedges between the tops of the lead cylinders and the tube wall (one on each side) or place a cross of wood between the tube and the steel block.
25 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31996R1255
Deli opreme za prečiščevanje vode z obratno osmozo, sestavljeni predvsem iz membran iz plastičnih materialov, ki so znotraj ojačeni s tkanimi ali netkanimi tekstilnimi materiali, oviti okoli perforirane cevi, ter zaprti v valjastem ohišju z debelino sten največ 4 mm, nameščeni ali ne v valj z debelino sten 5 mm ali več
Parts of equipment for the purification of water by reverse osmosis, consisting essentially of plastic-based membranes, supported internally by woven or non-woven textile materials which are wound round a perforated tube, and enclosed in a cylindrical plastic casing of a wall-thickness not exceeding 4 mm, whether or not housed in a cylinder of a wall-thickness of 5 mm or more
26 Pravna redakcija
Za zagotovitev ustrezne porazdelitve napetosti se mora, če je debelina stene dna večja od debeline valjastega dela jeklenke, debelina sten jeklenke na območju prehoda med valjasto steno in dnom postopoma povečevati.
In order to obtain satisfactory stress distribution, the thickness of the cylinder walls must increase progressively in the transition section between the cylindrical part and the base where the bottom is thicker than the cylindrical wall.
27 Pravna redakcija
Spojke so kratki valji s prirobnico, z debelino sten do 3 mm (0,12") in s premerom od 75 mm (3") do 400 mm (16"), izdelane pa so iz materiala z visokim razmerjem med trdnostjo in gostoto, opisanega v pojasnilih k temu oddelku.
The bellows is a short cylinder of wall thickness 3 mm (0, 12") or less, a diameter of between 75 mm (3") and 400 m (16"), having a convolute, and manufactured from one of the high strength to density ratio materials described in the explanatory note to this section.
28 Pravna redakcija
izvesti preskus odpornosti proti interkristalni koroziji na treh preskušancih, od katerih je vsak vzet z enega dela jeklenke (dno, valjasta stena, vrat) v skladu z oddelkom 1 Priloge II za zlitine, navedene v 2.1.2(c) te priloge,
carry out the intercrystalline corrosion resistance test on three test-pieces, using one test-piece per section (head, body, base) in accordance with section 1 of Annex II on the alloys referred to in 2.1.2 (c) of this Annex,
29 Pravna redakcija
Preskušanci se odvzamejo iz vratu, stene valjastega dela in dna jeklenke (slika 1), tako da se lahko preskusi z raztopino A, opredeljeno v, ali raztopino B, opredeljeno v, izvedejo na kovini s treh delov jeklenke.
Specimens are taken from the head, body and base of the cylinder (figure 1), so that the tests with solution A as defined in or solution B as defined in can be carried out on metal from three parts of the cylinder.
30 Pravna redakcija
ohišja/posode centrifug za vgradnjo cevastih rotorjev plinskih centrifug, ki sestojijo iz togega valja z debelino stene do 30 mm in z zelo natančno obdelavo obeh koncev in so izdelani iz "materialov, odpornih proti koroziji z UF 6 ", ali so z njimi zaščiteni;
Centrifuge housing/recipients to contain the rotor tube assembly of a gas centrifuge, consisting of a rigid cylinder of wall thickness up to 30 mm with precision machined ends and made of or protected by "materials resistant to corrosion by UF6";
31 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31996R1255
Deli opreme za prečiščevanje vode z obratno osmozo, sestavljeni predvsem iz snopov votlih vlaken iz plastičnega materiala s prepustnimi stenami, ki so na enem koncu vgrajeni v blok umetnega plastičnega materiala na drugem koncu pa so speljani skozi blok umetnega plastičnega materiala, nameščeni v valju ali ne
Parts of equipment, for the purification of water by reverse osmosis, consisting of a bundle of hollow fibres of artificial plastic material with permeable walls, embedded in a block of artificial plastic material at one end and passing through a block of artificial plastic material at the other end, whether or not housed in a cylinder
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