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1 Pravna redakcija
Posebej izdelane spojine ali praškaste snovi za proizvodnjo plinskih difuzijskih pregrad, ki so odporne proti koroziji z UF 6 (npr. nikelj ali zlitine, z vsaj 60 % utežnega deleža niklja, aluminijev oksid in popolnoma fluorirani polimeri ogljikovodika), s čistoto vsaj 99,9 % in povprečno velikostjo delcev manjšo od 10 mikrometrov, merjeno v skladu z ASTM standardom B330 (American Society for Testing and Materials), in visoko stopnjo enakomerne zrnatosti.
Specially prepared compounds or powders for the manufacture of gaseous diffusion barriers, resistant to corrosion by UF6 (e.g. nickel or alloy containing 60 weight per cent or more nickel, aluminium oxide and fully fluorinated hydrocarbon polymers), having a purity of 99,9 weight per cent or more and a mean particle size of less than 10 micrometres measured by American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) B330 standard and a high degree of particle size uniformity.
2 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001R0213
Nosilni plin: dušik, stopnja čistote 99,996 %.
Carrier gas: nitrogen, purity degree [gE ] 99,996 %.
3 Prevajalska redakcija
Zdravilo Abseamed ima največjo mogočo stopnjo čistote glede na najsodobnejše tehnološke standarde.
Abseamed has the highest possible purity according to the present state of the art.
4 Prevajalska redakcija
Zdravilo Binocrit ima največjo mogočo stopnjo čistote glede na najsodobnejše tehnološke standarde.
Binocrit has the highest possible purity according to the present state of the art.
5 Prevajalska redakcija
Zdravilo Epoetin alfa HEXAL ima največjo mogočo stopnjo čistote glede na najsodobnejše tehnološke standarde.
Epoetin alfa HEXAL has the highest possible purity according to the present state of the art.
6 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992L0032
stopnjo čistote snovi in identiteto nečistote in/ali dodatkov, ki so priznano nevarni v smislu člena 2(2), če je to bistvenega pomena za razvrščanje in označevanje za uvrstitev snovi v Prilogo I;
if essential to classification and labelling for the purpose of introducing the substance into Annex I, the degree of purity of the substance and the identity of impurities and/or additives which are known to be dangerous within the meaning of Article 2
7 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992L0032
Za snov, ki je že bila prijavljena v skladu s členoma 7(1) ali 8(1), lahko pristojni organ soglaša, da se lahko naslednji prijavitelj navedene snovi za namene oddelkov 3, 4 in 5 Priloge VII.A in B ter oddelkov 3 in 4 Priloge VIII.C sklicuje na rezultate preskusov/študij, ki jih je poslal prejšnji prijavitelj, če lahko naslednji prijavitelj dokaže, da je ponovno prijavljena snov ista kakor poprej prijavljena, vključno s stopnjo čistote in vrsto nečistot.
In the case of a substance which has already been notified in accordance with Articles 7 (1) or 8 (1), the competent authority may agree that the subsequent notifier of that substance may, for the purposes of sections 3, 4 and 5 of Annex VII. A and B and sections 3 and 4 of Annex VIII. C, refer to the results of the tests/studies forwarded by the first notifier, in so far as the subsequent notifier can provide evidence that the substance renotified is the same as the one previously notified, including the degree of purity and the nature of impurities.
8 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0149
0C005 Posebej izdelane spojine ali praškaste snovi za proizvodnjo plinskih difuzijskih pregrad, ki so odporne proti koroziji z UF6 (npr. nikelj ali zlitine, z vsaj 60 % utežnega deleža niklja, aluminijev oksid in popolnoma fluorirani polimeri ogljikovodika), s čistoto vsaj 99,9 % utežnih odstotkov in povprečno velikostjo delcev manjšo od 10 mikrometrov, merjeno v skladu z ASTM standardom B330 (American Society for Testing and Materials), in visoko stopnjo enakomerne zrnatosti.
0C005 Specially prepared compounds or powders for the manufacture of gaseous diffusion barriers, resistant to corrosion by UF6 (e.g. nickel or alloy containing 60 weight per cent or more nickel, aluminium oxide and fully fluorinated hydrocarbon polymers), having a purity of 99,9 weight per cent or more and a mean particle size of less than 10 micrometres measured by American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) B330 standard and a high degree of particle size uniformity.
9 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998L0008
Za biocidni pripravek, za katerega je že bilo izdano dovoljenje v skladu s členoma 3 in 5, in brez poseganja v obveznosti po členu 12, pristojni organ lahko soglaša, da se drugi ali poznejši predlagatelj sklicuje na podatke, ki jih je dal prvi predlagatelj, če drugi ali poznejši predlagatelj dokaže, da gre za podoben biocidni pripravek in da so njegove aktivne snovi enake kot pri pripravku, za katerega je že bilo izdano dovoljenje, vključno s stopnjo čistote in vrsto nečistot.
In the case of a biocidal product which has already been authorised in accordance with Articles 3 and 5, and without prejudice to the obligations imposed pursuant to Article 12, the competent authority may agree that a second or subsequent applicant for authorisation may refer to data provided by the first applicant in so far as the second or subsequent applicant can provide evidence that the biocidal product is similar and its active substances are the same as the one formerly authorised, including degree of purity and nature of impurities.
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